Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

486: Temporarily Arrange The Assessment! I'll Show You All My Shit

112th Regiment, regimental canteen.

Li Ran had lunch here, accompanied by Zhao Daqing, the leader of the 112th Regiment, and others from the regiment headquarters. Before returning, the chief of staff of the 112th Regiment asked the canteen to add extra meals at noon today.

It was the first time for the newly appointed chief of staff to come to the 112th Regiment and eat in the regimental canteen. The food standard must be improved.

"Captain Zhao, the cooking skills in your regimental canteen are good and the food tastes good."

After wiping out all the food on the plate without wasting a single bit, Li Ran gave his evaluation.

"The leader's eating habits are good." After hearing Li Ran's praise, Zhao Daqing smiled and said: "The cook in the regiment canteen has a cook in his family, and his cooking skills are incredible. He was still in the company, and then he was I transferred it."

After Zhao Daqing finished speaking, he suddenly realized that he might have said something wrong, and his expression changed.

Transferring grassroots soldiers to the regiment headquarters just for the sake of eating delicious meals will inevitably give people a selfish idea.

But in fact, the soldier who was transferred to the regiment headquarters canteen as a cook was actually very happy and felt much more relaxed at the regiment headquarters.

"Captain Zhao, don't think too much. The most important thing for a unit chief is to know people well and be good at discovering their own strengths and placing them in appropriate positions." Li Ran said calmly.

Li Ran "190" is not going to criticize because of this matter, there is no need.

There are some things that need to be paid attention to, but these things are nothing. From a development perspective, working as a cook at the grassroots level is indeed not as comfortable and has as many opportunities as working as a cook in the regiment canteen.

After seeing that Li Ran didn't care about it, Zhao Daqing breathed a sigh of relief.

"If you don't mind, chief, can you take a break at the regiment headquarters later?" Zhao Daqing asked tentatively.

We have inspected the grassroots level and eaten. If you still have time to stay in the 112th Regiment, it would be best to take a lunch break here. This can also bring closer the relationship between the 112th Regiment and Li Ran, the new chief of staff. relation.

"There's no need for a lunch break. You should prepare first." Li Ran said calmly.

"Prepare? Prepare for what?" Zhao Daqing couldn't understand Li Ran's words for a while.

"In the morning, I made a surprise inspection of the mobile deployment and integration of your 112th Regiment. I am very disappointed with your results. Of course, I can understand it. After all, this is the weekend and there may be officers and soldiers who are on leave. This time I will give you a chance to prepare. , an hour later, the whole group assembled again on the move, and this time you, the leader, personally led the group, so there should be no problem." Li Ran said very calmly, his tone was calm, but it also gave people a feeling, I understand You, now give you a feeling of a chance to redeem yourself.

"No problem, I swear as the leader, there will be no problem." After hearing this, Zhao Daqing immediately patted his chest hard and assured.

At the same time, Zhao Daqing was a little lucky in his heart. The newly appointed chief of staff made a surprise inspection in the morning, catching them off guard. In addition, today is the weekend, so all the officers and soldiers were in a relaxed state.

As for him, the leader of the regiment, he was still resting in the dormitory before. After receiving the news, the regiment rushed over quickly.

Due to the influence of these factors, the mobile assembly and assembly time of the 112th Regiment has been affected to a certain extent, which is normal.

But if they are prepared and mentally prepared, it will be completely different. Zhao Daqing is confident that he can lead all the officers and soldiers of the 112th Regiment to perform at their usual peak level.

"Sure enough, extra food is effective. After all, it is one of the main tank groups of the Z Division. The newly appointed chief of staff will be somewhat proud of it." Zhao Daqing thought secretly.

Now Zhao Daqing completely understood why Li Ran stayed in the regiment canteen for lunch.

This is also a step down for him and the 112th Regiment, giving them a chance to save face.

The time given by Li Ran was one hour. It was almost the end of lunch break. The grassroots officers and soldiers were full of energy and their performance would naturally be better.

Zhao Daqing asked people to inform the news, just to say hello to everyone in advance.

After receiving the notice from the regiment headquarters, all the grassroots officers and soldiers of the 112th regiment became restless for a while.

They did not expect that the division chief of staff had just seen their 112th Regiment's mobile assembly in the morning and was dissatisfied with their performance, so he gave them another chance in the afternoon.

It seems that in the heart of the newly appointed division chief of staff, the status of the 112th Regiment is still very important.

After all, during the annual exercise, the newly appointed chief of staff of the division commanded the 11th Regiment to kill all directions. Because of his fame, he made his reputation completely known. He was more or less special to the 112th Regiment. It's normal to take special care of your feelings.

"You also know the notice from the regiment headquarters. Now take a good rest and strive for a good turnaround this time. We can't let the division chief disappoint us again.


The company commanders of each company unanimously gave serious instructions to the officers and soldiers in the company.

