Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

396: New Appointment! Group Exam Begins

In the office, only Li Ran and the general were left at this time.

The admiral slowly sat down, lit a cigarette, and asked slowly: "Are you sure?"

In the general's mind, Li Ran is undoubtedly the best candidate to be the commander of the Combined Brigade, mainly because he is still so young and the achievements of the Combined Brigade are obvious to all.

The combined brigade has just completed its expansion and has strong combat effectiveness. It can be said to be a strong army. At this time, the brigade commander Li Ran did not take advantage of the victory. Instead, he chose to promote and select a new brigade. At this point, the general actually There was some confusion in my heart.

Normally, the admiral would definitely persuade Li Ran.

Young people can't aim too high, keep their feet on the ground, and build their own way step by step.

But the General Staff had spoken and agreed with Li Ran's decision, so what else could he say, and the general was keenly aware that the General Staff supported Li Ran in this way, so it was definitely not that simple.

There may be some things that he, the commander, doesn't know.

"It's confirmed." Hearing this, Li Ran smiled slightly and said: "The final form of the synthetic force is the brigade-level organization. The general framework of the synthetic brigade is now mature, and it will be developed step by step."

"Have you ever thought that if someone else were to serve as the brigade commander, would the combined brigade's combat effectiveness remain as good as it is now?" the general asked again.

"Chief, although the current combat effectiveness of the combined brigade is good, it is not the peak, and there is still room for improvement. Even if I continue to be the brigade commander, I will develop step by step, and there will not be a qualitative leap like at the beginning." Li Ran Said directly.

At this point, Li Ran told the truth completely and did not pretend to be in front of the admiral.

A mature synthetic force system is indeed a brigade-level organization. The current general framework of the synthetic brigade, "697", has matured. In the future, it can only develop step by step. It is no longer possible to continuously make leaps and bounds as before.

"In addition, I have confidence in the next brigade commander of the Synthetic Brigade. He does not need to innovate much, he only needs to work steadily and consolidate the foundation." Li Ran continued.

This is why, when selecting the next commander of the synthetic brigade, Li Ran had to personally pose questions and conduct assessments.

"If you have confidence, I won't say anything more." The admiral said slowly.

In selecting the next brigade commander of the Synthetic Brigade, no one is more persuasive and experienced than Li Ran.

Li Ran is confident, so what else can he say?

"After I go back, I will discuss your appointment with the military region." The general said directly.

If Li Ran does not serve as the brigade commander, he will definitely have to serve in other units of the military region. It is impossible that Li Ran will not serve as the brigade commander, so just let Li Ran retire.

Retirement is never possible.

"What are your thoughts on your personal duties?" the admiral asked again.

There has never been a case like this in the past where a military district appointed an officer to serve and even asked the officer for his personal opinion.

This is not as simple as a flat kill, but a dignified military region commander asking a colonel about his personal employment status.

"Chief, didn't the General Staff inform you of my personal appointment?" Hearing this, Li Ran asked.

"Huh? What did the General Staff inform me about?" After hearing this, the general was stunned and didn't understand what it meant.

Li Ran's personal appointment was naturally decided by his Northern Military Region Headquarters, whatever the matter was with the General Staff.

After all, Li Ran belongs to the Northern Military Region, and it is impossible for the General Staff to interfere in the appointment of officers in the Northern Military Region.

After hearing the general's words, Li Ran understood. It seemed that the last conversation with the general staff boss had some matters that the general staff boss had not informed the military region chief.

"Chief, the General Staff wants me to go directly to the General Staff for resume renewal after I leave the Synthetic Brigade." Li Ran said.

"What? Go to the General Staff?"

After hearing this, the admiral was shocked, and then immediately said: "I don't agree."

Just kidding, the general is ready to curse now, Li Ran, an officer of their Northern Military Region, a young officer, a rising star, has great achievements and a bright future.

There is no doubt about Li Ran's personal ability. Such a talent has not been produced for many years. He was finally tricked from the Tibetan Military Region to the Northern Military Region.

As a result, now the General Staff wants to send someone away. Why do they pretend that the Northern Military Region does not exist?

"Chief, this kind of thing is an order from the General Staff. I am a soldier. I have to obey orders." Li Ran said.

The underlying meaning of the words is obvious. You can't decide how to mobilize or where to go. The General Staff issues an order. If you don't agree, the boss will go directly to the General Staff.

