Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

488: The Key To Z Division’S Military Reform! The Sacrifice Of The Jr Infantry Regiment

Z Division, excluding the troops directly under the division, has a total of three main regiments. The 112th Regiment and the 112th Regiment are all heavy tank regiments. There is also the 114th Regiment, which is a mechanized infantry regiment.

Mechanized infantry regiments and mechanized infantry regiments do not mean they are just pure infantry regiments. They do not have heavy equipment. They do, but the number of heavy equipment is much less than that of the 112th Regiment and the 113th Regiment.

Although the Z Division is the first heavy equipment division in the army and has the largest number of heavy equipment, it cannot simply focus on heavy equipment and reduce the number of infantry.

There are infantry-tank coordination, infantry-artillery coordination, and air-tank coordination. Among them, infantry-tank coordination is the most perfect way of coordination.

Positional warfare, blocking warfare, and occupying some important strategic positions all require the assistance of infantry.

After inspecting the two heavy armored regiments, of the three main regiments, only one 114th regiment remained to be inspected.

Different from the previous surprise inspection of the two main tank regiments, although Li Ran went to inspect this time, he went to inspect in a arrogant manner and gave a notice to the 114th regiment in advance.

The 114th Regiment, after receiving the news that the newly appointed chief of staff of the division was coming to inspect, took it very seriously and started getting busy early in the morning.

"Who is it? Have the banners been hung up?"

"Captain, it's done. How about you take a look?"

"Go a little to the right, then a little further. When the chief comes to inspect, he must show the enthusiasm of our 114th Regiment.


"Notify the canteen that there will be extra food for lunch today?"


"Tell them to bring over all the delicious dishes that we specialize in today."


"Every company has been notified, let them pay attention today and use all their strength to train me.


Zhang Kun, the leader of the 114th Regiment, has been busy at the regiment headquarters all morning. The newly appointed young chief of staff came to inspect for the first time and wanted to leave a good impression no matter what.

You must know that this young chief of staff of the division is incredible. A legendary officer of the field army and the youngest senior colonel, anyone who has reached this point today knows that he relies on his ability and not anything else.

What surprised Zhang Kun was that in the past, when newly appointed chiefs came to inspect, they would always use a surprise inspection method to catch them off guard. Unexpectedly, they were notified in advance this time, which really surprised them.

In the 114th Regiment Headquarters Building, a banner welcoming Li Ran for inspection has been hung.

Although this is a military unit, it cannot be decorated with lights and colorful decorations, but it must be simple yet solemn.

After a while, the jeep Li Ran was riding in slowly arrived.

Seeing Li Ran get out of the car, Zhang Kun straightened his clothes and immediately greeted Li Ran with a warm smile on his face.

"Welcome the chief to inspect the 114th Regiment." "Zhang Kun said enthusiastically.

"Thank you for your hard work, Captain Zhang. I can see that you put a lot of thought into welcoming my arrival." Li Ran joked.

"The chief was just joking. He simply cleaned up and made a welcome banner." Zhang Kun said.

However, Zhang Kun was still very happy when he heard Li Ran's words.

The division chief saw it, which proved that all the work he had done all morning was not in vain.

"This is also my first time to come to your 114th group. You, the group leader, should show me around first." Li Ran said.

"No problem, chief, please come to me."

Zhang Kun is very happy now, everything is going according to his plan.

The new chief of staff came to inspect the 114th Regiment. According to the plan, he would first give a welcome, and then take the new leader to learn about the glorious history of the 114th Regiment. You must know that the 114th Regiment is a mechanized infantry regiment with an old designation and is a heroic regiment.

There is also a hero monument in the regiment, which contains the general history of the 114th Regiment. It has always been the military soul of the 114th Regiment.

Take the new chief of staff to visit and learn about the 114th Regiment. If the new division chief of staff is interested, go to the grassroots for a tour, then have a meal at the regiment headquarters, and finally let the new division chief of staff leave with satisfaction. Everything is under plan.

The 114th Regiment is a heroic regiment with an old name and a long history. It is well-known in Division Z and even the entire Army Group H.

Zhang Kun took Li Ran to visit, and at the same time patiently explained to Li Ran some of the past of the 114th Regiment and the heroes of the older generation. Li Ran patiently watched and listened patiently.

Zhang Kun was deeply moved by this attitude. He could feel that Li Ran was not just trying to cope, but was really listening with intention.

This is a recognition of his 114th Regiment and the history of the 114th Regiment.

