Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

456: Welcome Little Brother! Terrorist Attack

The seven-day training period is tight, and every day you can hear the voices of military support officers getting up early in the morning to recite.

As the captain, Huang Yong'an not only has to recite the memory, but also keeps an eye on other officers to prevent them from cheating, deserting and not reciting.

These things are all dead knowledge, just memorize them by rote. The only difficulty is that they are a bit too much and a bit difficult to pronounce.

There are a total of 20 military aid officers, but now there are only 19. The one with the least number is Li Ran, which makes Huang Yongan and others envious.

They have long heard the name of the legendary officer, but now they know the meaning of the four words "legendary officer". Among other things, their perverted learning ability is not comparable to that of ordinary people.

It is really an exaggeration to memorize such a thick volume of information in such a short period of time.

However, the skill shown by Li Ran made Huang Yongan feel a little more at ease. It at least proved that Li Ran really had unusual strength. In this way, he would be more confident when he went for military assistance.

At least there is someone in the team who is proficient in the Baba language and customs, so that unnecessary mistakes can be avoided as much as possible.

In the blink of an eye, the seven days of training are over.

At the southern suburbs military airport, a transport plane is ready.

All 20 officers who had set out to participate in military assistance were present, each wearing regular uniforms and carrying a marching rucksack.

On the General Staff side, the head of the General Staff personally came to see Li Ran and others leave.

This kind of treatment made everyone in the military aid say, "F*ck". They are the first batch of military aid officers to enjoy this kind of treatment in so many years. This standard is too big.

Of course, they also knew why. It was because of Li Ran's existence, and they actually had nothing to do with "July 13". They could only say that people are more irritating than others.

"Report the count."

As the captain, Huang Yongan gave the order.


After the count was completed, Huang Yong'an, the captain, trotted up to the head of the General Staff, stood at attention with a snap, and said loudly: "Comrade chief, the military aid officers have been assembled. There should be 20 people, but there are actually 20 people. Please give instructions."

"Tell me about it," said the chief of the General Staff.

"Yes, take a rest."

The head of the General Staff swept through everyone present, and finally his eyes fell on Li Ran. After staying for a while, he slowly said: "In this military assistance, you represent the image of a field army. I hope you can use your usual skills." Learn and practice, complete the mission successfully, and return triumphantly as soon as possible.”

"Guaranteed to complete the mission!"

Everyone roared in unison, full of momentum.

"Everyone is here, turn right and board the plane." Huang Yongan gave the order, and everyone moved quickly and boarded the military transport plane in an orderly manner.

Everything continued, and the transport plane door slowly closed.


With a powerful roar, the military transport plane took off and flew towards Baba Country. It would arrive in five hours.

At the moment Li Ran and others set off, an order was issued from the General Staff to the relevant departments outside, informing them of something to increase the intensity of investigation intelligence and protect Li Ran's safety at all costs.

In the cabin!

Many people are still very excited and are looking forward to going to Baba America. For many people, this is the first military aid and has a different meaning.

"I don't know what the food is like at Baba Sheep. I guess I won't be used to it."

"Oh, I originally planned to bring a few bags of pickled mustard, but I didn't bring them."

"I also have pickled mustard. It's already great if I can bring a few packs of cigarettes."

"I don't know how long this military assistance will take. It could be a year or two at most, or several months at a minimum."

"Whatever, it's definitely more interesting than staying at home."

"Stop talking nonsense, close your eyes and rest if there is nothing to do. Remember, when you go out, you are not representing your image as a field army." Huang Yongan warned everyone again.

As the captain of this military aid, Huang Yongan has to take into account the overall situation.

Regarding this military aid operation, Huang Yongan is still under a lot of pressure.

After arriving there, although they did not have to fight with live ammunition on the front line, they had to help train a unit of Baba Sheep. The Lameer area has always been an unstable area, and no one can guarantee what will happen in the next second.

The most important thing is to ensure Li Ran's personal safety.

Thinking of this, Huang Yongan couldn't help but glance at Li Ran. He found that after Li Ran got on the plane, he closed his eyes and rested without saying a word. Huang Yongan breathed a sigh of relief with such a steady look.

