Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

498: Shock Everyone! The Commander Should Be Like Li Ran

The military commander's attitude towards Li Ran put everyone around him to shame.

In so many years, this is the first time I have seen the commander have such an attitude towards others. This is simply more tolerant than his own son.

It's no wonder that, with the reputation of this legendary officer, he is a great person that the General Staff bosses take good care of. When he was transferred from the Northern Military Region by the General Staff to the agency, the commander of the military region was very angry.

However, it was an order personally issued by the General Staff boss, so there was nothing he could do about it no matter how angry he was.

Now that he finally came back and served as the first heavy armored division of the army, he naturally took it very seriously.

"I believe in your ability, kid. Just go ahead and do it. I'm really looking forward to seeing the changes in my master under your hands." The admiral praised the unfortunate one.

As soon as these words came out, Qi Long's face immediately fell.

The general's words made him, a commander of a heavy armor division, feel very disappointed. You know, he is the commander of Z Division. He is still the commander of Z Division now. Li Ran is just the chief of staff.

The task of leading the team in training was entirely the responsibility of him as the division commander. He was the leader of Division Z. However, the commander actually ignored him. Listening to his words, it seemed as if the current head of Division Z was completely Li Ran has the final say alone, which makes him feel very shameless.

Although he was disappointed, Qi Long did not dare to say anything. After all, the man in front of him was the commander of the military region and his idol. Whatever his idol said, that was what he said.

Moreover, it is true that without Li Ran, this division would not have been able to make this progress.

"Commander, do you want to go and have a look at the grassroots level?" Li Ran asked with a smile after hearing the admiral's words.

"Go and have a look." The admiral nodded.

It's not enough to just visit the division headquarters when you come to inspect, you have to go to the grassroots level.

So, soon, the convoy set off from the division headquarters and went to the base of Z Division to have a look.

As for the grassroots officers and soldiers of Z Division, including the commanders of the three regiments, they still don't know the news that the military region commander came to inspect in person.

Even if the Army Headquarters had notified in advance, the notification would only stop at the division headquarters. Unlike before, when the military region commander came to inspect, the whole division would know about it and be prepared in advance.

Again, the unhealthy culture of giving advance notice will not work here in Li Ran.

In addition, when Li Ran first took office, he corrected the bad habit of revealing information in advance and spreading information in the division headquarters. Therefore, although everyone in the division headquarters knew about it, no one dared to tip off the information to the regiments.

Under such circumstances, when Li Ran and others came to the gate of the 114th Regiment's station.

The sentry at the gate didn't react for a long time when he saw the car with the military zone photo hanging on it.

"Please show me your ID!"

Seeing the arrival of the vehicle, the sentry at the door immediately came forward to check.

The driver of the car was a captain. He looked at the sentry in front of him, who was no more than a superior soldier, and looked at him like he was an idiot.

What happened to the sentry of the 114th Regiment? Blind? Or what happened to the Z Division? Wasn't it not notified in advance? Can't you see what is attached to the car to take pictures? Do you need to show your ID to register?

"The commander of the military region came to inspect, didn't you know?" the driver said impatiently.

"Whoever comes to inspect must register." Upon hearing this, the sentry did not back down and directly responded.

As soon as these words came out, the driver was stunned. He was about to say a few words, but the general in the car spoke up and criticized seriously: "Registration is a normal process, what kind of tone are you giving your certificate to others.

After hearing the admiral's reprimand, the captain quickly took out his certificate.

"No matter who you are, whenever you come to the 114th Regiment, you must register if you want to enter, even if the General Staff boss comes." At this time, Li Ran, who was sitting in the admiral's car, said calmly.

Although the tone was very calm, the meaning behind the words was very clear. He was just protecting the calf and telling others.

The sentry did nothing wrong. Why are you superior as a driver? How great are you because you are an officer?

It's just that Li Ran's current identity is too lazy to meet a mere captain.

After hearing Li Ran's words, the captain looked lucky and sighed in his heart that the Chief of Staff of the Z Division was really a bastard. The military commander was still there and did not give him any face as an officer, but he did not dare to say anything.

After careful registration and inspection, the sentry saluted everyone before letting them go.

"This makes me feel like I used to go to inspect the synthetic brigade." "Facing the review of the sentry at the gate of the 114th Regiment, the general couldn't help but sigh.

As early as the beginning when Li Ran was the leader of the Synthetic Regiment, the general went to Zhuhe to inspect the training ground. The sentinels of the Synthetic Regiment gave the general the feeling that he really didn't recognize his relatives. It was exactly what Li Ran said, even if it was The King of Heaven is here, so I have to check it carefully and make sure there are no problems before I can go in.

