Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

458: The General Staff Boss Was Scared To Death! Baba's Super Fighting Hero

After the convoy set off again, Major General Babayang reported what had just happened to the Babayang Military Region in detail.

Big Brother sent people to help, and something like this happened. Although Big Brother's people were not injured in the end, it was all because of the superiority of the people sent by Big Brother.

In general, as the younger brother, I still didn't do enough.

The Babayang Military Region also informed the relevant departments of Big Brother about the terrorist attacks encountered by the convoy.

After receiving the news, the heads of the relevant departments stationed abroad did not dare to delay and immediately sent the news back to the country. After all, before Li Ran came out, the General Staff specially said hello that special attention should be paid to the protection of Li Ran.

As a result, something like this happened. Although it was okay, it inevitably made people feel scared.

General staff!

"Chief, there is urgent news from the military aid side."

The secretary ran over quickly, pushed open the door and entered the office of the general staff boss.

"Urgent news from the military aid side? About Li Ran?"

The general staff boss who was handling official business suddenly stood up and his expression changed drastically. Before Li Ran set off, the general staff boss had specifically emphasized the military assistance aspect.

We must pay close attention to the developments on the military aid side. Once an emergency occurs, we must notify him as soon as possible.

As a result, an emergency occurred just a short time after leaving.

"Chief, five minutes ago, the Baba Sheep convoy transporting the military aid team was attacked by more than 100 Banta terrorists." The secretary said.


As soon as the secretary said these words, the general staff boss felt as if a thunder exploded in his head, causing his vision to go black for an instant. He couldn't stand still, staggered and almost fell.

The secretary, with quick eyesight and quick hands, immediately stepped forward to support the general staff boss and asked quickly: "Chief, are you okay?

"Help me sit down and prepare a quick-acting heart-saving pill for me." The chief of the General Staff said, his voice trembling.

More than a hundred Banta terrorists attacked. The General Staff boss knew something about this terrorist organization. They were a group of terrorists who did all kinds of evil and used any crazy means.

Suicide bombs, planning terrorist incidents, this Banta terrorist organization can do anything.

As a result, Li Ran's convoy was attacked by more than 100 Banta terrorists, resulting in heavy casualties.

The secretary quickly took out the quick-acting heart-saving pills of the general staff boss from the drawer. He was a little confused, what happened to the general staff boss? It was just like he had suffered a blow, so what?

The boss of the General Staff is a fierce man who doesn't change his face even if the sky falls. This time he lost his previous demeanor because of this incident. Do you think something happened to Li Ran?

The secretary's mind was racing, and the more he thought about it, the more likely it was.

"How is Li Ran?" After taking a deep breath, the general staff leader finally asked the question he was most worried about. At the same time, he had already held the Suxiao Jiuxin Pill in his right hand and was ready to swallow it at any time.

"Colonel Li Ran is fine. The Baba soldiers, under the command of Colonel Li Ran, successfully repulsed the Banta terrorist organization. Only a few Baba soldiers were injured. There is no problem with our city's assisting officers," the secretary said.


The General Staff boss, who was originally heartbroken, suddenly his eyes lit up, and his whole face instantly glowed, as if he had taken some elixir. His waist no longer hurt, his legs no longer felt weak, and his heart no longer panicked. He stood up immediately. stand up.

"Tell me the specific situation." The chief of the General Staff said in a deep voice, full of energy.

The old man who could pass by at any time is completely the same person. For a moment, he seems to be more than ten years younger.

As long as Li Ran is fine, Ri Qie will be fine.

your happiness is the sun in my world!

The mood of the general staff boss is like riding a roller coaster. Not to mention this feeling, the general staff boss has never been so nervous in his life.

The secretary told the general staff officer what happened in detail.

After listening, the chief of the General Staff had mixed expressions, ranging from relief to solemnity. What is gratifying is that Li Ran is always so capable no matter where he is, and he can be so calm and collected in this kind of crisis.

The solemn thing is that the risk factor of this military aid is still relatively high. Even if Li Ran is personally strong, who can guarantee that he can avoid danger every time?

The General Staff boss has decided that as soon as something goes wrong over there, he will immediately arrange for Li Ran to come back. No matter what, Li Ran's safety will always come first.

The reorganized convoy continued to drive, getting closer and closer to its destination.

