Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

420: The General Staff Boss Is Speechless! Li Ran Is The God Of Plague

General staff!

In the office of the General Staff Boss.

Early in the morning, the chief of the General Staff just came to work. For a person at the level of the chief of the General Staff, there are a lot of things to do every day.

There is a special schedule every day, and the time is clearly defined at what time to handle things, what time to attend meetings, and what time to eat.

Unless there are special circumstances, even a lieutenant general who wants to meet with the General Staff boss must make an appointment.

At this time, the secretary pushed the door open and came in.

"Chief, Director Chen of the Engineering Corps has something urgent and wants to see you." The secretary said respectfully.

"Engineering Corps?" Hearing this, the head of the General Staff felt a slight thump in his heart, and suddenly had a bad premonition.

Normally, the head of the General Staff would not feel like this. For him, he would remain calm even if the sky fell, but who told Li Ran to be in the Engineering Corps now?

The boss of the General Staff also discovered the pattern. Every time Li Ran went to a department, something would always happen in that department.

This was the case when I was at the Ministry of Military Affairs. I stayed there for less than a month, and finally the Minister of Military Affairs came to him personally and applied to transfer Li Ran.

Li Ran has only been to the Engineering Corps for a few days, and the Engineering Corps is already in trouble?

"Let him in."


Not long after, the major general strode in.

"What's the matter? Does it have something to do with Li Ran?" Before the major general could speak, Chief Shentianbao asked directly.

"Chief, how do you know?" The major general was stunned and admired in his heart. The boss of the General Staff is the boss of the General Staff. He could guess that it was related to Li Ran before he said anything.

"I knew it." Hearing this, the major general had a black line on his head and was speechless in his heart.

I was really afraid of what would happen, and it turned out to be related to Li Ran.

"Did this kid cause any trouble at your place? Or did he make your chickens and dogs restless?" the chief of the General Staff asked helplessly.

"Chief, Comrade Li Ran did not make any mistakes in my place, and I got along very well with the comrades in the institute. This time I came [to apply] for Comrade Li Ran to apply for first-class individual merit," the major general said.


Hearing what the major general said, the chief of the general staff was stunned.

It's not bad news. I'm here to apply for first-class personal merit for Li Ran? What's going on? You've only been to the Engineering Corps for a few days, and you have to apply for first-class personal merit for Li Ran because of what you did?

"Why?" asked the general staff boss.

The major general carefully explained the reasons for applying for first-class personal merit to Li Ran from beginning to end, and handed the technical reference textbook written by Li Ran to the chief of the General Staff.


The head of the General Staff who understood what was going on couldn't help but take a breath of air. Good guy, it really gave him a lot of experience.

The purpose of arranging for Li Ran to go to a very professional department like the Engineering Corps was to control Li Ran's outstanding personal abilities, expose Li Ran to an unfamiliar field, and spend more time studying.

Who would have thought that Li Ran is still an expert in this field and can even write technical textbooks?

What makes the general staff boss even more speechless is that when Li Ran was studying in the Lu Academy, he not only obtained a bachelor's degree in engineering, but also studied a master's degree by himself.

Li Ran studied many majors in the Lu Academy and even obtained a professional undergraduate degree. The chief of the General Staff heard the report from the Lu Academy.

If it weren't for the control of the president of Lu Academy, Li Ran planned to pass the doctoral degree in all majors of Lu Academy.

There were so many things going on that the chief of the General Staff forgot about this matter.

"Your Engineering Corps has gathered experts from the entire field army in the field of engineering, and you have no objections to the technical textbook he compiled?" The head of the General Staff still couldn't help but ask.

Li Ran, a military commander leading troops, accomplished things that even some big names in professional and technical fields could not do, which still made him unacceptable for a while.

"The three institutes of our Engineering Corps have studied it carefully and have no objections." The major general said: "We have also faxed the copy to several seniors such as He Gong and they have no objections.

The major general said that He Gong was one of the few special engineers in the country, the boss among the bosses, and the absolute authority in this field.

After dedicating his whole life to the country, he is now retired at home. In the past, he would only go to these big guys for help when he encountered any big problems.

After faxing the technical textbook written by Li Ran to several big bosses, the Major General received a call in the middle of the night. The big bosses were very excited and kept asking who wrote this technical textbook.

But knowing that he is a young man, he is excited about having a successor and a share of the land.

