Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

477: Li Ran Is Imprisoned! Go Meet The New Boss

General Staff Confidential Room.

Everyone else greeted Li Ran enthusiastically. The legendary officer of the Field Army made progress again. He was promoted from colonel to colonel and officially entered the ranks of senior officers.

This news has spread throughout the General Staff, and no one knows Li Ran's status in the hearts of the General Staff bosses. He is closer than his own son.

"Colonel Li, what's the matter?"

Seeing Li Ran coming, I thought something was wrong, so a colonel came over and asked.

"Nothing, I just wanted to make a few phone calls and catch up with old friends." Li Ran said, "You are busy with your business, don't worry about me.

After hearing this, the colonel smiled and nodded.

Come to the confidential room and make a few phone calls, no big deal.

It's okay for Li Ran to make a phone call. After all, he has made progress again. Having fun alone is not as good as having fun with everyone. Naturally, he wants to share this joy with his old friends.

Li Ran believes that after his friends know that he has made progress, they will definitely send good wishes and make him happy.

Here, Ran first made a call to Hesheng.

Coincidentally, the training of the Synthetic Brigade has just ended, and Manzhi, the brigade commander, has just returned to the office, covered with sweat. Since becoming the second commander of the Synthetic Brigade, Manzhi has been strict with himself and vowed not to let the Synthetic Brigade Being humiliated at one's own hands cannot betray the old brigade commander's trust.

"Let all units eat quickly. We have worked hard today in training. The cafeteria has provided extra meals for everyone. Take an early rest after eating. We will continue training in the afternoon." Manzhi said to the chief officers of each unit


At this time, a correspondent ran up to Manzhi.

"Report to the brigade commander, general staff insider."

"Inside the General Staff?"

Hearing this, Manzhi's face instantly became very serious. Under normal circumstances, a call from the General Staff is definitely not a trivial matter. This time it was an internal call, and it was definitely a big news announcement.

Manzhi immediately quickened his pace, came to his office and answered the phone.

"I am Manzhi, the commander of the Hesheng Brigade." Manzhi said.

"Commander Man, you have a lot of confidence in what you say." Li Ran joked.

Hearing the voice, Manzhi felt a little familiar for a while, but he didn't think of it. The voice didn't sound like the voice of the General Staff boss, but Manzhi had basically heard the voice of the chiefs of the General Staff, and no one's voice sounded like it. Such.

"Who are you?" Manzhi asked.

"Commander Man, you can't even hear my voice?" Li Ran asked again.

After hearing this, Manzhi was startled again. Since the other party said such things, he obviously had an unusual relationship with him, and was even a friend, otherwise he would not have said that.

After some analysis, a person in the General Staff could still speak in such a tone, and a face emerged in Manzhi's mind.

"Old brigade commander." Manzhi said in surprise.

"I thought you had forgotten me."

"No one can forget the old chief. I just led the team for training, and my head has not turned around for a while." After saying that, Manzhi asked again: "Old chief, did you call me here? He will be here specifically to reminisce with me."

In Manzhi's view, Li Ran definitely called for something, and it couldn't be just to catch up on old times.

Good guy, it's such a luxury to use the General Staff's internal phone line to catch up with old times.

"You're right. I called you to inform you of something. Have you finished training?" Li Ran asked, his tone suddenly becoming serious.

"The training has ended." Manzhi said.

"Then you call all the chief officers of each unit to the conference room and inform them of this matter." Li Ran said seriously.

"Yes! I'll let them come over now." Manzhi said.

Manzhi paid great attention to what Li Ran said. You know, the last time Li Ran came here to reveal some gossip to him because he founded the Synthetic Brigade by himself.

It was also because of these gossips that the combined brigade did not suffer a loss, and it still made a profit in replacing officers from various military regions.

This time, the old brigade commander called from the internal line of the General Staff. Maybe there was some important news that needed to be revealed in advance, so Manzhi took it very seriously.

Ever since, Manzhi gave the order, and the chief officers of the units of the combined brigade immediately got busy.

In the cafeteria.

"Battal commander, brigade commander ordered, come to the conference room to assemble immediately.

"Chief of Staff, brigade commander ordered, urgent gathering in the conference room."

"The real story..."

Under the rapid order of the correspondent, not long after, all the chief officers of each unit came to the conference room.

Everyone looked at Manzhi in confusion, not knowing what happened. Some people were called here just after taking a bite of food.

