Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

403: One Job! Military Affairs Flower

General Staff, Ministry of Military Affairs.

Li Ran also already knew something about the functions of the military affairs department. This time, the General Staff boss asked him to come to the military affairs department as the first department, which had some intentions.

The success of the information-based and synthetic force combat system demonstrated by the synthetic brigade indicates that other conventional combat units in the field army will also move towards the transition from mechanization to information-based and synthetic combat systems.

Moreover, after the combined group defeated seven main battle divisions this time, the general staff boss had already made his position clear.

The synthetic brigade was originally created by Li Ran. Li Ran was the leader in informatization and synthetic construction, but it was different for other conventional combat units.

They have no guides, and some are at best a reference for the Synthetic Brigade, but only as a reference.

In some aspects, the chief officer of the conventional combat force must still be confused and unable to start, which requires guidance and overall planning from superiors.

The Military Affairs Department of the General Staff has responsibilities in this area, so Li Ran came to the Military Affairs Department first, which greatly promoted the transformation of the field army's conventional combat units from mechanization to informationization and synthetic combat systems.

At the gate, Li Ran showed the relevant documents, and after the sentry at the gate registered and verified them, and confirmed that they were correct, he was released.

But today is a little different for the Ministry of Military Affairs.

They received the notice that the General Staff transferred a colonel to their department for rotational training. Originally, a new person was scheduled to come in. Even a colonel [people from the Military Affairs Department would not have many good ministers.

For a mere colonel, these departments under the General Staff really don't count.

But Colonel Li Ran is no ordinary colonel. He is a legendary figure in the military region, and his reputation has long been spread. The first commander of the synthetic brigade, he single-handedly created a new type of synthetic and information-based troops.

Although some people do not know Li Ran's file information, they have heard of some of Li Ran's resume.

Anyone who has a little knowledge of Li Ran's resume will be shocked by it.

The General Staff arranged for a colonel to come here, but they clearly arranged for a god to come over.

Everyone knows that the colonel assigned by the General Staff came here to carry out experience reform and training.

Many people have only heard of Li Ran's name, but have never seen him before, and they are full of curiosity about Li Ran for a while.

"Did you hear that? A colonel and staff officer are coming to our department today."

"I heard about that legendary colonel. He was promoted from private to colonel after serving as a soldier for more than a year.

"I have heard some of his deeds. They are really terrifying. No wonder the General Staff boss values ​​him so much.

"I really want to see what this legendary headmaster looks like. It is said that he is so young."

Within the Ministry of Military Affairs, many people are already discussing Li Ran's arrival.

When Li Ran walked into the corridor, many people were surprised by Li Ran's temperament, with his head held high, his figure tall and tall, and his face handsome and resolute.

This is a military institution. Soldiers walk with their heads held high and their chests high, unlike outside, where some people walk with a hunched back and listlessness.

Soldiers are required to sit with a sitting posture and fight with a fighting posture. When walking, even a low-level soldier will give people a sunny and positive feeling. If he is a military officer, he may give people some momentum. sense of oppression.

At this time, Li Ran gave everyone the feeling that he was not only oppressive in terms of momentum, but also that temperament was too outstanding. Coupled with Li Ran's own appearance, he was the kind of person who could instantly attract people. The kind of eyes that attract people.

In an instant, many young female staff officers became infatuated.

In the army these days, it's hard to find young and high-ranking officers, and it's even harder to find young, high-ranking and very handsome officers.

Led by a captain, Li Ran came to the office of the Minister of Military Affairs.

The major general had already received the notice and welcomed Li Ran's arrival.

"The chief of the report, the General Staff Li Ran was ordered to report." Arriving in front of the major general, Li Ran stood at attention and saluted the major general.

"Staff Li, on behalf of the Ministry of Military Affairs, I welcome you." After looking Li Ran up and down, the major general nodded, his eyes full of appreciation.

This young legendary colonel has already become famous.

After some simple politeness, a senior colonel walked into the office.

"Staff Li, this is Director Chen. Director Chen will arrange your work. If you don't understand anything in the next work, you can ask him for advice." The major general said.

"Director Chen, hello."

"Hello, Staff Officer Li."

Li Ran and the colonel got to know each other briefly, and the colonel took Li Ran out of the major general's office and started arranging things for Li Ran.

Before Li Ran came, the major general had already greeted Chen Yong. The colonel who came this time was not a simple one. The chief of the General Staff asked Li Ran to come here just for training and training, not just for a formality.

Therefore, the major general told Chen Yong to be more attentive and not to do things half-heartedly.

Chen Yong arranged for Li Ran to be assigned to the Department of Military Affairs.

