Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

527: Promoted To Division Commander! A New Era For The First Heavy Armorer

On the third day of the Lunar New Year, for most people, the Spring Festival is not over yet, and the holidays are not over yet, but for the troops, the most important festival of the year has passed.

Personnel on vacation from various units in the military region have returned to their units one after another to begin preparations for combat training in the new year.

As the division on duty, the time it takes for all officers and soldiers of the Z Division to enter the state is undoubtedly much faster than that of other units.

Early in the morning.

Bang bang bang.

Neat and powerful steps sounded in the corridors of each unit.

"Emergency gathering."

"Quick, quick, move fast."

"Don't leave any ink marks.

The voices of the platoon leaders of each class kept ringing, urging everyone.

The sound of the emergency assembly whistle indicates that today will be a busy training day.

Taking the squad platoon as an example, after the officers and soldiers of each squad platoon heard the emergency assembly whistle blowing early in the morning, they immediately rolled out of bed and went to the open space in front of the dormitory building for emergency assembly.

"Report the count."


"Everyone has it, target the parking lot, run forward."

After the roll call was completed, the class ran as a unit towards the parking lot closest to the dormitory building. Soon, the music review teams from each company on the main road gathered in an orderly manner into ten teams.

The pace is steady and powerful, full of momentum.

"one two three four!"

"one two three four!"

The shouts were loud and everyone was full of energy.

This is the first mobile preparation in the year. The officers and soldiers of each unit did not dare to neglect. They must use all their strength to perform well and strive to get good results.

Based on their understanding of the chief of staff of their own division, if the speed of the first mobile assembly of the year is slower than before, it will be doomed.

There is only one consequence for getting good grades, and that is to be trained like an animal.

Master Z's current training intensity is already strong enough. No one wants to be trained like a dead dog just after the New Year.

In the large vehicle yard No. 1, 2, 3, and 4, with the arrival of officers and soldiers from various units, the tank crew immediately began inspection work.

"The engine inspection is completed and the engine is normal!"

"The oil check is completed, everything is normal!"

"Fire control check completed, everything is normal!"

"Tiger 1 everything is normal! 08"

"Everything is normal in Tiger 2!"

Boom boom boom~

The roar of high-power diesel engines sounded in unison, and then, under the command of each squad platoon leader, they drove out of the garage in an orderly manner.

"Everyone is welcome, get in the car."

Following the order from the company commanders of each company, all officers and soldiers immediately got on the chariot.

"Emergency gathering point, let's go."

All tanks were launched and set off in an orderly queue towards the emergency assembly point.

The leaders of the 112th Regiment, 113th Regiment, and 114th Regiment personally led the teams, sat in the command vehicle, and set off towards the assembly point designated by Li Ran.

Just after the New Year, Li Ran was about to review the maneuver preparations of the three regiments at the same time. Such a gesture was not small. The leaders of the three regiments attached great importance to it. Everyone knew in their hearts that if the chain was lost, today would be It’s an unlucky start to the new year.

The mobile assembly of the three main regiments was quite a scene.

Boom boom boom~

The roar of the King of Land Warfare filled the sky, and the scene was very majestic. The mobile assembly of the three main regiments was, to a certain extent, equivalent to the assembly of ten heavy armored divisions.

While the three regiments were gathering towards this side, on the other side, the troops directly under the two divisions were also gathering quickly.

At this point, the Z Division, the First Heavy Armored Division of the Field Army, has all been assembled. This is also the first full division assembly after the year!

"Comrade Division Commander, all the officers and soldiers of Division Z have been assembled. Please give your instructions."

The deputy commander of Division Z ran up to Li Ran, stood upright with a snap, and said loudly.

"Tell me about it."


"Take a break."

That's right, Li Ran has now become the commander of Division Z. He has completed his promotion from the division chief of staff to the position of commander of Division Z, and has officially become the top leader of Division Z.

Although Li Ran had been handling all the big and small matters of Division Z before, after all, Li Ran's previous position was Chief of Staff of Division Z.

And now, Li Ran is the division commander of Z Division, a true senior colonel commander, and the youngest heavy armor division commander in the history of Z Division and the Field Army.

As early as the end of the year, the transfer order from the Army Headquarters had been officially issued.

Exactly what everyone heard before, Qi Long was transferred to the H Army Headquarters as the Deputy Commander of the H Army, and Li Ran was officially transferred from the Chief of Staff of the Z Division to the Commander of the Z Division.

All the officers and soldiers of Z Division looked at Li Ran, the newly appointed commander of Z Division. Although Li Ran had only been appointed commander not long ago, in their hearts, Li Ran was already the new commander of Z Division.