Due to the terrorist attack by the Banta terrorist organization, support troops from the 386 brigade in the Lamir area where Baba Sheep was located were sent to conduct escort missions on the follow-up journey.

In the air, there were three armed helicopters scouting ahead, and armored vehicles were escorting the convoy, but the speed was slower than before.

After experiencing this terrorist attack, the Baba Sheep soldiers worshiped Li Ran and other officers who came to aid to the highest level.

Especially Li Ran. Without Li Ran's timely command and deployment of this terrorist attack, it would have been impossible to withstand the attack of the Banta terrorist organization, and it would not have been able to support the arrival of support troops, let alone repel the Banta terrorist organization. .

In the command car, Major General Babayang was very enthusiastic about Li Ran and talked a lot more than before.

The distance is getting closer and closer. Major General Babayang is no longer worried about the safety of the convoy. He is now more interested in Li Ran, the young officer sent by Big Brother.

"How old are you this year? You look very young`||."

"Are you married? Do you have a girlfriend? The girl we have here is pretty."

Major General Babayang kept chatting with Li Ran as if making a routine, but he only asked about Li Ran's personal information.

The most outrageous thing is that after learning that Li Ran was still single, Major General Babayang actually wanted to introduce a wife to Li Ran, and also said that the girls here are very considerate and listen to their husbands.

The husband asked them to go east, but they didn't dare to go west. He asked them to kill pigs and they didn't dare to chase chickens. He even said that as long as Li Ran was willing, they didn't need to spend any money on them. They would give them houses, dowries, etc. Everything is ready.

By the end, Li Ran was almost moved.

As we all know, there is an area in Baba that produces beauties with exquisite facial features and delicate faces. The most important thing is that they really listen to their husbands.

Li Ran could only deal with Major General Babayang's enthusiasm politely.

This made Huang Yongan on the side very depressed. He was very curious about what Li Ran and Major General Babayang were talking about. The two of them had been talking from the time they got in the car to now, completely ignoring him.

There was no translator on the bus, so Huang Yongan couldn't understand it at all.

"What are you two talking about?" Huang Yongan finally couldn't help asking Li Ran.

"He wanted to introduce me to a wife, prepare a house, a car, and a dowry for me. He also said that he could marry as many as he wanted. I was helpless." Li Ran said helplessly.

Hearing this, Huang Yongan was stunned, feeling envious in his heart.

Why is the gap between people so big? Why hasn't he encountered such a good thing?

The officers of the field army who had just experienced an actual battle were all discussing enthusiastically at this time.

"I'll go, Vice Captain Li was so handsome just now."

"It's really handsome. I almost thought that I had no choice but to explain this place. I was ready to fight to the death, but I didn't expect a comeback.

"To be honest, if it weren't for Deputy Li's command, we really wouldn't have been able to defeat them. This group of terrorists has too many people and a lot of heavy firepower."

"Didn't you see Deputy Li's shooting skills? He shot one shot at a time without missing a single bullet. He's really awesome."

"Now I finally understand why he became a colonel at the age of 19. With this quality, he has definitely participated in actual combat before.

"I heard that the captain of the special forces of the military region wanted to recruit him to be the deputy captain, but they didn't like him."

"Nonsense, who goes to the special forces? It's a waste of people. Isn't it nice to command the heavy-armed troops?"

An hour later, the convoy successfully entered the military area where Baba Yang was stationed in the Lamir area.

Baba Yang was very considerate. He knew that Big Brother had come all the way, taking a plane, a car, and going through a battle. He was exhausted both physically and mentally, so he had already asked someone to make arrangements for Li Ran and others. A place to live.

After all, it is a military zone, and Babalan has tried its best to make the living conditions of Ji Ran and others as good as possible.

They also arranged for someone to deliver cooked meals to Li Ran and others, so that the people sent by Big Brother to help could take a good rest, take a bath, eat, sleep, and recover.

The next day!

Li Ran and others began formal assistance work. This time their assistance content was to train the Baba Sheep 356 Brigade and train them in some tactical attacks and related theoretical techniques.

However, due to the different military systems of the two sides, Li Ran and others must first master the combat mechanism system of the 386 Brigade so that they can be aware of it.

