Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

392: The Mass Wedding Of The Synthetic Brigade! Clean Up Cockroaches

Today is a big day for the Blue Army Combined Brigade.

The expansion was successfully completed, and the regiment leader was promoted to brigade commander. Not only that, it also led to the first collective wedding held in the brigade.

In the family dormitory, the brides are ready.

Each bride puts on a white wedding dress. Some of these brides are from field hospitals, some are female officers, and some are the groom's childhood sweethearts.

But today, not long after, they will officially become a legal couple under the witness of everyone in the Hesheng Brigade.

"Are you all ready? The team to pick up the bride is already coming this way."

"Sisters, you must guard the door for a while. You must not let them in without giving you a red envelope.

"Guard two at the windows and several more at the doors."

"That's pretty much it. Don't embarrass them too much."

"Look, it's not even knotted yet, and I'm starting to feel distressed."

The brides and bridesmaids laughed.

The bridesmaids' corps of bridesmaids also has a relatively large lineup, including female soldiers from the combined brigade and other units.

Looking at the lively crowd, Ai Xue, who is one of the bridesmaids, is also very envious.

When will she become a bride, waiting for the man she likes to pick him up?

"Ai Xue, you and the brigade commander should pay close attention to your affairs. Although the brigade commander is two years younger than you, as the saying goes, if a female junior is holding a gold brick, if the brigade commander marries you, he can also hold a gold brick. Two-thirds of gold bricks." Yao Lan, the current captain of the medical team, said next to Ai Xue.

As soon as these words came out, others around him immediately started to boo.

"Captain Ai, what Captain Yao said is absolutely correct."

"You and our brigade commander should also pay close attention to matters."

"That's right, if you miss a man as good as the brigade commander, you won't be able to find him."

"The entire field army can't find another young officer as outstanding as the brigade commander.

"Look at the brigade commander, you need good looks, you need to be talented, you need to be talented 08, you need to be capable."

Hearing the cheers from the people on the side, Ai Xue blushed instantly and said shyly: "Today is a big day. Don't focus on me, focus on the brides."


Seeing that Ai Xue was shy, everyone laughed.

A long time ago, there were rumors of an affair between Ai Xue and her brigade commander. At that time, it was even rumored that the two were already together and in a relationship.

As a result, a Tibetan girl came later, and only then did they realize that it was an inadvertent mistake.

His brigade commander and Ai Xue are not in a relationship between boyfriend and girlfriend, but everyone sees Ai Xue's love for his brigade commander.

It's normal to think about it. Who wouldn't like an outstanding man like the brigade commander?

Not to mention Ai Xue, everyone in the Synthetic Brigade, whether single or married, all admired their brigade commander very much.

It's a pity that when they ask themselves, compared with Ai Xue, they can't compare. Their competitors are too strong. Not to mention, there is a Tibetan girl who is equally powerful and cannot be underestimated.

While Ai Xue and others were talking and laughing, the team to pick up the bride arrived outside.

"Girls, we are here, open the door quickly."

"Little rabbit, be good, open the door, I want to come in, open it quickly."

"Open the door honestly and don't resist."

The voices of the wedding reception team rang in the corridor and outside.

"Sisters, they are too arrogant. Don't be lenient." Hearing the arrogant tone of the bride-to-be team, the bridesmaids also became more energetic.

As a result, a huge task of picking up the bride is taking place.

After a while.

"Captain, you can't rush in. The door is completely locked. The brigade commander said you can't break the door."

"These female soldiers are very powerful. They blocked the door and there was nothing they could do."

"I've given out all the red envelopes, and they still won't let us in."

The female soldiers' full-throated obstruction frustrated the bride-to-be team, so they took a short break and discussed strategies.

"Don't panic." The major said calmly: "Don't worry, I have already prepared."

Hearing this, everyone became interested for a moment. Major Niubi, he can be prepared for this.

"Listen, from now on, the wedding team will be divided into three groups. The first group will continue to attack the corridor and enter from the main entrance. The second group will collect all the red envelopes to divert their attention. The third group will climb the stairs. Prepare to enter through the window and pay attention to safety."

Faced with the major's deployment, the pick-up staff were a little disappointed.

That's it? This is the preparation?