To be honest, he didn't know much about Li Ran. He had only heard of his name before. He originally thought he could get along with Li Ran and get to know Li Ran during the seven-day training period.

Unexpectedly, Li Ran didn't give him a chance at all. Apart from showing up on the first day, he had complete control over the rest of the time, which made Huang Yongan's plan come to nothing.

Not knowing Li Ran very well, Huang Yongan has always been a little worried.

Inside the cabin, it gradually became quiet.

Five hours was still a long time, so everyone just closed their eyes and fell asleep to ensure that they had enough energy after getting off the plane.

Time passed in a blink of an eye. Five hours later, military aircraft were already circling over the Harbin Military Airport, preparing to land.

"We're getting ready to land. Let's all sort out our clothes and pay attention to our image." Huang Yong'an said to everyone.

Everyone quickly sorted it out.

Soon, the transport plane landed steadily, and the cabin door slowly opened. Under the leadership of Huang Yongan, everyone walked out with their heads held high and their chests held high.

Each person was full of momentum, exuding the pride and confidence of being a field army involuntarily, which attracted a look of amazement from the electric sheep who came to welcome the boss.

"Wow, Big Brother is Big Brother, he's so handsome."

"When Big Brother comes, I feel relieved. Big Brother's arms always make people feel at ease.

"They are just white elephants. They are nothing in front of Big Brother. Beat them up."

"Big Brother and I are in charge of killing people together. Big Brother is responsible for killing people, and I am responsible for killing people.

Regarding the arrival of Big Brother, Baba Yangmen has a kind of excitement and trust that cannot be concealed. After all, as the only "female protagonist", Baba Yang's status and relationship cannot be replaced by anyone.


"Welcome, thank you."

Major General Babayang, who led the welcoming team this time, came to Huang Yongan, shook hands with Huang Yongan warmly, and spoke in only two sentences of broken Chinese.

Huang Yongan naturally responded politely, replying in a somewhat lame Baba language.

Major General Baba Yang shook hands and spoke with every military support officer. But when he came to Li Ran, when Li Ran responded in Baba Yang language, Major General Baba Yang was stunned, and then couldn't help but ask: "Have you been to our place before?"


"Why do you speak Baba so well?"

Li Ran's fluent Babayang language surprised Major General Babayang. It was the first time that he saw the big brother who spoke Babayang so well.

"I have a little talent for languages ​​and I can learn them quickly." Li Ran made up an excuse at random.

After hearing what Li Ran said, Major General Babayang gave Li Ran a thumbs up.

After the simple greetings were over, Major General Babayang waved his hand, and several people brought a large number of bulletproof vests and communication equipment.

"Wear a bulletproof vest. It will be safer. The intercom channels are all adjusted. If there is any situation, please contact us in time." Major General Babayang said to Li Ran.

Because Li Ran speaks Baba well, he can connect seamlessly with him. In this way, he doesn’t even need a translator, which is much more convenient.

I was even more happy after learning that Li Ran was the deputy captain of this Big Brother military aid.

For some things, he could tell Li Ran directly, and Li Ran would convey it more quickly.

After Li Ran briefly translated for Huang Yongan, Huang Yongan knew the seriousness of the matter and said directly: "Put it all on, and be alert when you are in the car. If there is any emergency, report it immediately.


Everyone immediately put on their body armor and each had a high-frequency walkie-talkie, which was much more useful than a mobile phone here.

After all preparations were completed, everyone pedaled off to the Lameer area, which was the final target location.

During this period, the team had to drive more than five hours on the road to arrive. Here, the five-hour journey may not be 100% calm and safe.

The convoy consisted of a total of twenty military vehicles, all of which were trucks, vans and some jeeps. There were no armored vehicles or tanks for escort.

There is no way. We rely on armored vehicles and tanks to cover such a long distance. I don't know how long it will take. Moreover, the targets of armored vehicles and tanks are too conspicuous and can easily attract attention.

Even though Baba Yang is very affectionate when he calls him "big brother", in fact, Baba Yang is also not easy to mess with.

On the escort convoy, there were three trucks filled with soldiers from the Baba Sheep Army. I don’t know if it was to show their respect for Big Brother, or to show Big Brother how heroic the little brother was.

