Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

524: Future Teacher! Leaders Who Are Considerate To The Grassroots Will Not Have Bad Luck

At this time, in major stations.

All the special personnel arranged by Li Ran rushed there in advance. Each vehicle was led by an officer and had a list of names in hand.

Not long after, after the car arrived at the station, a slightly older and stooped couple slowly walked out. For a while, they were a little uncomfortable with such a bustling scene with people coming and going.

The old couple live in a remote rural area. The farthest and most prosperous place they have been to is their home county. This is their first time visiting such a city, so they are inevitably a little frightened.

"Uncle, aunt, this way. 11

After confirming who was coming, the second lieutenant immediately raised a smile and walked to the doctor manually.

"Are you Xiaofeng's leader?"

The man asked, a little excited after seeing the second lieutenant.

"It's not a leader, it's a comrade. Our chief of staff specifically ordered us to pick you up this year. You haven't seen Xiaofeng for a long time, right?" the second lieutenant said with a smile.

"I haven't seen him for more than three years. I know Xiaofeng is busy in the army and occasionally writes letters back. We don't dare to disturb him," the man said.

Although they come from rural areas, their family conditions are not good, and although the clothes they wear are old, they are clean and their hearts are even more clean.

"I understand, so the chief of staff specially asked us to pick you two up this year and reunite them with your son. Don't worry, we will arrange the car back, so you don't have to worry." The second lieutenant said with some emotion in his heart.

Being a soldier is hard work, but it would be okay if you were just a compulsory soldier. You would only be away from home for two years at most before you can go back.

Two years is not a long time or a short time.

But for some old non-commissioned officers who stayed in the army, or even those who finally became officers, but whose family conditions are not good.

I am usually busy in the army and have no time to go back. The conditions at home are poor and the place is far away. Some even have no phone calls, so I can only write letters.

After the letter was sent back, the family had to rely on the literate people in the village to read it.

For example, the two people in front of them worked hard to raise a son. Just such a son succeeded and was admitted to the military academy. After graduation, he was directly assigned to the 112th Regiment of Z Division. Now he is an official second lieutenant platoon leader.

It's just that Division Z is different from other divisions. It has a lot of training and a fast pace. The young second lieutenant works very hard and his home is far away. As a result, the second lieutenant has no time to go back.

Starting from last year, the army changed its equipment and then kept up with this year's new round of military reform. The pace was so fast that many people's vacations were all occupied, and they had no time to take a vacation at all.

After all, the second lieutenant has not been home or visited his parents for more than three years.

With such a son, how could the old couple at home not want him?

Of course I want to, but I know my son is busy in the army and I can't bear to disturb him.

During the Chinese New Year this year, although the Z Division was on duty, Li Ran, the chief of staff of the division, specially asked the chief officers of each unit to report a list before the Chinese New Year. They were the names of non-commissioned officers and officers in each unit of the Statistics Department who had not been home for three years or more. .

Then Li Ran will arrange for people to personally pick up the families of these people during the Chinese New Year this year.

The round-trip travel expenses and all expenses were all reimbursed by Li Ran personally, out of his own pocket, so that these people could have a good reunion and spend the New Year together in the army.

Li Ran asked the chief officers of each unit to make this arrangement secretly without notifying him in advance, so it was considered a surprise.

There are people like Second Lieutenants in every unit, not too many or not too few, and everyone's parents, as long as they can come, will be arranged to come.

The special personnel arranged by Li Ran returned to the army directly after receiving the people, preparing to reunite them with their children tonight and give them a surprise.

In all units of Division Z, Spring Festival couplets have been posted, red lanterns have been hung up, lanterns are decorated, and the New Year atmosphere is getting stronger.

Everyone is looking forward to the evening. In the evening, they will watch the Spring Festival Gala, eat dumplings, and have small New Year programs organized by various units.

The family members and fellow villagers who came here also went to their son's unit and waited patiently.

The only difference is that these parents, in order to let their sons and their sons' comrades taste the taste of home, went to the cooking class to cook by themselves.

The taste of home-cooked food is special and you can taste it as soon as you eat it.

"Let me help make dumplings stuffed with chives and eggs. Haozi likes to eat my dumplings the most." The middle-aged woman said with a happy smile on her face.

"Okay, Auntie, now everyone in our company will be happy." The squad leader of the cooking class said with a smile.

"Haozi often mentions you in his letters, saying that the happiest thing in this life is having comrades like you." The middle-aged woman smiled.

After saying that, I started to knead the noodles with my own hands and make the leek and egg filling....

