Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

493: Sensation In The Military Zone! Brand New Z Division

Z Division Headquarters.

In the office of the division chief of staff.

On the desk in front of Li Ran are the documents compiled and reported by the three regiments. These are the candidates selected by the headquarters of each regiment according to the assessment standards provided by Li Ran after a week of assessment.

The total number of officers and soldiers of the three regiments totaled seven to eight thousand. So many people took the exam in just one week according to the assessment items provided by Li Ran.

This time is an opportunity for the officers and soldiers of the three regiments.

In the military reform of Z Division, the informatization and synthetic combat system of the heavy armor division was established. The 114th Regiment will be built as a synthetic regiment model. The officers and soldiers of each regiment have an opportunity to change the status quo.

If you are not satisfied with your current function!

Or maybe you think you don’t like your current military unit!

Even if you want to experience innovation and become a trendsetter in the trend of the times!

This time, it is an opportunity for any officer and soldier of the three regiments. If they pass the assessment and meet the standards required by Li Ran, they will have the opportunity to get rid of the status quo and become a member of the combined regiment, or leave the current old position. Units, going to a new company, all have opportunities.

After the officers and soldiers of the three regiments understood it clearly, they were shocked and excited at the same time.

This was their first time to experience such a big move. Anyone with any idea could see that this was an opportunity.

Just look at the current Synthetic Brigade. You must know that when the Synthetic Brigade was still a synthetic battalion, it attracted a wide range of talents and provided very good treatment to the outside world.

Many people were indeed attracted to the combined camp, but there were still some who believed that the new units were just a gimmick and were not as comfortable as the old units.

But now, those who missed the opportunity are beating their chests and feeling very upset.

Why didn't you go to Synthetic Camp in the first place?

Take a look at what the original combined battalion looks like now. A brigade-level unit was expanded from a battalion to a brigade. How many opportunities are there? If they go, maybe their current positions or ranks will be changed, because there are more opportunities.

Therefore, now that there is such an opportunity, many people can no longer tolerate it.

If it weren't for some reasons and if there was no hope, who would want to hang out in the army for a few years and then retire?

"Isn't this workload too much? How about we find a few people to help?" Qi Long said with a numb scalp as he looked at the pile of documents piled high on Li Ran's desk.

On this, the assessment status of the officers and soldiers of a regiment and related personal intentions are gathered.

This is such a huge workload. How can one person have the energy to complete it? Even if one grits his teeth and does it, it will not take at least ten days and a half, and it will not drive people crazy?

"Brother, there is a thing called a computer. Just write a statistical screening program." Li Ran said lightly.

"Then go and tell the technical department if you have any requests, but it should take a few days." Qi Long thought for a moment and said.

Li Ran's words really woke him up. With the development of technology these days, computers are becoming more and more advanced. Isn't it just a matter of using computers to process data? How can the human brain compare to the brain of a computer?

"No, I can just write one myself." Li Ran said.

"You can still do this?" Hearing this, Qi Long looked surprised.

"It's just writing a program, what's so difficult about it?" After Li Ran finished speaking, he started operating on the computer in front of Qi Long.

In just two or three minutes, Li Ran wrote the program very easily.

"You're really a god, I just want to know what else you can't do." Qi Long said, once again having a new understanding of Li Ran.

If you ask him to do this thing, you won't be able to kill him. He will just look at the computer and type. If you ask him to write programs, it will be even harder for him to kill a tank with a rifle.

"Brother, a new era has arrived. It is always good to learn more new things. From now on, my request to the officers and soldiers of all units of Z Division is to let them learn more and master more new things." Li Ran said lightly.

Regarding the requirements of Division Z, Li Ran will also follow the requirements when he commanded the combined brigade.

It is necessary to arouse a trend of crazy involution in all units of Division Z, mobilize their interest and enthusiasm in learning new things, and read more books and master more skills during their daily rest.

Don't just hold a guitar and sing there, my old squad leader, how have you been recently?

Whether the old squad leader is good or not is none of your business. Even if his life is not good, what can you do now?

It's okay, don't think about your childhood sweetheart all day long, and imagine that you can get married after you get out of the army. You just get out of the army with a dawdling attitude. After you get out, what can you do? What can you do?

