Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

509: The Strongest Supernumerary! Fellow Fellow, Have You Seen Where The Iron Bird Flies?

Everyone present listened to Li Ran's description of the strong military operation and had some doubts about Li Ran's evaluation of the fellow villagers.

Indeed, many units have fellows stationed there. Sometimes, fellows know where they are stationed for training. After all, fellows have always lived here, and it is normal for them to be relatively familiar with the surrounding terrain and environment.

But if they say that the military professional level of fellow villagers is higher than that of officers and soldiers, then they will be very suspicious.

You know, grassroots officers and soldiers receive professional military quality training, especially in certain professional skills. How could the fellow villagers know about it?

It's not the past. The so-called militia manual has long since disappeared. The fellow villagers are already living a good life, so why do they care about that?

"Believe it or not, it doesn't make any sense for me to say more here. If you have time, take the initiative to go to the grassroots level and see what the fellow villagers are doing during the grassroots training. The rest is to let each unit strengthen the army according to the code name I designated. Just carry out military operations.

Seeing everyone's expressions, Li Ran knew that many people still had doubts, and he didn't bother to explain too much.

There is no point in explaining these things too much. You have to go to the grassroots level to understand and see them with your own eyes.


After hearing Li Ran's words, everyone hurriedly said.

Many people have made up their minds. If they find an opportunity, they must go to the grassroots level to see and understand the fellow villagers. Is it possible that all Zhexiangs are so awesome now?

After Li Ran finished talking about work matters, the rest came to the exciting part for everyone present.

"For the distribution of this year's honorary fruits, this is the preliminary plan and list I have drawn up for each unit, including all of you here. You can take a look first and put forward any opinions or dissatisfaction." Li Ran said lightly.

After saying that, he asked people to hand out the fruit of honor distribution plan he had drawn up to everyone.

Hearing this, everyone present quickly looked at it seriously.

After working hard for a year, what do you want? Not only do you want to do your job well and make Master Z improve, but there are also many people who are willing to do it just for this honor.

Who doesn’t want the fruits of honor? Is that related to subsequent progress?

After reaching this position, no one wants to go further in their military career.

Qi Long on the side also looked at it. As the commander of Division Z, he knew very well the importance of the fruit of honor to everyone present and to all units.

Moreover, as the chief officer of a unit, you have to consider it more comprehensively, and naturally you have to consider the distribution of the fruits of honor.

But when I saw the distribution of honor fruits formulated by Li Ran, I was a little stunned for a while.

"Why do the 114th Regiment have so many third-class merit quotas this year? It's almost as much as the combined quotas of the 112th Regiment and the 113th Regiment." Qi Long couldn't help but ask.

Z Division has three regiments, two heavy armor regiments, and the 114th regiment, which is now built according to the combined regiment model. In previous years, the three regiments had similar honorary fruit quotas.

As a division commander, although he will make a reasonable distribution based on the performance of the three regiments, he will also pay attention to the fact that the gap cannot be too large, and to ensure fairness, the bowl of water will be as even as possible.

But now, Li Ran's distribution method obviously breaks this fairness.

"I have long said that the training mechanism for each unit of Division Z is to promote the capable and to demote the mediocre, including the unit as a whole. This is based on the overall results of the three regiments over the year, as well as the performance and merits during the year. Distribution, the latecomers of the 114th Regiment will come first, this distribution is reasonable." Li Ran said.

Why should we implement the digital military training model?

It is to be as fair as possible and resolutely put an end to the situation in previous years where, towards the end of the year, the unit chief came to complain and asked for more quotas.

It no longer exists. Everything depends on performance. Excellent units have more places, while units with poor performance have fewer places. It's that simple.

"This is too big a gap." After listening to Li Ran's explanation, Qi Long couldn't help but say.

"If the 112th Regiment and the 113th Regiment have any objections, let them come to me directly." Li Ran said politely: "You can leave my words here. If the two regiments still don't make much progress in the future, all the places will be given to the 114th Regiment." Maybe the group. "

"You are so cruel." Seeing Li Ran's attitude, Qi Long knew that there was no room for negotiation, so he stopped talking nonsense.

He is going to be the deputy commander anyway, and the position of commander of Z Division will be taken by Li Ran soon. Li Ran will have the final say in everything then, and there is no point in his intervention now.

Although Li Ran's approach is a bit ruthless, it cannot be said to be unfair. Strength speaks for itself.

"Do you have any opinions?" Li Ran looked at the others.

