Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

463: Lead The Team To Catch Big Fish! This Is War

Ahmed was confused at this time.

The superior brigade commander brought the other two regiment commanders to inspect. The purpose was to inspect the training situation of the brothers during this period, and to see whether the training of the brothers during this period was worthy of the care of the superiors.

After all, the independent group applied for an additional meal expense. This kind of treatment can only be enjoyed by the independent group.

The other two groups had a lot to say about this and had many opinions.

This time the brigade commander came to inspect, it was actually because of the frustration of the two regiment commanders. Ahmed was very nervous. You know, if there is any problem, Li Ran, the big brother genius, will have nothing to do. Big problem.

So after Ahmed received the notice, he immediately came to tell Li Ran that he hoped Ji Ran could lead the band of brothers to demonstrate his strength in front of his superiors.

Let all those who are talking behind your back shut up.

But at this critical point, Li Ran actually wanted to take the company out to perform a mission, a mission that he, the regiment leader, did not know about.

What should I do?

The brigade commander and others came, and after notifying them in advance, found that the brothers were not there. Wouldn't they guess that they were afraid that they would see something, and then deliberately found an excuse to go out?

"Colonel Li Ran, the brigade commander and the others are coming soon. They are here specifically to inspect the brothers. You are leading the team to perform the mission at this time. This..." Ahmed did not finish his sentence, but he meant


What mission is there that requires me to go out at this time?

The key point is that he, the leader, doesn't even know he has a mission, which is even more unjustifiable.

Li Ran was also aware of Ahmed's entangled issues and said: "You will know when you come back from the mission, there is no time now.

Here, the entire band of brothers has also assembled.

"Everyone has it, Tian Fa."


Li Ran gave the order, and everyone in the band of brothers immediately started off.

Here, Li Ran also got into a jeep and led the team off.

Except for Li Ran, everyone in the band of brothers knew nothing about the content and location of the mission, but there was no problem. They believed in Li Ran, very much.

So, with Ahmed stunned, Li Ran left the station with the band of brothers.

"What kind of mission is this? You can't even drive tanks and armored vehicles." Ahmed thought helplessly.

In Ahmed's view, it is at least safer to drive armored vehicles and tanks. Without even heavy equipment, there will not be enough fire cover in the event of an emergency.

On the other side, Huang Yongan rushed over as soon as he learned about the situation here.

"Going out to perform a mission? You don't even know? Does anyone know what the mission is?" Huang Yongan asked anxiously.

Before coming here, his family had always told him to be very careful about Li Ran and protect Li Ran's safety, because no one knew what Li Ran would do.

As a result, Li Ran took a company out to perform a mission now without even saying hello.

"I don't know, I thought you knew." Ahmed said helplessly.

After Li Ran left, Ahmed thought of Huang Yongan, thinking that Huang Yongan would know about the tasks he didn't know about. After all, they were all sent here by Big Brother. There were some things that he couldn't tell him, but Big Brother's It will be clear between people.

"I don't know either, he didn't tell me at all." Huang Yongan said depressedly.

I thought to myself, as the leader of an independent regiment, a company member goes out to perform a mission, and you don’t know, how could he know about it.

After hearing Huang Yongan's words, Ahmed was really panicked now. He was quite confident at first.

During this period, he had seen the training situation of Band of Brothers and was very confident. If his superiors came to inspect, there would be no problem at all and there would be absolutely no faults to be found.

After all, they are being trained by Big Brother's geniuses, people who have their Baba Nation's Hero Medal. With such a person leading the training, who dares to find fault.

But now, Big Brother's genius took a company of people away and went out to perform a mission, a mission that he didn't even know about, which made him very depressed.

After a while, the brigade commander came with someone. How should he explain?

"Do you know which direction they went?" Huang Yongan asked.

Ahmed nodded. He still knew this and kept a special eye on it.

"I'm going to find him." After Huang Yongan left these words, he no longer hesitated, drove a car and chased Li Ran directly in the direction where he left.

No matter what, he must find Li Ran and understand clearly. No matter what mission he performs, he must stay with Li Ran.

This way, in the car.