You don’t have any skills, and you still expect someone to marry you? That’s not a girl from another family.

"You are right, we need to learn more new things and keep up with the development of the times." Qi Long agreed with Li Ran's idea.

At this time, Qi Long remembered that the military game that Li Ran had developed and produced and let him experience could be used for training.

Currently, this "Mission Resurgence" game is in the comprehensive testing stage, and he will play it when he has time. However, although it is said to be in the comprehensive testing stage, it has not yet been fully tested.

The reason is also very simple. There are not enough computers that can meet the game running standards. The computers in the maintenance rooms of each unit of Division Z are still old antiques. New computers need to be applied for.

Division Z's application has been submitted a long time ago, but the Army Logistics Department has yet to approve it.

After thinking about Li Ran's background and relationship, Qi Long had an idea. He could ask Li Ran to come forward and urge him on this kind of thing. With Li Ran's face, there would be no problem.

As a unit chief, who doesn’t want to get good things into his unit?

Just as Qi Long was about to discuss this idea with Li Ran, the crisp sound of typing on the keyboard rang in his ears.

The crisp sound of typing on the keyboard brought Qi Long back from his thoughts. When Qi Long heard the sound, he looked over and saw that Li Ran was typing on the keyboard at a speed that was breathtaking and scary.

Even Li Ran's hand speed was so fast that it left an afterimage, which made Qi Long dazzled and admired him in his heart. He thought that at the beginning, even though he had been single for thirty years, his hand speed could not reach this level.

"What are you doing?" Qi Long couldn't help but ask.

"Enter data." Li Ran said, without slowing down his hands.

"Okay, I won't disturb you anymore, farewell." Qi Long swallowed the words that were in his throat. "Originally, he planned to ask Fengran to find a few people from the division headquarters to help input the data.

Does such a small matter still require your chief of staff to do it yourself?

But when I thought about it, no one could match Li Ran's speed, so I forgot about it.

It is estimated that Li Ran also dislikes the slow efficiency of finding others to do the work.

In fact, it is exactly what Qi Long thought. Li Ran really dislikes the inefficiency of letting others input data. He can complete this kind of thing in half a day, and let other people in the division do it faster. Not even the sky can finish it.

After Qi Long left, Li Ran was the only one left in the office. The crisp and clear sound of the keyboard echoed in the office and spread outside.

"Chief of Staff, what are you doing in the office? Crackling."

"Is this typing or throwing the keyboard?"

"This voice, I've been single for 20 years and I haven't had this speed."

"Tch, just twenty years of being single is nothing. Thirty years of being single can't compare."

Some people passing by the division headquarters couldn't help but ask after hearing the movement in Li Ran's office.

In one afternoon and a half, the officers and soldiers of the three regiments of Z Division were screened and assigned. This time, Li Ran conducted the screening and assignment according to his own standards. The 112th Regiment, the 113th Regiment and the 114th Regiment were three regiments. Basically, each regiment About 40% of the personnel have changed.

After screening and allocation, Li Ran found Qi Long with the list of personnel who needed to undergo changes in the three regiments.

"Brother, take a look at the list. If there is nothing wrong with the list, it will be distributed to three regiments." Li Ran said and handed the list to Qi Long.

Looking at the densely packed names above, Qi Long's scalp went numb.

"As long as there is no problem, just follow your plan." Qi Long said.

Hearing this, Li Ran nodded.

"By the way, during this Z Division military reorganization, can we take the opportunity to replace some new equipment?" Qi Long asked, giving Li Ran a knowing look.

"Senior brother, don't worry about this kind of thing. Whatever is missing, I will just ask the Group Army Logistics Department for it. If the Group Army Logistics Department doesn't have it, I'll ask the Military Region Logistics Department for it. If the Military Region doesn't have it, I'll ask the General Staff. "Li Ran said extremely arrogant words in a very calm tone.

That's right, Li Ran's current card is like this. If there is anything missing, just ask for it.

There is nothing Li Ran can't get his hands on.

New equipment is not a problem for Li Ran, even if he directly asks the arsenal for it, it will be fine.

"I really envy you, kid. If senior brother asks for your help in the future, you can't refuse." Qi Long said with great envy.

