Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

047: In Memory Of The Heroic Spirit! Night Sneak Attack Test

Everyone came to a plain around the outpost!

There are many stone tablets erected on this plain. Each stone tablet represents a sacrificed hero, and each stone tablet carries the sustenance of the heroic spirit.

The wind blew on everyone's faces like a knife, but at this time everyone looked solemn and very serious.

"Zhu Long, unfortunately died while on patrol in June last year. He was only 20 years old."

"Li Kang was attacked by gangsters while on a mission with his comrades in September last year. In order to protect his comrades, he chose to die with the gangsters. He was only 25 years old. At that time, his youngest son was just one month old."


"Since our Fifth Border Regiment was stationed at the Tibetan border, a total of eighty-nine soldiers have stayed here forever. Among them, the youngest is only eighteen years old."

"No matter how bad the environment is, no matter how dangerous the mission is, they have nothing to fear, no one complains, no one flinches, they are heroes."

"When you come to the Fifth Border Defense Regiment and enter the gate of the Fifth Border Defense Regiment, you are the members of the Fifth Border Defense Regiment. You must inherit their will and fulfill your responsibilities as a field border guard."

"Do you have confidence?" Li Hu shouted.

"Yes!" Everyone shouted in unison at the top of their lungs, their eyes red.

The Tibetan border seems to have infinite scenery, but the dangers present are huge.

The beautiful scenery is always left to the people behind them to appreciate, and as a field army and a border guard, what they have to do is to block all dangers outside the border line.

"A moment of silence for all."

Everyone bowed their heads and paid a silent tribute to the heroes who stayed here.

Although the remains of these heroes have long been sent back to the interior, their ashes were buried in the Martyrs Cemetery.

But the stone tablets here are the carriers of these heroes' unyielding will.

Even though they are gone, their will will always guard this border defense line forever, forever!

The silence is over!


Except for the soldiers on patrol, everyone from the fourth company stationed here was present.

thumping! thumping! thumping!

This is a unique way of mourning for the Fifth Border Defense Regiment. Every year when the new recruits come here for training, a memorial ceremony will be held.

Commemorate every soldier who sacrificed here, and let each batch of new recruits pass on their spirit and will.

There are no quiet years, it's just that some people are carrying a heavy load and moving forward.

It is precisely because of these lovely, tenacious, and fearless warriors who use their will and bodies to build an insurmountable solid defense line for the border, so that the border is safe and the mountains and rivers are safe.

A moment of silence for the heroes!

Salute to the heroes!

Li Ran and other recruits witnessed with their own eyes the tension and cruelty of the real front line, and mourned the heroes who died here.

Everyone’s spirit and will have been sublimated!

That kind of feeling cannot be understood by watching TV or watching the news. It can only be understood when you stand here in person!

Only then can we truly appreciate the harsh weather on the plateau, appreciate the tension on the real front line, and feel the unyielding will of the heroes.

At this moment, Li Ran suddenly understood what Chen Hai had said jokingly with him when he and Chen Hai were chatting.

"It is said that the troops stationed in the deep mountains have a hard time. They watch soldiers during the day and look at the stars at night. Little do they know that there are many troops who have a harder time than them. The environment here is such that they do nothing. If you can stay for two years, you should be Worth a third-class merit."

Of course, this is just a joke made by Chen Hai.

But you have to ask, is it worth it? Definitely worth a third-class effort.

It's just that third-class merit is not a big deal. Even the border guards cannot give one to you casually.

In the evening, the recruits rested here at Post No. 17, waiting to take the transport vehicle back to the recruit training base tomorrow morning.

After all, it is impossible for these recruits to walk back after more than 100 kilometers of training.

This time point is the time for the regiment's transport vehicle to deliver supplies to the forward post, and it is all calculated.

At night, inside the tent.

"I didn't expect the front line to be so dangerous. The soldiers stationed here are really great."

"Do you think we will die here one day?"

"What, are you scared?"

"Nonsense, aren't you afraid of death? How can I put it this way? It's not that I'm afraid of death, but if I die, there will only be two people left in the family, my father and my mother, and no one will care for them until they die."

"Don't say these unlucky words. It's a matter of death. It's fate that we brothers can become comrades together. From now on, your parents will be my parents."

"Then it's agreed that if something unfortunate happens to me one day or you unfortunately pass away first, the person who survives will take more care of the other parent's parents."

"Okay, it's settled."

As the night progressed, everyone fell asleep, and the snoring started again.

At night, several figures sneaked into the tent. One of them approached Li Ran. He looked at Li Ran who was sleeping and was about to attack him.

The next second, Li Ran's eyes suddenly opened.

When someone entered the tent, Li Ran noticed it immediately. He thought it was someone who went to the toilet, so he didn't pay attention. But now it seems that this is not the case.

The other party held something in his hand and came directly to greet him, obviously with bad intentions.

Li Ran was not polite, and suddenly shot out, grabbed his wrist, and stood up suddenly.

The sudden movement startled the strange figure. He didn't expect that the recruit in front of him would react so quickly.

When he wanted to break free, he found that his arm seemed to be clamped by iron pliers and he could not move.

Since the other party was unkind, Li Ran was not polite. He used the standard grappling taught by the recruit company and captured the stranger in front of him with three strokes, five strokes and two strokes.

The other two people who came in also rushed to help, but were kicked over by Li Ran.

"Someone broke in, don't sleep."

At the same time, Li Ran roared, waking up everyone who was sleeping.

"Huh? What happened?"

"What's wrong?"

A group of recruits were awakened by Li Ran's shouts and opened their eyes in a daze.

At this moment, the tent was opened, and a bright flashlight came in and shone on Li Ran's face.

"Let go, Li Ran, we are all one of our own, don't hurt anyone."

At the same time, Li Hu's voice came in.

(First update, please support me with all kinds of data, flowers, evaluation votes, monthly votes, rewards, reminders, book reviews, etc. Brothers, I beg you on your knees!)

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