Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

448: Build A War Simulation Laboratory! Improving Mission Revival

The large-scale campaign mode is the essence of the game "Resurgence of Mission", and the special operations mode is just a relatively small form of war.

At the beginning, when it came to programming the large-scale battle suit mode, no one involved in the programming was optimistic, and no one thought that this game mode could be achieved.

In the end, it was made under the leadership of Li Ran.

At that time, except for Li Ran, the other programmers were all excited and couldn't believe that they could actually create such game content. It was simply a pioneering work in the history of games.

In military games, this game mode is definitely of epoch-making significance.

Matching successful, game loading.

Successfully entered the game and obtained the status of commander....

Platoon commander, company commander, battalion commander, regiment commander, division commander...

In the game "Mission Revival", the military ranks in the campaign command mode are strictly based on the current military ranks of the field army, ranging from platoon leader to group army commander.

The red and blue sides confront each other, and the strengths and weaknesses of the battlefield can be seen from the strength of both sides.

The troop value of both sides will be consumed at regular intervals. You can reduce the consumption rate of troop value by occupying certain strategic positions on the map.

When people from both sides fight together, the consumption of vehicles and the death and resurrection of characters will speed up the consumption of troop values.

When the number of strongholds on both sides is equal, but you find that your own force value is greatly reduced, it means that the other party is killing heavily and is at an absolute disadvantage.

The map in the game uses many classic battle sites from World War II as background templates.

At present, the large-scale campaign mode in "Resurgence of Mission" is only a semi-mechanized and fully mechanized campaign mode.

The purpose is to cultivate a commander's thinking and train officers and soldiers of various arms on how to clearly clarify their functions in war and cultivate a war thinking model after the war comes.

At the beginning of the game, Li Ran used internal authority to directly obtain the position of the most senior commander of the red team.

Many players on the red side were a little confused about the fact that the man with the ID name Imperial Fox suddenly became the commander with the highest authority of his side.

Who is this Imperial Fox?

As we all know, creating a character in this game requires identity verification. In a large-scale battle like this, the position of commander is not something you can just take. To a certain extent, when creating a character, the military rank level must meet the standards.

It is impossible for an ordinary non-commissioned officer to play this game and then become the supreme commander all at once. This is a pure waste of time.

Of course, you can play the single-player mode in the game, which has no restrictions on military rank levels.

Similar to the current local area networking model, multiple people engage in confrontational operations, and there are certain restrictions on military ranks. Li Ran got the highest authority commander position as soon as he came up, which made many people on the red side very curious.

Who is this player whose ID is Imperial Fox?

In the current game mode, one can obtain the highest command authority, and the military rank should be at least senior colonel.

"Who is this Imperial Fox?"

"I don't know. It's the first time I've seen this ID. Who is the boss?"

"I saw him on a public screen chat before. He seemed to be a master of special operations."

"A master of special operations? Can you still play this mode? Are you a captain of some special forces?"

"Not even the captain of the special forces. What does the commander of the corps and the captain of the special forces know? Don't let laymen get involved.

Many players on the red side were talking about it.

Before the game starts, the deployment of arms and forces is carried out under the authority of commander Li Ran.

After some deployment, the game officially started, and players from both red and blue sides began to fight.

Tanks, armored vehicles, and infantry fighting vehicles, even in the game, are still coordinated by infantry and tanks. In a normal game, if you want to win, you must occupy a sufficient strategic position, or directly crush the opponent.

To complete the occupation of key points, infantry and tanks are indispensable.

The actions between the teams are directed by the team leader. Li Ran, the highest authority commander, coordinates the overall situation and determines the next deployment based on the overall battle situation.

As soon as the battle started, the fighting between the two sides was very fierce.

Fortunately, the game graphics are not too surprising. With the current development of computer hardware, it is still not enough to pursue a game with very surprising graphics, or the effect of chasing light0

For a good game, the graphics do not have to be very beautiful, but the game mode and content must be interesting.

