Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

422: Research And Development Design Of New Pontoon Bridge Vehicle! Give Li Ran More Credit

Major General was a little surprised by Lei Zhenguo's arrival.

The institute has been so abnormal recently. Everyone in the institute gets off work on time every day. The smell of "degeneration" is so strong that it is outrageous. Before he even took the initiative to investigate, Lei Zhenguo came first.

This is the plan to "surrender".

"Minister, Minister, you have heard about the recent situation in our institute, right?" As soon as Lei Zhenguo entered the office, he and the major general took the initiative to get straight to the point.

"I heard something." The major general nodded. As he expected, Lei Zhenguo, the director of the first institute, came to "surrender".

"Minister, all the staff of a school, including me, have "fallen" recently. They get off work on time every day, occasionally ask for leave and leave early, and have dinner together from time to time. We cannot continue like this, otherwise, the school will really go out of business. There's a problem." Lei Zhenguo said sadly.

Now, rumors about the Ministry of Education have spread all over the sky.

It's because the entire school has been living so well these days, making others jealous.

It's normal. The whole life of the whole school has been really "degenerate" recently. There is nothing to do at work every day. It is basic to get off work on time. Some people even take this opportunity to ask for leave.

Even director Lei Zhenguo has nothing to do every day, and his life is not at all secure.

"The occurrence of such problems in a school cannot be separated from the fact that you, the director, did not do a good job." Mr.

"Minister, you are right, I will conduct a self-examination, but before that, I have only one request." Lei Zhenguo said seriously.

When such a situation occurs in the first institute, he, the director, does not lead well, and he is indeed responsible. However, despite the fact that the first institute has "degenerated" during this period, there are no problems in the work of the first institute.

It's just that 99% of these tasks are handled by one person.

"any request?"

"Please transfer Comrade Li Ran from our first school immediately."

Mentioning the name Li Ran, Lei Zhenguo now felt a strong sense of fear and tremendous pressure.

Li Ran is a talent that is rare to see in a century. On this point, Lei Zhenguo has no doubt, but Li Ran’s outstanding personal ability has overflowed too seriously. If he continues to stay in Yili, Yili will really Wasted.

Li Ran has done all the work, what are they left to do?

"What? Does your school have anything to do with Li Ran?" Hearing this, the major general asked with some confusion.

He didn't expect that Lei Zhenguo would be willing to transfer Li Ran. He didn't hesitate to fight with the directors of the second and third institutes for Li Ran, and even lost his face.

Why are you thinking of changing hands and "giving away" such a precious piece of cake now?

"Minister, please agree to my request. As long as you transfer Li Ran from the first hospital, I guarantee that the first hospital will return to normal status immediately." Lei Zhenguo said, without daring to explain the reason clearly.

I was worried that once I told him, the Second and Third Offices would be afraid and would not dare to ask for help.

"Okay, let's arrange for Li Ran to go to the second station first." The major general thought for a while and agreed. He didn't think too much. This was the original plan. It just happened that Lei Zhenguo was willing to release him now, which saved him. What a waste of breath.

"Thank you, Minister."

After seeing the major general agreeing, Lei Zhenguo breathed a sigh of relief and finally sent Li Ran away.

In one house.

"Comrade Li Ran, you are going to the Second Institute next. Although we are very reluctant to let you go, but the minister gave the order, there is nothing we can do." Lei Zhenguo said to Li Ran with a look of regret.

To be honest, if Li Ran's personal ability hadn't been a little too much, he really didn't want Li Ran to leave.

"Leisuo, it's okay, I will obey the arrangement." Li Ran said with a smile.

"Commander Li, come back and see if you have nothing to do. We can't bear to leave you."

"Yes, the second school is not far from the first school. You are always welcome to play in our first school."

"Commander Li, go away, we will miss you."

Everyone in a school said quickly, with a trace of reluctance in their eyes. They finally understood the meaning of the sentence that you can't have your cake and eat it too.

After watching Li Ran leave, everyone in Lei Zhenguo breathed a sigh of relief.

"Advisor Li has finally left. If he doesn't leave, we will leave."

"If it weren't for the fact that Staff Officer Li always likes to do other people's work, I would really hate to see him leave."

"Yes, what a good person. He is just too capable."

"Stop talking nonsense, are you going to quit today's work?" Lei Zhenguo yelled.

Everyone immediately dispersed, and as soon as Li Ran left, no one could help them with their own affairs. It was destined to be a busy day of overtime work.