In the office, everyone was busy dealing with the things at hand.

"Everyone, let me introduce you. This is Staff Officer Li Ran. From today on, he will serve in our office. Everyone is welcome." After Chen Yong finished the introduction, he took the lead and clapped his hands.

Bang bang bang~

Immediately, there was a round of applause, and everyone present applauded warmly to welcome Ji Ran.

The eyes of the two female staff officers in the office lit up when they saw Li Ran. She had heard of Li Ran's name a long time ago, and when they met today, their reputation was indeed gone.

Chen Yong was very satisfied with the welcoming attitude of everyone here, and it was enough to save him face.

After Chen Yong looked around, he asked curiously: "Where is Xia Xiaotong?"

"Consultant Xia went out and hasn't come back yet.

"When she comes back, ask her to come to my office."

"Yes, Director. 11

"Xiao Wang, please take Staff Li to understand the basic situation of a place first." Chen Yong said to a captain.

"Yes, Director."

"Commander Li, let me first tell you about the functions of our Section 1 in the Ministry of Military Affairs and our usual work situation."

Can the captain be a little excited in front of Li Ran? Li Ran is his idol.

He had also seen the promotional video of the Synthetic Camp, but he did not choose to work at the grassroots level. Instead, he chose to work in an agency. He still had great regrets in his heart.

Later, I heard some of Li Ran's deeds, and my inner admiration for Li Ran grew even more. I have long regarded Li Ran as my idol.

Li Ran listened very patiently to the captain's introduction to a situation and wrote everything down, which would be helpful for his subsequent work progress in that area.

When coming to a new department, the most difficult thing for newcomers is to first integrate into the department and understand its functions and operations. Each department has its own mode and style of doing things.

The captain was very excited to see Li Ran, an idol. He was even more excited to be able to introduce his idol. He spoke in great detail and even took the initiative to share some work experience.

After chatting for a long time, Li Ran saw that the captain's mouth was dry and said with a smile: "Consultant Wang, why don't you take a drink of water and take a break?"

"It's okay, I'm not thirsty." Seeing Li Ran's concern, the captain was moved.

The two female staff officers saw it with envy, and were very envious that this matter was handed over to a male staff officer. It was a waste. The director did not know how to give opportunities to people in need.

At this time, a major came in.

When the young female major saw a strange face appearing in the office, she first looked at Li Ran and said nothing, but walked straight towards her workstation.

"`"Sister Xiaotong, the director has told you to go to his office immediately when you come back. "Seeing Xia Xiaotong return, a female staff officer said.

"Did something happen?" Xia Xiaotong asked.

"I don't know. The director didn't say anything. You'd better go now."

"Okay, I get it."

Xia Xiaotong simply packed up the things on the table, and asked before leaving.

"Who is this person?"

"Sister Xiaotong, this is Staff Officer Li. He just came to our Military Affairs Department today. The director arranged for us to be here.

Hearing this, Xia Xiaotong nodded and walked towards Chen Yong's office without saying anything else.

"Who is she?"

Li Ran glanced at Xia Xiaotong's leaving figure and replied.

"You are talking about Staff Officer Xia. She is a very good person in our department. She is a well-known strong woman and has very strong work ability. She is a major at a young age. She is also good-looking. She is a beauty in our military affairs office. He just has a bad temper, which most people can’t control, and sometimes even the director is scared.”

Hearing Li Ran ask about Xia Xiaotong, the captain immediately became interested. He seemed to have a lot to say, but when he thought that his task was to introduce the general situation of the place to Li Ran, he hadn't finished yet. , forcing himself to get back to the topic.

"Commander Li, if you want to know something about Counselor Xia, I will tell you in detail when I have time. Now I will emphasize one situation to you again. I'm worried that you won't remember it."

The captain was very attentive to the tasks assigned by his director.

Counselor Wang, I have written down everything you said. There is no need to repeat it. Li Ran rejected the captain's kindness and said: "I'm not very interested in other people's affairs [just arrange some work for me."

"Commander Li, I have no right to arrange work for you. It depends on the director's arrangement. Please wait for a while."

The captain was a little shocked. He said so much, and Li Ran could remember it all just once?

These things were something he only became familiar with after he came to a place and stayed there for a long time. Even if he remembered them, it would not be of much use. He had to personally experience and adapt to the working mode and rhythm of a place.

Suddenly, a figure suddenly appeared in front of Li Ran, startling the captain next to Li Ran.

A faint fragrance came to his nose, and Li Ran looked over.

He saw the female colonel who had gone out not long ago staring at him with a cold face.

(Ask for all kinds of things, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!! Hook).

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