Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

409: The General Staff Boss Was Shocked! We Can Only Transfer Li Ran Away

The mood of everyone in the two places was like a roller coaster.

Previously, I saw that because of Li Ran's arrival, the people in this place were living a prosperous and happy life. They were so envious that they even made bitter remarks in private.

Later, in their expectation, Li Ran, an outstanding person, was actually transferred from the first place to the second place. They were so happy that they finally experienced the happiness of everyone in the same place.

Only one week has passed, and everyone in the second office has regretted it. They want to return to their previous state. They love work and want to work. They would rather be involved in involution than "fall" like this.


During this time, the way the director looked at them changed, as if he was looking at a piece of trash.

Every job that I usually complain about being tired and having to work overtime can be solved in the hands of others. Is it because Li Ran's personal ability is too abnormal, or are you guys too useless?

Only now did everyone in the Second Division realize that as agency workers, in such a period, it is taboo to break away from the group and get off work on time every day. In the eyes of superiors, it is a sign of lack of ability.

Therefore, everyone in the second division collectively applied to their division chiefs, hoping that their division chiefs could give feedback to the minister and transfer Li Ran.

No matter whether Li Ran is returned to the original one or transferred to three offices, as long as he doesn't irritate them here, the second office will be fine.

The atmosphere in the second office became the same as that in the first office. When they saw Li Ran coming over, everyone felt like they were facing a powerful enemy and guarded the work in their hands.

"Commander Li, please do your best and I will do my own thing."

"Commander Li, I appreciate your kindness, but I won't bother you anymore."

"Please, Staff Officer Li, please give me my job back."

"Commander Li, don't come over here, I want to work, I want to work."

Seeing the current state of everyone in the two places, Li 687 was speechless. Alas, everyone's mentality was too fragile, and they couldn't bear it after only a week.

Director of the Second Division Yu Bo is not as happy as before. He now understands that Li Ran must leave. If Li Ran doesn't leave, the longer he stays in the Second Division, the more useless everyone in the Division will be. strong.

The people in his department are incompetent, and as the director of the department, he certainly can't keep his face.

In this way, after Li Ran stayed in the second office for a week, he was transferred from the second office to the third office.

After seeing Li Ran leave, everyone in the second office breathed a sigh of relief. Everyone looked at the work in front of them, which was like a sea to them. There were no headaches like before, and they were just happy.

This familiar feeling and familiar rhythm are so good!

Three places!

Everyone in the third office has been looking forward to Li Ran for a long time. They used to be envious when everyone in the first office got off work on time every day. Then it was the turn of the second office and they were still envious. Now it is finally the turn of the third office.

It was still a familiar opening. Li Ran came to the third place. To express his welcome, the director of the third place specially asked everyone in the third place to hold a simple small welcome ceremony to reflect the difference between the three places.

Although the directors of Division One and Division Two had reminded him that Li Ran was an outstanding person, the temple in Division Three was too small to accommodate such an outstanding person.

The director of the three divisions was very dissatisfied with this. What do you mean?

Both of you, one from the first office and one from the second office, have had a great time, and it’s finally the turn of the third office. Now you’re saying this in front of him?

What does it mean that the temple in Sanchu is too small? It cannot accommodate talented people?

Next, he wanted to let everyone in the Ministry of Military Affairs know what the Three Divisions were?

In a word, those who want to stay in the first and second places must stay in the third place. Those who dare not stay in the first and second places must stay in the third place. Stay first and then talk about it. This is the third place.

Therefore, the director of the Third Division had already thought about it, and the Third Division must keep Li Ran. For this reason, he even specially said hello to the people in the Third Division.

"Commander Li, although the reputation of the Third Office is not as great as that of the First and Second Offices, you can rest assured that our Third Office has absolute support for strong men. Just let your hands and feet go free in the Third Office. We The Third Division has absolute support for you from top to bottom." The Director of the Third Division vowed in front of Li Ran.

Hearing this, Li Ran smiled and said: "Director Zheng, I have no other request, just give me more work."

Hearing this, the director of the three divisions and other people in the three divisions were all happy.

What a good person, they three places need such talents, such talents who are willing to work hard.

"Commander Li, don't worry, I will let your talents be fully displayed in the three departments." The director of the three departments assured again.

It's just that although the words are beautiful, in just the past four days, the three bedrooms have been unable to bear it.

Because Li Ran basically took care of all the work in the third office. In just four days, the people in the third office went to work every day and had nothing to do, and their eyes were very confused.

It felt relatively good at first, but gradually I felt something was wrong.

A day or two like this can be said to be fine, but if it stays like this for a long time, the superiors won’t be able to criticize them, right?

At the same time, people in the third office finally understood why the first and second offices looked relieved after Li Ran left.

Everyone in the first and second offices has experienced such a scene.

The Director of the Third Division also realized that something was wrong, and his face was very ugly. He remembered what the Directors of the First and Second Divisions reminded him, and now he finally woke up.

Indeed, he really couldn't keep such an outstanding person.

There was no other way, so the director of the third division went to the major general's office, hoping that the major general could transfer the person back.

