Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

482: Inspect The Grassroots! Light The First Fire

The next day!

Li Ran and Qi Long went to the 113th Regiment to conduct a surprise inspection.

The division commander and chief of staff of Division Z made a surprise inspection in person. Such a specification was somewhat grand.

After the two got into the jeep, the car drove towards the station of the 113th Regiment. Soon, the car disappeared from sight.

"I'm talking about Lao Song, aren't you good friends with Commander Yang of the 113th Regiment? The division commander and chief of staff are going on a surprise inspection now, why don't you notify us in advance?" A colonel joked after seeing Li Ran and the two leaving.

"Go, go, it doesn't hurt your back when you stand and talk, right? It's not like you didn't see the look and tone of the chief of staff yesterday. I still want to inform you, "Isn't this the same as committing suicide?" Song Hu said dissatisfied.

"Indeed, the look and tone of the chief of staff yesterday were really scary. From now on, we all have to keep our mouths shut. If there is another case of this kind of thing, we will all be in trouble."

"It's really scary. I'm sure that the chief of staff is not just trying to scare us. If there is a next time, the punishment will be light."

In the past, no one cared about this kind of thing. Even if the superiors knew about it, they would turn a blind eye or close one eye at most, so it didn't matter if they gossiped or revealed a little information about the inspection.

But Li Ran made it very clear at the meeting yesterday that next time, we will pursue it to the end. Although no one knows whether the newly appointed chief of staff can stick to this decision to the end.

But now no one dares to continue to seek death at this time. If they continue to seek death, they will be in trouble with themselves.

Besides, when the chief of staff goes to inspect, even if he finds something bad, he can just correct it, but he can't eat you.

Song Hu was still frightened when he remembered the phone call that Yang Xiong, the leader of the 113th Regiment, called him yesterday. Originally, he didn't intend to answer it, but 08 Yang Xiong kept calling him one after another.

In the end, he couldn't answer it. He definitely couldn't explain the situation, but Yang Xiong asked, so he had no choice but to say that.

If there is any problem with the 113th regiment today, it is none of his business. He has already done his best.

The entrance to the 113th Regiment’s station.

Today, the 113th regiment did not go out for training. The entire regiment trained normally according to daily training subjects.

When the sentry at the door saw a jeep approaching, he immediately increased his attention because hanging on the car was a photo of the division headquarters.

The car stopped slowly in front of the sentry, the window rolled down, and the faces of Qi Long and Li Ran appeared in the sentry's eyes.

The two sentries were a little unfamiliar with Li Ran, the newly appointed chief of staff. Even though Li Ran was famous, many people might not be able to tell directly from his appearance after seeing Li Ran with their own eyes.

Only after seeing the military rank on Li Ran's shoulders and Li Ran's young face, we can deduce it through analysis.

The two sentries were immediately shocked. What day was it today? The chief of staff and division commander came together. This day was very rare.

The two sentries immediately saluted.

"Commander, I'll report it right away." One of the sentries said immediately after saluting.

"There is no need to inform you. Just do what you are supposed to do. Just pretend that you don't know that we two are coming." Qi Long said lightly.


Hearing this, although the two sentries wanted to report it, they could only continue to stand guard obediently and pretended not to have seen the arrival of the two men.

What the two sentries didn't expect was that when Li Ran, the chief of staff, passed by the two of them, he added lightly: "If anyone reports, don't blame me for being rude."

After saying that, while the two sentries were trembling, they entered the 113th Regiment's station.

After the car drove in, the two sentries breathed a sigh of relief.

"The newly appointed chief of staff is so scary and oppressive."

"I didn't dare to speak in front of him just now. He didn't come yesterday, but today he came for a surprise inspection."

"Shh, stop talking. It's none of our business anymore."

After Qi Long and Li Ran entered the 113th Regiment's station, they got out of the car.

"Don't you go directly to the regiment headquarters?" Qi Long asked when he saw Li Ran getting off the car at this time.

"What is there to see in the regiment headquarters? The grassroots level is the place that can best reflect the problem." Li Ran said.

Soon, Li Ran and Qi Long arrived at the location of the 1st Battalion and 3rd Company of the 113th Regiment.

At this time, all the personnel of the 3rd company were training on the playground. The arrival of two senior colonel officers immediately attracted the attention of the 3rd company commander.

After seeing that one of them was the division commander, the third company commander was even more frightened. Why is the division commander here? And there was no greeting from the regiment headquarters at all. When he saw it again, he was shocked again.

Because the captain discovered Li Ran next to Qi Long, although he was a little strange at first sight, but when he saw the 24 cents military rank on Li Ran's shoulder, an identity emerged in his mind.

The newly appointed young chief of staff of Division Z and the legendary officer of the field army.

"Reporting to the two chiefs, the 1st Battalion and 3rd Company of the 113th Regiment are undergoing daily training. Please give instructions." The captain trotted up to the two men, stood at attention and saluted, and said loudly.