An hour later, Li Ran patiently and carefully visited the regiment headquarters and said to Zhang Kun: "Captain Zhang, please take me to the grassroots unit to have a look.

"Okay." Zhang Kun agreed immediately.

Originally Zhang Kun was going to ask someone to arrange another car, but who knew, Li Ran said to Zhang Kun: "Captain Zhang, you take my car."


Hearing this, Zhang Kun was a little surprised.

The polite attitude of the newly appointed division chief of staff completely exceeded his expectations, which made him feel flattered for a while.

Although the newly appointed chief of staff is young, he is really powerful and convinced from the bottom of his heart.

The car going from the regiment headquarters to the grassroots company station.

Li Ran sat in the back seat and Zhang Kun sat in the passenger seat.

Zhang Kun originally planned to find some topics to lighten the atmosphere in the car, but before he could speak, Li Ran took the lead and said, "Captain Zhang, what do you think of the Synthetic Brigade?"

Hearing Li Ran's question, Zhang Kun was stunned for a moment. He didn't expect Li Ran to bring up this topic, and then said: "Although I have never visited the Synthetic Brigade, and I don't know it very clearly, but I know the training intensity of the Synthetic Brigade. High, the warriors have high overall quality, strong combat effectiveness, and rich equipment."

It's not that Zhang Kun knew that the Synthetic Brigade was created by Li Ran and was dedicated to flattering Li Ran.

In fact, this is the case. The strength of the combined brigade is famous throughout the military region.

I think back when it was just a combined group, the combined group was able to defeat Division Z in an exercise. Although some methods were used, exercises are actual combat. In war, as long as they can win, they will do whatever it takes.

The combat effectiveness of the combined brigade is very astonishing. Only the data simulation of combat effectiveness released to the public is currently unmatched by any force.

Another point is that the equipment of the synthetic brigade is very good, so good that it makes people drool with envy.

It's just that Zhang Kun doesn't understand. Why does Li Ran ask him this question?

"One day, if you fight against the Synthetic Brigade, do you want to defeat them?" Hearing this, Li Ran asked with a smile.

"Think." Zhang Kun said directly without thinking.

Not to mention in the eyes of the 114th Regiment, even in the eyes of the entire Z Division, the Combined Brigade is the biggest imaginary enemy.

In the last exercise, the division's defeat was a difficult knot in everyone's mind.

If they could fight against the Synthetic Brigade again, they would all want to make a comeback and regain the ground they had lost before.

"Do you want to be equipped with the latest equipment like the synthetic brigade?" Li Ran was not surprised by Zhang Kun's answer and asked again.

"I can't even dream of it." Zhang Kun said this time even more sincerely.

"If I said that I could raise the combat effectiveness of the 114th Regiment to a higher level and enjoy the same treatment as the combined brigade, but the prerequisite would require the 114th Regiment to make some sacrifices, would you be willing?

After asking three questions in a row, Ji Ran asked the final question.

"Chief, what kind of sacrifice is it?"

This time, Zhang Kun did not answer so simply, but asked cautiously.

He knew that at this time, when Li Ran asked him this question, it was obviously not an ordinary question, and the sacrifice was not a small sacrifice.

Seeing Zhang Kun's cautious look, Li Ran still smiled. As expected by Li Ran, he was not too surprised. (ok)

"Let me finish reading your 114th regiment first." Li Ran did not give a direct reply, but spoke meaningfully to the minister.

This answer can be regarded as a psychological preparation for Zhang Kun, because in Li Ran's view, the most critical point of the military reform of the Z Division lies in the 114th Regiment. The military reform of the heavy armored division is different from other conventional divisions.

It is necessary not only to ensure the strategic deterrence brought by a sufficient number of heavy equipment, but also to have the characteristics of informationization and synthesis.

In fact, there are not many moving points. Whether it is the 112th Regiment or the 113th Regiment, these two heavy tank regiments can only move slightly. The biggest change is the mechanized infantry regiment of the 114th Regiment.

In layman's terms, in this change in the combat system, the 114th Regiment suffered much more sacrifices than the other two regiments.

This is why Li Ran did not conduct a so-called surprise inspection this time, but directly came to inspect officially and even said hello.

The purpose is to come to the 114th Regiment first and say hello to the 114th Regiment and its leader Zhang Kun in advance so that they can be mentally prepared.

Sometimes, it can't be solved with a simple order. The feelings of the grassroots must also be taken into consideration, otherwise it will be counterproductive.

(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!!).

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