Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

466: Special Commendation! Please Let Li Ran Return To China As Soon As Possible

It is rare to have such a victory, and the commander of the 386th Brigade was very excited.

Although the main credit for this victory belongs to Li Ran, in any case, it is also the credit gained by the soldiers in his brigade commanded by Li Ran.

Overall, I still have a certain relationship with him as the brigade commander.

The brigadier general immediately reported the detailed process of Li Ran's operation. He also used as detailed language as possible to describe the dangers of the battle at that time.

Because this can reflect the fierceness of the battle and the strength and fearlessness of the Baba soldiers.

At the same time, a code name was given specifically for this operation, making it look more professional.

After all, for a brigadier general, whether he can be promoted to major general from crossing the threshold of brigadier general depends on this opportunity, which will be of great help to his military career.

In addition, the brigadier general also started to mobilize an artillery battalion to deploy there according to what Li Ran said, just so that the route used by the White Elephant soldiers to transport supplies was within the range of their artillery bombardment.

After the brigadier general reported it, it indeed caused a huge shock in the military region.

After learning what happened, the senior officials of the Babayang Military Region attached great importance to the matter and were very excited.

This battle made them seem to have seen a turning point in the war. Sure enough, "Zero Seven Three"'s big brother Niubi and the people sent to support him were also powerful and helped them achieve such a victory in a short period of time. Big results can even be the key to reversing this war.

He agreed to the deployment action requested by the brigadier general without hesitation.

Ramiel Military District.

Baba Sheep Headquarters Conference Room.

"You all know about the situation of the 386th Brigade. Colonel Li Ran helped us achieve such great results this time. I think it is necessary to give credit to Colonel Li Ran. Lieutenant General Babayang said in a deep voice.

"I agree that Colonel Li Ran is not afraid of danger and personally leads the troops to the front line. This spirit deserves our admiration.

"Colonel Li Ran is a hero of our country, and his action deserves to be known to more people."

"With Colonel Li Ran here, we will definitely win this war with Bai Xiang."

"Did the Big Brother department notify them?" Lieutenant General Babayang was very satisfied with everyone's attitude and asked at the same time.

"Already notified."

"Very good, I plan to apply to my superiors to at least give Colonel Li Ran a military rank and give Colonel Li Ran additional rights, so that Colonel Li Ran can mobilize troops more quickly without delaying the fighter aircraft." Lieutenant General Babayang said.

the other side.

Overseas Department of the Field Army.

Currently, the highest-ranking person stationed here is a major general from the field army, who is responsible for overseas assistance operations.

"Chief, there is a call from the Ramiel Military District Headquarters."

A captain walked in, holding in his hand the telegram information sent from the Ramiel Military District Headquarters.

After the major general took it, he read it carefully. Every time the little brother sent a telegram, especially from the military region, there was definitely something wrong.

Before, I was asking Big Brother to send some manpower to help. Now that the military reinforcements have arrived, if they send a telegram, it may have something to do with it.

Because of Li Ran, the Major General paid great attention to the Lamir Military Region during this period, and told him that if anything happens, he must be reported to him as soon as possible.

After the major general carefully read the telegram, the expression on his face became more serious.

After a while, he said to the captain: "Convene an emergency meeting immediately and notify everyone that they must be present.


Seeing the serious expression of the major general, the captain did not dare to delay and went to inform him immediately.

I'm guessing in my heart, I don't know what happened on my little brother's side. Could there be something else going on in the frontline war between my little brother and Bai Xiang?

But I haven't heard about the key. If there is any big move, I will receive some news.

During the recent period, the front lines between the two sides have been relatively calm. Even if there are exchanges of fire, it is considered a small fight and is basically over.

An emergency meeting was held, and soon, all senior department personnel were present in the conference room.

After everyone arrived, the major general walked in.

"stand up.


The major general's eyes swept over everyone, and then he slammed the telegram sent from his younger brother onto the table with a thud, which frightened everyone present.

"Nonsense, it's just nonsense." the major general said angrily, with huge anger in his voice.

Seeing the major general like this, other people present looked at me and I looked at you, completely confused.

"Chief, what happened?" a colonel asked.

"See for yourselves." The major general threw the telegram over.

When everyone took a look and read the contents of the telegram, they were all stunned and couldn't believe it.

Good guy, the officer they sent to assist the little brother actually led his team to the front line, discovered the logistics material transportation route of a support regiment-level combat unit of White Elephant, successfully intercepted the materials transported by White Elephant, and attacked A great victory.

"Chief, isn't this a good thing?" a lieutenant colonel asked in confusion.

As soon as he said this, the lieutenant colonel realized that he had said the wrong thing, because the major general had already stared at him, his eyes were as sharp as an eagle, and he wanted to eat him.

