Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

427: The World Is Shaken! Li Ran Takes The Greatest Credit

The electronic reconnaissance aircraft parked next to the coast has been cordoned off.

After negotiating with the "gangster" on the other side, we expressed our willingness to return everything, and our agreement was very straightforward, and both parties reached an agreement on their attitudes. Everything was just a "misunderstanding"

Just as Li Ran's previous analysis and speculation, the suspicious character of the "gangster" was very shocked by our attitude, and even once suspected that we had taken the wrong medicine.

After some analysis, the "gangster" believed that there was fraud and was definitely planning a certain plan secretly.

After we proposed the route and handover area, we were rejected by the "hooligans" and said that it was up to them to decide the route and handover area.

In response, our negotiators deliberately showed a bit of disappointment and successfully confused the "gangster".

When the gangsters saw this situation, they understood. It was indeed what they guessed. There was a conspiracy. If the handover was carried out according to the route and sea area proposed by us, they would definitely be attacked by black hands.

But now, they decide the route and sea area, so the result is different.

Although pirates are rampant in the sea routes and the high seas closest to the military base, the "rogues" don't take it to heart at all.

The mere pirates had no choice but to flee when they saw their warships.

Therefore, after the double-anti-counterfeiting negotiations were finalized, the "rogue" arranged for personnel to come and carry out the handover matters.

The electronic reconnaissance aircraft was disassembled and transported back by relevant technical personnel sent by the "rogue". Although the relevant instruments and equipment on it were still usable, the key point was that they were destroyed long after the driver made an emergency landing.

The purpose of this is to prevent key technology 08 from leaking.

The colonel handed over the pilot who was like a dead dog to the other party. Upon seeing this, Charles, who was responsible for the handover, immediately asked: "Char, what's wrong with you? Are you okay?"

And Charles, who had received some "education" work, could not even speak at this time, and his whole body seemed to be falling apart, and there was pain everywhere.

Because when he was beaten, the place where he was beaten was covered with newspapers, so there was no trace of the beating at all.

Seeing that the target he was about to meet was ignored, Charles protested to the colonel dissatisfied: "Why is he like this? He has suffered inhumane treatment here."

Seeing the other party's anxious look, the colonel looked very calm and said calmly: "Your Excellency, please pay attention to your words. We didn't do anything to him. Did you find any signs of being abused on him again? He may be looking like this. It’s related to the impact he suffered when he made an emergency landing.”

The colonel is very satisfied with this education method. It is very direct. His ears have become much quieter along the way. The most important thing is that there are no traces of being beaten on his body. This is great.


Charles was choked by the colonel's words. After carefully checking Charles's whole body, he found no trace of being beaten.

After all, he is not a critical doctor, and now is not the time to dwell on this matter. His mission is to escort people and things back as quickly as possible.

As long as Char still breathes, his mission will be completed.

Charles did not waste time on this matter. After getting everything ready, he took Charles directly to the freighter arranged by us and set off.

When the time comes, their own warships will come to meet them.

The colonel watched the freighter leave with a cold look in his eyes.

After doing such a thing, do you really think you can escape safely? Do you think this is a place where you can come and leave whenever you want?

At the same time as the freighter set off, a secret team also set off. This mission was codenamed: "Sea Ghost"

That's right, this secret team will be like turtles, quietly landing on the cargo ship and taking away the target.

On the deck of the freighter, Charles, who was like a dead dog, was arranged to rest in his room. Charles stood on the deck with a glass of red wine, looking at the endless sea.

Next to him is Charles' assistant and confidant, who is also one of the people who performed this escort mission.

"I have a question. Since we are allowed to go back, why not arrange a warship to escort us, but just arrange an ordinary cargo ship for us?" Will asked in confusion.

"You don't understand this. I have already received the notice. This is what we mean." Charles heard this and smiled proudly: "The fact that they agreed not to send warships to escort them shows that they are really scared. Will, do you see that no matter who you are, you have to surrender in front of us."

"Yeah, no one can compete with us." Will said proudly, this is the advantage of hard fists.

In the face of absolute strength, what will happen if he takes the initiative to provoke you and steps on you?

Not convinced? If you're not convinced, lift the table if you can. If you don't dare, just endure it honestly.

On the freighter, after Alice got in touch with the battleship on her side, she felt extremely safe and confident. After three hours and forty-five minutes, they would successfully reach the target area.

And according to the original speed, the warships on our side can also meet on time.

the other side.

The conference room of the Fourth Machinery Department.