If it weren't for the Major General's comfort, several old people would even be eager to meet Li Ran and have in-depth technical exchanges with Li Ran.

After hearing the major general's words, the general staff boss no longer knew what to say.

Professional fields are naturally decided by professionals. Obviously, the technical textbook written by Li Ran has been unanimously recognized and praised by the big guys in this field. What he can decide now is whether he agrees to award Li Ran a first-class personal merit. .

"I will organize a discussion about applying for first-class individual merit." said the chief of the General Staff.

Whether to give first-class credit to Li Ran as an individual still needs to be discussed. We should follow the process and respect everyone's opinions. It is not his decision.

"Chief, I have one more request." The major general said again.


"I apply to allow Comrade Li Ran to stay in our Engineering Department. Comrade Li Ran's existence will be of great help to the field army's engineering field." the major general said very seriously.

Of course, when he said these words, the major general felt a little uneasy in his heart.

Li Ran has such outstanding personal abilities, and the General Staff arranged to come here to enrich his resume. He will definitely return to the army to serve as a leader in the future.

If he wants someone now, the General Staff boss will probably not give it to him.

Unexpectedly, after hearing the major general's application, the expression of the general staff officer became playful.

"you sure?"

"Confirmed." Although the major general was confused as to why the general staff boss had such an expression, his tone was very certain.

"Let's do this. Let him stay with you for a while first. If your thoughts are still the same after a month, I will consider it." The chief of the General Staff said in a deep voice.

The major general is still a bit young and does not know the power of Li Ran.

The boss of the General Staff knew that when he first went to Group H for the war preparation exercise, he was rotated in various departments of the headquarters.

At that time, no matter which department I went to, I felt that I was making a lot of money, and I wanted to keep Li Ran.

In the end, everyone wanted to send Li Ran away. Seeing Li Ran was like seeing the god of plague.

The major general still hasn't realized the terror of Li Ran.


The major general can also accept this arrangement from the chief of the General Staff.

"If there's nothing else, just leave."

After the major general left, the head of the General Staff shook his head helplessly and asked Li Ran for the impact of this textbook on the engineering field. It would not be too much to give him first-class credit.

But the key point is that Li Ran has a lot of military merit. It would be unreasonable to give him a first-class merit and not promote him.

Li Ran is now a colonel. A 19-year-old colonel is already incredible. If he goes one step further, he will be a senior colonel, and he is only one step away from being a major general.

"This kid is so adorable and helpless at the same time." The chief of the General Staff said helplessly, but his tone was full of relief.

He is right about people. Extraordinary people are extraordinary wherever they go.


On the other side, the major general left the General Staff and returned to the Engineering Corps.

As soon as I came back, I received bad news.

"Minister, it's bad, the three directors are fighting." The secretary hurried over.

"Huh? A fight started?" Hearing this, the major general was stunned and couldn't believe it.

The directors of the three institutes are all senior officers at the level of a colonel. They are all very old and no longer children. How could they start a fight?

"What happened?" the major general asked.

He had just left for a while, and he was fine before leaving. Why did he suddenly start a fight?

"It's because of Staff Officer Li." The secretary said, telling the whole story.

It turned out that after studying the technical textbook written by Li Ran, the Second Institute and the Third Institute agreed that Li Ran was a rare talent, and everyone wanted talents.

Not long after the major general left, the directors of the second and third institutes came to one to recruit people.

He wanted Li Ran to go to the second and third institutes. Of course, Lei Zhenguo, the director of the first institute, was not willing to do this kind of poaching. In addition, he had a bad temper. After a few words, he got angry. After a while, he started to take action. .

After understanding what happened, the major general had a blank look on his face and was a little speechless.

The three of them are more than a hundred years old together, and they are all experts. They don't care about their status or shame at all.

"Where are the three of them now?" the major general asked.

"Just outside."

At this time, people were gathered in front of the engineering department building.

After hearing the news, people from the three offices all rushed over to watch their directors engage in a melee. This was a rare scene, and everyone watched with excitement.

"Director, come on, you can't lose."

"Director, hold on tight and attack him.

"A school cannot live without Li Ran, just like the West cannot live without Jerusalem."

"Come on, Director."

The staff of the three institutes were cheering on their respective directors, and the scene was very lively.

It's just that the excitement is more important. After all, in this case, everyone calls the director, who knows who they are cheering for.