Although the arrangement was perfect, it was useless. The bridesmaids were watching all the doors and windows, and they couldn't directly break the doors or windows.

"Captain, although the troops are divided into three groups, the doors and windows are completely blocked and there is no way to get in."

"Don't worry, you will take action as soon as you hear my singing." Faced with doubts, the major was very confident.

"Captain, you want to sing? Let's forget it. With your singing voice, if you sing, they won't let us in. 11

They had heard the major's singing voice, which was really indescribable. There was no technique, it was all emotion. Every word was not in tune, and every pronunciation had its own idea.

"Stop talking nonsense, remember, you only have this one chance. When you hear me sing, blow, blow, my pride is indulged in these words, act immediately." The major warned.

Seeing that the major insisted on doing this and was very confident, everyone could only give it a try.

Although no matter what, they will definitely be able to pick up the bride in the end, but it is definitely more honorable to go in by themselves and ask the other party to open the door to let them in.

inside the house.

Seeing that the wedding reception team outside had temporarily stopped moving, someone asked in confusion: "Why is there no movement? Have they given up?"

"No, it was agreed that if they admit defeat, they must admit defeat, and then we will let them in.

"Yes, they must be planning something. Sisters, please don't let down your guard."

While the female soldiers were discussing, singing came from outside the house.

Why is the wind getting stronger?

My heart becomes more and more dissolute

Fantasy like a trace of dust

Dancing freely with the wind

Hearing the singing coming in, the female soldiers didn't react for a while.

"Who's singing?"

"What kind of song is this? Is it so difficult to sing?"

"It's too ugly, isn't it? You just use this kind of mental attack method if you can't get in."

The unpleasant singing coming from outside made the female soldiers go crazy for a while.

In the corridor, the pick-up staff who were quietly crawling online were all getting ready.

Climbing a building was a piece of cake for them. On such a small building, they could climb back and forth from the outside two or three times without taking a breath.

Finally, the major sang to the climax.

Blow, blow, let my pride go wild

Blow and blow will not destroy my pure garden

Let the wind blow and let it mess up

Immortality is my end prospect


Although the escorts had some doubts about the major's deployment and didn't know where the major's confidence came from, they all started to take action after hearing these words.

At this moment, this song was heard in the house.

The door and window suddenly opened a crack, and at the same time, screams came from the house.

"Ah, Captain Ai rebelled, she opened the door."

"Oh no, Captain Yao has also rebelled. She is a traitor."

Just after the major sang the climax, Ai Xue and Yao Lan in the room started taking action almost at the same time. One opened the door from the inside and the other opened the window from the inside.

It was as if the two of them had already made an agreement.

No one expected that Ai Xue and Yao Lan would rebel, and no one reacted for a while.

Fortunately, after the two of them only opened a gap, others immediately came up to stop them.

But a crack was enough. The wedding team members who were guarding the corridor and outside the building immediately took action and attacked the crack. In terms of strength, how could the female soldiers be as strong as the male soldiers.

After seizing the opportunity, finally, all the doors and windows were opened.

"Brothers, the door is open, rush."

"The windows are also open, come on.

In an instant, the grooms and the wedding reception team rushed in swarm.

Seeing that the plan was successful, the major looked proud. Brigadier Niu Bi, sincerely don't deceive me.

It turned out that just before they came, Li Ran found him, taught him a lesson, and told the major that if he really couldn't get in by then, he should do as he said.

The major was a little confused at the time. How could it be possible? How could they not be able to get in for a wedding? There were so many of them.

But just to be on the safe side, the major really thanked Li Ran for his help as an insurance policy.

So, Li Ran taught him a song on the spot, a song he had never heard before, and told him that after the arrangements were made, he could sing directly and there would be a surprise when he reached the climax.

Unexpectedly, the surprise was this. His brigade commander actually placed manpower among the female soldiers in advance.

The brigade commander is worthy of being a brigade commander. He is always confident at all times. He is really awesome.

"Sisters, don't blame me. The brigade commander told us that it is not easy for male soldiers to find a wife, so we are asked to act as internal agents." Ai Xue explained quickly.

"Yes, it's not easy to find a wife these days. If you scare them away, what will the bride do?" Yao Dang also agreed.

Of course, the female soldiers were just joking about Ai Xue and Yao Lan's rebellious behavior, and no one would take them seriously.

