Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

491: Shocked The Army Headquarters! Military Reform Begins

Northern Military District, Army Group H, Headquarters!

Corps Commander's Office.

As the chief of staff of Group H, Major General Zhou Ruding pushed open the door and walked in. His anxious look made Lieutenant General Tan Fei, the commander of Group H, look confused.

"Old Zhou, what happened? You are in such a hurry." Tan Fei asked.

The two have been friends for many years, and have been working together for a long time. They know Zhou Ruding's temper very well. He is usually a calm person, and if he suddenly behaves like this, it means that something is definitely going on.

"The work report of Division Z is about the division and army reform." Zhou Ruzuo put the work report in his hand on the table in front of Lian Fei.

"Z Division Army reform? So fast?" Hearing this, Tan Fei picked up the documents on the table with a surprised look on his face.

The military reform of the Z Division is a top priority in the H Group Army, because the Z Division is the main division and the ace division of the H Group Army. With the advent of informationization and the change of the synthetic combat system, the other two divisions of the H Group Army The division is also working on it.

In addition, the General Staff has also provided each unit with a reference for a rough template for changes in the relevant combat system. With the reference, each unit can avoid detours and avoid detours when completing the transformation of the informatization and synthetic combat system. Wrong move.

The other two divisions of Army Group H have made impressive changes, but Division Z has been stagnant.

There is no way. The special nature of Z Division is destined to be different from other divisions in terms of informatization and modification. Even the General Staff has said hello and arranged for a suitable person to come over.

This suitable person naturally refers to Li Ran, the former brigade commander of the synthetic brigade.

No one is more suitable than him to be responsible for the military reform of Z Division.

Regarding the arrival of Li Ran's "673", Tan Fei and others were naturally very happy. Li Ran's strength was well known to everyone, and who wouldn't want such a talent in their military region.

Tan Fei has great confidence in Li Ran regarding the reform of the Z Division.

But it had only been three days since Li Ran came to take charge of Division Z, and he submitted the report on the military reform of Division Z. Isn’t it a little too fast?

"You take a look first before you speak." After hearing Tan Fei's words, Major General Zhou Ruding, the chief of staff of Group H, said directly without expressing his position.

"Is there anything wrong?" After hearing this, Tan Fei said doubtfully, then picked up the report and read it carefully.

He heard something amiss from Zhou Ruding's tone. Is there something wrong with the military reform plan proposed by this legendary officer and former commander of the synthetic brigade?

After a while, when Tan Fei carefully read the report, he breathed a sigh of relief.

"Everything else is fine. The reorganization of the 114th Regiment is something I didn't expect." Fei Fei couldn't help but say.

In the report Li Ran produced on the military reform of the Z Division, there were many remarkable and admirable things in it, but Tan Fei was a little surprised by the reorganization of the 114th Regiment.

Reorganizing an army, or a regiment, is a bit of a big move.

The key is that the 114th regiment was nominally reorganized, but in fact, the three regiments of Division Z had made considerable moves.

"What do you think?" Tan Fei asked Zhou Ruding.

"The action is a bit big, but what is said above is not unreasonable. The special characteristics of Z Division are destined to be different from other divisions in this military reform. He was the former commander of the combined brigade. At this point, No one knows how to do it better than him." Zhou Ruding said in a deep voice.

What Zhou Ruding said was very objective and based entirely on facts.

When it comes to reforming the Z Division, no one knows better than Li Ran how to do it best.

"I don't have any objections, but you, the former commander of the 114th Regiment, are you willing to bear it when your old unit is about to be reorganized?" Tan Fei joked.

There were only two of them present in the office, and they were old friends, so they didn't have much scruples about speaking.

The 114th Regiment is an old unit with an old name, and Zhou Ruding, the chief of staff of Group H, once served as the commander of the 114th Regiment.

"There is nothing you have to give up. He is right. In the face of the tide of military reform, no one has the ability to stop it. You will either become a waver in the tide or be drowned by the tide. This is an opportunity for the 114th Regiment to have a new life." Zhou Ruding said.

After all, he served as the leader of the 114th Regiment and got there step by step. To say that he has no feelings for the 114th Regiment is pure nonsense.

But he will not affect the military reform because of these personal emotions. He does not have the ability.

"Then it's decided. Notify Division Z and let him do it boldly and confidently. The headquarters has absolute support." Tan Fei said.

As the commander of Army Group H, Tan Fei was looking forward to what Division Z would become in Ji Ran's hands.