The eyes of every officer and soldier showed respect and admiration for the new division commander Li Ran.

There is no doubt that Li Ran is the soul of the 10th Heavy Armored Division of the Z Division Field Army at this time!

"This is the first full-division gathering after the new year. In terms of time, it's not bad. There's no slack." Li Ran said slowly as he looked at the crowd.

After hearing Li Ran's words, all the officers and soldiers of Z Division breathed a sigh of relief.

In the first mobile gathering after the New Year, if they didn't risk their lives, I'm afraid things would be difficult in the future.

"At the beginning of a new year, I can tell you the training goals of Division Z this year in front of all of you."

As soon as Li Ran said these words, the hearts of all the officers and soldiers suddenly rose to their throats [because the words of their division commander were equivalent to determining the intensity and direction of their training in the new year.

After all, his division commander was promoted from chief of staff to division commander. Although he was doing the job of a division commander before, he is now officially a division commander. Everyone is speculating whether there will be a new officer to take up the post or something like that.

You know, when Li Ran first came to Z Division as chief of staff, three fires burned everyone.

Instantly, all the officers and soldiers became nervous.

"This year's training goal is to defeat the combined brigade and regain the face that was lost. Do you have confidence?" At this point, Li Ran yelled.

As soon as these words came out, all the officers and soldiers were stunned at first, and then one or two of them shouted at the top of their lungs: "Yes!"

Everyone was stunned. They had no idea that their division commander's training goal for this year was to defeat the combined brigade.

You know, the combat effectiveness of today's combined brigade is quite strong. When Li Ran handed over the combined brigade to Manzhi, the foundation of the combined brigade was quite strong.

Although Li Ran later ceased to serve as the brigade commander of the Synthetic Brigade, Manzhi, who was recommended by Li Ran as the second brigade commander of the Synthetic Brigade, always kept in mind the advice of the old brigade commander Li Ran.

We are carefully studying and thinking about the training and development direction of the synthetic brigade, and we dare not slack off in the slightest.

It can be said that if both sides did not adopt any tactics and had equal equipment and numbers, the original combined brigade might still be somewhat inferior to the division.

But now, the frontal combat effectiveness of the combined brigade is not inferior to that of the Z Division.

The Combined Brigade has always acted as a grindstone blue force within the field army, teaching the entire army how to fight. Since its creation, it has become a rat on the street in all major military regions, and everyone calls for beatings.

There is no way, who makes the combat methods of the combined brigade too dirty.

But what is dirty is what is dirty, and what is scolded is what is undeniable. From the combined battalion to the combined brigade, the speed of development and combat effectiveness is shocking.

Today's combined brigade's combat effectiveness in the field army can even be said to be the first in the entire army. Even the officers and soldiers of Z Division dare not say that they are better than the combined brigade.

Because the Combined Brigade is stationed at the Zhuhe Exercise Ground all year round and is a permanent unit there, it simulates actual combat and conducts actual combat training at all times.

Once a war breaks out, the first troops to be pulled out to the front line must be the combined brigade, and the ones with sufficient combat effectiveness must also be the combined brigade.

When Z Division was defeated, the combined brigade was still just a combined regiment. This has always been a knot in the hearts of the officers and soldiers of Z Division.

Therefore, every Z Division officer and soldier wants to achieve this wish by defeating the Combined Brigade and regaining the face they lost.

Li Ran announced such a training goal in public [How can the training officers and soldiers not be excited?

Regarding the reaction of the officers and soldiers of the Z Division, Li Ran secretly nodded. Such a reaction made him happy. It at least showed that the officers and soldiers of the Z Division still remembered the previous defeat at the hands of the combined group.

The officers and soldiers of Z Division have always wanted to take revenge and get the situation back, and they are still bloody.

It's a good thing to be bloody. If an army is defeated and doesn't even have the determination to take revenge or win back, then this army is destined to not have much future.

"It's a good thing to have confidence, but I can also tell you clearly that in terms of personal combat effectiveness, you are not qualified compared to the officers and soldiers of the combined brigade." Seeing that the atmosphere was about to get better, Li Ran poured some water on everyone. Pouring the cold water, he continued: "You have all heard about the training of the Combined Brigade. They are the permanent troops at the Zhuhe Exercise Ground and simulate actual combat at all times. Although our Z Division has the name of the first heavy armored division of the field army, it is Compared with the Synthetic Brigade, it still lacks a bit of flavor."

"So, in the new year, I hope that you will not be afraid of all difficulties and train hard to achieve another breakthrough for yourself and for Division Z. Can you do it?"