The others looked at each other and shook their heads, indicating that they had no objection.

They now see very clearly that in the future everything will depend on strength, including them. When the honorary fruits were distributed this year, two of them thought they had similar qualifications and could at least get a third-class individual meritorious service, but they found out that they didn't.

After listening to what Li Ran and Qi Long said, neither of them dared to say anything. They could only blame themselves, as they had been fishing and rowing.

After Li Ran took office, the atmosphere of Division Z was completely different from before.

If the two of them continue fishing and rowing in the future, they may not be able to sit still in this position.

As the meeting chaired by Li Ran ended, at the division meeting, the relevant arrangements designated by Li Ran were quickly distributed to all units.

114th Regiment.

Regiment Headquarters.

Zhang Kun, the group leader, smiled happily from ear to ear when he saw the honorary quotas obtained by the group this year.

"Hahaha, I know that hard work will definitely pay off. The soldiers have worked hard for a year. Our 114th regiment has gone through twists and turns, and the hard work these few months has been worth it." Zhang Kun, the regiment leader, said very excitedly, Tian Fen of satisfaction.

If we want to say which unit has undergone the biggest changes since the Z Division carried out formal military reforms, there is no doubt that it is their 114th Regiment.

The whole regiment changed from the past and carried out military reform according to the model of a combined regiment. There were major changes in personnel and training methods. Everything was changing. The officers and soldiers of the whole regiment were tense and gritted their teeth and persevered.

It's all worth it now.

You know, because the 114th Regiment is built according to the model of a synthetic regiment, it is usually tossed around by other units.

According to incomplete statistics, the 114th Regiment suffered the most number of sneak attacks from brother units during daily training. Sometimes, it even suffered two or three times a day.

It can be said that the officers and soldiers of the 114th Regiment are now highly focused whether they are sleeping or going to the toilet. In the event of an emergency, they must cut off the diaper halfway and quickly return to their jobs.

"Yes, the chief of staff really did what he said. Results will speak for themselves." The regiment chief of staff on the side said with emotion.

The number of places in their 114th group is definitely the largest number of honors this year, almost catching up with the two groups combined.

"Please continue the notice and ask all the officers and soldiers of the regiment to continue to maintain the current attitude and not relax in the training. You know the temper of the chief of staff. He only looks at the results and nothing else. If the subsequent results of our regiment come down, he will definitely There is no such treatment." Zhang Kun warned.

"Don't worry, I'll let someone know right away."

Compared with the happy 114th Regiment, the two commanders of the 112th Regiment and the 113th Regiment looked very unhappy when they looked at the quota issued by the division headquarters this year.

You know, in all these years, they have never received such a small number of places. How can they explain to the grassroots officers and soldiers?

To this end, the two groups also gathered together to discuss countermeasures.

"There are only a few places. Compared with last year, it was cut in half. I am embarrassed to inform you." The leader of the 112th Regiment said dissatisfied.

"Who says it's not the case? We brothers are really like brothers this year. The quota of the 114th Regiment this year is almost as much as that of the two of us combined." The leader of the 113th Regiment said very depressedly while smoking a cigarette.

"What should we do? How about we go to the chief of staff and ask for mercy? We can't get enough of this quota." | The leader of the 112th Regiment said.

"Okay, I don't think we two should go to find it. You don't know the temper of the chief of staff, so we can just go and plead for mercy? Who among you and me has such a face?" The leader of the 11th (aiaf) 3rd regiment looked at it. More thorough.

In the past few months, they have gained a certain deep understanding of Li Ran's temper.

The decision cannot be changed. Take the current quota allocation situation as an example. If you go to Li Ran, there will be no other situation than being approved.

"Oh, I'm really embarrassed. I've never been so embarrassed."

"Who isn't? Lao Zhang had the last laugh this year, but having said that, I admire him a little now. The whole team can be said to have fundamentally changed. In this way, it is not affected at all, but it directly surpasses the two of us.

"I'm not as ruthless as him. You don't know what the officers and soldiers of the 114th Regiment are living every day now. The whole regiment is in a state of chaos, and everything is deserted. It is said that they are even ready for battle when they go to the toilet. It's so cruel."

"Forget it, I think we brothers can go on a sneak attack together to vent our anger. We need to continue to strengthen the training later. Otherwise, the quota for our two groups next year may be even less than now."

"Yes, I also understand that you can't be too kind."