After receiving the news that Li Ran was coming soon, the Second Institute immediately became lively, as if it was a Chinese New Year.

Under the arrangement of Colonel Xiang Dashan, the director of the second institute, a banner was even hung up.

"Warmly welcome Comrade Li Ran to our office."

"Commander Li will be here soon. I will welcome you as planned. Each of you must show me the highest enthusiasm. Do you understand me clearly?" Xiang Dashan warned.

"Listen clearly." Everyone in the second house roared with great momentum.

Xiang Dashan is in a good mood now. Today is really a good day. The surprise came so fast like a tornado, which made him a little unexpected.

Officer Li fell from the sky, and he didn't know what kind of medicine Lei Zhenguo had taken, but he was willing to let him go.

So, when Li Ran came to the Second Institute, everyone in the Second Institute immediately expressed a very warm welcome, including applause, flowers, and hugs.

Xiang Dashan, the director of the second institute, was very enthusiastic and personally took Li Ran to visit and get familiar with the second institute.

Xiang Dashan knew Li Ran's abilities and also placed Ji Ran in the engineering department of the institute.

After learning that Li Ran, an outstanding person, was assigned to the Engineering Department, all the engineers in the Engineering Department of the Second Institute said it was Chinese New Year.

"Director is wise. It is a very wise arrangement for Consultant Li to come to our engineering department."

"That is, if you don't understand anything in the future, you can directly ask Staff Officer Li."

"Talents are placed in the right place, and our engineering department is a perfect fit."

"I don't know if I took the wrong medicine, but I was willing to let Staff Officer Li go."

The engineers in the Engineering Department of the Second Institute were very happy and excited about Li Ran's arrival.

Soon, in just half a day, Li Ran taught the people in the Engineering Department of the Second Institute a lesson.

The three institutes have similar establishment systems and similar daily operations, but there are some differences in work content.

But for Li Ran, these differences can be ignored, so in only half a day, the matter of the second engineering department was solved. A group of engineering guys took advantage of Li Ran, had no work to do, and could rest.

This made the engineers in the Engineering Department of the Second Institute exclaimed, "It's incredible to make a lot of money."

"Now I finally understand why those people in this school get off work on time every day."

"Consultant Li's work efficiency is so abnormal."

"Thanks to Staff Officer Li, I can get off work on time today."

"It's not easy. Our institute is in great need of such talents."

After learning about the situation in the Engineering Department, Xiang Dashan, the director of the Second Institute, was also shocked.

He really didn't expect this situation. He knew that Li Ran was very capable, but he didn't expect him to be this strong.

Just when Xiang Dashan was thinking about how to better arrange work for Li Ran in the future so that Li Ran could maximize his personal talents in the second institute, Li Ran came to Xiang Dashan's office.

"Commander Li, are you used to coming to the second office?" Xiang Dashan was a little surprised by Li Ran's arrival and asked with concern.

"Habit." Li Ran nodded and replied, then went straight to the topic: "I learned about the 091 project in the engineering department today. After understanding it, I have some personal thoughts."

"Oh?" Hearing this, Xiang Dashan was surprised and said, "If you have any ideas, just tell me."

Project 091 is a project currently being carried out by the Second Institute. 091 is just a code name. The content of the project is the research and development project of a new generation of pontoon vehicles for the field army.

Nowadays, the weapons and equipment of each unit of the field army are all undergoing innovation. Similarly, the eating equipment of the engineers also needs to be innovative.

For example, special vehicles such as pontoon vehicles are indispensable during the march and play a very important role in the march of large troops.

The Second Institute took over this project and was responsible for the design of the new generation of pontoon soldiers. After the design drawings were completed, they were handed over to specialized military industrial enterprises for production and manufacturing.

This project is also the most important project currently progressing in the two institutes.

"There is no problem with the project itself, but there are some areas that can be improved in the design of this new generation of pontoon bridges," Li Ran said.

Hearing this, Xiang Dashan's eyes lit up.

The research and development of the new generation of pontoon vehicles is not that simple. The so-called research and development is just improvement on the older generation of pontoon vehicles.

During this period of time, the engineers of the two institutes were very busy with this task, racking their brains to think and make improvements based on the feedback from the actual use of the previous generation pontoon bridge vehicle.

After Li Ran finished speaking, he gathered around the design drawings and handed them to Xiang Dashan.

Xiang Dashan took the drawings and felt huge waves in his heart. He was so shocked that he couldn't be more shocked.

