Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

406: Too Little Life In One Place! Xia Xiaotong's Mentality Exploded

For everyone in the place, Li Ran's arrival gave them a feeling of celebrating the New Year.

No, it’s not just a simple feeling like celebrating the New Year. For them, even if it’s the Chinese New Year, they may still need to work overtime if they encounter an emergency, and they also need someone on duty.

But now, overtime is gone, and getting off work on time is no longer a luxury. In the office, everyone is drinking tea, chatting, and talking about daily life, which is so comfortable.

On the second day after Li Ran arrived, there was still an hour before lunch time, but everyone except Xia Xiaotong had their hands full.

"Brothers, you can get off work on time again today.

"It's so comfortable. I haven't felt like this for a long time."

"It would be great if I could get off work on time every day."

"Consultant Li is really awesome and kind. I didn't even plan to ask him for help today.

At this time, Li Ran went out in the office, and the others couldn't help but talk about it.

Yesterday was Li Ran's first day in Yiyi. With his terrifying work ability and his excellent character of being willing to help others, he successfully conquered them and made them worship him.

Not only did they get off work on time yesterday, but after get off work, Li Ran also spent his own money to treat guests to a dinner party, which can be said to make everyone feel comfortable.

No, after learning about Li Ran's work ability, his department director was not polite and arranged a lot of work for Li Ran today.

Everyone originally thought that today would not be as lucky as yesterday. Li Ran could take the initiative to help them share the work. After all, the director had arranged a lot of things for Li Ran. Who would have thought that Li Ran could handle his own work in three times, five times, five times and two times. Later, he took the initiative to help them handle their work.

This made them completely unexpected. From the bottom of their hearts, "660", they were looking forward to Li Ran's help. Who doesn't want to finish what they are doing quickly and get off work on time?

But you can’t be too shameless. Why should you let others do your work? Yesterday, Li Ran helped once. Do you have the audacity to ask Li Ran for help a second time? How shameless because Li Ran is easy to talk to?

Ask yourself, this kind of thing is still impossible for someone like me to do.

But unexpectedly, Li Ran took the initiative to help them share the workload without even asking, and was very sincere.

In this case, they would be rude. Being active and being passive are completely different things.

In this way, in just half a day in the morning, Li Ran not only finished his own work, but also helped them share the tasks in their respective hands.

For a time, everyone was sitting in one place waiting for lunch, then taking a lunch break, and getting off work in the afternoon.

While a few people were chatting, the sound of typing on the keyboard nearby was very noticeable.

That's right, Xia Xiaotong is the only one left in the No. 1 office and has not finished today's work. If nothing else happens, Xia Xiaotong will be the only one working overtime in the No. 1 office today.

"Commander Xia, do you have any objections to Counselor Li?"

While Li Ran was away, a female captain came to Xia Xiaotong and asked in a low voice.

"This is his first time here, and we haven't known each other before. What can I say about him?" Xia Xiaotong replied.

"Since you have no objection, why do you seem to reject him? Staff Officer Li even offered to help you share the work, but twice, "Why don't you accept it?" the female captain couldn't help but ask.

Yesterday, Li Ran offered to help, but was rejected by Xia Xiaotong.

This morning, Li Ran once again offered to help share the burden, but Xia Xiaotong still refused.

The two rejections in a row made everyone else in the place a little confused. It was almost enough. Isn't Xia Xiaotong just looking for trouble to make things difficult for herself?

"I like to handle my own affairs by myself and don't like others to interfere," Xia Xiaotong said.

Although he said this, Zhen Xiaotong was still deeply touched in his heart.

She used to be a strong woman in No. 1, and she was always the first to finish her work after get off work. But since Li Ran came, things have changed. She has become the only one working overtime in No. 1.

Judging from today's situation, she was left alone to work overtime in the end.

With such a huge contrast, it is impossible to say that Xia Xiaotong doesn't feel anything in her heart.

"Commander Xia, actually Staff Li is a very good person. We had dinner together yesterday. Staff Li was very humorous, kind and easy to get along with." The female captain spoke for Li Ran, hoping to change Li Ran's feelings in Xia Xiaotong's heart. image.

"You know my temper. I'm just such a person. I like to compete with myself, so don't worry about me." Hearing this, Qin Xiaotong smiled at the female captain and said.

Although she felt uncomfortable, she naturally would not vent her anger on colleagues in the same department.

