Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

436: An Own Goal! Tibetan Military Region, Where I Was A Recruit

In front of the small foreign-style building, a bulletproof camouflage jeep stopped, and Li Ran slowly got out of the car.

Not long after getting off the car, Fang Qiang immediately came to Li Ran, his eyes scanning the surroundings, and he was on high alert.

As Li Ran's bodyguard, although he knows that his strength is far inferior to that of Li Ran, he still has to do his duty. Once an emergency occurs, he must ensure Li Ran's safety even if he sacrifices himself.

Although Li Ran is only a colonel, due to the special status, Fang Qiang is also equipped with a pistol loaded with live ammunition at his waist.

"Don't be nervous, this is my home.

Seeing Fang Qiang like this, Li Ran said helplessly.

"Chief, although my strength is not as good as yours, my duty is to ensure your personal safety." Fang Qiang said very seriously.

"You are surrounded by neighbors. If something is really wrong, the people in Chaoyang will definitely notice it earlier than you." Li Ran joked.

Just as the words fell, Li Ran instantly noticed something was wrong.

Li Ran keenly discovered that there were indeed many strange faces within a hundred meters of his home. These strange faces were not passers-by.

Although these people are doing the things they currently have the status of doing, their eyes will drift to their homes from time to time. It is not the kind of pure curiosity, but more like they are monitoring something.

For a moment, Li Ran sighed in his heart, is there really someone who is not afraid of death who dares to have thoughts about himself and his family?

His family is his enemy. Li Ran is not afraid of someone attacking him, but he is afraid that someone would dare to attack his family.

Since joining the army and having been in the army for so long, Li Ran has never taken a test in this area, but now it seems that safety issues really need to be considered.

A young man not far away saw Li "480" looking at him, and immediately pretended to avoid looking naturally and talk to the people around him.

It seems natural, but it is still a bit deliberate. This illusion cannot confuse Li Ran.

Li Ran's face darkened and he walked over quickly. When Fang Qiang noticed it, he followed immediately. He noticed something was wrong with Li Ran's expression.

"Chief, is something wrong?" Fang Qiang asked with a wary look.

Li Ran didn't say anything, and quickly came to the two of them. Without giving them a chance to react, he immediately controlled the two of them. Li Ran picked up one of them and said in a cold voice: "Tell me, who sent you here?" ?”

At this moment, Li Ran's voice contained no emotion at all, and the fierce momentum made the man breathless.

Seeing this scene, Fang Qiang felt as if he was facing a formidable enemy. He took out his gun in an instant and at the same time scanned the surroundings, alerting that there were others lurking nearby.

"Li, Director Li, misunderstanding, misunderstanding."

The person who was detained by Li Ran was overwhelmed by Li Ran's suffocating momentum, and struggled to speak quickly.

If he hadn't received professional training and had certain mental qualities, any other ordinary person would probably be frightened to death by Li Ran's aura in front of him.

"Say your identity." Li Ran said coldly when he heard this address, but his grip did not relax much.

"Director Li, don't get me wrong, we are here to protect your family." Seeing this, the man quickly explained clearly.

Hearing this, Li Ran slowly let go.

By analyzing the expression and tone of the man in front of me, it didn't look like he was telling a lie, and since he had already discovered it, there was no point in telling a lie.

"I'll give you a minute, let your leader come and talk to me." Li Ran said.

Soon, a middle-aged man came to Li Ran to communicate with Li Ran. At the same time, Fang Qiang also contacted the relevant departments for enquiry.

After a while, the misunderstanding was resolved. These people were indeed sent to protect the safety of their families, and they had just received orders from their superiors to come here for long-term protection.

"Sorry." After understanding clearly, Li Ran apologized politely.

"Director Li, it's all a misunderstanding. It doesn't matter." The middle-aged man who led the team said quickly, feeling very depressed in his heart.

As professionals, they are quite professional when doing this kind of work. They have received professional training in lurking, monitoring, and protecting.

They were ordered to come to Li Ran's home for a long period of time to lurk and perform protection tasks. I thought that their deployment was perfect and could not be noticed by outsiders. Who would have thought that Li Ran would see through it at a glance.

This makes them very depressed, which shows that there is something wrong with their professional quality.

After understanding it clearly, Li Ran left. As soon as Li Ran left, the team leader yelled at his team members: "What the hell, how do you train each of them on a daily basis? I'm sorry, let's get out of here." Go back and review."

The people have been discovered, and a new group of people need to be replaced to perform the task.

