Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

504: The Big Guys Gather Together! The General Staff Boss Is On Full Fire

Three days later.

With the end of the year-end summary conferences of the major military region armies, the General Staff also held a year-end summary work conference.

The results of each group army's year-end work summary meeting are reported to the group army headquarters, and each group army headquarters reports to the military region headquarters.

On the General Staff side, the year-end summary meeting is hosted by the General Staff boss, who reviews the overall situation of each major military region during the year.

This kind of day is also equivalent to the day when big bosses at the commander level of each military region and generals of each military region gather together every year.

No, early in the morning, the commanders of the major military regions and some generals in the military regions have come to the General Staff one after another. In each military region, these military region commanders are all proper bosses, but in front of the bosses of the General Staff, Everyone is still very restrained.

They were all big bosses from various military regions, and they all knew each other. After meeting each other, they all greeted each other with a smile.

"Old Liu, long time no see. You look good."

"Lao Zhang, you are too, you are getting younger and younger."

"Hahaha, I can't compare to you."

What about the conference room?

All the bosses from the military regions had arrived. At this moment, the door opened and the boss of the General Staff walked in with steady and powerful steps.

"stand up."

The moment the general staff boss came in, a major general roared.

Swish swish swish~

In an instant, everyone stood up, with serious expressions on their faces.

After the general staff boss glanced at everyone present, he put the documents in his hands on the table and said in a deep voice: "Sit down.


The bosses and generals of various military regions sat down neatly, and their movements were very crisp. The decisive temperament of the soldiers was vividly displayed at this moment.

"Is everyone here?" After everyone sat down, the chief of the General Staff asked calmly.

"Comrade General Staff Officer, all the participating generals from all military regions are here. Please give me your instructions.


After the General Staff boss finished speaking, he picked up the documents on the table and said: "The past year can be said to be the biggest change in these years for the field army. Tiger 9 main battle tanks have begun to be refitted one after another. At present, the military factory has Production is running at full capacity. According to the current production speed, it is expected that in the next two to three years, it will be fully refitted. New armed helicopters are also in production, and new pontoon vehicles and other special combat equipment are also being produced. Mass production....503."

The head of the General Staff first summarized and described the changes in equipment of various units of the field army in the past year.

Indeed, the field army has changed a lot in the past year, and this change is mainly reflected after Li Ran joined the army.

All combat units are moving towards a comprehensive transformation from mechanization to informatization. The functions of the Tiger 6 that have just been replaced have actually become implemented equipment.

The latest model of information-based main battle tank Tiger 9, which is compatible with the information-based combat system, has become popular.

Whether it is in terms of performance, firepower, or matching with the combat system, the Tiger 9 is worthy of being the king of main battle tanks.

However, the field army has a huge force. Although the Tiger 9 has been put into mass production, facing such a huge quantity, the military factory has to operate at full capacity, and the production line is almost smoking.

Not only the main battle tanks have been updated, but also various special vehicles such as pontoon vehicles and armed helicopters have been updated.

After hearing the words of the General Staff boss, the bosses from various military regions present looked at each other, and they all saw a hint of surprise in each other's eyes.

As a boss in each military region, although I have heard about the updates of weapons and equipment, I was still very shocked when I heard what the boss of the General Staff said.

The speed of updating this equipment is too fast. Let's not talk about the special equipment. Take the new main battle tank Tiger 9 as an example. It is simply the pet peeve of the bosses in various military regions.

Anyone who has seen the combat power of Tiger 9 will not like it, and those who like it will be drooling.

They originally thought that the Tiger 6 was powerful enough, but in front of the Tiger 9, it was the younger brother, the younger brother among the younger brothers. The gap was not that big. It could be said that a Tiger 9 could beat three Tiger 6s alone. This was just normal. in the case of.

If the Tiger 9 tank crew is more experienced and large-scale, the combat effectiveness it can exert will be stronger.

Everyone originally thought that the mass production of Tiger 9 would have to wait for at least five years before it could be put on the schedule. Unexpectedly, they planned to start mass production now?

"General Staff Chief, I want to ask a question." At this time, a general said slowly.


"Did our field army receive guidance from experts this year, or did we have an epiphany?" the general couldn't help but ask.