"The 114th Regiment is built according to a synthetic and information-based combat system, and all training methods are naturally trained in the same way as the original combined regiment." Li Ran said.

"Very good. If the 114th Regiment can have the same combat effectiveness as before the combined regiment was formed, the Z Division will definitely become the well-deserved first division of the entire army." The general said, fully recognizing Li Ran's training methods.

The general and others came to the 114th Regiment and the training ground. All units of the 114th Regiment were training.

The roar of the King of Land Warfare, the roar of infantry fighting vehicles, and the roars of officers and soldiers training can be heard endlessly. The smell of diesel is very strong in the air.

Zhang Kun, the leader of the 114th Regiment who was leading the training, had no idea about the arrival of the general and others because he did not say hello in advance at all.

After being reminded by Li Ran, the commander of the 114th Regiment got out of the command tank and ran here quickly.

"Hello, Chief!" Zhang Jun came to the general. When he saw the three ears of wheat on the general's shoulders, he was shocked, stood at attention, and saluted immediately.

"What kind of training is your regiment doing now? There is quite a lot of movement." The general looked at the busy units on the training ground and asked with a smile.

"Report to the leader, the entire regiment is undergoing coordinated training." Zhang Kun said loudly.

"Did you know that I came to inspect today and specially prepared the whole regiment to practice together?" Hearing this, the general asked again with a smile.

"That's not the case, Chief, I did not receive a notice of your inspection today." Zhang Kun said truthfully, and after that he couldn't help but add: "There are no extra meals in the canteen today."

As soon as these words came out, the admiral laughed directly.

What Zhang Kun said is true. He did not receive the notice. If he knew that the commander of the military region was coming to inspect, he would definitely have asked the canteen to add extra meals.

"I don't know, then it's best. You can continue to lead the training and don't worry about me." The admiral said with a smile.


After Zhang Kun saluted everyone again, he went back to continue leading the team training.

On the Admiral's side, he led others to watch silently.

The officers and soldiers of the 114th Regiment trained very intensively, even to the point of risking their lives. The high-intensity training surprised H Army Commander Tan Fei when he saw it.

No wonder the number of supplies requested by Division Z during this period was a terrifying astronomical figure, and the head of the logistics department often complained to him.

Now it seems that such high-intensity training cannot be carried out without sufficient material support.

However, if all the officers and soldiers of the 114th Regiment can persevere under such high-intensity training, there will definitely be good results.

While the general and others were watching the training of the 114th Regiment, suddenly, the siren sounded~

Immediately afterwards, a huge auspicious sound came.

"Enemy attack!"

After hearing the siren, Zhang Kun, the regiment leader, immediately understood what was going on and quickly issued an order to prepare all units for combat and temporarily stop training.

The units of the 114th Regiment, which were training on the training field, immediately seized the time and changed their formations at such a fast speed that it was obvious that this scene had not been experienced once or twice.

"Enemy attack?"

After hearing the sound, the admiral and others looked puzzled.

What's the situation? Where did the enemy attack come from? Is this a battle simulation of the 114th Regiment?

"Where did the enemy attack come from?" The general was very confused and couldn't help asking.

In this regard, Li Ran was very calm and explained: "Commander, this is a kind of daily training, you will know if you look carefully.

Not long after Li Ran finished speaking, a troop appeared in front and headed straight towards the 114th Regiment.

Seeing the sudden appearance of the army flag, everyone present except Li Ran and Qi Long were confused.

That logo was familiar to them. It was the logo of the Division Reconnaissance Battalion, and it was the troops of the Division Reconnaissance Battalion.

Good guy, why did the good-looking division reconnaissance camp come here? It was still during the training of the 114th Regiment. It looked like that, menacingly. It was obviously not a friendly exchange. Could it be an exercise prepared by both parties?

"Brothers, ravage the 114th Regiment and let them live in our shadow."

In the leading chariot at the front, Pang Niu, who was the commander of the division's reconnaissance battalion, actually held a trumpet in his hand and shouted loudly in public. The voice was very loud and could be heard clearly by everyone present.

Similarly, Zhang Kun, the regiment leader, was not surprised by the sneak attack on the division reconnaissance camp. He also took out a loudspeaker and shouted loudly: "Attention, all units, protect the leaders and defeat the division reconnaissance camp.

