Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

511: Li Ran’S Wisdom! Year-End Activities Are Coming

After spending 1,500 yuan to buy the headquarters and logistics coordinates of the 113th Regiment from a fellow villager, the lieutenant colonel took the remaining team members to investigate first with the mentality of treating a dead horse as a living horse. .

After all, there is only one chance for one's own artillery. If the coordinate points are transmitted back rashly, if it is wrong, not only will the ammunition be wasted, but it will also be equivalent to giving the other party a chance.

In such an exercise, the artillery support of both sides is very critical. It is not just to attack as many times as you want, but also to move quickly after the attack, which will waste time.

Perhaps after making a deal, the fellow was in a good mood and pointed out a road to the lieutenant colonel and others. This road could avoid the detection of the pursuing personnel of the 113th Regiment.

"Captain, do you think the coordinates the canteen owner gave us are trustworthy? He probably didn't cheat us out of our money." One of the team members couldn't help but say.

In order to buy these two coordinates, he had to actually spend 200 yuan from his allowance, which was enough to buy many packs of cigarettes.

"Yes, captain, if the coordinates he gave us are false, we can't do it even if we don't pay." Another team member said worriedly.

Usually when they go to the canteen to buy things, they often get credit, but credit is credit and no one dares not to give it.

Who dares not to give? Once someone comes to the army, those who don't give will definitely be punished. They won't even give money to fellow villagers. They are too courageous.

"Now we can't care so much, we can only treat the dead horse as a live horse doctor." The lieutenant colonel said in a deep voice: "This is our last chance."

After hearing this, the others stopped talking.

Following the route provided by the fellow villagers, the lieutenant colonel successfully led his men to evade the detection of the 113th Regiment's pursuers and arrived at the 113th Regiment's headquarters "570".

Looking at the vehicles in front of them, this posture is definitely the headquarters.

"Captain, this is really the headquarters of the 113th Regiment." Upon seeing this, everyone said with surprise.

"Damn, the owner of the canteen is really awesome. He knows all this and hasn't been discovered by the 113th regiment yet." Someone exclaimed.

Even if it is a fellow villager, once a fellow villager discovers the location of the headquarters, he will definitely move it as soon as possible to ensure nothing goes wrong.

But now, the headquarters of the 113th Regiment is still there, motionless. What does it mean?

This shows that they have no idea that the location of their headquarters has been discovered by fellow villagers.

"The 800 yuan is well spent." The lieutenant colonel said, also a little excited, and continued: "Immediately transmit the coordinates of the headquarters back, leaving one person here to keep an eye on it, and the rest of the people will follow me to investigate the logistics. "


Following the same method, the lieutenant colonel and others found the logistics of the 113th Regiment. The logistics were well disguised. No wonder they lurked for a long time [Shizhong did not detect them.

They did not expect that even professional soldiers such as them could not detect the logistics and headquarters of the 113th Regiment, but they were actually found out by a canteen owner.

What a great fellow!

"Transmit the coordinates back and tell the headquarters to make sure." The lieutenant colonel said.


As the lieutenant colonel transmitted back the coordinate points of the 113th Regiment's headquarters and logistics department, the 14th Regiment immediately launched an artillery strike on them according to the provided coordinates.

At the same time, the director's department made an evaluation based on the coordinates and firepower configuration given by the 114th Regiment.

Twenty minutes later.

At the end of the exercise confrontation, the 113th Regiment was defeated, and the 114th Regiment won by successfully destroying the 113th Regiment's headquarters and logistics department.

After the director's department formed at the division headquarters made its decision, all the officers and soldiers of the 114th Regiment cheered happily.

To be honest, they have played against the 113th Regiment many times during this period. They are making progress, but the 113th Regiment's progress has also exceeded their expectations.

In this exercise, the 113th Regiment faced off against them head-on, and was not at a disadvantage at all. Moreover, with the advantage of the heavily armored troops, it was able to suppress them all the time. The combat style was completely different from before, and there were new methods.

If they hadn't found the headquarters and logistics of the 113th Regiment, it would have been hard to say who would win in this exercise confrontation.

In this exercise, the lieutenant colonel and others of the special operations brigade undoubtedly deserved the greatest credit.

As the leader of the 114th Regiment, after the exercise, he took some time to find the lieutenant colonel and others, and said very happily: "Your special operations team has made a contribution this time. Don't worry, everyone has a share, I said so."

"Thank you, captain."

As soon as these words came out, the lieutenant colonel and others were very happy.