The admiral is naturally very clear on this point.

"Don't worry, although the General Staff is the eldest brother, our Northern Military Region is not someone who can be manipulated casually. You are an officer of our Northern Military Region. Of course, it is up to us to decide how to appoint you. The General Staff wants to transfer you in just one sentence. This is impossible. It’s a joke. What kind of place do you think our Northern Military Region is? Besides, why are you going to the General Staff? To be a civilian? Isn’t this a waste of talent.” The general was well-founded and at the same time expressed his dissatisfaction with the General Staff.

That's right, the General Staff is usually the eldest brother. Whatever orders are given, their military region must execute them.

But things are different now. The admiral has absolutely no intention of giving in on the issue of Li Ran's appointment.

Li Ran is about to leave in just one sentence. What do you think of the Northern Military Region?

How many pairs of eyes from other military regions coveted Li Ran, and they spent all day thinking about poaching Li Ran away. As the commander of the Northern Military Region, he was guarding against this and that, but he didn't expect that the General Staff would also interfere.

"Chief, what if the General Staff really issued my order?" Li Ran asked.

"Don't worry, as long as I'm here, even if the General Staff issues an order, it's impossible for you to leave." The general said confidently.

"What if the command was given personally by the head of the General Staff?" Li Ran added another point.

"Boss of the General Staff, I don't want it either..."

The admiral didn't care at first, and was about to swear a promise, but when he realized what he was doing, he was speechless for a moment.

Can he resist the order personally issued by the head of the General Staff?

Even if the general is very dissatisfied, if he asks himself, if the general staff boss comes in person because he is unwilling to let people go, the general will definitely be frightened.

The previous toughness will definitely disappear in an instant in front of the General Staff boss.

"Li Ran, even the orders issued by the General Staff boss are not so absolute." After the general thought for a moment, he slowly said: "You think about it, orders are dead, but people are alive.

If the General Staff wants to transfer you, in addition to considering the attitude of our Northern Military Region, it must also consider your personal attitude.

The admiral plans to start with Li Ran, if Li Ran is willing to join him and express a strong attitude.

The general is still confident in his attitude of not going anywhere except the Northern Military Region.

After all, Li Ran's status in the hearts of the General Staff bosses is very extraordinary.

Li Ran was able to bargain with the General Staff boss.

After hearing the general's words, Li Ran hadn't spoken yet. The general said again: "Hasn't your dream always been to become the commander of the heavy armored division? It just so happens that this time you are not the commander of the combined brigade. About appointing you as the Z division. The teacher can then put it on the agenda."

"The heavy armored division, your senior brother's unit, is the first division in the army. If you become the division commander, the combat effectiveness of Z Division will be qualitatively improved."

"In life, if you have the opportunity, you must give it a try for your dreams, don't you think so?"

The general began to persuade Li Ran with reason. He could not do the work of the General Staff boss, but he could do the ideological work of Li Ran.

As long as Li Ran is firm and does not go to the General Staff, there is still great hope of staying in the Northern Military Region.

"Chief, the head of the General Staff told me that my going to the General Staff to refresh my resume will not prevent me from becoming the commander of Division Z." Li Ran said calmly.

Li Ran knew very well what kind of medicine the admiral was selling in his gourd and said immediately.

He has also considered this and discussed it with the chief of the General Staff, who said he didn't care.

Li Ran went to the General Staff to undergo resume reform, which was not permanent. It was just used as a springboard to broaden Li Ran's horizons and let Li Ran know more about things.

When I arrived at the General Staff, I knew and saw many things, which were completely different.

"Now that the boss of the General Staff has spoken, go ahead. It is the duty of soldiers to obey orders. As an outstanding officer from the Northern Military Region, you must set an example. When you get to the General Staff, don't let the people there say anything about us. People from the Northern Military Region are not good enough. Give them a good shake. I believe you have the strength.

After hearing Li Ran's words, the admiral immediately changed his face and looked completely different from before.

It turns out that if Li Ran goes to the General Staff just for some training, and if Li Ran comes back to the Northern Military Region, then everything will be fine.

As long as Li Ran can come back, it is only a matter of time. Li Ran is destined to be followed by people from the Northern Military Region.

Li Ran was speechless when he saw the admiral changing his face so quickly.