"A good thing? It's good to have won the battle. This kid actually dared to lead the team to the front line in person. It's simply lawless. What's the mission for them? It's training. It's just training. Does he need to lead the team to the front line in person? What if something happens? "Who can afford it?" the major general said angrily.

After hearing this, Xiao Tian understood clearly.

No wonder the major general is still so angry after helping his little brother win this battle.

Li Ran, the most special one among the military aid officers this time, before he came, the General Staff called and told him that he must ensure Li Ran's safety.

If it were known that Li Ran personally led the team to the front line, the boss of the General Staff would probably be furious.

"Chief, it's true that Comrade Li Ran was a little impulsive this time. He shouldn't have led the team to the front line in person. If something happened, no one would be able to bear it.

"It seems that Comrade Li Ran needs to be reminded not to be impulsive. No matter what, he cannot lead the team himself."

"Yes, it would be enough to remind the senior military leaders of Baba Sheep about this matter. There is no need to lead the team."

"It says that Comrade Li Ran was the first to discover the fighter plane and led the team into action without even applying.


Everyone didn't know how to comment on Li Ran's action of leading the team to help his little brother win a big victory.

Indeed, he helped his little brother win a big victory, but Li Ran personally led the team and acted without any prior notice.

This behavior is indeed too audacious.

"What did Huang Yongan do? He was asked to watch and watch, and he just watched like this? A living person couldn't watch it?" The major general shifted the blame to the very innocent Huang Yongan.

Everyone present was silent and did not speak. If they said the wrong thing, they would be the unlucky ones.

"No, please contact the Ramiel Military Region and I will go there in person." the major general decided.

If there is one, there are two. If this doesn't give Li Ran a reminder and let Li Ran improve his memory, I'm afraid there won't be a second time.

"Chief, do you need to report this matter to the General Staff?" someone asked.

"Report, report truthfully. It's best if the General Staff can get the person back as soon as possible. My heart can't bear this kid's torment." The major general said, feeling helpless in his heart.

On the other side, after receiving the reply from the Lamir Military Region, they learned that the Major General was coming in person, and immediately expressed a warm welcome.

He just said that he needed to make some preparations and asked the major general to come back in two days. The major general had no objection to this. It was not a big deal to wait for only two days.


General staff!

Office of the General Staff Boss.

"Chief, the overseas department is calling."

"Show it to me."


When he heard the telegram from the Foreign Affairs Department, the head of the General Staff felt his heart skip a beat. At the same time, he took out a quick-acting heart-saving pill from the drawer out of habit.

He kept praying, "Don't let anything happen to Li Ran, don't let anything happen."

Even if Li Ran makes a mistake and pokes a hole there, he can accept it. As long as nothing happens, everything will be fine.

The chief of the General Staff held a telegram in his left hand and a quick-acting Jiuxin pill in his right hand, just watching, just in case.

After a while, the chief of the General Staff let out a long sigh of relief.

"You brat, you are so bold and lawless. You are really not afraid of death." The chief of the General Staff said, with a tone that was both gratifying and helpless.

What is gratifying is that Li Ran's own strategic awareness still has such a keen strategic awareness in such actual combat, and he is able to control the fighter opportunities. He really saw the right person.

Li Ran is not the kind of paper tiger who can only talk on paper. On the contrary, his actual combat ability is equally outstanding.

Unfortunately, Li Ran personally led the team and was completely unafraid of death. This bold character made him helpless.

Why don't you just say hello to Babayang on 2.5 and ask them to take people to carry out the mission? Why are you joining in the fun and leading the team yourself? How can a colonel officer personally command Renluo on the front line?

To be honest, if Li Ran hadn't gone to support this time, an important part of which was to complete a task that could speed up the "corrosion" operation, he would have wanted Li Ran back now.

It was still too dangerous outside. If something happened, he wouldn't regret taking the medicine.

After some thinking, the General Staff boss decided that before the end of the year, if Li Ran had not found the time to carry out the mission before the end of the year, he would let Li Ran come back.

Even if the progress of the "corrosion" operation is slightly slower, Li Ran's personal safety must be ensured.

With a character like Li Ran, if Li Ran stays there for a long time, he will probably be addicted to the front line and unable to extricate himself. In layman's terms, he will love fighting.

The head of the General Staff did not even doubt that Li Ran would command Baba Yang's troops to practice, or go out to plan a battle.

Li Ran can definitely do this kind of thing.

Two days later~

In order to express gratitude to Big Brother and to show the importance of Big Brother's genius, the award given to Li Ran by Baba Yang exceeded everyone's expectations.

(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!!).

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