That's right, she is competing with herself and Li Ran now.

If she asked Li Ran to help handle her matter, it would be like slapping herself in the face.

After hearing what Xia Xiaotong said, the female captain had no choice but to give up.

the other side.

There is a small pond in the Ministry of Military Affairs with many goldfish in it. It is said that this small pond was dug by the Minister of Military Affairs. He stocked the goldfish himself because he could come here to catch fish and relax if he had nothing to do.

Next to the small pond, there is a tree. You can clearly see that the land under the tree is much more compacted than other places, because the major general likes to fish here every time he comes and leaves his mark.

But now, this position is valued by Li Ran.

A small horse, a fishing rod, a small bucket, and two earthworms dug from the soil are Li Ran's fishing equipment.

After Li Ran threw a rod, he sat on the pony, feeling the breeze blowing on his face and feeling very comfortable. He finally understood the joy of the fisherman.

It's still working hours, and Li Ran goes out fishing. Strictly speaking, it's not allowed, but who wants to run out of work?

It's really boring to stay in the office all the time, so why not go out fishing and relax. As for whether he is afraid of being criticized, Li Ran is not afraid at all.

He came to the Ministry of Military Affairs to make arguments, and he has not been here all the time. Besides, let alone him fishing here now, even if he took a week off and did not come to work, the major general would not say anything.

At most, if the news reaches the ears of the General Staff boss, he will first find Li Ran and ask about the reason.

If there is anything bothering you or if you feel uncomfortable somewhere, I would definitely like to take care of you.

It's all because Li Ran has the strength and capital. He doesn't need to deliberately show anything, because he doesn't need to, this is his card.

A dignified colonel, the brigade commander of the Blue Army Combined Brigade of the Field Army, an outstanding person who single-handedly created a new type of army and promoted the direction of military reform in the Field Army. What happened to fishing?

Who dares to say anything? Who dares to have an opinion?

No, after learning that Li Ran was fishing here, Chen Yong, the director of the Division One, came over personally.

When Chen Yong came to Li Ran, he didn't even mention Li Ran's fishing. He didn't take it to heart at all. Instead, he asked with a smile: "Consultant Li, do you also like fishing?"

"Alas." Hearing this, Li Ran sighed.

Seeing Li Ran sighing, Chen Yong felt a little nervous for a moment, and asked with concern: "Consultant Li, why are you sighing?"

"Director Chen, I really don't have much to do. I just want to kill time by fishing." Li Ran said directly.

Hearing this, Chen Yong was choked and speechless for a moment.

Good guy, why do you dare to sigh? What kind of reason is this?

"Commander Li, in the entire Military Affairs Department, one department has the most affairs." Chen Yong explained.

There are three departments in the Military Affairs Department. One department is said to be the second busiest, but no one dares to say it is the first. As a result, when Li Ran comes here, he dislikes that one department has few things to do.

During this critical period, there are so many things going on in one office. Even Xia Xiaotong, a strong woman, has to work overtime every day to do her own things.

You can't leave everything in one place to Li Ran alone. What will the others do? It doesn't make sense.

"I haven't been to the second and third places yet, how about I go there if I have time?" Ji Ran said.

There are three divisions of the Ministry of Military Affairs. He has only learned about one of them so far. He has not learned about the second and third divisions yet. He is now a member of the first division. To go to the second and third divisions, he must get the permission of the directors of the other two divisions. Agree, you can't cross units without permission.

"This..." After hearing Li Ran's words, Chen Yong hesitated for a moment, mainly because he had no right to decide this matter. He had to ask the minister whether this matter could be done or not.

"Director Chen, just help me talk to the minister, just tell me that I applied." Li Ran smiled and threw a special stick for Chen Yong.

"Then I will report it to the minister. The minister has to make a decision whether it is OK or not. I don't have the right." Chen Yong took the cigarette and said.

"Okay, thank you, Mr. Chen," Li Ran thanked him.

Chen Yong took a look at the cigarette in his hand and found out that it was a special offer. He was not too surprised. Even though Li Ran was only a colonel, when it came to the cards, he, a senior colonel, could not compare to him. Even the minister treated Li Ran. That's also very polite.

What's wrong with a colonel of such strength getting a special offer?

That is a talented person who has the ability to talk directly to the boss of the General Staff. Who is the boss of the General Staff? Even a general is not someone who can just meet him...