As soon as these words came out, everyone else present (aidf) nodded repeatedly, fully agreeing with the admiral's statement.

Indeed, they all have this idea.

You must know that the development of science and technology and equipment has always been the weak point of the field army. There is no way to do it. It is restricted by some reasons. Although there has been progress in recent years, the speed of progress is limited.

After all, there is a hateful bald eagle watching eagerly. He will not grant this or allow him to do this, and he will always make trouble behind his back. But now, it seems that the original restrictions on them have suddenly disappeared.

On the contrary, our own technology research and development speed is faster. Is this what is called, not killing me will only make me stronger?

"The rapid development of science and technology means that we have many talents and we have kept up with the development of the times. This is a good thing. Do you still think about the days when you tightened your belts?" Hearing this, the head of the General Staff said lightly.

Not to mention these military region bosses, even the General Staff boss who knew the inside story was shocked.

The current technological development of the field army was indeed so fast that he found it unbelievable. But knowing the truth, the General Staff boss could only attribute it to the "comrade" who was anonymous overseas.

I don’t know who this “comrade” is, but he can come up with good things from time to time, and the price he asks is like giving them away for free.

"Of course I don't want to live the old life anymore." After hearing the words of the General Staff boss, everyone present quickly expressed their stance.

The hard days in the past have passed, and having that kind of memory is enough. They will only cherish the present days more.

Who doesn't want to live a moist life, without technology stuck around their necks, and with all the good things they want? This kind of life is what they dream of.

"Since you don't want to, then cherish the days you have now. The days when you had no conditions before have passed. Now that the conditions have improved, it will be unreasonable for anyone to slip up." The chief of the General Staff said lightly.

After hearing this, no one in the room spoke, and everyone nodded.

It does make sense. In the past, we had to grit our teeth to get through the hard times. Now that the conditions are better, if they still can't do it well, then it's really their problem.

"Second, regarding the latest dispatching mechanism for logistics supplies in each military region and the digital training and combat system, you must promote and implement them to all units as soon as possible." The head of the General Staff said again.

The logistics material dispatching mechanism was a problem Li Ran discovered when he was studying rotation at the H Group Army Headquarters. Later, Li Ran personally came up with a detailed logistics dispatching mechanism system.

As for the digital military training mechanism, it was also during this period that Li Ran implemented the latest training mechanism after taking office as Chief of Staff of Z Division, and the effect was very significant.

The deficiencies and problems existing in each unit can be seen at a glance, and are certainly worthy of promotion throughout the army.

After saying that, Li Ran's face appeared in the mind of the head of the General Staff. Only Li Ran dared to act casually in front of him, no matter how big or small. Of course, in front of serious business, Li Ran had never lost his temper. What he did Achievements are impressive.

It can be said that Li Ran is indispensable for such changes in the field army.

Li Ran is now like a fire, constantly burning and glowing in the field army, gradually influencing the field army to develop in a very good direction.

"Chief, I have something to say." At this time, the commander of the Northern Military Region suddenly said.


"Although I am the commander of the Northern Military Region, I have great admiration for Comrade Li Ran. Whether it is the logistics dispatch mechanism or the digital training and combat system, they were all promoted by Comrade Li Ran. I want to give credit to Comrade Li Ran. ." The admiral said directly.

These days, at the annual work summary meeting of the General Staff, if a military region commander is asked to personally ask for credit, Ji Ran will definitely buy one.

Moreover, the admiral was right, all of this was indeed Li Ran's credit.

The commander of the Northern Military Region's words made everyone else present nod in agreement. Li Ran was well-known for his excellence.

"His achievements are obvious to all, and the General Staff has its own considerations when it comes to personal rewards." said the head of the General Staff.


After hearing this, the commander of the Northern Military Region replied loudly.

Of course he knew that the head of the General Staff would consider it, but what he said now in public was to express his attitude.

"Third point, conditions have been getting better over the years, and many of us in public have gradually strayed away from our original intentions. You should also be aware of the case investigated by Li Ran, Director of the Second Department last time, and how many people were involved in it. You should also know Clearly, let me make it clear to you that this is just the beginning. If someone commits the crime again in the future, everyone will be counted as one. There will be no tolerance and no means. This is a matter of principle. I hope you will not touch this red line. You military commanders will also We need to do a good job and let the people below not touch this red line."