Division Z, Division Headquarters!

Inside the office.

"The reply from the headquarters has come down. It fully supports the military reform plan you designated, so that you can go ahead with confidence and boldness." Qi Long found Li Ran and said directly.

Here, the commander of the group army personally called him to inform him that he, the division commander, should unconditionally support Li Ran's military reform plan. He would be given whatever Li Ran needed and cooperate as needed.

"Got it." Hearing this, Li Ran nodded, very calmly.

This result had been expected by him, and it would be strange if the army headquarters objected.

"What should I do next? Is there anything I need to do?" Qi Long asked directly.

He is the commander of Division Z. Before Li Ran came, everything big and small would be handled by him, but since Li Ran came, he has shared most of the work.

This feeling made Qi Long a little boring for a while. He felt relaxed after being free from a busy state, and there was always a feeling of decadence.

"Senior brother, there is nothing you need to do, I can handle it. Didn't you say you wanted to take a vacation to have a baby some time ago? Now is the opportunity." Li Ran said.

As soon as Li Ran said this, Qi Long was stunned for a moment, but he was not angry to death.

Are you kidding me? How could he be absent and have no sense of participation in such an important matter as the Z Division Army reform?

On such an important day as Master Z, wouldn't it become a joke if word spread that he took a vacation to have a baby?

"Don't come here, kid, you must arrange some work for me." Qi Long said.

"Brother, do you really want to do something?" Seeing Qi Long's attitude, Li Ran showed a playful expression.

"Don't look at me with that expression, just say it. Qi Long got goosebumps when he saw Li Ran's look.

The next day!


Head's office.

"Commander, our 114th regiment needs to be reorganized? Why? Is there anything our regiment is not satisfied with? Just say it and I will change it.

"I'm not disobeying orders, I just want to know why."

"Commander, what did our 114th Regiment do that dissatisfied the Chief of Staff?"

"Yes, yes, I obey orders."

The call was interrupted, and Zhang Kun, the leader of the 114th Regiment, put down the phone feebly. His whole body seemed to have been evacuated for an instant, and he slumped on the chair.

A phone call came from the division headquarters, directly bringing him shocking news. Their 114th regiment was actually facing reorganization. This was the request of the division chief of staff, and the group army headquarters had approved it.

This news is undoubtedly a bolt from the blue for Zhang Kun.

Reorganization, the reorganization of a regiment. In the past, when a regiment was reorganized, it meant that there was a problem in the regiment. The nature of the problem was very serious, and it reached a point where it needed to be reorganized.

But their 114th Regiment had just been inspected by the newly appointed division chief of staff yesterday, and the division chief of staff was very satisfied with the performance of their 114th Regiment, so after returning home, they were assigned this term?

Is this what the division chief of staff meant by "sacrifice" back then?

After Li Ran returned from the inspection of the 114th Regiment yesterday, Zhang Kun had been thinking about the meaning of what Li Ran said to him, and also thinking about what the "sacrifice" in Li Ran's mouth was.

In the end, Zhang Kun even thought that some companies of the 114th Regiment might need to be reorganized. This was the most serious "sacrifice" in Zhang Kun's opinion.

But he didn't expect that what was waiting for him was the reorganization of a regiment, which he didn't expect at all and was not mentally prepared at all.

This incident was a huge blow to Zhang Kun, but the order from the division headquarters had been issued, and all he could do was obey the order.

But faced with this matter, he, the leader, was at a loss for a while. How to reorganize?

After a while, He Bing, chief of staff of the 114th regiment, also came.

"Old Zhang, you know the news about the reorganization of our regiment from the division headquarters, right?" Seeing He Bing's arrival, Zhang Kun asked weakly.

"I just finished the call with the division staff." After hearing this, He Bing nodded. After seeing Zhang Kun like this, he couldn't help but ask: "What's wrong with you? Are you okay?"

"The 114th Regiment will face reorganization in my hands. As the leader of the 114th Regiment, I will become the shame of the 114th Regiment and the most failed leader." Zhang Kun said, he felt a huge shame.

Seeing Zhang Kun like this, He Bing's mouth twitched and comforted him: "Commander, what is shameful or shameful? This reorganization may be an opportunity and a good thing for our 114th regiment..." ..”

"A good thing? Lao Zhang, you didn't drink too much, right? You are the chief of staff of the 114th Regiment. It doesn't matter if you don't feel uncomfortable, how can you say such a thing?" He Bing's words made Zhang Kun dissatisfied.