It can be said that the players in the game "Resurgence of Mission" are all real soldiers. There is no cheating or cheating. The team cooperates very closely and will act according to the orders issued.

After such a game is played, the team will be effective.

This kind of mechanized corps commanding operations is really not difficult at all for Li Ran.

Under Li Ran's precise deployment, the red team's personnel were always able to be one step ahead and occupy key positions, while the blue team was constantly suppressed. On the screen, the strength of the two sides quickly widened.

The blue side's troop values ​​are depleted very quickly. Both sides initially had 600 troop points. However, just ten minutes into the battle, the blue side only had 435 points left, while the red side had 566 points left.

In ten minutes, a gap of more than 100 troops was opened.

The difference in troop strength is equivalent to reflecting the situation of both sides.

The red side is getting easier and more courageous as they fight, while the blue side is being beaten back and forth, just like a snowball. Once it starts rolling, the army will be defeated like a mountain.

"Who is this Imperial Fox~?"

At this time, the commander of the blue side, who was the major general and deputy commander of a certain group army, was very busy.

He was a dignified deputy commander and major general of a group army, but he couldn't beat the opponent in battle command. From the beginning of the battle, he was completely suppressed, which made him feel very humiliated.

And he dared to take such a pretentious ID as Empire Fox, which made him even more angry.

Imperial Fox, do you know how valuable the title Imperial Fox is?

No army commander dared to boast that he could rival the so-called Imperial Fox.

Seeing that the gap between the two sides was getting bigger and bigger, the major general did not give up, readjusted the tactical deployment, and issued game instructions to each team in the game.

Each team began to redeploy according to the major general's new deployment.

But all this seems to have been understood by Li Ran. When the major general changes, the red side is also changing.

After twenty minutes passed.

Seeing that the gap in strength between the two sides reached a terrifying 300 points, the major general looked ashen and despaired. With this gap, the defeat was irreversible.

On the battlefield, all key strategic positions are controlled by the red side.

Due to the large gap in troop strength, looking around, the battlefield is almost full of players from the red side. The blue side can only see one or two occasionally, showing a scene of defeat.

After three minutes, the game ends.

The red side won with an overwhelming advantage.

In the chat column, both the red and blue parties were excited.

"Let me go, who is the boss of the Imperial Fox? This command is so awesome."

"The commander of the red side is the deputy commander of our group army, and he was beaten so badly."

"Hiss, this Imperial Fox is so fierce, it completely suppressed the deputy commander of our army and beat him like a tortoise.

"No wonder you dare to call it the Arc of Empire. It's really different. This strength is really incredible."

"It seems like all the big guys in the special mode area are looking for him.

While the red and blue sides were discussing fiercely, Li Ran had already quit the game and was rematching for the next round.

As a game that is only tested in the field army, and the players are all soldiers, it is indeed very effective and full of experience when tested.

In the game, everyone will strictly follow the instructions given to complete the tasks and will not mess around.

In Li Ran's office.

There are constant sounds of gunshots, cannons, and sound effects from various games.

Everyone passing by in the second hall could hear this sound clearly.

"The director is really awesome. He openly plays games during working hours."

"What kind of game is this? It crackles, it must be a military game."

"It's definitely a military game. Didn't the Field Army recently independently develop a military game called "Mission Revival"? It's quite popular."

"I know this game, but it's a pity that I don't have permission and can't play it."

"What a shame, we sit in the office all day, so we don't have time to play. It would be really shameful to play games in the office.


After working overtime for three hours, Ren Fei finally finished handling today's affairs and was ready to get off work.

Just walking in the corridor, I could still clearly hear the sound of the game coming from Li Ran's office.

Hearing the voice, Ren Fei shook his head helplessly. This young director is really casual. He has been playing games for a whole day and he still doesn't want to leave?

Because Li Ran shared almost all the work with Ren Fei, deputy director Ren Fei had a lot more work today than before.

"Li Chu, why don't you go back and rest?"

After thinking for a while, Ren Fei walked into Li Ran's office and asked.

