Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

441: Senior Brother Is Getting Married! Set Foot On Zhuhe's Training Ground Again

After staying in Luyuan for two days, Li Ran set off to leave.

Regarding Li Ran's departure, a group of students from the Lu Academy originally wanted to send him off, but the police were watching him eagerly. For no special reason, they could not gather in a large group there, and the principal did not allow them to see him off, so they had to give up in the end.

All the students could only rebuke in their hearts: the hateful pickets are ruining my good deeds!

No wonder the pickets have to leave a week early every year when they are discharged from the army. If they are discharged with other people, it will be difficult for the pickets to get out safely.

Ending the journey to the Army Academy, the next stop is: Northern Military Region, H Group Army Heavy Equipment Z Division!

Division Z, the first heavy armor division of the field army, is also the strongest main combat division in the field army. With its terrifying number of heavy armor, the division occupies a particularly important strategic position.

Even regarding the new round of orders for the transformation of the combat system of each combat unit from comprehensive mechanization to informationization and synthesis, the general staff boss has already greeted everyone in advance.

The chief officers of each unit were also asked to prepare and come up with specific measures related to the transformation of the combat system. However, in terms of changes in the combat system, the situation of the Z Division is different from that of other combat units.

Regarding the changes in the Z Division's combat system, not only the Army Headquarters, but even the General Staff attached great importance to it.

It would be better to change the Z Division's combat system more slowly, but also to ensure it is more stable. "Zero Eighty"

The important strategic position of the Z Division itself makes it impossible for the Z Division to reduce the corresponding number of heavy equipment like other conventional combat units.

Informatization and synthetic combat systems are very important. The purpose is to refine the command system as much as possible and improve command efficiency. However, the number of heavy equipment cannot be blindly discarded for this purpose.

The number of heavy equipment of the Z Division must not be reduced. While ensuring the number of heavy equipment, it is also necessary to ensure that the command efficiency of the Z Division is higher than before, and the coordination of various units is more complete.

Of course, regarding the changes to the Z Division's combat system, Qi Long, the commander of the Z Division, specifically talked to Li Ran a long time ago. At that time, Li Ran also gave certain suggestions.

Including later, when Li Ran was in the Ministry of Military Affairs, in the report on the changes in the combat system of the entire army, Li Ran also specifically listed it on the Z Division and gave certain guiding opinions.

In fact, as long as the guidance plan given by Li Ran is followed, there will be no problem with the system reform of Division Z. It will only take some time and all units under the division to put more effort into training.

Northern Military District, Army Group H, military airport.

Li Ran's connecting flight landed slowly. The H Group Army headquarters attached great importance to the news of Li Ran's arrival.

After learning that Li Ran just wanted to go to Division Z to see his senior brother, the Lieutenant General was very straightforward and directly arranged a special car to send Li Ran to Division Z.

In the past, Li Ran would definitely not have received such treatment, but now it is no better than before. Although Li Ran is just a colonel, he is not an ordinary colonel.

Behind Colonel Li Ran stood a towering tree like the General Staff Boss, and a notice was issued from above that no matter where he went, Li Ran's safety must be ensured.

After receiving this order from their superiors, everyone understood it instantly.

Z Division Headquarters!

Regarding Li Ran's arrival, Z Division Chief of Staff Wang Keqin led people from the division headquarters to hold a simple welcome ceremony for Li Ran.

"Director Li, welcome to Division Z." Wang Keqin smiled and expressed a warm welcome to Li Ran's arrival.

This is not only because of Li Ran's current status, but also because Li Ran is his own senior's fellow student, and to a certain extent, he belongs to his family.

"Chief of Staff Wang, long time no see. It's not my first time here, so there's no need to be so polite." Li Ran smiled.

Hearing this, the smile on Wang Keqin's face became more intense, and he felt very emotional in his heart.

Yes, it is not the first time for Li Ran to come to Z Division, but the number of times Li Ran has come to Z Division is also clear. It was quite early when Li Ran came to Z Division for the first time. At that time, he was just a captain.

But now, in a short period of time, the former captain has become a colonel, and he is still the kind of outrageous colonel with terrifying strength and background.

Even if he is the chief of staff of Division Z, in front of Li Ran, that's it.

"Where is my senior brother?" Li Ran asked curiously, not seeing Qi Long, the commander of the heavy armor division.

Logically speaking, if his senior brother knew that he was coming, he would definitely come out to welcome him.

"The division commander is leading the team for training. I have called him to inform him. He said that he will ask you to come and find him when you arrive." Wang Keqin said.

Wang Keqin is still very envious of the friendship between Qi Long and Li Ran.

One is the commander of the heavy armored division of the Z Division, and the other is a legendary officer of the field army. One is really better than the other.

On the training ground.

Qi Long, the commander of Division Z, was leading the team to direct the training, and Tiger 6s roared one after another on the training ground.

On the ground, infantry fighting vehicles, armored vehicles, and personnel carriers cooperated with main battle tanks for collaborative combat training. In the air, an army aviation brigade maneuvered and circled in the air.

The air knight makes timely adjustments according to the assault formation of combat troops on the ground.

The scene was very spectacular and majestic, and the cooperation between the land combat troops and the air force was very close.