Similar scenes are constantly playing out in the canteens of the cooking classes in various units.

Time passed little by little, the sun set, darkness came (aiec), and it was dinner time.

Officers and soldiers from all units are already looking forward to it. Dinner on New Year's Eve has a completely different meaning. After dinner, you can watch the Spring Festival Gala and organize leisure activities.

112th Regiment, a certain company.

In the cafeteria.

The whole company has arrived.

The captain and company commander glanced at the entire company present with a smile on his face and said: "Let's eat.

Immediately, the people in the cooking class quickly brought the cooked dumplings over.

"Here comes the dumplings."

In front of everyone is a large plate full of dumplings.

Just looking at the dumplings that were served, no one present dared to use chopsticks first. According to the tradition of previous years, there must be something fishy in the dumplings.

Who knows what the cooking class will add to the dumplings.

"Don't sit still and eat." the cooking squad leader urged.

Seeing the leader of the cooking class like this, everyone present became even more convinced that there was something fishy in the dumplings, and no one wanted to be the first unlucky guy.

"Don't be stunned. Let's eat. Platoon Commander Zhang, you take the lead." The captain looked at the second lieutenant and said directly.


Although the second lieutenant agreed, the eyes he looked at his company commander were full of resentment.

Helplessly, the order was given. Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the second lieutenant slowly picked up a dumpling and put it in his mouth, chewing it. Everyone else was watching the change of expression on the second lieutenant's face.

The second lieutenant, who had been mentally prepared, suddenly felt something was wrong as he chewed and chewed. The leek and egg stuffing was his favorite, and it tasted really good.

The next second, the second lieutenant was suddenly stunned. This familiar taste made him unable to forget it. This was the taste of the dumplings stuffed with chives and eggs made by his mother.

Although he has not been back home to eat dumplings in more than three years, he will never forget the taste in his life.

After the second lieutenant finished eating one, he quickly picked up the second one and ate another one. Well, it still tasted the same.

"Squad leader, these dumplings stuffed with chives and eggs taste really good, just like the ones made by my mother." The second lieutenant said excitedly to the cooking squad leader.

"Zhang Feng." At this time, the captain called his name again.

"Arrived." Zhang Feng stood up immediately.

"Turn back and see who's coming."

Following the captain's order, Zhang Feng turned back with a puzzled look. When he saw the familiar face he missed, the second lieutenant's eyes instantly turned red.


After seeing the second lieutenant, the middle-aged woman could no longer control herself at this moment and quickly came up to give Zhang Feng a big hug.

I haven’t seen my son for more than three years. As a mother, I miss him all the time.

"Mom, Dad."

Zhang Feng was a little excited. He never expected that his parents would appear here. For more than three years, every Spring Festival was the time when he felt most guilty.

It has been more than three years since I went back to spend the New Year with my parents.

"Son, you have to thank your leaders for letting us come and picking us up personally," the middle-aged woman said.

Hearing this, Zhang Feng quickly said to the captain: "Company commander, thank you."

"Don't thank me. If you want to thank me, just thank our future division commander." The captain smiled and said: "Everything was arranged by our future division commander personally. It's not just you. Anyone in the unit who has not been home for more than three years will Their parents are basically going to be here tonight.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone present was stunned. After being stunned for a moment, they immediately showed awe to Li Ran and their future teacher.

To be honest, they never thought that the future division commander would do this.

Because, since they have chosen to be soldiers and chosen this path, they must be prepared to endure everything.

There is a saying that is circulating on the Internet, there is no quiet time, but there are people who are carrying the burden for you, and they are the people who bear the burden.

It was not Li Ran's obligation to go all the way to arrange for their parents to meet with these "unfilial sons" who had not been home for many years, but Li Ran did it anyway. This was the intention of their future teacher.

Everyone present was in awe of Li Ran. With such a teacher, what fault could they not find?

Touching scenes continue to unfold. There are many people in other companies of the 112th Regiment, the 113th Regiment, and the 114th Regiment who have not been home for more than three years. No one expected that their future division commander would give them such a big surprise today. .

Everyone was very moved in their hearts, and their feelings were beyond words.

Li Ran's behavior also attracted a lot of discussion.

"Our future teacher is really kind. Not everyone can arrange such a wish."

"Yes, it's touching.

"I won't say anything anymore. In the new year, I will go all out and work hard. If the superior leaders can do this for us, what more can we ask for?"

"Yeah, it's really hard to find a teacher like this who can help us solve our single problem and reunite us."