I can only rebuke in my heart, the brigade commander doesn't want Bilian, he is still playing this kind of trick at this time, just use the trick, but he doesn't even look for them.

I don’t know what kind of benefits the brigade commander gave Captain Ai and Captain Yao to convince them to "rebellion".

After the grooms successfully picked up their wives, they all set off towards the training ground of the Synthetic Brigade. On the training ground, the environment had been decorated and simply decorated.

There, they will hold a collective wedding in front of everyone in the Hesheng Brigade and get everyone's blessings.

On the training ground.

"Are you all ready? The grooms and brides are coming soon."

"Major, don't worry, everything is ready."

"This is the first time our brigade has held a collective wedding. It must be beautifully held and no mistakes can be made. Is the cafeteria ready?"

"Everything is ready, just waiting for your order to start serving the food."

"Okay, it's almost done, let's serve."

As a member of the Hesheng Brigade, Xu Xiaoguang was busy working part-time as a wedding receptionist.

Today, the Hesheng Brigade held a collective wedding, and the soldiers naturally had to eat and drink together.

Soon, the grooms and brides arrived, and Li Ran, the brigade commander, became the witness for everyone.

As a witness to the marriage, Li Ran does not need to prepare the so-called witness speech, he can directly perform it on the spot and bring the atmosphere to a climax.

The wedding ceremony ended and the banquet was entered, which was similar to the wedding process outside. Except for those who were unfortunately on duty today, everyone else was present to eat and drink.

Delicious meals had been prepared in the cafeteria long ago. To everyone's surprise, in addition to food, there was also wine.

"Let me go, can you drink today?"

"What's going on? Didn't the brigade commander say you can't drink alcohol at any time?"

"Yeah, the prohibition on alcohol has been in place for a long time487

Did the leader make an exception today?"

"I haven't had a drink for a long time. Seriously, I'm not dreaming."

Everyone was very shocked, looking at the table, in addition to the delicious food, there was also beer.

You know, the prohibition on alcohol has been out for a long time. In the past, you could still drink after exercises or during breaks. Since the prohibition on alcohol came down, you can't even think about drinking.

It’s been a long time since anyone in the Synthesis Brigade has experienced the taste of wine.

Unexpectedly, the brigade commander was given a drink today.

"Everyone has a good meal and a good drink. Just have enough wine and drink until you are happy." Chief of Staff Qi Qiang greeted everyone. Only then did everyone come back to their senses and confirm that this was real and not a dream.

Today, the brigade commander actually drank alcohol, which was incredible.

It was a rare opportunity to seize this opportunity to drink, and it was a happy day. Everyone drank with open stomachs.

Of course, what everyone doesn't know is that today is a happy day, and it is also a rare day for the brigade commander Li Ran to relax. From now on, everyone's daily training will be upgraded to a higher level than before.

It was getting dark.

During the rare rest time, all officers and soldiers from each unit returned to their dormitories to rest.

"Lao Qi, it's getting late, go back and rest early."

"I understand, brigade commander, you go first, I will leave soon."

In the brigade headquarters building, as the last light was turned off, it fell into darkness.

In the past, it was normal for the lights in the building to be turned off at two or three in the morning because there were so many people working overtime.

Today is an exception, and it is also a rare exception since the construction of the camp began.

Not long after Li Ran left, a figure dodged the sentry in the darkness and quietly walked into the building, directly to the maintenance room of the brigade headquarters building, where many documents and materials were stored.

In the darkness, the figure first observed the surrounding environment. After confirming that no one was around, he opened a computer and took out the prepared USB flash drive and inserted it into it.

A progress bar appeared on the USB flash drive, which was exactly the same as the scene on TV where hackers penetrated and stole data.

Da da da~

The figure kept typing on the keyboard, with a touch of excitement on his face.

He had been lurking for such a long time, and finally Huangtian paid off and gave him such an opportunity. Today, he was finally able to complete the task assigned to him.

Finally, when the progress on the computer screen reached 100%, the figure immediately removed the USB flash drive and shut down the computer.

Just when the figure thought he had succeeded and could retire with success.

Suddenly, the searchlight of the dirt road shined directly into...

(Please ask for everything, ask for everything, thank you!!!!).

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