Zhang Kun looked proud of the appearance of the division reconnaissance battalion. During this period, the division reconnaissance battalion often came to sneak attack on them, and similarly, they also did not seldom sneak attack on the division reconnaissance camp.

I just didn't expect that today, when the military region commander came for an inspection, the division reconnaissance battalion suddenly came over. It just so happened that this was an opportunity for their 114th regiment to perform well in front of the military region commander.

Pang Niu on the other side looked surprised when he heard Zhang Kun's cry.

Chief? What chief?

On second thought, this might be a paralysis tactic of the 114th Regiment, deliberately removing the leader so that they would have some scruples. He would not fall for this trick.

Boom boom boom~

Da da da~

Soon, the sound of machine gunfire and artillery shells rang out fiercely, and the scene fell into extreme chaos.

Due to Li Ran's promotion, all units of Division Z wear drill equipment during normal training. The firearms and ammunition are drill rounds that can trigger warnings.

For a time, white smoke and black smoke billowed out from the battlefield, and the scene was extremely chaotic.

"`]What on earth is going on?" Seeing this scene, Meng Fei, the commander of Army H, asked directly.

Good guy, how come the Division Reconnaissance Battalion and the 114th Regiment are fighting?

"Chief of Staff Li, is there an exercise confrontation between the Division Reconnaissance Battalion and the 114th Regiment today?" Major General Zhou Ruding, the Chief of Staff of H Army, couldn't help but ask.

"It is an exercise confrontation, but it is not specially prepared for today. All units of Z Division are in a hostile relationship. Each unit will choose its own opportunity to attack other units. There is no time limit or occasion limit, in order to hone the war of officers and soldiers. Awareness," Li Ran explained.


After hearing Li Ran's explanation, everyone present could not help but gasp.

Good guy, didn’t you expect that under the training of this new chief of staff, the atmosphere within the division would have reached such a frenzied state?

The brothers' troops, who also belong to the same division, went to the opponent's station to make a sneak attack.


Suddenly, a cold shot came from nowhere and hit the general directly and accurately. It was just a practice ammunition, and the distance was too far, so it did no real damage to the general.

"Protect the commander." Seeing this, Tan Feili stood up

Stand in front of the general.

"Chief of Staff Li, ask them to stop. The commander is still here. What if the commander is injured?" Zhou Ruding said.

"Don't stop, it's interesting, it's really interesting." The admiral didn't care at all about this. On the contrary, he felt it was very interesting. He looked at the scene in front of him and said, "This is how it works."

Yes, soldiers must be passionate and competitive in order to make progress. "

This is the first time the general has seen this kind of training method in so many years, but he thinks it is very effective.

Except for Li Ran, no unit commander has such courage and dares to train like this.

"There haven't been many wars in recent years, and conventional troops are basically not exposed to war. I think many of our officers and soldiers have lost (Zhao Nuozhao) basic war awareness because of this. Many officers

Cadres have also developed bad tempers. They only focus on climbing upwards and completely forget the crisis awareness that a commander should have. This kind of training method is worth promoting.

"In front of everyone, the admiral made a comment.

In fact, what the general said is absolutely correct.

In peacetime, officers and soldiers at the grassroots level lack war consciousness and regard training as a simple task. However, many senior officers only want to climb up the ranks and completely forget about their status as soldiers.

The war crisis awareness that a commander should have.

How much combat effectiveness would such an army have if one day a war really breaks out?

When facing a real enemy, if you defeat him in one hit, no matter how good your training performance is, what's the point?

Li Ran's training method seems to be more random, but in fact, it is the most effective, and you must have the courage to do it.

If it were other senior officers, they would probably be worried about this and that, worried that such behavior would affect their military careers, worried about making mistakes, and would just follow the steps step by step.

, how can we make progress if we remain stagnant?

More than thirty minutes later.

The confrontation between the Division Reconnaissance Battalion and the 114th Regiment ended. Faced with the sneak attack by the Division Reconnaissance Battalion, even though the 114th Regiment was in a training state, it responded promptly and withstood the Division Reconnaissance Battalion.

The battalion's sneak attack quickly turned the tide of the battle.

In the end, the division reconnaissance battalion was defeated.

After the sneak attack was over, Pang Niu, the battalion commander of the division's reconnaissance battalion, got off the tank and couldn't help but said: "Your regiment is getting more and more difficult to fight now. I must think of a trick when I go back this time.


Hearing this, Zhang Kun smiled proudly and said: "Old Pang, you should change your tactics. I have already analyzed the three axes for you thoroughly."

The two of them were talking, and the admiral had someone call them over.

(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!).

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