"It can be said that in the entire field army, even if I hold a lantern, I can't find another one like our division commander.

At this moment, Li Ran's prestige in the hearts of Z Division officers and soldiers once again rose to a new level, which was a qualitative change.

Although Li Ran is still the chief of staff, his promotion to division commander is a matter of course. When Li Ran officially becomes the commander of Division Z, the officers and soldiers of the division will only train harder.

Because they know that Li Ran, the teacher, really cares about the grassroots and will think about them and help them solve substantive problems.

In the car that came to inspect the grassroots unit.

"I really didn't expect you to arrange things like this. Ask yourself, I have considered this, but I am not capable of doing it. Junior brother, well done. Senior brother is proud of you from the bottom of his heart.

Qi Long, who learned about Li Ran's surprise arrangement, said to Li Ran with a look of relief.

Even he didn't expect that Ji Ran would arrange such a surprise for grassroots officers and soldiers on New Year's Eve.

It can be said that such a surprise arrangement is better than anything else and is the best reward for the officers and soldiers.

"Brother, I just have a little money. In this world, the things that can be solved with money are the simplest things. It's good if you have this intention." Li Ran said modestly.

This time, Li Ran arranged for so many relatives and parents to come to Z Clinic, and Li Ran reimbursed all the round-trip travel expenses. In addition, Li Ran also provided certain help to some families who were particularly difficult.

All of this was supported by Li Ran out of his own pocket, without any use of Z Division's military expenses.

Because in Li Ran's opinion, there is no need. He is not short of money. He really is not short of money. If he has plenty of money, it depends on how

What a flower, Li Ran feels it is worth it, very worth it.

Of course, in order to avoid some negative influences, Li Ran reported it to his superiors and obtained the approval of the Army Headquarters.

Originally, the Army Headquarters planned to allocate special funds, but Li Ran refused. This small amount of money was unnecessary.

"If you call that small money, then we are all beggars." Hearing this, Qi Long laughed and scolded: "Your boy is a rich second generation. He doesn't have much in his family, he just has a lot of money.

But I'm glad that you are willing to use your own money on this. "

Not long after, Li Ran and Qi Long came to the 112th Regiment station to inspect the grassroots.

On New Year's Eve, all units were bustling with activity, and division leaders like them also stopped by to take a look, mingle with the grassroots, and show concern.

"Hello, Chief!"

After seeing Li Ran and others arriving, the officers and soldiers of each company of the 112th Regiment, who were eating, immediately stood up and saluted and said hello.

"Keep eating, we're just here to see you. Let's eat well and have fun." Li Ran said with a smile.

At this time, the second lieutenant stood up, strode up to Li Ran with a serious face, saluted Li Ran and said: "Chief of Staff, thank you for asking someone to pick up my parents.

"It's a small matter, I've already arranged it. You and your parents will stay together for three days. Then I will arrange for someone to send them back. It won't delay their training. We haven't seen each other for more than three years."

It's not easy being a parent, and it's not easy being a son either. I can understand who doesn't have parents. " Li Ran smiled.

Even the young second lieutenant, who had never even uttered a sound after his hand was accidentally broken during training, his eyes turned red when he heard Li Ran's words.

Salute to Li Ran again!

The most direct way for soldiers to express their heartfelt gratitude and respect is to salute!

Qi Long, who is currently the commander of Division Z, was also very pleased with such a scene. He said to everyone: "It's Chinese New Year. Everyone eats it and the atmosphere becomes lively. Let me try this dumpling."

How does it taste? "

After saying that, Qi Long picked up the chopsticks, picked up a dumpling, and put it directly in his mouth.

The captain saw this and wanted to stop him, but he was still a step too late.

Qi Long, who originally had a smile on his face, immediately turned red after eating the dumplings.

"Brother, is it delicious?" Seeing this, Li Ran asked with a smile.

Qi Long was speechless, forced out a smile, nodded repeatedly, and swallowed the dumpling that could make people die from saltiness.

"You eat one too." As the saying goes, you can't be unlucky alone, Weilong said to Yi Ran.

Upon seeing this, Li Ran picked up a dumpling with chopsticks and put it in his mouth under the expectant eyes of others.

"It's stuffed with chives and eggs, it tastes good." Li Ran praised after tasting it.

Seeing Li Ran eating with gusto, everyone was dumbfounded.

It is normal for there to be only one dumpling on that plate. Is the future teacher so lucky?

Sure enough, leaders who care about the grassroots will not have bad luck!

(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!).

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