To carry out this long-term secret protection work, the most important thing is that unfamiliar faces cannot be discovered.

"It's true. I sent someone to protect my family and said hello to me in advance. Something almost happened." Li Ran complained with some dissatisfaction.

After hearing this, Fang Qiang, who was following Li Ran, burst into tears and felt ashamed.

As Li Ran's bodyguard, he didn't notice the abnormal situation around him at the first time. Li Ran, the person he was responsible for protecting, discovered it on his own initiative.

Li Jun and Xia Qin were very surprised by Li Ran's sudden return. Because today is not the weekend, why did he come back suddenly?

Li Jun was even more surprised when he saw Fang Qiang next to Li Ran.

"Son, who is this?" Li Jun asked.

"Dad, this is my guard Fang Qiang, who is responsible for protecting my safety." Li Ran introduced.



After hearing Li Ran's explanation, Li Jun couldn't help but take a breath of air. Good guy, his son has been equipped with guards even after he became a colonel?

More importantly, Fang Qiang had a gun on his waist, and Li Jun could see it clearly.

Having a guard is awesome, having a guard with a gun is even better.

"Son, what happened?" Xia Qin asked quickly.

How could a person suddenly appear and want to protect his son's safety? Is there anyone who wants to do harm to his son?

"Mom, it's nothing. The superior leaders care about me, so they assigned me security guards." Li Ran explained.

Hearing this, Xia Qin breathed a sigh of relief.

Li Jun felt a little emotional in his heart. He had been a soldier, but in the past, he always looked at the big bosses who had guards from a distance. He never expected that a man with guards would appear in his home.

After learning that Li Ran could take half a month off this time, Li Jun and Xia Qin were not as excited as before.

If it had been before, when Li Ran was still leading soldiers in the army, they would have been extremely happy if they could have such a long time off to go home.

But I don’t feel that way now, because Li Ran came back every week before, and came back more frequently, so that’s it.

So after Li Ran had dinner at home, he set off to visit his old unit. The first stop was the place where he had just joined the army, the Tibetan Military Region Reconnaissance Company.

It holds a lot of memories for Li Ran. From being a new recruit to his first actual combat mission, the Tibetan Military Region Reconnaissance Company means a lot to Ji Ran.

Beijing Military Airport.

Not long after, a special plane took off and flew to the Tibetan Military Region.

Normally, Li Ran doesn't get a special plane right now, but Li Ran is so good. He has so many cards. After Fang Qiang came forward and had a conversation, he easily applied for a special plane.

Four hours later.

Tibetan Military Region.

The military plane Li Ran was on landed slowly.

The Tibetan Military Region also received the notification. Wu Deqing, Chief of Staff of the Military Region, and his people were already here waiting for Li Ran's arrival.

Li Ran just got off the plane and saw Wu Deqing and others. The familiar faces made Li Ran feel extremely emotional for a moment.

"Old chief, you are here in person, boy, I am flattered." Li Ran smiled.

When he was still in the Tibetan Military Region, the major general and chief of staff took good care of himself and was regarded as his old leader.

"You have a good conscience, and you still know how to come back and take a look. I thought you had forgotten all of us." Wu Deqing joked.

Looking at Li Ran today, Wu Deqing was very emotional. When Li Ran was still in the Tibetan Military Region, he knew that Li Ran's future was limitless.

But Li Ran's progress completely exceeded his expectations. From the time Li Ran joined the army, it took less than two years to be promoted from private to colonel.

This promotion speed is too exaggerated and has not been experienced by the field army in recent years.

Although the Tibetan Military Region is remote, he still knew about the original exercise. Li Ran commanded himself to create a new type of combined regiment force and beat seven divisions, winning them all.

All these things made Wu Deqing very happy.

The only regret is that Li Ran no longer belongs to the Tibetan Military Region. He was snatched away when he first showed his talents. This is the eternal pain in Wu Deqing's heart.

But because of Li Ran, the Tibetan Military Region has also received a lot of benefits. Compared with before, the General Staff has taken more care of the Tibetan Military Region, as well as the non-commissioned officer school that Li Ran founded in the Tibetan Military Region.

Nowadays, the non-commissioned officer school of the Tibetan Military Region has become an important place for transporting key non-commissioned officers to various units, which is of great help to various combat units.

"How can I? I will never forget this place for the rest of my life, where I started as a soldier..." Li Ran said from the bottom of his heart.

"Have a nice drink later, sleep here tonight, and go to the Fifth Group tomorrow." Wu Deqing has already made arrangements.