"Minister, we really don't need Staff Officer Li in the Third Branch. It's a waste of Staff Li's ability to stay in the Third Branch. Minister, please transfer Staff Li back." The director of the Third Branch looked pleading, and his words were out of control. From the heart.

Upon seeing this, Jiang directly asked: "Which department do you think it is appropriate to transfer him back to now?"

"One or two offices will do." The director of the third office said quickly.

As long as you don't stay in three places to irritate them, no matter whether you go to one place or two, they will definitely say goodbye.

Hearing this, the major general called the directors of the first and second departments over, and the directors of the three departments all gathered in the major general's office at this moment.

(aiac) After understanding the major general’s intention of bringing them here, all of them couldn’t sit still.

"There are few people in the third place and we need help. I think it is appropriate for Staff Officer Li to stay in the third place."

"It is simply a disgrace to leave a talent like Staff Officer Li in the Third Division. I think it would be most appropriate to transfer him to the Second Division."

"For Staff Officer Li, the second office is too small. It's better to let Staff Officer Li go back to the first office. After all, the first place that Staff Li went to is because he has feelings."

The three division chiefs were excusing each other, and they all expressed the same idea: no one wanted Li Ran.

It's not because Li Ran is too weak, but because Li Ran's working ability is too strong. If he stays in the department, the whole department will be ruined sooner or later.

Seeing that the three division chiefs were trying to shirk each other, no one wanted Li Ran to go back.

After living for so many years, this is the first time he has encountered such a thing. The key point is that it is difficult for him to deal with it. What should he do?

Li Ran was personally transferred to the Ministry of Military Affairs by the boss of the General Staff. He made it very clear that Li Ran was allowed to study in the Ministry of Military Affairs. He didn't arrive for a month, but as a result, none of the three departments of the Ministry of Military Affairs wanted Li Ran.

Because wherever Li Ran goes, there will be nothing to do in that unit. Forget it for a short time, but it will have a big impact in the long run.

When Li Ran leaves one day, something will definitely go wrong. The directors of the three divisions all know this very well.

There are three offices in the Ministry of Military Affairs. Li Ran is not allowed to go to one of them. Where should he go? To the logistics department?

"Let's do this. Let Li Ran handle the affairs of the three offices at the same time. I will inform you of the arrangements later." The major general said.

He has no good solution now. As of now, he can only report the truth to the General Staff and hope that the General Staff can transfer Li Ran from the Ministry of Military Affairs.

Li Ran's current situation no longer requires him to study at the Ministry of Military Affairs, so what else should he study? He knows everything, and one person can achieve the same goal.

After hearing the major general's arrangement, the three division chiefs nodded. For now, this is the only way to go.

As a result, a shocking thing happened in the Ministry of State that had never happened since its establishment.

Li Ran is alone and has to take care of the work of three places at the same time every day. But even so, he handles the work of three places at the same time every day without panic and still with ease.

At this point, the Ministry of Military Affairs can no longer accommodate Li Ran.

General staff!

Office of the General Staff Boss.

There was a knock on the door.


The Minister of Military Affairs pushed open the door and entered.

After seeing the major general, the chief of the General Staff said, "What do you want from me?"

"Chief, it's about Staff Officer Li." The major general said directly.

Hearing that it was related to Li Ran, the head of the General Staff immediately became interested and transferred Li Ran to the Ministry of Military Affairs to study for almost a month. He didn't know how he was doing at the Ministry of Military Affairs.

It just so happens that the Minister of Military Affairs is here and he can find out more.

"How is this boy doing at your Military Affairs Department?" asked the head of the General Staff.

"Chief, the reason I came here this time is to ask you to transfer Staff Officer Li. With him here, the entire Military Affairs Department is already restless." The major general complained.

Hearing this, the chief of the General Staff was stunned.

"What did this kid do that violated discipline at your place? If he makes a mistake, he will be punished. If this kid dares to disobey, tell me." said the head of the General Staff.

He thought Li Ran had done something against discipline in the Ministry of Military Affairs. After all, Li Ran was famous for his boldness.

"Chief, Staff Officer Li did not do anything that violated discipline." The major general knew that the head of the General Staff had misunderstood what he said, and quickly explained: "It is because Staff Officer Li has learned nothing in our Military Affairs Department, and it will be wrong if he continues to stay. It’s a waste of time, the chief should transfer him away.”

After hearing this, the general staff boss immediately became confused.

What does this mean? Is there something behind the words? It has been less than a month since Li Ran went to the Ministry of Military Affairs, and there is nothing he can learn from the Ministry of State?

There are so many things that each department needs to deal with every day about the operation and functions of a department. Can Li Ran understand it in less than a month?

Li Ran was transferred to the General Staff and went to various departments under the General Staff to study in rotation. It was not just for going through the motions and showing off. It was really for Li Ran to learn, understand more, and see more.

"What's going on? It's been less than a month since he went to your Military Affairs Department. Please tell me clearly what he did and what he learned." The boss of the General Staff must understand clearly what's going on.

After hearing this, the major general had no choice but to answer truthfully and tell about Li Ran's performance in the Ministry of Military Affairs during this period...

(Please ask for everything, ask for everything, thank you!!!!).

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