The army troops who came to escort were all elites. Each of them was holding an AK47, which is the most common on the black market. They were fully armed and had their faces covered, giving people a very mysterious feeling.

The aura exuding from his body makes people know that he is not easy to mess with at a glance...

Because of the environment, these armies of Baba Yang have experienced a lot of actual combat, large and small, have very good combat effectiveness, and have very keen combat awareness.

When the military officers who were assisting saw this, they couldn't help but nod secretly and discuss in low voices.

"Those who have experienced many actual battles are indeed different. This kind of momentum does not exist in the soldiers of our conventional troops."

"There's nothing we can do about it, the environment is different."

After Li Ran swept over these people, he came to Huang Yongan and said: "Let them all be careful, these people's rifle safety is not turned off, don't get too close.

"Is the rifle safety off?"

Hearing this, Huang Yongan looked surprised. After a quick and careful observation, he found that none of these people's rifle safety was turned off.

The purpose of a gun having a safety is to prevent misfires and accidents. However, once an emergency occurs, the safety must be opened before shooting, which takes time.

Sometimes, just this little time may lead to death.

"Captain Huang, have you noticed that these people not only have their rifle safety turned off, but also have their fingers near the trigger. If there is an emergency, they can fight back as quickly as possible." Li Ran added.

"I saw it." Huang Yongan nodded.

"I hope we can reach this stage smoothly." Li Ran said.

"I hope so." Huang Yongan breathed a long sigh of relief, feeling a little heavy.

To be honest, it would be a lie to not be nervous. No one wants an accident.

Although even if an accident occurs, as long as there are no snipers, the probability of being hit by a bullet is actually not high. On a real battlefield, it often takes hundreds or thousands of bullets to hit a person.

But who can guarantee that the opponent only has a gun and does not have an RPG or something in his hand, which is the most lethal thing.

After Huang Yongan notified the others, the officers who came for military assistance were not afraid at all. Some felt a little heavy, while others were a little excited.

Are you here to support me, what are you doing? Are you here to help with training, or provide technical training?


Placing a gold plate on your resume is only one aspect. What's more, isn't it because you want to experience the feeling of actual combat in person? When you are at home, in addition to special forces and armed PL, regular operations

The combat unit has no chance of actual combat at all, and the most it can do is fight and exercise.

Soon, after everyone got on the bus, the convoy started to set off.

The atmosphere in the car was eerily solemn and there was no unnecessary conversation. Major General Baba Sheep was sitting in a jeep, using the intercom from time to time to remind investigators to observe the surrounding environment.

Report any abnormalities promptly.

Huang Yongan and others looked out of the car window from time to time, and were also highly alert to the surrounding environment to prevent any abnormalities.

At this time, everyone was highly focused and did not dare to relax at all.

On the other hand, Gao Hao was very relaxed and not very nervous. It was not like Gao Hao had never experienced actual combat actions. 3.5

After driving for more than an hour, the convoy stopped and a voice sounded on the intercom.

"Sir, there's a car accident ahead and the road is blocked."

"Go take a look and clear the road immediately."

"Others got out of the car and were on guard."


There was a car accident 20 meters in front of the convoy. Three vehicles collided, two trucks and a truck. The car accident directly blocked the road ahead.

Several people got off the leading vehicle and went to the accident scene to see if the road could be cleared as quickly as possible.

After other Baba soldiers got out of the car, they immediately went on guard.

Just then, what a week!

I saw a tongue of fire shooting towards this direction not far away.


Li Ran's face changed drastically, he blurted out involuntarily, shouted, and pushed Huang Yong'an beside him to the ground.

The next second, boom~

One of the trucks in the convoy was hit, causing a huge explosion.

Immediately afterwards, intensive gunshots rang out instantly, and many armed men with weapons appeared from the front and around, launching a crazy attack on the convoy.

"Enemy attack, enemy attack."

The sudden attack caught the convoy by surprise, and the Baba soldiers immediately launched a counterattack.

In the command vehicle, Major General Babayang also immediately used the radio to call for support.

However, this group of unknown militants has a large number of people and their attacks are very ferocious. Babayang has been in a suppressed situation. [The battlefield situation was very unfavorable for a while.

If we can't wait for support, everyone will be doomed.

(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!).

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