"Brigadier, what's the emergency?" Xing, the chief of staff, asked.

He, the chief of staff, didn't even know what emergency was going on.

"Everyone, the old brigade commander just called me from the General Staff's internal line to inform us all of important news." Manzhi said in a deep voice.

"Old brigade commander? Inform me of important news?"

After hearing Manzhi's words, everyone present was very surprised.

Who doesn't know the old brigade commander? The first brigade commander of the Combined Brigade, a legendary officer, a hot man who will never be forgotten in their hearts.

The last time the old brigade commander came back to visit the old troops, he revealed the gossip to them in advance, allowing them to make a lot of money by replacing the combined brigade with officers from various military regions.

I'm notifying you of important news this time. Is there something big happening again?

But speaking of it, the old brigade commander is really awesome. He used the General Staff’s insider information to inform the news. Wouldn’t he be caught?

Everyone was very moved in their hearts. As expected of the old brigade commander, no matter where he was, he still cared about the old troops and their old subordinates. With such a big tree in the sky, they had nothing to fear.

Soon, a video call was established between the General Staff Confidential Room and the Comprehensive Brigade.

Under everyone's gaze, Li Ran's face appeared on the screen.

"Hey, hey, hey, can you hear me? Can you hear me?" Simple equipment debugging process.

"You can hear me, everything is OK."

After the equipment was debugged, Li Ran looked at the meeting room and saw that Manzhi had summoned all the chief officers of each unit together very obediently. Li Ran looked pleased.

"I'm very happy to meet you all again. I heard from Brigadier Man that you have just finished training. I feel a little sorry to bother you at this time, but the good news is very important. I had to inform his family in advance." Li Ran He said with an moved face.

Li Ran's words moved everyone present. As expected of an old brigade commander, Li Ran's words were nice and considerate.

Although the old brigade commander always liked to stay away from people and pretend to be a cup when he was still in the Synthetic Brigade, at critical moments, he was very reliable and never missed a beat.

"Old brigade commander, if you have any news, just tell me. I know you are doing it for our own good." Manzhi said movedly.

Everyone else nodded and looked at Li Ran with moved faces.

"I am very pleased with everyone's attitude, so I will say, everyone, during this period, after my continuous efforts and struggle, I finally made a small step forward again, and was successfully promoted from colonel to senior colonel, and became a field army officer. "A senior officer, I believe you will be happy for me when you know this news, so I informed you as soon as the promotion order came down. Are you very happy?" Li Ran said excitedly.

But after saying this, the meeting room of Synthetic Brigade was completely silent.

After hearing what Li Ran said, Manzhi was dumbfounded and didn't know what to say.

Everyone else's eyes widened, their mouths grew wide, and they were shocked beyond measure.

"Old brigade commander, the news you want to announce is your promotion?" Manzhi tried his best to calm down and asked again.

"Yeah, isn't this news important? I'll announce it to you right away. I want to share my joy with my old friends." Li Ran said seriously.

At this moment, Manzhi no longer knew what to say.

To be honest, if it weren't for the fact that Li Ran was his old leader and he couldn't defeat Li Ran, he would really want to kill Li Ran now.

It's too much, it's really too much. Even if it's a cup, it's not like this.

Yes, you are a legendary officer of the Field Army. We all know that you are awesome. You are the youngest colonel of the Field Army. No, you are already a senior colonel now, but you must have a bottom line as a person and you cannot pretend to be a cupcake like this.

Use the General Staff's internal line to call at noon when people are eating, and ask him to specially gather people together just to hear the news and listen to your pretense?

Likewise, other people present didn't know what to say for a while.

The shock was quite shocking. The old brigade commander successfully promoted to senior colonel and became the youngest senior colonel officer in the history of the field army. They were very happy, but they would know the news sooner or later. There was no need to use the General Staff internal line to call and conduct special interviews. Let’s have a video call.

There must be a limit to pretending!

"The brigade commander really didn't understand clearly, so he just asked them to come over. Wouldn't it be a hassle?" Everyone present did not dare to show any dissatisfaction in front of Li Ran, so they had to vent their inner resentment on Manzhi.

After sensing something was wrong in the conference room, Manzhi said helplessly: "Old brigadier, is there anything else?"

"No, by the way, look at my epaulette, it's not crooked." Li Ran showed off to the camera very coquettishly.