It is not difficult for Li Ran to familiarize himself with these, and there are basically no barriers to communication between languages. In just half a day, Ji Ran has already mastered and become familiar with the combat system of Zhongzhongye 386 Brigade.

Such efficiency shocked Huang Yongan and others.

They are all still trying to familiarize themselves with the combat system of Babayang 356 Brigade. Due to the inconvenience of language communication, the progress is very slow. Li Ran can finish it in just half a day?

This made them feel a lot of pressure instantly. If they let the little brother know, they would not be able to hold their heads up.

They are all officers sent by Big Brother to assist, which will make the younger brother feel that there is also a gap between the officers of Big Brother!

"Vice-captain, can you please restrain your perverted abilities? This will make us lose face.

"Yes, deputy team leader, please take care of our feelings. It's so uncomfortable to be hit."

"I found that the way the little brother looks at us is completely different from the way he looks at you. "

"Deputy team, slow down a little. If you do this, the brothers will not be able to keep up with your pace."

Even Huang Yong'an, the team leader, couldn't help but said: "You have understood it clearly. Can you write it down and let us learn from it? This will save us having to ask the translator, translate it here, translate it here. The efficiency is too slow."

"It's a small matter." Li Ran agreed immediately.

With the help of Li Ran, Huang Yongan and others became more familiar and more efficient. The main reason was that communication in different languages ​​was too difficult.

Sometimes, when a sentence is translated, its meaning changes.

According to this efficiency, Huang Yongan and others will be able to familiarize themselves with everything in about a week, and then each perform their duties and train Baba Yang's 38th Brigade according to their own functions.

Some of the officers are responsible for technical aspects, and a few officers, including Li Ran, are responsible for command and will train the 386 Brigade's combat effectiveness and tactical coordination.

That's it, a week later.

In the auditorium of Ramiel Military Region.

The auditorium was filled with hundreds of officers, 80% of whom were Baba Yang officers. The lowest rank of these officers was major. Among them was a senior general from Baba Yang.

Here in Baba Yang, the concept of superiors and subordinates is very clear. The superior is the superior and the subordinate is the subordinate.

This guy

As soon as the senior general Ba Yang arrived, all the Bab Yang officers present solemnly paid attention, with a touch of pious respect on their faces. Obviously, this senior general had great respect for Bab Yang and this group of officers.

He has a very high status in his heart.

"What is this for? Such a big battle?"

"I don't know, there seems to be some kind of award ceremony."

"Who are you awarding? It's such a grand ceremony."

"I don't know, it's not me anyway, captain, do you know?"

Hearing this, Huang Yongan did not speak, but gave a look, and his eyes were on Li Ran. When they saw this, the others understood immediately (Wang's).

It turns out that the little brother came to Li Ran for such a big and grand battle.

No wonder, for Li Ran’s performance in the last terrorist attack, it’s no problem for me to give him awards and thanks.

Li Ran received the notice in advance and learned that Baba Yang was going to give him a reward. As for the specific reward, Li Ran didn't know and didn't say.

But today's grand ceremony was beyond Li Ran's expectation. It seemed that this award would not be too small.

Senior General Babayang strode onto the stage and said loudly in front of hundreds of officers in the audience: "In recognition of the heroic performance of Colonel Li Ran of the Field Army in the Banta terrorist attack,

The Baba Yang Army specially awarded Colonel Li Ran the Baba Kingdom Special Combat Hero Medal. "

The translators on the side translated in public so that the field army officers in the audience could understand clearly.

As Senior General Babayang finished speaking, fierce applause broke out from the audience.

Under the admiring eyes of all the officers, Li Ran slowly stood up and walked onto the stage.

The senior general of Baba Yang personally wore this special battle hero medal on Li Ran, which is equivalent to the highest honor among the soldiers of Baba Country!


In the audience, Huang Yongan and others couldn't help but gasped. They guessed that Baba Yang valued Li Ran very much and were very grateful, but they didn't expect that he would give such a reward bundle.

He was directly given a special combat hero medal. With this medal, Li Ran's status here became somewhat different in nature to some extent.

Li Ran's current status, in addition to being an assisting officer, is also equivalent to the fighting hero in my little brother's heart!

Heroes are respected in every country!


(I beg for all kinds of things, I beg for everything, I kneel down to thank you, I have a cold and a cough, I slept all day, I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m so dizzy!)

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