Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

398: The Next Brigade Commander! The Mentality Of The Grassroots Officers And Soldiers Of The Synthe

The collective examination for officers above the battalion and company level of the Synthetic Brigade ended, but there was an uproar within the Synthetic Brigade.

Li Ran is leaving, and the news that this exam is to prepare for the next brigade commander cannot be concealed.

As the first brigade commander of the Combined Brigade and the founder of the new force, Li Ran could not leave quietly.

In the past, Li Ran asked the people in charge to keep the news secret and prevent it from leaking out. This was because spreading the news too early would affect the morale of the military and shake their morale, but now it's almost done.

The exam is over, and all that remains is for him to formally determine the candidate stage, and then report to the military region headquarters.

Now, everyone in the Synthesis Brigade has been informed of the news that he is leaving soon.

"Damn, the brigade commander is leaving? The exams in these two days are to select the next brigade commander."

"Don't be ridiculous, how is it possible? Anyone can leave, but the brigade commander will not leave."

As soon as the news came out, officers and soldiers at the grassroots level in various units were in an uproar, but many people still expressed disbelief in the news and thought it was just a rumor.

In their hearts, Li Ran is the military soul of the Synthetic Brigade and their idol. Anyone can leave, but Li Ran cannot.

"Yes, it must be a rumor. How could the brigade commander leave? There was news that the brigade commander would be discharged at the end of the year. Then it was said to be a rumor." Someone remembered that Han Dapeng spread the rumor that Ji Ran would be discharged at the end of the year. news.

"That's right. Maybe Han Dapeng is still spreading rumors this time and is looking for him."

Therefore, the unlucky Han Dapeng, because of his "criminal record", did nothing or said anything this time, and directly became the "key care" target of everyone.

"Brothers, if you have something to say, please say it. Don't look at me like this."

Han Dapeng was trembling. Ever since his brigade commander was leaving and the news of selecting the next new brigade commander came out, he had become the target of public criticism inexplicably.

Before he even knew what was going on, he was surrounded by a group of people.

"Han Dapeng, tell me, are you spreading rumors again this time, saying that the brigade commander is leaving?" Everyone looked at Han Dapeng and asked fiercely, with evil intentions in their eyes.

"Brothers, it's unfair. I don't know anything. How could this news come from me? How dare I spread rumors." Han Dapeng explained immediately.

If this situation continues, if he doesn't explain, he will probably get a beating.

"Your kid spread rumors last time. Even if it's not you this time, it still has something to do with you."

In the eyes of everyone, Han Dapeng's explanation was just sophistry. In the eyes of everyone, even if Han Dapeng was not the leader this time, Han Dapeng definitely couldn't get rid of the open system.

Because Han Dapeng had a "criminal record" and usually liked to gossip in the brigade, he was known as a loudmouth.

"Brothers, beat him."

Someone yelled, and a group of people immediately beat up Han Dapeng.

Of course, the severity of the attack depends on the severity, it is just a matter of venting anger.

"It's really not me. It's unfair. I'm not going to slap someone in the face. A slap in the face hurts my self-esteem!" Han Dapeng in the crowd screamed in despair.

Brigade Headquarters Building.

On the notice board, the test results for officers above the combined brigade, battalion, and company level were officially posted.

The time was exactly as Li Ran said before. After the results were announced, everyone came soon.

"Brothers, how did you do on the test?"

"Who's number one? Who's number one?"

"Oh no, I'm ranked tenth, I'm ashamed, I'm ashamed."

"Damn, I'm the last one.

Regarding this result, everyone is only paying attention to the first and last place. It is understandable that the first place has a very high chance of becoming the brigade commander, but it is not absolute.

Because my brigade commander said that the top three all have a chance, but the last one is different.

That is the bottom place. Whoever is last will be embarrassed.

Sure enough, the captain who saw that he was the last one suddenly felt great despair. He turned out to be the last one. This time he was very embarrassed.

Everyone was shocked when they saw the first place!

"Holy shit, the first place is actually Manzhi." "

Everyone was shocked. Manzhi, a company commander of the second battalion, actually got first place this time, beating the battalion commander, chief of staff and others. He won the first place in this exam. "What a great competition!"

"I told you earlier that Manzhi has been hiding it, but you don't believe it.

"It's really awesome. No matter whether Manzhi is the next brigade commander or not this time, he will definitely take off. With this strength, the deputy battalion will have no problem."