The true value of these 1,500 flowers is so worth it. According to their contribution in this exercise, a third-class meritorious service cannot escape. Even if there is no individual third-class meritorious service, a collective third-class meritorious service cannot escape. This is a huge amount of money. Things that money can't buy.

After praising the lieutenant colonel and others, Zhang Kun went to the director's department.

The exercise is over, and the exercise review meeting will be held.

Within the temporary director department.

The leader of the 113th Regiment came with his people, his face was angry, and he kept shouting that this exercise did not count and that he had to do it again.

After seeing Zhang Kun and others arriving, the leader of the 113th Regiment walked up angrily.

"Okay, Lao Zhang, if you see that you can't defeat our 113th regiment, you'll just use some tricks, right?" the colonel said dissatisfied.

"I said you can eat whatever you want, but you can't talk nonsense. What tricks did our 114th regiment play? If you lose, you lose. It doesn't matter. The chief of staff has always said that the most important thing in an exercise is not winning or losing but the process. It must start from the beginning. What have you learned in this exercise? You just can’t afford to lose." Zhang Kun said dissatisfied.

Zhang Kun is very unhappy now, and Huai is also unhappy after hearing such words.

The 114th Regiment won the exercise by relying on the unity of the entire regiment's officers and soldiers, but people said they were playing tricks. Why were they playing tricks? Dirty water was poured out, right?

"I can afford to lose, but I'm not convinced by losing like this. If you hadn't found my headquarters and logistics, do you think your 114th Regiment could win?" the leader of the 113th Regiment said dissatisfied.

"So?" Hearing this, Zhang Kun asked: "That makes sense, but haven't we found the key?"

"Humph, you found it? You cheated and paid for it." The leader of the 113th Regiment said dissatisfied.

"What do you mean by that? What did you spend?" Zhang Kun said in confusion. He was getting more and more confused now.

"Those people in your special operations brigade were originally chased by the people from my reconnaissance company, but in the end, a few of them bought food from the canteen owner, and they also bought my command from him. The coordinates and logistics coordinates of the headquarters, otherwise you think they are the only ones who can find it?" the leader of the 113th Regiment said angrily.

Speaking of this, the leader of the 113th Regiment became very angry.

Good guy, after so many exercises, this is the first time that I have been betrayed by a fellow villager in such a way.

The headquarters coordinates and logistics coordinates of their 113th Regiment are worth 1,500?

Originally, the leader of the 113th Regiment didn't know about this. He really thought that the lieutenant colonel and others were lucky and discovered it by accident. But later, someone under his command reported that the fellow villagers were selling things during the exercise and asked them if they wanted to buy. The coordinates of the 114th Regiment.

His men thought it was a prank by the fellow villagers and refused. But now that the exercise ended in this way, they found something was wrong and got some detailed understanding from the fellow villagers.

Only then did I discover that this was the reason.

"Is this happening?" After hearing this, Zhang Kun was also shocked.

I didn't expect such a thing during the exercise. If it is true as the leader of the 113th Regiment said, then their 114th Regiment did violate the rules during this exercise.

Isn't it nonsense to spend money to buy things and coordinates from fellow villagers during the exercise?

"If you don't believe me, you can ask a few of them."

"Go, let a few of them come over." Zhang Kun said immediately.

Regardless of whether it was true or not, he now wanted to learn about the situation from the colonel and others.

Not long after, the lieutenant colonel and others were called over, and Zhang Kun asked directly: "Let me ask you, did you buy things from fellow villagers during the exercise, and also bought the coordinates?"

Seeing the very serious question from their regiment leader, the lieutenant colonel and others knew that the matter could no longer be concealed, so they had no choice but to nod.

"How much did it cost?"

"The fellow asked for 1,600, but we counter-offered 1,500." The lieutenant colonel lowered his head and said, "I agreed to this matter, and it has nothing to do with them."

At the critical moment, the lieutenant colonel still acted very generously.

"Look, did I say something wrong? Do you really think your 114th regiment can beat us this time?" the leader of the 113th regiment said sarcastically.

For this exercise, he has been studying the art of war and command. He changed his previous combat style and gained the upper hand from the beginning of the battle.

He even dug out the latent troops that were ambushing and infiltrating the 114th Regiment and eliminated most of them. In the end, he was unwilling to lose this way.

"You guys are so brave. Did you know this was a drill? Who allowed you to do this?" After confirming, Zhang Kun felt humiliated and his blood pressure instantly rose.

He originally thought that the people in the special operations brigade were promising. Even if they were hit by mistake, luck was also part of their strength.

But looking at it now, it turned out to be this way, and he couldn't bear it.