Lei Zhenguo and two other senior colonels were fighting in a scuffle at this time. Lei Zhenguo used a monkey trick to steal the peach and grabbed the director of the second station. The method was so cruel that the onlookers tightened their crotches.

0…………Please give me flowers…

"Old Lei, you are so cruel, you have resorted to such vicious tactics."

Seeing this, the director of the second institute quickly stepped back and distanced himself, feeling a little scared in his heart.

Although he has an heir, this kind of trick is scary.

"Hmph, if you dare to poach my corner, you are looking for shit." Lei Zhenguo's attitude is very firm. If you want to poach Li Ran, you must step on him.

Seeing Lei Zhenguo's opening, the director of the third institute said in his heart that it was a good opportunity and used a trick to find the moon in the sea.

Lei Zhenguo was on guard, and upon seeing this, he quickly blocked.

The three of them were going back and forth like this, using various famous tricks happily, but fighting back and forth could not be serious. Although there were usually some disputes between the three of them, they were all old friends.

The way he is now is just showing his respect for Li Ran.

After all, Li Ran is a talent that everyone wants.

"Stop it all."

When the major general came here, he was almost angry to death when he saw the scene in front of him.

They are all the masters of each agency. How would it look like to fight in front of so many people and use such despicable and insidious tricks? There is no shame at all.

"The minister is here."

When the onlookers saw the young general coming, they quickly became more honest.

Lei Zhenguo and the others stopped what they were doing when they saw the major general coming. They still didn't dare to make mistakes in front of the major general.


The three of them each shouted.


"Come to my office," the major general said angrily.

So, the three of them came to the major general's office in despair.

Inside the office.

"Okay, the three of you are really getting better and better. As directors, you fight in public without caring about the impact at all. What do you want to do? Rebellion?" the major general said angrily.

"Minister, are these two people who don't respect martial ethics and come to my office to poach people? Or do they want to poach Li Ran? Do you think I can do it?" Lei Zhenguo complained.

"Minister, what Lao Lei said is wrong. Li Ran does not belong to their institute." The director of the second institute said dissatisfied.

"That is, when Li Ran was transferred by the General Staff to our Engineering Corps, did he specify which institute he should go to? Besides, how do you know that he is not willing to come to my place?" the director of the third institute retorted.

"Shut up." Seeing that the three of them were still arguing at this time, the major general said angrily: "I arranged for Li Ran to be in one, but it is only temporary. He will be in one for the time being. When does he want to leave?" , and then arrange for him to visit the second and third schools.

Faced with this situation, the major general made a decision directly without giving the three people a chance to argue.

I feel helpless. It is not uncommon for various offices to poach people, but this is the first time I have seen a fight over poaching someone.

"Do you have any opinions?" the major general asked.


Naturally, the directors of the Second and Third Institutes had no objections. The major general's arrangement meant that Li Ran had the opportunity to go to them.

Isn't it okay if they keep in touch in private?

Although Lei Zhenguo was a little dissatisfied, at this time, he knew that it was useless to say anything, so he could only watch Li Ran more closely.

It's not a good idea for these coquettish bitches to covet other people's talents.

As a result, the fight between the three people over Li Ran ended like this.


After returning to the institute, he saw a group of engineers in the engineering department chatting idlely. Lei Zhenguo, who was still angry, suddenly burst out.

"What do you do during working hours? Don't you do any work? Are there too few things to do and too much leisure?" Lei Zhenguo roared angrily.

Seeing Lei Zhenguo's anger, a group of engineers immediately trembled. A colonel said helplessly: "Director, our work has been done by Staff Officer Li."

Hearing this, Fu Zhenguo was stunned.

"What nonsense are you talking about? He's just finished your work just after going to work?" Lei Zhenguo didn't believe it.

"Director, it's true. Just when you were seeking justice from Director Wu and Director Xiang, Staff Officer Li quietly finished all our work." The colonel said helplessly.

When Lei Zhenguo was fighting with the other two directors, they all went to watch the excitement.

Who would have thought that Li Ran did not go, but stayed in the ministry and completed all their work quietly.

They were all dumbfounded when they came back. The work efficiency was outrageous.

Hearing this, Lei Zhenguo was also stunned. After checking everyone's work status, he didn't know what to say for a while.

"Li Ran, where are the others?" Lei Zhenguo asked, and then he realized that Li Ran was nowhere to be seen.

"Just went out."

(Ask for all kinds of things, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!! 4).

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