"It's still early, I'll play some more, please go back and rest first." Li Ran said, keeping his eyes on the screen.

"Then I'll ask the cafeteria to bring you a midnight snack." Ren Fei said.

Li Ran played games all day long and spent all his meal time playing games in the office, forgetting to eat and sleep.

"Thanks, Ren." Li Ran thanked him a little.

The next day!

As everyone in the second hall came to work one after another, they were all surprised to find that they had just arrived early in the morning, and their director was still playing games in the office.

Looking at it like this, it looks like he has been playing all night, all night long.

"The director didn't go back all night?"

"Just now I secretly took a chance to take a look, it was "Mission Revival". That's right.

"Is this game so fun? Can our director be so addicted to it?"

"Games are still very destructive to young people. The director was originally a workaholic, but now he is devoted to games.

"What are you talking about here if you don't work? Do your own thing."

As the deputy director, Ren Fei came over and scolded everyone.

Seeing Ren Fei coming, the others immediately dispersed and returned to their posts one by one.

Ren Fei knew what others were talking about, and after thinking for a while, he walked into Li Ran's office again.

"Li Chu, you didn't go back last night?" Ren Fei asked.

"Yes." Li Ran said.

"Staying up late playing games is harmful to your health, why don't you take a break?" Ren Fei asked tentatively.

Ren Fei almost didn't say it clearly. As the director of the second department, you should pay attention to your identity and just play games at work without covering it up at all. The impact of this is too bad.

"It's okay, my work is almost done, you can do yours." Li Ran said.

Hearing this, Ren Fei was a little curious and took a step forward. Playing games is just playing games. What do you mean my work is done? Is playing games considered work now?

"Li Chu, I would like to ask,

What are you doing?"

Ren Fei was a little confused when he saw the codes on Li Ran's screen. He thought Li Ran was playing a game, but he didn't expect it to be the case.

"This is the source code of the "Mission Revival" game. I have been playing it from yesterday to now, and found many problems, which are now being fixed." Li Ran said directly.

After staying up all night, Li Ran tried it all night and found out a lot of problems.

There are some bugs in the game and some shortcomings in the game. There is still room for improvement, as well as suggestions for the subsequent development of the game.

This game was well written under the leadership of Li Ran, but Li Ran only wrote a general framework, and the details were filled in by the technical staff of the Military Region Game Office.

There is still a big gap between Li Ran's success and Li Ran's success.

"Li Chu, do you still know programming?" Ren Fei was stunned, never expecting that Li Ran knew this.

"I took the lead in the design and development of this game, but I haven't paid attention to the subsequent stages of testing. I just have time now." Li Ran explained.


As soon as these words came out, Ren Fei couldn't help but take a breath of air.

I feel in my heart that I am too small and my situation is too small.

I originally thought that Li Ran was just playing games, but I didn’t expect that he was also working and doing business. This game was actually designed and developed by Li Ran. This really made him completely

did not expect.

Ren Fei finally knew today what a true master is.

With the last code typed, the modification and improvement work for "Mission Revival" is completed. Some bugs that appear in the game are not a problem for Li Ran.

After personally experiencing the game "Mission Revival" that he designed and developed, Li Ran had a new idea in his heart, which was to build a war simulation laboratory.

Just one game is not enough, and the content of the game is only mechanized corps combat, which will be eliminated with the development of the times.

In the near future, informatization and synthetic warfare will become the mainstream!

Therefore, it is necessary to create a high-level war simulation feature that can satisfy strategic decision-making simulations, crisis simulations, joint operations simulations of various services and arms, and weapons and equipment system confrontation simulations.

War simulation laboratory hook required.

This war simulation laboratory will simulate the information war environment more intuitively and appropriately than the game "Mission Revival", thereby effectively helping high-level simulation and analysis.

Analyze the situation of a war and how to make response arrangements.

Building a war simulation laboratory is a big project, and Li Ran alone cannot do it.


(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!).

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