The next second, the video call was hung up. Manzhi finally couldn't bear it anymore. If he continued the call, he was worried that he would really be angry to death.

"Everyone, I mistakenly trusted the old brigade commander and wasted your time. Please forgive me. We will pretend that we didn't see or hear what happened just now and let the meeting go." Manzhi said, with a very helpless tone.

There is no way, my old brigade commander is such a person, what can he do?

He deliberately called the General Staff's insiders to fill the cup. The entire field army could not find anyone except Ji Ran.

Although Manzhi said this, the news of Li Ran's promotion to senior colonel could not be concealed. For the officers and soldiers of the Combined Brigade, Li Ran was the god in their hearts.

After learning that the former old leader had made progress again and was promoted from colonel to senior colonel, the combined brigade was instantly excited.

"Old brigade commander Niu Bi, will you be promoted to senior colonel now?"

"This is the first time I have seen and heard of a senior colonel who is less than 20 years old."

"It's really too strong. The old chief is indeed no ordinary person."

You all have seen the report about the White Elephant on TV before. I suspect it has something to do with the old chief.

"Hey, don't say this nonsense."

"I'm just speculating, but the murderous and heartbreaking method is really similar to the old chief."

Anyway, I know the old chief Niubi. "

This is the General Staff Confidential Room.

"Well, I have been away from my old company for a long time, and my prestige is different from before. I didn't expect that my former subordinates would dare to hang up on me. It's incredible, it's really incredible, you all have seen it." Li Ran He said to the people in the confidential room on the side with a sad look.

Everyone in the confidential room looked at Li Ran dumbfounded.

They watched the whole process from beginning to end. It was clear that Li Ran wanted to have a cup of tea with his former subordinates, so he even used the General Staff's internal line to call him. 360

In the end, all the former subordinates were gathered together and a video call was established, which even they couldn't bear to stand.

this moment,

Li Ran has subverted the image in their hearts. They never thought that people could do without Bilian to this extent.

After the notification to the Synthetic Brigade was completed, Li Ran made another internal call to Division Z.

In the office, when he learned that the call was from the General Staff's internal line, Qi Long was very serious and did not dare to delay.

"Hello, I am Qi Long, commander of Division Z.

"As expected of the commander of the First Heavy Armored Division of the Field Army, he speaks with confidence." Li Ran's joking voice rang on the phone.

After hearing the voice, Qi Long was stunned for a moment, and then said in disbelief: "Ji Ran?"

"As expected of senior brother, you could tell it was my voice right away." Li Ran said with great emotion.

"What's the matter with you calling?" Qi Long asked, a little confused. At this time, Li Ran called, and he was still an insider of the General Staff.

"Senior brother, I have something very important that I need to inform you about, me."

Before Li Ran finished speaking, there was a beep of hang up on the phone.

In the office, the main committee member of Division Z happened to be there. Seeing Qi Long's appearance, he couldn't help but said: "Why did you hang up the phone before you finished speaking?"

"This kid, when he pouts, I know what he's about to fart. It's definitely because he was promoted to senior colonel. He called specifically to show off in front of me. I won't give him this chance.

"Qi Long said directly.

As the commander of Division Z and Li Ran's senior brother, Qi Long knew Li Ran's temper quite well.

The way Li Ran spoke on the phone, it would be strange if he had something important to do. He was definitely calling to show off.

Li Ran is about to come to the Z Division to serve as the Chief of Staff of the Z Division. The military region has already notified the Z Division, asking the Z Division to prepare. Apart from this, Qi Long can't think of anything else important for Li Ran.

things you want.

It's really an important matter, and I will never let Li Ran inform it, with the same tone.

Sure enough, after Qi Long hung up the phone, there was no more call from the General Staff. The Z Division official couldn't help but said: "As expected of our fellow disciples, Lao Qi, how can you treat our new

The Chief of Staff of Division Z really knows a lot about it. "

This way.

"It's boring. I hung up the phone before I finished speaking. It seems I guessed it." Li Ran was a little dissatisfied. He couldn't successfully win the cup in front of his senior brother, and he was a little unwilling.

Soon, Li Ran used the General Staff's internal line in the confidential room to call around to inform him about the cup filling, and the General Staff boss learned about it.

The head of the General Staff was furious and ordered Li Ran to be detained until the afternoon when the people who controlled Ran arrived.

(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!!).

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