At this time, everyone present looked very serious, waiting for the battle report from the front. The secret team had already set off. If it acted according to the original plan, the operation would be completed in about ten hours.

In three hours, all traces will be removed and disguised.

Even if the "rogues" sent people to board the ship later, nothing would be found, and the traces found would only be related to pirates.

At present, the conference room of the Fourth Machine Department has formed the first pre-war headquarters. This operation is fully commanded by Li Ran, because Li Ran is the planner of this operation.

At the same time, the video call between the General Staff and the Fourth Machinery Department has not been interrupted, and they are keeping an eye on the progress of the operation.

Ensure that if an emergency occurs, Li Ran can obtain the highest authority to handle it.

This time, the nature of the task is very critical, so there must be no mistakes.

Although the action plan planned by Li Ran was perfect, accurate to every minute and every second, all details were considered, and the plan was flawless.

Even after military modeling, the resulting data success rate was 89 percent.

Under such uncontrollable factors, being able to control such a success rate is already quite impressive.


On the cruise ship, Charles and his assistant were resting in their room. Suddenly, the door was kicked open.

Several masked armed men armed with AK47s pointed their guns at him.

"Come out." The leader used the local language, and his tone was very engrossed.

Seeing this scene, Charles was instantly confused. He quickly raised his hand and revealed his identity.

Judging from the costumes of this group of people, they are obviously pirates, but Charles doesn't understand why pirates appear here. Judging from the time, they have not yet entered the sea where pirates exist.

Regarding the identity shown by Charles, the leader did not pay any attention to it and just replied lightly.

"Fuck, what you're robbing is the freighter, no matter who you are."

Everyone on the ship was controlled by this group of pirates. When Charles came outside, he was shocked when he saw the sea outside.

Why, why did they arrive at the pirate-infested waters ahead of time?

They arrived more than an hour ahead of schedule. What on earth is going on?

But Charles was taken away without thinking too much, including the pilot who was like a dead dog. After taking Charles away, the remaining personnel immediately camouflaged the cruise ship.

This was a freighter. Before departure, the freighter was carrying some cargo. All the valuable cargo was transported away, including the reconnaissance aircraft that had been dismantled into parts.

After everything was done, according to the original plan, we sailed towards the nearby unknown island a hundred nautical miles away.

The rest of the action will be carried out on this unknown island.

Kill everything that needs to be killed, do not let go of anyone, take away everything that needs to be taken away, everything is completed, the secret team returns, and the action is very fast and crisp.

When the "rogue" fleet arrived as scheduled, they were dumbfounded by the scene in front of them.

There was no one on the cruise ship, and the things were gone. The entire cruise ship seemed to have been ransacked. The most important thing was that the time agreed by them was so far in advance without notifying them.

The fleet captain immediately arranged for personnel to land on the ship for investigation, but after careful investigation, all traces found pointed to a mastermind.

Those are the pirates hanging around!

"This is impossible. How could the damn pirates have the guts to let fighter planes take off and conduct reconnaissance of the surrounding sea area of ​​a hundred nautical miles." The captain immediately issued an order.


Soon, several fighter planes took off to conduct a survey of the surrounding area within a hundred nautical miles, hoping to find any traces of suspicious ships.

It's just that at this point in time, the secret team has already sailed out of the investigation range, and it is impossible to be discovered.

In the conference room.

"Reporting to the leader, the mission has been successfully completed." Li Ran said with a serious face, and he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. Everything went according to his plan.

After all, he was not leading the team himself. In order to ensure the success of the mission, Li Ran even set aside ten minutes for quick reaction time when planning this action plan.

"Well done. The head of the General Staff looked pleased and praised and affirmed Li Ran in public.

Whether it was the General Staff or the Fourth Machinery Department conference room, everyone was very excited about the successful completion of this operation, and even couldn't believe it.

This is the first time, this is really the first time, they have used a "gangster's hand" like this. Although it is not a direct flip of the table, this method is more beneficial to their own side.

Even if the "gangsters" believe that they were responsible, they can't find the slightest evidence, and at most they can only be helpless and furious.

But so what if it is made public, you decide the voyage, you decide each domain, you even decide the type of ship chosen for transportation, and you are not allowed to arrange warship escorts.

Everything was done in accordance with your request, but an accident like this happened. Who is to blame?

Even if the "gangster" is no longer shameless, he still doesn't have the courage to continue to slap people in the face without any evidence.

The mission was successful, but it did not mean that the incident was over. After the news came out, the world was shocked.

Fighting is impossible, but a war of words is inevitable...

(Please ask for everything, ask for everything, thank you!!!).

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