Hearing this, Qi Long did not speak, but gave the right to speak to Li Ran.

Li Ran came to inspect, and it was entirely up to Li Ran to decide how to inspect. He was just a visitor today.

"Everyone gathers. Li Ran said.


After receiving the order, the captain blew the whistle for the assembly of the third company who were training.

After hearing the whistle, everyone in the third company immediately stopped their training and gathered around.

"Report to the commander, the first battalion and the three companies have been assembled. Please give your instructions." The captain said loudly.

"How many people are there in your third company?" Li Ran asked calmly.

"Including the cooking team, there are 108 people in total." said the captain.

"But now I think there are only 108 people even if we include the cooking class." Li Ran said.

The captain was stunned by Li Ran's words and didn't know what to say.

"Let all three companies gather together, no one will be left behind." Li Ran said again.


Soon, the captain asked all the people in the cooking class to come and gather.

"Report the number.


Until the end.

At the end of the day, all the people were counted. After counting, there were only 103 people. There were originally 108 people in the third company, but now only 103 people actually arrived.

"Third company commander, where are the other five people?" Li Ran asked.

"Report to the chief, they, they have gone on business," the captain said.

"On business? Where did you go to make it public?"

"Going to regiment headquarters."

"What are you doing at the regiment headquarters?"


"Cleaning up? Is it time to go to the regiment headquarters to clean up? What is Article 61 of the Field Army Management Regulations?"

The captain immediately recited it in front of everyone.

"You can recite it fluently, but I think you just talk about it and don't take it into your heart at all. This time is the soldiers' daily training time. Who allows them to go to the regiment headquarters to clean up? Who allows them to go? Training time Going to clean the house, is this in compliance with the regulations? Tell me?"

Under the pressure of Li Ran's questioning and momentum, the captain was already sweating profusely.

"Report, inconsistent."

"Since you know it's not consistent, why did you let them pass?"

"Because, because..." the captain stammered, not sure if he could say it.

"Are you a pussy? You can't even speak clearly." Li Ran said angrily.

"Because it's an order from the regiment headquarters, I dare not refuse." The captain had no choice but to speak his mind.

"You are their direct superior. Just because you dare not refuse now or are embarrassed to refuse the regiment headquarters, the five of them neglected training and gave up this training opportunity. This is very likely to lead to the five of them being killed on the battlefield. He died due to lack of training, and the responsibility for all this lies with you, the company commander, do you know?" Li Ran said seriously.

"Yes, it's all my fault." The captain immediately admitted his mistake.

"Write a self-criticism and submit it. I will ask them at the regiment headquarters to understand. Do you understand?"

"Listen clearly."

"Keep training."


After being severely criticized by Li Ran, the captain continued to lead the training. Li Ran, the newly appointed chief of staff, taught him a lesson just now.

At this time, the regiment headquarters asked people to clean the house. Is it in compliance with the regulations? It is indeed not in compliance.

But the regiment headquarters issued an order, how could they 060 refuse as company commanders? Mainly because they did not dare to speak, but it was also their dereliction of duty as company commanders.

After inspecting the third company, Li Ran and Qi Long went to inspect other companies and found that there were some problems, large and small, in the battalions and companies under the 113th Regiment.

There are people who go out during the stipulated training time, or some leave procedures that are not in compliance with the regulations.

Without exception, all companies with problems were severely criticized by Li Ran.

"If I hadn't come here with you this time, I wouldn't have known that there were still so many problems in the grassroots companies. When I saw this, it didn't happen just once or twice." Qi Long said, with some anger in his tone.

This means that in the past, he, the division commander, was completely kept in the dark. Every time he came to inspect, he was only shown superficial phenomena.

The superficial phenomenon was because every time he planned to conduct a surprise inspection, someone in the division headquarters informed him in advance.

From this point of view, it is enough to see that Li Ran's solution is wonderful, cutting it off at the source, so that the infrastructure unit does not have the time and opportunity to do superficial work.

"They dare to do this because their war consciousness cannot keep up. They just regard daily training as a kind of training and do not really take it to heart. They have never thought about it.

Once the war breaks out one day, their daily training will be their strength capital to defend their homeland. " Li Ran said.

"You're right, we must take care of them this time." Qi Long said fiercely. After finishing speaking, he asked: "Then go to the regiment headquarters now?"

"Go to the Third Company again. You don't need to go to the regiment headquarters. They will come by themselves." Li Ran said.

"Go to Sanlian? Haven't you already seen it?" Qi Long asked in confusion.

"Is the inspection over? Has the problem been solved? If the problem has not been solved, what's the point of my inspection? What's the point of my lecture just now? What's the point of not correcting my mistakes if I know them wrong?" Li Ran asked a series of questions. Veyron has some feelings.

He was a little confused. Even if he went to the Third Company again now, wouldn't it still be the same situation as before? What would be the change?

(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!).

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