As company commanders, they were under great pressure at this time. Their results in the morning were too low. If they were like this again in the afternoon, they would be really embarrassed and unjustifiable.

Ever since, an hour later.

The emergency assembly whistle sounded on time.

"Emergency gathering."

Soldiers from each class jumped out of bed, got fully armed, and then gathered at the door.

Although the notice was given in advance, no one was fully armed and ready in advance, or they stayed awake and waited for the emergency assembly whistle to blow, because it was unnecessary.

As officers and soldiers of the 112th Regiment, they are also one of the main regiments of the Z Division. It is enough for them to greet them in advance. If they have to go out of their way to prepare for this, it will really be a shameless thing.

Their usual training is not in vain, and the grassroots officers and soldiers are still very confident.


Heavy footsteps made the corridor clang. The lunch break had just ended. Everyone was energetic and moved very quickly and decisively without being sloppy.

The movement efficiency has improved a lot compared to the morning.

Soon, each company gathered at the door.

"Report the count."


"Everyone has it, target the parking lot, run forward."

One company after another ran from the station towards the parking lot, everyone taking neat and powerful steps.

"one two three four!"

one two three four!"

The roar sounded, and every officer and soldier was full of energy and in the best spirit. They had embarrassed themselves in front of the newly appointed chief of staff in the morning, and they had to get it back in the afternoon.

As the regiment leader, Zhao Daqing personally led the regiment this time, and other chief officers such as the regiment headquarters also joined the various command positions of the mobile equipment.

A torrent of steel appeared at the 112th Regiment comprehensive training ground, which was also a temporary gathering place for mobile equipment.

Boom boom boom~

The King of Land is roaring. Tanks, armored vehicles, infantry fighting vehicles, and personnel carriers advance in an orderly queue...

As the head of the 112th Regiment's mobile assembly assembly inspection, Li Ran watched all this with a blank expression.

The command vehicle that Zhao Daqing was riding in came to Li Ran and stopped 30 meters away from Li Ran. Zhao Daqing got out of the vehicle and ran towards Li Ran with strong steps.

"Comrade Commander, the entire 112th Regiment has been mobilized and equipped, please give instructions.

Zhao Daqing's voice fell, and Li Ran looked at the time. It was 27 minutes and 59 seconds. This result was considered an excellent result for a heavy tank regiment.

It is worthy of being one of the heavy tank regiments of the Z Division. It has regular training and a solid foundation.

"Field maneuver training, preset combat assessment, let's go now." Li Ran said directly.

As soon as these words came out, Zhao Daqing was dumbfounded and froze on the spot, unable to recover for a long time.

What is the situation? What is the situation?

Didn't you say that you want to watch the entire mobile equipment of their 112th regiment again? Why is it now changed to mobile subject training, with a preset combat assessment?

Wasn't there any prior notice for this?

"Captain Zhao, do you have any questions?" Seeing that Zhao Daqing was stunned and didn't move, Li Ran asked again.

"Report, no problem." Zhao Daqing said quickly after being brought back to reality by Li Ran's words.

At this moment, he finally understood that the newly appointed chief of staff's thoughts were unpredictable to him. It would be true if he saw their entire group's mobile equipment in the afternoon, and then gave them a surprise assessment.

"This assessment will be included in the group's monthly assessment results. I will be the examiner myself and give you scores." Li Ran added again.

Monthly group assessment results. The monthly group assessment is very important for a group. It is related to the selection of outstanding groups at the end of the year. If the results are poor, the outstanding groups will definitely have no chance.

"Everyone is here, get in the car and set off."

After Zhao Daqing roared, he quickly got on his command vehicle and issued notices to all units.

After receiving the notice, the officers and soldiers of the grassroots units of the 112th Regiment were all stunned.

What's going on? How come it turned into field maneuver training again? It's still the kind of preset war situation, and the questions are given to test their reaction ability before 0.0. It's not easy.

But at this moment, they have no time to question. The longer the delay is, the uglier the results will be.

They still thought that the newly appointed chief of staff was too simple, thinking that he would give them some face and a chance. Now it seems that what he was given was not an opportunity at all, but a more difficult test.

Boom boom boom~

As the drivers of each tank started their tanks, the sound of the accelerator continued, and the smell of diesel in the air became stronger.

Here, Li Ran got on a Wuzhijiu and observed the maneuver training of the entire 112th Regiment from the air. While issuing preset battle conditions, he scored based on the 112th Regiment's reaction.

In the past, there would be a special staff group from the division to assess and score things like this, but this is a temporary assessment assigned by Li Ran to the 112th Regiment. Without a staff group, Li Ran will come to assess and score in person, and the results will only be more standard.

Li Ran must change this bad habit of the 112th Regiment this time. He has to say hello in advance to do everything well. If he doesn't say hello, his standard will drop. If he is placed in the combined brigade, he can play with the officers and soldiers of this unit. The grass and trees are all soldiers...

(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!!).

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