"Attention all units, move forward at full speed and be sure to arrive in the Lamu area within 40 minutes." Li Ran said on the radio.

During the training period, Li Ran not only supervises the training every day, but also sends special personnel to the front line to inquire about the situation.

The Lamu area is a buffer zone where the Baba Sheep and the White Elephant are currently at war, but the White Elephant likes to come to the buffer zone to provoke from time to time.

Based on the intelligence collected by Li Ran during this period and the training of the brothers, Li Ran discovered a fighter plane.

Fighter opportunities cannot be missed. If you miss them, you won't know when the next time will be. It's time to take soldiers like Baba Sheep to fight.

"Sir, there is a military vehicle coming from behind. It's ours."

At this time, a report came from the radio.

"Let him come over."


Huang Yongan, who was driving, felt a little relieved after seeing the band of brothers led by Li Ran, and finally caught up.

Along the way, he rushed towards the direction Li Ran came from, following the tire tracks of the cars on the road at full speed. Huang Yongan stepped on the accelerator to the bottom, wishing he could step on the gas tank and finally caught up.

The Band of Brothers and others were very polite when they saw that they were sent by Big Brother.

"Captain, why are you here?"

After finding out it was Huang Yongan, Li Ran asked in surprise.

"What are you going to do, kid? This is already beyond the military area station, and further on is the front line." Huang Yongan said.

Along the way, Huang Yongan felt something was wrong. He had already left the military area station and was approaching the frontline area. Li Ran was going to lead the troops to the frontline.

Good guy, when Huang Yongan thought of this, he couldn't help but sigh at Li Ran's boldness.

This is really bold, simply audacious. Li Ran dared to lead the troops forward without saying hello to him, the leader of the team, and without even knowing Ahmed, the leader of the independent regiment. Line run.

What do you want to do? Rebellion?

Is it because this mission will affect the relationship between the big brother and the little brother? Let’s not talk about it. The key is if Ji Ran is in any danger, what should we do?

On the front line, both Baba Sheep and White Elephant have invested a lot of troops here, and they are all equipped with heavy equipment. Bullets and artillery shells have no holes. If Li Ran does something bad, how will he explain it?

"Performing the mission, haven't I already told Ahmed about it." Li Ran said.

"Performing a mission, Ahmed said that he didn't even know what mission you were performing. It was a mission that not even the commander of his regiment knew about. Where did you receive the order?" Huang Yongan said, even with a hint of emotion in his tone. Getting a little angry.

"No one gave the order. This is an opportunity that cannot be missed." Li Ran said: "The opportunity is fleeting. I have no reason to refuse to give up this opportunity. If I report, it will be too late and I will only miss the opportunity."

Huang Yongan was stunned by what Li Ran said. Good guy, he was confused by Li Ran's serious explanation for a while.

He did not doubt Li Ran's strategic vision. If Li Ran said it was a fighter plane, it must be a fighter plane, but he couldn't be so confident.

At any rate, I have to report it. You commanded my little brother's soldiers, but you didn't even know his commander. This is somewhat unjustifiable.

"Then you should at least say hello to Ahmed in advance and briefly explain the situation. It's unreasonable for you to make him, the leader of the group, confused." Huang Yongan said earnestly.

"We don't have that time, captain. Don't worry, go back and give me another hour. I can finish it. After the mission, I will make a detailed report on the battle situation." Li Ran said.

"Go back? I'll go with you. Even if the superiors investigate, I will at least have an idea." Huang Yongan said.

Just kidding, let him go back, how could he go back?

Seeing that Huang Yongan wanted to go with him, Li Ran thought for a moment and said nothing. One more person would not be a big problem.

More than thirty minutes later.

Li Ran led people to the buffer zone of the battle between the two sides. On the ground, bullets could be seen everywhere as well as the craters made by some artillery shells.

The land has become a piece of scorched earth, and the surrounding environment is very tragic.

War is like this, merciless and brutal. Bullets and cannonballs have no eyes. Although Baba Sheep and White Elephant are both fighting scum and their combat effectiveness is not strong, the battle between the two sides is also a real exchange of artillery fire.

Even when the two sides fought, there were bombing battles by fighter jets, and the fight was very fierce.