Originally, he thought the admiral would be able to toughen up his temper for a while, but he didn't expect his face to change so quickly.

The purpose of this inspection was accomplished, and the general returned to the military area without any delay...

On Li Ran's side, he also began to conduct a special assessment for chief officers above the synthetic brigade, battalion, and company level, which lasted for three days. The assessment included theoretical and war game assessments.

Li Ran personally sets the questions, personally supervises the exams, and personally corrects the exams. The person with the best score will have a high probability of becoming the next brigade commander of the synthetic brigade.

With Li Ran's order, the vast officer assessment officially began in the combined brigade.

For a time, the computer room was overcrowded.

At this moment, each of the captains, majors, lieutenant colonels, and colonels did not have the majesty of the military officers in the past. They all looked like primary school students taking exams, walking into the examination room with some uneasiness.

This is a question given by the brigade commander. Needless to say, it is difficult. It is definitely different from the regular exam. They are all mentally prepared.

At this time, the grassroots officers and soldiers were watching the excitement with great interest.

"Haha, I saw our company commander was still praying for God's blessing when he went to take the exam.

"Our company commander has become obsessed with this exam."

"The brigade commander is so intimidating. A test scared them to this point."

"I would be a coward. Everyone has test phobia."

In the examination room.

Li Ran was invigilating the exam in the examination room. Below, a group of officers were doing the questions honestly. Many people were scratching their heads, obviously stumped by the questions Li Ran asked.

They thought it would be very difficult, but they didn't expect it to be so difficult.

The theory test is all short-answer questions, not even multiple-choice questions. This means that there is no chance for luck.

The difficulty is so high that no one dares to think of cheating. The brigade commander is sitting on it. If anyone dares to cheat, if he is caught, he will fail the exam and probably get out of the synthetic brigade.

"The brigade commander's question is really difficult." Chief of Staff Qi Qiang, who was also doing the question, sighed inwardly.

Although the commander of the military region said it was difficult when he saw the question Li Ran asked last time, he was already mentally prepared.

But for him to do it in person now, the feeling is different. It is ridiculously difficult and very scary.

The theory test lasts only one and a half hours. After the test,

Everyone handed in papers.

"How did you do on the exam?"

"It's too difficult, many people don't know how to do it."

"They were all short answer questions, and I was overwhelmed by them. I read a lot of books during this period, but I felt they were useless.

"I also answered a lot of questions, but I didn't encounter any problems."

"No, no, it's hard to even pass this time. Alas, it's really too difficult to sit in that position.

Many officers were discussing privately.

"It's okay. There's only one question I'm not sure about, but everything else is okay." At this time, a major said, feeling somewhat proud.

Although the questions given by my brigade commander this time were difficult, he also solved a lot of them. He had answers to every question. It may not be that comprehensive, but he should get more than half of the points.

2.5 is no problem.

Of course, there was only one big question, and he was not sure about it at all. In the end, he made it up, but everything else was fine.

Hearing the major's words, many people cast envious looks.

It's incredible. For such a test paper, the major can look so confident and stable.

"Manzhi, how are you doing? You have made the fastest progress among our combined brigade, and the brigade commander has always been very optimistic about you." At this time, someone asked Manzhi, who had been silent.

"That's it, I've written down everything I know." Manzhi said modestly.

"Manzhi, how did you write the fifth big question? I have never seen that question type before, and I have no way of starting." asked the previous major who felt that he did well.

"I didn't write that question, so I just wrote one sentence that might be wrong." Manzhi said truthfully.

"The question is wrong? Manzhi, even if you don't know how to write, you can't write it like this. Aren't you looking for scolding and doubting the brigade commander's strength?" Everyone on the side was shocked when they heard this.

Most of the questions that I didn't know how to write were left blank. Manzhi actually made mistakes when writing the questions on them. Isn't this a slap in Li Ran's face.

He was so brave that he dared to hit his own brigade commander in the face. For many years, no one had dared to do this.

After the theoretical examination, the war game confrontation assessment stage will be carried out.

One-on-one, randomly grouped, the winner advances, and then the winner continues to fight until there is only one person left, and that is the final winner.

If the command ability is not good, it is just a dream to become a brigade commander.

Moreover, war games and confrontations are just arm's length exercises for commanders, and the difficulty is very low.

(Please ask for everything, ask for everything, thank you!!!).

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