The fact that the General Staff boss opened a special channel for Li Ran is not a secret among the General Staff.

Chen Yong attached great importance to Li Ran's application and took the time to go to the major general to report the matter at noon.

In the Major General's office!

After hearing Chen Yong's report, the major general who was drinking tea almost spit out a mouthful of water.

"What are you talking about? He thinks there are too few things to do in one place? He still wants to go to two and three places?" The major general was shocked.

Hearing this, Chen Yong nodded, he just explained truthfully,

After the major general fell into thinking for a short time, he slowly said: "Wait for another week and then decide.


Afternoon, lunch break.

Except for Xia Xiaotong, everyone else was taking a nap in one place. In the office, only Xia Xiaotong was busy with work.

Even though Xia Xiaotong is a strong woman and wants to compete with herself and Li Ran, her mentality is still disturbed.

The most outrageous thing is that during the lunch break, someone actually snored.

Xia Xiaotong's mentality was disturbed, and her efficiency in handling work slowed down.

After the lunch break, something happened that made Xia Xiaotong collapse again.

"Let's continue having dinner together tonight and I'll treat you." Li Ran announced to everyone.

Hearing this, everyone else's eyes lit up and they marveled inwardly, the staff officer was so heroic.

"Commander Li, I'm a little embarrassed to ask you to treat me all the time." Someone said.

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about. It's the old rule. If you have family members, bring them all with you." Li Ran waved his hand, very generously.

Yi Chu and others were so happy that they called it the Chinese New Year. Such treatment may not even be available during the Chinese New Year.

Xia Xiaotong was the only one who was depressed and had an explosive mentality. It was too much, it was really too much. Not only had they had dinner together yesterday, but they were still going to have dinner together today.

After this, she was no longer gregarious in any place, as if she had been alienated all of a sudden.

At five o'clock, everyone in the first office got off work on time again, leaving Xia Xiaotong alone to work overtime.

People from the second and third offices were shocked again when they saw people from the first office strutting around after get off work.

"What's going on? The first office is off work again today.

So early?"

"Damn it, what's going on in this place, do you get off work at five o'clock on time?"

"It doesn't make sense. We are all working overtime. Why do people in the same department get off work on time?"

"Something has gone wrong these past two days. What happened?"

"Hey, I'm so envious, I seem to get off work on time.

Feeling many envious looks, everyone in the first office was very proud. In the past, only they were envious when they saw the second and third offices get off work on time.

Now, they have finally become the serious envy of others.

All the credit goes to Li Ran, who is willing to help others share work and is generous enough to treat guests to dinner. Such a good person is rare to see in a century.

But as soon as everyone walked to the gate, they found Chen Yong, the director of their department, standing there.

To be honest, they were used to working overtime. Every time, they would wait for their boss to get off work before they got off work. Suddenly, they got off work on time and they happened to meet each other when they were getting off work.

No one is used to changing leaders.

In front of Chen Yong, the first department and others were still a little frightened, after all, he was the director of their own department.

But Li Ran was different. After seeing Chen Yong, he smiled and said, "Director Chen, let's go have a dinner together?"

Seeing Li Ran inviting the director of their department, everyone in the first place thought that Chen Yong would refuse. After all, he is the director of the department, and he is somewhat arrogant. Who knew that when faced with Li Ran's invitation, Chen Yong smiled directly.

He nodded and agreed.

This surprised everyone in the first department. In front of Li Ran, his director really had no airs at all.

In this way, the whole family happily went to have a dinner together, and only Xia Xiaotong was still working overtime.

At seven o'clock in the evening, Chen Yong came back. He was in a very good mood. He went to have a dinner with Li Ran and others. They were not in the unit, and they talked and communicated with each other closer, and ate.

During the meal, Chen Yong and Li Ran also chatted a lot, which will also be helpful for his subsequent work.

After all, Li Ran's identity is there. As Li Ran's superior, he naturally cannot treat Li Ran casually.

After Chen Yong came back, he found that the lights in the office were still on. He was a little confused for a while. Who was there in the office so late?

When Chen Yong opened the door and walked in, he found that Xia Xiaotong was the only one still working alone in the office. He couldn't help but said: "Consultant Xia, why haven't you left yet?"


(Please ask for everything, ask for everything, thank you!!!).

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