"Okay." Li Ran agreed immediately.

Because of Li Ran's arrival, Wu Deqing was very happy and drank for the first time. His happy look shocked the others.

This was the first time that they saw their chief of staff so happy, and they drank for the first time.

What shocked them even more was that Colonel Li Ran was actually surrounded by guards, and he was also a guard with a gun.

This kind of treatment is only given to the chief of staff and commander.

The next day!

Wu Deqing arranged his special car for Li Ran, and Li Ran took the military region chief of staff's special car to the Fifth Border Defense Regiment.

The fifth regiment headquarters!

After receiving the notice, the leader of the fifth regiment, Lei Lei Feng, had already issued an order for people to prepare.

"Commander, which head of the military region is here to inspect? It's so grand."

Seeing this, Li Hu, who is now a major staff officer of the Fifth Regiment, couldn't help but ask.

Li Hu, the commander of the Seventh Company who originally investigated the Seventh Company, finally received a promotion in his military career after Li Ran left the Tibetan Military Region. He was promoted from captain to major and came to the regiment headquarters to serve as regiment staff officer.

"It's not the head of the military region, but he has a lot of experience. You know him." Lei Lei Feng said with a smile, deliberately giving it a try.

"Not a small background? Do I know him? The people I know don't have a big background." Hearing this, Li Hu said helplessly.

"You'll know when people come."

After a while, a jeep drove into the headquarters of the fifth regiment and appeared in the sight of Lei Feng and others.

"This license plate belongs to the chief of staff's car?" Li Hu was shocked after seeing the license plate.

Unexpectedly, it was the Chief of Staff of the Military Region who came to inspect the Fifth Regiment. This car was the special car of the Chief of Staff of the Military Region, and many people knew this license plate.

Seeing this, Li Hu was very depressed. What nonsense did his regiment leader say before? It was clearly the chief of staff of the military region who came to inspect, but he also said that he was not the head of the military region, but that he knew him.

He knew the chief of staff of the military region, but it didn't mean anything.

Under the watchful eyes of Lei Lei Feng and others, Li Ran slowly got out of the car and saw the old commander of the fifth regiment and the former company commander at a glance.

But I didn't expect that the original company commander would be promoted from captain to major.

"Old regiment commander, old company commander, long time no see."

After Li Ran got off the car, he greeted Lei Lei Feng and Li Hu with a smile. When he was still a recruit, everything that happened here could not help but appear in his mind.

"Li, Li Ran?"

Seeing the person coming, Li Hu couldn't help but utter a sound of surprise. He thought he had seen it wrong, so he couldn't help but rub his eyes. After confirming that he had seen it right, he was even more shocked.

"Li Ran? Is that the legendary officer?"

"Yes, that's him. He is a colonel at such a young age. There is no one else but him.

"I didn't expect that this legendary officer would come to our fifth regiment for 2.5 years. It's really unexpected.

"The chief of staff has arranged special cars for him, and he even has guards. What a great deal."

"If you were as strong as him, you could also have such a card."

For a moment, when others heard the name Li Ran, they couldn't help but started talking quietly.

As long as you are in the Tibetan Military Region, especially the Fifth Regiment, who doesn't know Li Ran's name?

The legendary officer who walked out of the fifth regiment's reconnaissance company, after joining the army, everything he did in the army was a miracle, and he set some records that no one can break.

"Good boy, you're already a colonel, awesome."

Lei Leifeng stepped forward and patted Li Ran on the shoulder cheerfully, with a look of relief in his eyes. He also gave Li Ran a thumbs up, admiring him from the bottom of his heart.

At that time, Li Ran came to the regimental library to borrow books in order to read. He clearly remembered everything in the past.

"How come you have time to come back?"

Li Hu, who was Li Ran's former company commander, was even more direct and gave Li Ran a big hug when he came up, although Li Ran is now a colonel and his status is unusual.

But in the military, rank doesn't mean everything.

Even if Li Ran is now a major general, Lei Leifeng is still Li Ran's old regiment commander, and Li Hu is still Li Ran's old company commander. They can never change.

This is like some university teachers saluting and saying hello to the squad leader in front of a senior non-commissioned officer. This is the same reason.

"I have half a month's vacation. I will come back to see my old workplace. I miss my old workplace." Li Ran was filled with emotion for a while.


(I beg for everything, for everything, thank you on my knees!!! I took my wife to the hospital for a check-up, but the child was not saved, and I felt uncomfortable, ugh...).

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