At this moment, the voice of the general staff boss rose and his attitude was very stern.

On this matter, the attitude of the chief of the General Staff is very clear, no one will be tolerated, no mercy.

No matter who it is, no matter who is involved, no matter what kind of relationship is behind it, no one can protect it.

The harsh tone of the General Staff boss made many people present tremble. Indeed, the case investigated by the Second Hall last time involved too much.

And the final disposition was very serious. Even if the General Staff boss didn't say anything now, no one would dare to commit the crime.

Soon, in front of the General Staff boss, everyone clearly expressed their attitude, expressing their hatred for similar incidents and their determination not to commit any crimes.

"I would like to remind you all here again that if there is a similar incident in the military area under your jurisdiction, you people will not be able to escape the involvement. That is because you did not do your job well. I will also hold you accountable." The boss of the General Staff once again gave everyone a warning. .

In recent years, conditions have improved, and some people have focused exclusively on promotion, and everyone has slacked off in their respective military regions.

At this level, don't think that you won't make that kind of mistake, but if someone in the jurisdiction unit makes a mistake, it's just as problematic as if they, the leaders, don't pay attention and fail to take care of it.

After being reminded again, the general staff boss saw everyone was silent and stopped wasting time on this topic.

He has said everything that needs to be said, and has warned everyone that needs to be warned. The rest depends on who listens and who doesn't.

If a similar situation really happens, he will never show mercy.

"The notifications have been announced, and the reminders have been reminded. Now let's talk about training." The chief of the General Staff said slowly.

In any case, the most important thing for an army is combat effectiveness, and combat effectiveness is the key.

At the critical moment, a branch

The team must have the strength to defeat any invading enemy, so that it can have the ability to defend the country.

What is mentioned below is also the theme of this meeting.

As the chief of the General Staff finished speaking, everyone present knew that business was about to come, but they didn't pay much attention to it. In terms of training, what was emphasized and described in previous years was almost the same.

More, not a big problem.

Who knows, just as this idea emerged in everyone's mind, the next second, there was a bang!

The boss of the General Staff suddenly slapped the table, making the solid wood conference table ring loudly, and everyone present was instantly startled.

"What do you military region commanders do for a living? How do you manage military region training? Look at the results of these group armies and main battle divisions under your military region, and tell me about it.

After a year of training, who have you trained?" The tone of the general staff boss became serious again, giving everyone a sense of oppression coming from a violent storm.

"In the South China Military Region, the combat effectiveness of Army Group B has only increased by one percent compared to last year, and the performance of the main battle division has actually dropped. How did you, the commander, do this?

Can you do it?"

Being directly named by the boss of the General Staff, the commander of the South China Military Region was stunned for a moment. Then, he quickly stood up and began to review in public.

Do you think this is over? The head of the General Staff then named the commander of the Central China Military Region and angrily criticized the Central China Military Region. This year, the main battle divisions of each group army have made no progress at all.


Similarly, the commander of the Central China Military Region also hurriedly reviewed the situation in public.

In the meeting, the spittle of the General Staff boss was flying around, almost hitting everyone's faces. Basically, every military region commander was named in public by the General Staff boss and reprimanded.

Suddenly, no mercy.

No, not every military region commander, except for one, that is the commander of the Northern Military Region.

"Can you people learn from the Northern Military Region and look at the performance of each unit in the Northern Military Region this year? The combat effectiveness of the Z Division of the First Heavy Armored Division of the Field Army increased by 3% compared to last year.

10. The combat effectiveness of the field army has become the highest, and it is the well-deserved first division. Look at you again, why can't you learn from it? It's the same two shoulders carrying one head, what you eat

You're not inferior to others, but why can't you lead a team and train as well as others?"

"Although other units in the Northern Military Region also have some problems, they are all minor problems. With the example of Z Division, I believe it is only a matter of time before they improve their combat effectiveness. They will soon be able to

Enough to solve. "

After the chief of the General Staff finished speaking, the expressions of everyone present changed...

(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!).

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