"Where is Manzhi? Where is Manzhi? Why didn't you see it?"

"I don't know. Not only is Zhi full, but the battalion commander is also not here."

"Not to mention the first battalion commander, the chief of staff is not here either. Why don't you come to see such an important day when the results are announced?"

"Fill the cup, the top three are filling the cup, let's go too."

In this exam, Manzhi, Gu Quan and Qi Qiang took the top three places, with Manzhi first, Gu Quan second and Qi Qiang third.

But the results had been announced, but no one else saw the three of them, which made everyone very curious.

What about the three focal figures? The strong contenders for the position of the next brigade commander, why didn’t they show up? Putting a cup on them?

"Don't wait here. The three of them are in the conference room. The brigade commander is talking to the three of them alone." Suddenly, someone said.

After hearing this, everyone quickly walked into the building. At this time, it was crucial for the brigade commander to talk to the three people. It was obvious that the brigade commander was considering selecting a suitable person from these three people to be the next brigade commander of the combined brigade. .

Everyone came to the door of the conference room, but the door was closed and no one dared to go in.

If you go in at this time, don't you just look for approval?

After a while, under the gaze of everyone, the door slowly opened, and Manzhi, Gu Quan, and Qi Qiang walked out of the conference room.

Seeing this, someone asked quickly.

"How? How? Who?"

"If you can't say it now, just give me a look."

"Is it the chief of staff or the commander of the first battalion?"

"It can't be Manzhi."

Everyone was talking and speculating. In their opinion, the one with the greatest chance was either Chief of Staff Qi Qiang or First Battalion Commander Gu Quan.

Although Manzhi ranked first, he was only a company commander after all and had too little experience.

The leap from company commander to brigade commander is too big.

Hearing other people's comments, Li Ran slowly walked out, glanced at everyone, and said directly: "I recommend Man Zhi as the next brigade commander of the Hehe Brigade. I will formally submit the application to the military region in a moment."

As soon as these words came out, everyone was shocked.

Manzhi, his brigade commander actually recommended Manzhi as the next brigade commander. This is so shocking.

Doesn't it mean that if the military region agrees, when they see Man Zhi in the future, they will call him brigade commander?

From a company commander to a brigade commander, the span is a bit too big.

"I have no objection to the brigade commander's idea and I support it."

"I have no objection, I support it."

At this time, Qi Qiang and Gu Quan also spoke out and showed their support for Ji Ran's decision.

As soon as the two said these words, others were even more shocked. What happened? What was discussed in the meeting?

Manzhi actually has such charisma that both the first battalion commander and the chief of staff have no objections to him and support him as the next brigade commander?

Time goes back half an hour~

In the conference room, Li Ran brought the three people to talk and informed them of their results immediately.

"In this exam, the overall score is that Manzhi is first, Gu Quan is second, Lao Qi and you are third." Li Ran said directly.

Qi Qiang had no objection to this. He was very clear about his personal position, and he had no idea about the position of the next brigade commander of the Combined Brigade, because he knew that he would be fine as a chief of staff, but certainly not a brigade commander. .

"Brigadier, I want to know what's the difference between me and him? In addition to war games, how much difference is there in theoretical scores?" Gu Quan asked directly.

He looked at the results and found that in addition to war games and confrontations, there was also a gap between him and Manzhi in terms of theoretical results, which puzzled him.

"For the third to last short answer question, of all of you, only Manzhi suspected that the question was wrong and pointed it out, but you either left it blank or wrote it randomly." In front of the three of them, Li Ran directly explained the reason.

That question was deliberately made by him. It was very unreasonable to deliberately make a wrong question.

This kind of behavior is different from the wrong questions in the test papers in previous exams. This is Li Ran's deliberate test.

In a word, his requirements for the future commander of the synthetic brigade must be that he must be creative and have the ability to think independently. He must be able to learn to analyze and judge whether something is right or wrong.

Only in this way can the route taken by the synthetic traveler be error-free.

Although he created the Synthetic Brigade by himself, and the overall system framework of the Synthetic Brigade has matured, this does not mean that the subsequent brigade commanders will follow his model. In that case, it will be meaningless, and the progress of the Synthetic Brigade will be limited.

He will only be trapped in the framework he specified forever. In that theoretical examination, only Manzhi submitted an answer sheet that satisfied Li Ran.

Therefore, in this exam, Manzhi ranked first overall, and there was no problem.