This was Li Ran's first time to personally come into contact with such a real battlefield. Such a scene would even make some officers who saw it for the first time uncomfortable.

Therefore, actual combat is very important for both officers and soldiers. Only by experiencing the baptism of fire and blood can we create strong enough combat effectiveness.

It's just that war is a huge meat grinder for low-level officers and soldiers, and human life is so insignificant in the face of war.

Huang Yongan frowned slightly as he looked at the scene in front of him. At the same time, he glanced at Li Ran's expression. After discovering that Li Ran's expression was still as calm as before, he was filled with admiration.

This officer who has a legendary name in the field army is indeed different. Although he is young, his ability and mental quality are indeed strong enough.

"Sir, if we go any further we will be within range of their artillery shells."

A platoon leader came to Li Ran and reminded him.

"Ask the second platoon commander and the third platoon commander to come over," Li Ran said.


Soon, all three platoon leaders came over.

In front of the three of them, Li Ran took out a map and started formulating a battle plan.

"The first platoon will go to the 124,52 area, the second platoon will go to the 45,47 coordinate area, and the third platoon will go to the 36,76 coordinate area. You three platoons, as a squad, will spread your hands as I told you before. Wait for my attack order..."

The three lamb chop captains listened attentively to Li Ran's deployment. Everyone listened attentively, and no one took out a notebook to record it.

During training, Li Ran taught them that a qualified commander or captain should remember their combat functions with their head, not with a pen.

Use a notebook to record it. Once you unfortunately die in battle or are captured, these will become a weapon for the enemy to defeat us.

In order to let the three platoon leaders clearly understand their functions, Li Ran explained them in plain language as much as possible.

On the side, Huang Yongan felt dizzy when he heard that Li Ran spoke in Baba Yang language the whole time, and he spoke very fluently. His little reserve of Baba Yang language could not understand him at all.

Soon, the combat deployment arrangements were completed, and the three platoon leaders led their people to sit down according to Li Ran's plan.

Go to the marked area.

"This is the fighting buffer zone. Even if soldiers from both sides come over, they are rarely seen and will not enter the range of artillery fire from both sides. These three coordinates you arranged

Does the area have any special meaning?" Huang Yongan looked at the map and asked with some confusion.

Although he was leading the team for training, he also learned about the battle between Baba Sheep and White Elephant on the front line from time to time.

Although I didn't understand what Li Ran said, I knew where Li Ran arranged the deployment of troops. However, in Huang Yongan's view, this position did not have any strategic significance.

There is even a very high possibility (Li Zhao) that you will not encounter a white elephant. If you wait there in vain, it feels like a wasted effort.

"Team Huang, just watch patiently. I guarantee that someone will come, and it will be a big fish." Li Ran said with Tianfen's confidence.

Seeing Li Ran's confident look, Huang Yongan was very confused and didn't know where Li Ran's confidence came from.

Planning such an operation and deployment would be meaningless if it was just to simply eliminate some ordinary soldiers in White Elephant.

As a commander, when planning an action, for such a large-scale war, what matters is not how many enemies are eliminated, but the impact of this action on the war.

strategic significance.

So Huang Yongan really didn't expect that any big fish like white elephant would come to this area.

And according to the greedy and fearful temper of Officer Baixiang, basically dangerous things come from soldiers of lower races.

There are many such soldiers in Baixiang, and it makes no sense to eliminate some.

Here, Huang Yongan was looking at the situation ahead with a telescope. It was shabby to say the least. Babayang didn't even have a drone here, so it was really poor.

Five minutes later, suddenly, eight hundred meters ahead, a motorcade slowly appeared in Huang Yongan's field of vision.

"Team Huang, the big fish is coming." Seeing this, Li Ran said.

"This seems to be a convoy transporting supplies." Huang Yongan, who was observing with a telescope, couldn't help but say Dao Qing after observing carefully.

"Yes, the supplies transported are enough to support a regiment." Li Ran said.


After hearing this, Huang Yongan couldn't help but take a breath of air.

The convoy that protects a regiment's logistics supplies is definitely a big fish. The key is how does Li Ran know that Bai Xiang's supply convoy will pass here?


(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!).

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