Even he, the commander of the heavy armor division, does not have the confidence like Li Ran to dare to say anything and get whatever he wants.

There are three group armies in one military region, and three divisions in one group army. If your division wants something, others don't want it? Even if the Logistics Department may be biased because of the importance of Division Z, it is only relative and cannot be too much.

Only Li Ran has the confidence to say such a thing.

After Li Ran had people distribute the list to three regiments, the three regiments mobilized personnel according to the names on the list. Together, the three regiments had two to three thousand people who needed to be mobilized. This was a huge number. project.

Although personnel transfers are common in various units, the personnel transfer of so many people is the first time in the field army.

When the news came out, the entire H Army was shocked.

"Have you heard? Division Z is undergoing a major personnel transfer. Three regiments, two to three thousand people, and units will be transferred.

"I was shocked. It is said that this was the handiwork of the newly appointed division chief of staff."

"This kind of personnel change is probably the first time in our field army. He is truly a legendary officer. He does not follow the routine at all."

"The headquarters doesn't have any objections to Division Z's actions?"

"Opinion? How happy is the commander of our military region to know that this legendary officer has come to our northern military region? He brags to everyone and says that his talents are always his and cannot escape."

Indeed, the H Group Army Headquarters was very aware of such a big move by Division Z, and even the military region was very aware of it. However, from the military region down to the next level, no one had any objections and everyone was watching silently.

In a word, as long as Li Ran doesn't overwhelm all the officers and soldiers of Z Division, everything will be fine. Li Ran is given enough space to show off his skills. They all want to see what Z Division can do in Li Ran's hands. What a radical change.

Z Division, to say that the most comfortable units in Z Division now are the two units directly under the division, a division reconnaissance battalion and a division guard battalion.

These two troops are also the troops that Li Ran has not inspected and has not taken any action since he took office.

Originally, this should be a good thing for the division reconnaissance battalion and division guard battalion. The superior leaders

If you don't keep your eyes on them, nothing will happen to them.

But after knowing such a big move by the three main regiments, the commanders of the units directly under the two divisions always felt something was strange.

No, it was rare for the battalion commander of the division's reconnaissance battalion and the battalion commander of the division's guard battalion to get together and have a good chat.

The guard battalion directly under the division and the reconnaissance battalion directly under the division were famous rival troops. No one could tolerate the other, and everyone wanted to show their faces in front of the division leaders. There was always a lot of competition, and no one accepted the other.

But now (Li's case), the commanders of the two division-directed troops always feel as if they have been "abandoned" by the division leaders.

"Lao Qi, the new chief of staff of the division has been here for so many days, why has he never seen us here once?" The current commander of the division's reconnaissance battalion asked depressedly while smoking a cigarette.

"Hen, the day he first arrived, I had the battalion prepare all the time, but after preparing for so long, no one came." The commander of the division guard battalion was also very depressed.

"Hey, is this newly appointed chief of staff of the division not interested in our two units? His eyes are all on those three regiments? We are also a unit of the Z Division. Shouldn't the military reform change us?

Forget it.

"Hen, even the teacher didn't come to us during this time."

The battalion commanders of the two divisions' directly-affiliated troops were extremely depressed at this time. You must know that the division reconnaissance battalion and the division guard battalion have always been the "star" troops of the Z division, and they have never been subjected to such a situation.

Such a neglect.

Just when the two of them were depressed.

A captain ran over in a hurry.

"Battal Commander, the division chief of staff is here." The person coming was a company commander from the division's reconnaissance battalion.

"The chief of staff is here?" Upon hearing this, the originally depressed lieutenant colonel's eyes lit up, and he immediately threw away the cigarette butt in his hand, and his whole demeanor instantly changed.

Sure enough, the division head may be late, but he will never be absent.

No matter who serves as the new division leader, the division reconnaissance battalion will always be a "star" unit, and the division leaders will definitely come to take a look and recognize their familiar faces.

"Old Liu, then I will take the first step." The lieutenant colonel said to the lieutenant colonel commander of the division guard battalion with a proud look on his face.

The division chief of staff came to the division reconnaissance camp first. Doesn't this explain the problem?

In the eyes of the new division chief of staff, the division reconnaissance battalion has a higher status than the division guard battalion.

(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!).

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