The officers and soldiers present once again roared collectively, expressing their stance and determination in public.

At this time, a camouflage jeep drove slowly and stopped in front of everyone. Qi Long got out of the car.

Li Ran grasped the timing just right, and Li Ran said again: "Finally, before the teacher leaves, I would like to ask the teacher to speak again. Everyone applauds and welcomes!"

As soon as the words fell, there was an enthusiastic applause.

All the officers and soldiers present looked at Qi Long, seeing that the division commander who had led the Z Division for nearly ten years was now the deputy commander of the H Army.

Today is the day when Qi Long completes the handover of work and officially reports to the H Group Army Headquarters.

Originally, Qi Long wanted to go to each unit for one last look, but after thinking about it for a while, he decided not to do it.

Although I feel reluctant to give up, this is how the army is.

Unexpectedly, before leaving, Li Ran specifically told Qi Long to come here before leaving. Qi Long did not expect to see a fully assembled Z division here.

For a moment, I felt infinite emotion in my heart, and my eyes instantly turned red.

Although he was promoted highly, after serving as the commander of Division Z for so many years, the feelings each Heavy Division commander has for Division Z are indescribable.

Qi Long's eyes slowly swept over all the officers and soldiers, and he didn't know how to express the thousands of words in his heart.

"You are the pride of Qi Long and the pride of the field army, Division Z, kill!" Qi Long roared. At this moment, the temperament of the once invincible and prestigious heavy armored division commander was revealed again. .

Once upon a time, he, Qi Long, was also a famous genius in the Field Army! He was also the proud son of Lu Yuan! He was the commander of the First Heavy Equipment Division of the Field Army!

His fame and strength make him proud.

Before Li Ran appeared, when it came to the most capable division commander in the field army, Qi Long would be ranked second in the entire field army, but no one would dare to be ranked first.

Just Li Ran’s

Suddenly, the light of his former genius was completely obscured by Li Ran. Under the light of Li Ran, he, the commander of the heavy armor division, looked a little dim. 460

But Qi Long knew that it wasn't that he was too weak, but that Li Ran was too good.

This promotion is a new beginning and an opportunity for Qi Long.

He was relieved that Division Z, which he led with great effort, was handed over to Li Ran.

After saying this, Qi Long was satisfied and did not stay too much. He turned around and got in the car.


Li Ran roared and saluted Qi Long in the car with a serious face.

Regardless of position or relationship, from the bottom of his heart, Li Ran respected his senior brother and commander of the heavy armor division.

Swish swish swish~

All the officers and soldiers of Division Z acted swiftly and saluted Qi Long in the car.

Under the watchful eyes of all Z Division officers and soldiers, the car slowly drove away and disappeared from everyone's sight.

This also heralds that Qi Long's era of the first heavy armorer has officially ended, and Li Ran's era of the first heavy armorer has officially begun~

At the same time, the news that Li Ran was appointed as the new division commander of Z Division quickly spread throughout the army, causing a great sensation for a while.

"This legendary officer has really become the commander of Division Z. This is too fast."

"It's scary to think about a 20-year-old heavy armored division commander."

"The news came out a year ago. I didn't expect that I would be officially promoted after the year. It was so fast.

"A heavy-armored division commander represents an era, and a new era has begun!"

"I have some expectations. What kind of miracles can Master Z create with his hands?"

Compared with the amazement of the officers and soldiers in the major military regions, the combined brigade stationed at the Zhuhe exercise ground also received the news.

After learning the news, Manzhi, the commander of the synthetic brigade, felt a lot of pressure for a while.

Zhuhe training ground!

Synthetic brigade station, brigade headquarters!

In the conference room, Manzhi held the first meeting of all chief officials after the year.

Before the meeting began, a tense atmosphere filled the brigade headquarters. This tension was different from the tight rhythm in previous trainings.

This kind of tension is a kind of tension that makes people feel panicked, as if a big mountain is about to come down, making them breathless.

The source of all this great pressure is Li Ran, the founder of the Synthetic Brigade and the third brigade commander of the Synthetic Brigade.

Why is there such a sense of pressure?

That's because Li Ran announced this year's training goal in front of all the officers and soldiers of Division Z, which is to defeat the combined brigade!

If it were anyone else, they would just laugh it off and treat it all as farts. There are so many people who want to defeat the Synthetic Brigade, who do you think they are?

But this was said by Li Ran, the founder of Synthetic Brigade, and they did not dare to look down upon it at all.

(Please ask for everything, ask for everything, thank you!! MD, I don’t feel that way anymore as I write, I feel uncomfortable, please support me!).

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