Therefore, after the two commanders of the 112th Regiment and the 113th Regiment combined that day, they launched a sneak attack on the 114th Regiment, which was both a way to vent their anger and to test the strength of the 114th Regiment.

It seems that the 112th and 113th regiments have long been expected to take action, and the 114th regiment is fully prepared.

Facing the sneak attack by the two regiments, the 114th regiment actually fought well and advanced and retreated freely. For a time, the two regiments were unable to succeed.

After all, it was on the territory of the 114th Regiment. The 114th Regiment had enough logistical supplies, but the other two regiments did not have supplies. The sneak attack was delayed by the 114th Regiment. In just over half an hour, the two regiments had to retreat.

If we don't retreat, we won't be able to escape. If we are defeated by the 114th Regiment's counterattack again, it will be extremely embarrassing.

Seeing the sneak attack troops of the 112th Regiment and the 113th Regiment retreating, Zhang Kun, the leader of the 114th Regiment, said proudly: "Young man, I knew you would come like this. If you don't leave, I will leave you all behind."

"Captain, this is awesome. The 112th Regiment and 11B Shen really came for a sneak attack." The combat staff beside Zhang Kun said in admiration.

"After so many sneak attacks, their two regiments only have three axes. I have figured out all the routines. If I don't use some fresh tricks in the future, it will be meaningless." Zhang Kun said proudly.

He now truly understands Li Ran's wisdom. Indeed, with Li Ran's promotion, sneak attacks between brother units are indeed a means to quickly promote progress.

Zhang Kun was very clear about the combat modes and styles of the other two regiments. Not only Zhang Kun, but also the officers and soldiers of the 114th Regiment had a clear understanding of them.

As a result, the sneak attacks of the 112th Regiment and the 113th Regiment did not put as much pressure on the 114th Regiment as before, and all the officers and soldiers of the 114th Regiment were able to handle it with ease.

Because they are so familiar with each other, they now practice together and their cooperation is even more tacit. Sometimes, they know what each other is doing and how to cooperate without even speaking.

The efficiency of collaborative operations among various units has been greatly improved, and there has been a qualitative change.

The two commanders of the 112th Regiment and the 113th Regiment, who returned to their base after the sneak attack was thwarted, were also very shocked at this time.

Damn, the two of them are still

I was careless. I didn't expect that the strength of the 114th Regiment has reached this point. It had been pretending to be a pig and eating the tiger before, and was very low-key.

Today's sneak attack made the two of them fully realize the current combat effectiveness of the 114th Regiment.

It also strengthened the belief of the two of them. Going forward, training will be strengthened, and the combat style and mode will have to change. They must make progress. If they don't make progress, they will just be stepped on by the 114th Regiment.

Sooner or later.

Shortly after the division headquarters issued the honorary quota, a notice regarding training was also officially issued.

"From now on, each regiment will conduct field training and confrontation exercises to completely simulate actual combat, and all means can be used.

After this notice about training was issued, everyone was confused for a while.

The chief officers of each unit were speculating on the purpose of this notice issued by the division headquarters.

What does this mean? To simulate actual combat. They understand this. Aren’t their current training and exercises meant to simulate actual combat? All means can be used?

What other measures can be taken now?

You know, in the current exercises between various units, in order to win, they really use all kinds of tricks, including insidious and despicable tricks.

It's just that it's not like the synthetic brigade, which can bring out big weapons.

Of course, they are not equipped with a big killer, so there is nothing they can do if they want to use it.

Since the division headquarters has issued this notice, it means that something must have changed, but they can't imagine it for a while now.

When various units were confused, here, the division headquarters directly sent many people to find the homes of fellow villagers living nearby.

On this day, in order to verify whether what Li Ran said about fellow soldiers is actually very good in military literacy, and is even better than grassroots officers and soldiers, Zhao Pengcheng, director of the Z Division Training Department, decided to

I decided to come to a nearby fellow villager’s house in person to ask about the situation.


While on the road, Zhao Pengcheng discovered that a squadron of the 6th Air Division was on duty today. Not long ago, a Dragon 10 just flew over his head at a low altitude.

Not long after, Zhao Pengcheng stopped in front of a farmer's house. This fellow's home was located dozens of miles away from the 113th Regiment's station, not too far away, and he was a nearby farmer.

Regarding the arrival of Zhao Pengcheng, an officer of the field army, the fellow villagers were quite calm.

They knew that there was a field army stationed nearby. It was not far away. They often saw the field army passing by here for training. After seeing it for so many years, they naturally became very calm.


(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!).

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