Is this called improvement in some areas? This design drawing is equivalent to almost completely overturning the previous generation of pontoon vehicles and redesigning a completely new generation.

It can be said that 90% of the design of this pontoon car has changed compared to the previous generation pontoon car.

"Commander Li, was this designed by you personally?" Xiang Dashan became more and more surprised as he looked at it, and couldn't help but ask.

"Yes." Li Ran said: "When I led the troops, I also carefully studied the engineering battalion in the army, and also collected some feedback on the effects of their daily use of some special equipment. In response to some deficiencies in the equipment in their feedback, Designed."

The fact is that Li Ran did understand it and collected some feedback. He originally planned to design it, but after thinking about it, it was the work of a military factory, and there were a lot of exercises during that time, so he shelved it.

It was only after I came here this time that I remembered the 091 project of the Second Institute.

Once the design drawings are made, it is not difficult.

Li Ran said it easily, but Xiang Dashan was already shocked and didn't know what to say. If there are no problems with the design drawing Li Ran produced, then the field army's pontoon bridge vehicle will usher in a qualitative change.

Special vehicles like pontoon vehicles are completely independent and innovative. Is that a simple matter?

After getting the design drawing from Li Ran, Xiang Dashan immediately went to report to the major general without even having time to eat.

In the Major General's office.

"Minister, there is something important." The major general was about to go out for dinner when he was stopped halfway by Xiang Dashan.

"whats the matter?"

"Regarding the 091 project, Staff Officer Li designed a new pontoon bridge vehicle and produced a detailed design drawing.


Hearing this, the major general was a little surprised.

He knows the 091 project. The Second Institute has spent more than a month on this project and the progress is not fast. Why did Li Ran just go to the Second Institute today and took out the design drawings of the new pontoon bridge car. What is going on?

In the office, Major General was also shocked after reading the design drawing 633 of the new pontoon vehicle designed by Li Ran brought by Xiang Dashan.

"He designed this alone?" the major general couldn't help but ask.

"Yes, Minister, if there is nothing wrong with this new design and the military factory can produce it, our field army's pontoon vehicles will lead to innovation, and it will no longer be a dream to be among the top in the world." Xiang Dashan said very seriously said.

There is no way, the field army really has no foundation, it needs money but no money, and it needs technology but no technology. It has only improved a little bit in the past two years.

However, in the past year or so, for some unknown reason, the field army seems to be cheating. Many good things always appear, many of which were unthinkable in the past.

Therefore, the major general immediately convened a meeting with the senior officials of the three institutes.

In the conference room!

Lei Zhenguo looked at the design drawings of the new pontoon bridge that Li Ran took out with a complicated expression.

On the first day I went to the second school, I took out something like this. Why didn’t I take it out when I was in the first school?

This can't be blamed on Li Ran. If he hadn't seen the 091 project carried out by the second institute, he would not have expected it.

After the director of the third institute learned about the situation, Jill was so envious that he wished he could snatch Li Ran away now. When Li Ran was in the first institute, he wrote a technical textbook, went to the second institute, and took out a There are design drawings for a new type of pontoon bridge. When can such talents come to the Third Institute?

"The design drawings of the new pontoon bridge presented by Comrade Li Ran should be carefully studied and discussed by the three of you. If you have any questions..."

Just like last time, the major general made arrangements.

The design drawings of the new pontoon bridge designed by Li Ran must first be checked by engineers from three institutes to ensure that there are no problems or redundancies in the design.

They determined that there were no problems here, and then let the military factory carry out production and manufacturing according to the design drawings. After the production and manufacturing was completed, they still needed to actually test the performance of the new pontoon bridge vehicle.

Engineers from the three institutes worked together and spent an afternoon studying and analyzing the design drawings. Li Ran also explained to everyone the relevant details of the analysis of the design drawings and some of the techniques used, which greatly accelerated the progress. In the end, it was passed unanimously.

All that's left is to hand over the drawings to the military factory and let the military factory manufacture according to the drawings.

Because of Li Ran, the 091 project that had troubled the Second Institute for more than a month has achieved a qualitative breakthrough. All that remains is to wait for the new pontoon bridge vehicle to be manufactured and test its actual performance.

That night, Xiang Dashan, director of the Second Institute, found the major general again.

"Minister, on behalf of the Second Institute, I would like to thank Comrade Li Ran." Xiang Dashan said very seriously.

If one can give credit to Li Ran, the other two can do the same.

(Please ask for everything, ask for everything, thank you!!!!).

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