Hearing this, Gu Quan nodded and sighed inwardly. The brigade commander is the brigade commander. His ideas are always unpredictable, but he can also understand that this is a test of their independent analysis ability.

"The three of you are all suitable candidates for the next brigade commander of the Combined Brigade in my mind, but before I determine the final candidate, I want to test you on a question." Li Ran said.

Upon hearing this, the three of them suddenly became serious.

"This is a question and answer question. The question is very simple. A train passes on a track. In front of it are two track branches. There are ten children on one track and two children on the other track. You are the train driver. , what will you do? Note that the train cannot be stopped. If it is stopped forcefully, it will roll over and there are passengers on the train."

A very common but controversial question.

Sure enough, after hearing Li Ran's question, the three of them immediately fell silent.

"`" Battalion Commander, you answer first. " Li Ran said.

"Brigadier, if it were me, I would try every means to stop the train as much as possible. I have confidence in my personal strength. I ask myself, if it were me, I would definitely have the ability to ensure the safety of the passengers on the train. Get off, let the train stop." Gu Quan replied.

"Lao Qi, where are you?" After hearing Gu Quan's answer, Li Ran didn't say anything more, but asked Qi District.

"If something like this happens, there should be an emergency plan, and the relevant local units should have protective measures..." Qi Qiang answered clearly.

As expected of the chief of staff of the synthetic brigade, he analyzes and considers things comprehensively and takes the overall situation into consideration.

After Qi Qiang finished answering, Li Ran asked Manzhi again.

Under the gazes of the three people, Manzhi said in a deep voice: "If I say it, the train will pass on the track with only two children. In such an environment, all we can do is analyze the pros and cons and minimize the casualties. .”

After hearing the three people's answers, Li Ran nodded and said: "The answers of the three of you are all reasonable, but this time, I think Manzhi's answer is the most complete. In the face of an emergency, we can never guarantee

, cannot be controlled. As a commander, when necessary, he cannot have a bit of womanly kindness. He must make a decisive decision, analyze the pros and cons, and make judgments.

Li Ran agrees with Manzhi's point of view. If it were him, he would make the same choice.

Such a commander's character is suitable for the selection of the next brigade commander of the combined brigade.

"I announce that as the candidate for the next brigade commander of the Synthetic Brigade, I recommend Man Zhi. Do you two have any opinions?" Li Ran looked at Qi Qiang and Gu Quan.

After Gu Quan and Qi Qiang looked at each other, Qi Qiang, the chief of staff, was the first to express his position: "Brigade Commander, I have no objection."

"Brigadier, I have no objection, I support it," Gu Quanhao Wang Zhaoye said.

Hence, this scene happened now.

Everyone was shocked. The next commander of the synthetic brigade was basically confirmed. His own brigade commander recommended Manzhi, and a company commander from the second battalion became the next commander of the synthetic brigade.

In this way, Manzhi will complete the leap from company commander directly to brigade commander and directly become their superior.

"I recommend Manzhi as the next brigade commander. The military region will make the decision on how to arrange the specific arrangements. We are still the backbone of the combined brigade. I believe you will also be able to take this exam."

I can find my own shortcomings, and I hope you will work harder in the future. Because of you, the Synthetic Brigade can continue to move forward. " Li Ran said.

After the news broke.

The Synthetic Brigade was a sensation.

The news that his brigade commander was about to abdicate and that this exam was to select the next brigade commander turned out to be true, not a rumor.

What shocked them even more was that the next brigade commander was not the chief of staff, the official, or a battalion commander, but Man Zhi, the company commander of the second battalion.

Man Zhi, a company commander, is about to become the next commander of the Hesheng Brigade. What shocking news, no one expected this.

"I'll go, Captain Man is going to be the next brigade commander?"

"The brigade commander wants to leave. I can't stand it. The brigade commander can't leave."

"Manzhi is going to be a brigade commander. I didn't expect it at all. From company commander to brigade commander, it's such a big leap."

"The brigade commander is leaving, how can we keep going? I came here for the brigade commander in the first place."

"Yes, there will always be only one brigade commander in my heart."

Li Ran was leaving and the next brigade commander was basically confirmed. As soon as the news came out, there was a commotion among the grassroots officers and soldiers of the synthetic brigade.

For a time, except for Li Ran, what the senior officers and soldiers of the combined brigade were most worried about happened.

Because Li Ran is leaving, the mentality of the grassroots officers and soldiers is exploded, and their morale is gone...

(Please ask for everything, ask for everything, thank you!!!!).

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