"Okay, you should take a look at this first, the reorganization plan faxed by the division staff." He Bing did not intend to argue with Zhang Kun, and directly handed the document faxed by the division to Zhang Kun.

Zhang Kun took it and started to read.

Zhang Kun, whose face was ashen and had no fighting spirit, looked at the faxed document and his face turned red.

"Is this true?" Zhang Kun asked in disbelief.

"Of course what the division staff faxed is true, and it is what the newly appointed division chief of staff meant." He Bing said.

Seeing Zhang Kun like this, He Bing said again: "It's not so uncomfortable now."

"It's not that uncomfortable anymore, not at all." Zhang Kun breathed a sigh of relief.

Originally, he thought that the reorganization of the 114th Regiment would result in the loss of many people. After all, the previous comprehensive change of equipment, from semi-mechanized to fully mechanized, was a tragic scene.

He still remembers it vividly.

As a result, after reading the reorganization document now, he discovered that the so-called reorganization was not as painful as he imagined.

First, an assessment will be organized in the entire regiment to retain suitable officers and soldiers. At the same time, the other two regiments will also organize corresponding assessments, and finally the appropriate officers and soldiers will be retained in the 114th Regiment to build an information-based and synthetic combat system.

The two heavy tank regiments, the 112th Regiment and the 113th Regiment, are streamlined based on the original heavy tank regiments. This reorganization model can be said to be a huge opportunity for the 114th Regiment.

It is equivalent to bringing the outstanding officers and soldiers of the other two regiments to the 114th Regiment. At that time, the 114th Regiment will be a combined regiment, and its combat effectiveness will make a qualitative leap.

This is really a turn of events. In the past, in Division Z, the 114th Regiment was just a mechanized infantry regiment, while the two heavy tank regiments, the 112th Regiment and the 113th Regiment, were completely unshakable.

Unexpectedly, now, the 114th Regiment will finally be able to turn around.


The time given by the Ministry is limited, so we should hurry up. Whether we can seize this opportunity depends on this time. "He Bing said.

In this regard, Zhang Kun, as the group leader, nodded directly without any objection.

Soon, the regiment headquarters issued orders to the grassroots companies, and the 114th regiment was instantly involved in a sensation.

"Have you heard? Soon the entire team will be assessed, and those with poor performance will most likely be transferred."

"I heard that our regiment is going to be reorganized. We will keep the good ones."

"Reorganizing, it's such a big deal, what should we do if we don't get good grades? Should Zhuanya be discharged from the army?"

"Professional retirement is not a matter of course. The specific arrangements have not been announced yet, but I have also said that this assessment is different from the past."

1.6 "The latest news seems to be an order from the division headquarters. This is an opportunity. It depends on us whether we can seize it."

The reorganization of the 114th Regiment caused a sensation within the regiment, and everyone from soldiers to officers couldn't help but talk about it.

Due to the notification from the regiment headquarters, this reorganization will be analyzed and considered through comprehensive results such as assessment and daily performance, and ultimately outstanding soldiers and officers will be retained.

In other words, with this reorganization, the staffing of the 114th Regiment will usher in a huge move.

As for where those officers and soldiers with poor performance will go, there has been no announcement yet, but reliable news is that there will be no early retirement from the profession.

Moreover, the regiment headquarters particularly emphasized that the assessment in the coming period will be different from the previous assessments, so that everyone should be mentally prepared. As for the difference, no one knows, they can only

Wait patiently.

As the 114th Regiment received the reorganization order.

Both the 112th Regiment and the 113th Regiment also received notices from the division headquarters, asking the two regiments to prepare for the entire regiment assessment in the near future and screen out the corresponding officers and soldiers.

It's just that the two regiments of the 112th Regiment and the 113th Regiment looked very ugly after receiving this order from the division headquarters.

Anyone who is not a fool can understand what the division headquarters means. The division headquarters is planning to transfer the outstanding officers and soldiers of its own regiment to the 114th Regiment. I have seen poaching, but I have never seen such poaching.

The foot of the wall.

It is normal for the various regiments to poach each other, but whenever this happens, the division headquarters directly interferes.

If good officers and soldiers are transferred to the 114th Regiment, where will they be assigned to the 114th Regiment?

(Please ask for everything, ask for everything, thank you on my knees! I’m a bit stuck, I’ll try to think about it [sorry!!]).

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