He was also exposed in person by the leader of the 113th Regiment. How can he go out to meet people after this? The entire 114th Regiment will also be humiliated.

"Captain, I was wrong. I can accept any punishment." the lieutenant colonel said.

Now that it has been discovered, the extra explanation is of no use. Besides, there is nothing to explain. I just spent money to buy the coordinates from the fellow villagers and took a shortcut.

They didn't expect that fellow villagers could be so awesome!

"Lao Zhang, I think you should let your men reflect and reflect. They will do whatever it takes to win." The leader of the 113th Regiment mocked again.

"I think it's you who needs to reflect."

At this time, Li Ran's voice rang in everyone's ears. After hearing the words, everyone immediately stood at attention and saluted.

"chief of staff."

"Who said it is illegal to buy things and coordinates from fellow villagers during the exercise?" Li Ran looked at the leader of the 113th Regiment and asked directly.

"Chief of Staff, nothing like this has ever happened in previous exercises. This is an exercise. It's not against the rules to ask fellow soldiers." The leader of the 113th Regiment said aggrievedly.

"Really? You didn't see the notice that the division headquarters sent to each regiment before? What did you say?" Li Ran asked again.

Hearing this, the commander of the 113th Regiment changed his face. He did not expect that the last notification from the division headquarters was actually a precaution against such a thing happening during the exercise.

The key point is that he really didn't take it to heart at the time. He used all means during the exercise, no matter what other means. It was impossible to deceive monsters, but he really didn't expect to find fellow villagers.

"I would like to state again that they have not violated the exercise regulations. If this is an actual combat, the fellow villagers may be our own people, buying food and coordinates from our own people. Is there a problem with buying coordinates? Or maybe it's from your side. There is a traitor in the people, and you still don't know anything about it." Li Ran added: "My fellow villagers can clearly discover your headquarters and logistics, but you didn't notice it, and my fellow villagers are still in the exercise, while you are fighting, While selling things, you are still not alert, isn't this the problem of your 113th regiment?"

Li Ran's series of rhetorical questions directly rendered the leader of the 113th Regiment speechless.

Similarly, Li Ran's words made Zhang Kun and others feel happy.

So that's it. It seems that this time their 114th regiment really fulfilled the instructions conveyed by the division headquarters last time unintentionally.

"We have nothing to do with you here. You can go back first. You performed well in this exercise. As the captain, you responded quickly and made decisive decisions. You all deserve credit." Li Ran said to the lieutenant colonel and others. .

"Thank you, Chief of Staff."

Hearing this, the lieutenant colonel and the others looked overjoyed, and their moods were like riding a roller coaster, with ups and downs. In the blink of an eye, they were in heaven, then in hell, and then in heaven again.

Sure enough, the wisdom of the chief of staff was beyond the reach of mere mortals like them.

After the lieutenant colonel and others left, Li Ran started a drill review meeting with the regimental officers of the two regiments.

"This exercise, from the perspective of playing style, both of your regiments have made great progress compared to before. This shows that the training is effective. The 14.013 regiment has changed its previous playing style. It can be seen that it has been carefully studied and considered. It’s good to have a clear mind.”

Regarding the 113th Regiment, Li Ran first gave his affirmation, and then said: "The only shortcoming is that the thinking has not changed. If the officers and soldiers of the 113th Regiment bought the coordinates from the fellow villagers this time, the loser this time will definitely be the 114th Regiment." Regiment, don’t treat fellow villagers as characters that have nothing to do with the exercise. The exercise is actual combat. In an exercise, every person, even an animal, is part of the exercise. It depends on how you use it."

"Secondly, your two regiments still have a big problem, the problem of alertness. Can I understand the command and logistics of your two regiments? What do your security personnel do for a living? Where to place the headquarters and the surrounding layout If you ask for security guards, you really think no one can find you quietly, right?"

At the review meeting, Li Ran gave two more people a lesson.

In response to Li Ran's reprimand, the two of them could only nod their heads without daring to refute at all.

I thought that after this period of training, they had matured and progressed, and had a certain understanding of Li Ran's style and thoughts, but now it seems that they are still small and the pattern is small.

Although their thinking has made some progress and changes, there are still many shortcomings.

Afterwards, when the officers and soldiers of the two regiments learned about this, they all went crazy.

After the leader of the 113th regiment returned, he directly reprimanded the few people who reported the incident. They were so stupid that they didn't even want the coordinates they picked up for free.

Zhang Kun, the leader of the 114th Regiment, once again praised him without hesitation.

That day, the threshold of the canteen was almost broken.

(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!!!).

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