Since his last visit to the Synthetic Group, Qi Long has been determined to be on par with the Synthetic Group in terms of training. To be precise, it is today's Synthetic Brigade.

When Li Ran also led the formation of the regiment, the collaborative training model of the various combat units of the regiment inspired Qi Long a lot.

Since returning last time, Qi Long has conducted new training methods in Division Z, and the results have been pretty good. The coordination efficiency of various combat units has indeed improved a lot than before.

"First Battalion, if you go faster, what are you thinking about?"

"Third Battalion, watch the distance. Don't get so close. You want to be eaten in one fell swoop.

Qi Long looked serious and directly pointed out the shortcomings of each battalion in training.

"Senior brother, I haven't seen you for a while. Master Z is a little different from before." At this time, Li Ran's voice came to Qi Long's ears.

"You're finally here. I've been waiting for you here for a long time. I almost thought you couldn't catch up. Can you help me see what areas need improvement?" Qi Long said.

Li Ran saw such a large-scale training by Master Z and nodded secretly. Master Z now has indeed improved a lot compared to when he first came to Master Z.

Unfortunately, in Li Ran's opinion, the command efficiency and the coordination of various units are still a bit bloated.

After hearing some opinions expressed by Li Ran, Qi Long said helplessly: "On the premise of ensuring a sufficient number of heavy equipment, it is still too difficult to streamline the command and reduce bloat. I will change this based on the suggestions you gave. It would be better for me to figure it out on my own while I am confused."

"Brother, you have overlooked a very critical issue." Li Ran said.

"What's the problem?" Qi Long asked confused.

"Indeed, Z Division must ensure enough heavy equipment, which means that the auxiliary combat companies must keep up, but you have never thought of changing the three main battle groups of Z Division into a composite regiment, an armored regiment, and a mechanized infantry regiment. ........

Li Ran's suggestion instantly opened up the thinking of Qi Long, the commander of the heavy equipment division.

"Yeah, why didn't I think of that?" Qi Long said, slapping his forehead. He really didn't think about this at first.

"Forget it, senior brother, I'm just casually telling you that Master Z has made such great progress now. Leave the rest to me." Li Ran said.

"Leave it to you?" Hearing this, Qi Long was stunned for a moment, and then he was speechless for a moment after he came to his senses.

Good guy, in Li Ran's heart, he always thought that it would be his turn to change the Z Division's combat system, and he didn't take himself as the current division commander seriously at all.

In the past, Qi Long might not believe it, but recently, Qi Long really started to believe it.

Because there are rumors circulating, it may not be long before he, the commander of the heavy armored division, will be transferred to the group army headquarters.

Although it is just a rumor, nothing is groundless. The meaning of the change in the position of Heavy Equipment Division Commander is very different. From the current point of view, the only candidate who can take over as the next Z Division Commander is Li Ran.

Thinking of this, Qi Long felt a little depressed.

At some point, he, the commander of the Heavy Equipment Division, had to rely on others to "progress".

In layman's terms, if Li Ran "comes quickly", he, the commander of the heavy equipment division, will "leave quickly."

After the training of the entire Z Division, Qi Long asked all regiments and battalions to return to their bases. The opportunity for the entire division to gather together for training is not easy and expensive, so Qi Long pays special attention to it every time.

On the way back.

Qi Long announced a piece of news to Li Ran that Li Ran did not expect at all.

"Next Wednesday, I'm getting married. It will be held at the Z Division Headquarters. You will come over no matter what." Qi Long said, with a rare rosy look on his dark face [somewhat uncomfortable]

"Brother, are you getting married? Who is your sister-in-law? Do I know her?" When Li Ran heard this, he immediately became interested and was very shocked.

Unexpectedly, the commander of the Heavy Equipment Division, who had been single before, would suddenly get married. He has been single for more than 30 years, and major personal matters were solved at the drop of a hat. Could this be love?

"You know her, she's a staff officer. Last time you made a promotional video for the Hengying camp on April 3, she even appeared in a friendly role." Qi Long said a little embarrassed.

"A female staff officer who has played a friendly role?" Hearing this, Li Ran thought in his mind, and soon a face appeared.

Li Ran remembered that when the Henghe camp shot the promotional video, they did find two female staff officers to star in it. One of them was Ai Xue [there was also a female staff officer who played the role of Veyron during the filming.

It was just false at that time, but I didn’t expect that it would become true now.

"Senior brother, congratulations on having a son soon. I will definitely come when the time comes." Li Ran said immediately.

"Thanks to you, your sister-in-law and I can be together. After more than thirty years of being single, we can finally end our single life. This can be considered as a major life event has been solved." Qi Long said with emotion.

Li Ran stayed in Division Z for one night and then left.

Leaving Z Division, the next stop is also the last stop of Li Ran's vacation, the combined brigade at the Zhuhe training ground.

After all, it was a troop that he personally formed and trained, just like a child who was brought up by his own hands. It would be a lie to say that he doesn't miss it.

A few hours later, and after more than two months, Li Ran once again set foot on the land of Zhuhe Training Ground...

(Please ask for everything, ask for everything, thank you!!!!).

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