Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

543: Recruitment Is Over! The Art Of War Of The Dragon Kingdom Is So Terrible

In the conference room.

After each person destroyed a box of military instant pot, everyone leaned back comfortably on their chairs. It had been a long time since they had eaten a decent meal.

What the grassroots officers and soldiers eat, they, the chief officers, also eat. Naturally, they have to be the same and cannot be special.

However, while eating, Manzhi had already issued an order that the combined brigade would have extra meals today, and that in the next time the officers and soldiers of the combined brigade would be given an improved meal.

“Comfortable, I haven’t had a good meal in a long time.”

"This stuff is much more delicious than instant noodles and compressed biscuits. When can we equip it?"

"This thing is indeed an artifact of individual soldier rations. It tastes good and has sufficient portion. The key is that you can have a hot bite without making a fire."

"The old brigade commander is worthy of being an old brigade commander. He is wealthy and ruthless but doesn't speak much."

After eating, everyone finally felt better. They couldn't think about what happened during this period. The more they thought about it, the angrier they became. It was indeed their own fault.

Although this has an inescapable relationship with his brigade commander, his starting point is also good, and it is also to enhance the combat effectiveness of the troops.

Anyway, the brigade commander had the same food as them during this period, so it was his own fault.

"Everyone, everyone has eaten. I have said what needs to be said. Starting from tomorrow, all units will resume normal training. As the chief officers of each unit, you must mobilize the morale of the grassroots officers and soldiers. The old brigade commander said Yes, the momentum cannot be lost. As the imaginary enemy force of the field army, we should not be afraid of anyone and just do it." Manzhi said to everyone, and finally gave everyone a reminder and encouragement.

"Don't worry, brigade commander. This time we will fight with the old brigade commander to the end."

"That's right, although the old brigade commander is better than us, we are not bad either."

"After all, there is a gap between the officers and soldiers of Z Division and our combined brigade officers and soldiers. The most important thing in the exercise is the people. We are at an advantage."

"We all know the methods of the old brigade commander. There is no need to panic, just go all out."

Everyone said one after another that at this time, everyone's confidence gradually returned. After figuring out the reason and calming down, they actually found that they were completely too nervous before and put pressure on themselves.

Now that I have figured out this problem, it will be nothing.

Just when Manzhi was about to break up the meeting, a colonel suddenly rushed in in a hurry.

"Brigadier, something serious has happened."

The colonel looked anxious, as if he had suffered a major setback.

Everyone present was a little surprised when they saw the colonel, including Manzhi, because the colonel was the leader in charge of the recruitment of the combined brigade. Could there be some problem with the recruitment?

"Why panic? Just tell me if you have anything to say." Regarding the colonel's reckless behavior, he said with great dissatisfaction: "I have said it many times, if Mount Tai collapses in front of you, you must remain calm and you can overcome the huge obstacle."

"Brigadier, there is a problem with the recruitment. We have only completed 50% of the soldier supply standard we set this time." "The colonel said helplessly.

"Fifty percent?" Hearing this, Manzhi was shocked: "How could this happen? What happened? Is there not enough college student soldiers this year?"

Manzhi couldn't believe this fact. Now they are recruiting soldiers for the combined brigade, and their focus is on college students. Moreover, the more college students they recruit, the better. It is best if all the recruitment quotas are college students.

This time, although the recruitment target of the combined brigade was not low in terms of college student recruitment, 50% completion was too low. In Manzhi's view, at least 80% must be completed.

"It's not that the number of college student soldiers is not enough, it's that our combined brigade has not recruited so many college students." The colonel said helplessly: "The recruitment of Z Division has taken over nearly 80% of the college students. We are pretty good. Others Units, some units are just one or two, and there are as many as four or five."

As soon as these words came out, Manzhi was stunned, and everyone present was stunned.

how so?

In terms of recruiting troops, who is better than the combined brigade?

When other conventional units want to recruit troops, how often do they not look at the face of the Combined Brigade? You know, the Combined Brigade dares to be second in recruiting and recruiting troops, but no one dares to be first.

As a result, now, the Z Division was outperformed in recruiting troops. It's shameful, it's really shameful.

"How could such a thing happen? How could the Z Division's recruitment be better than ours? Did you not follow the plan?" Manzhi still couldn't accept the result.

"Brigade Commander, I followed our recruiting methods in previous years. If we hadn't used these methods, I'm afraid we, like other units, could only recruit single-digit college students this year. Many college students came to sign up. When I asked if there were any units from Division Z, I only identified Division Z and not other units," the colonel said.

After the colonel finished speaking, someone suddenly couldn't help but said: "Could it be the old brigade commander's advice?"

"This is impossible. The old brigade commander has been leading troops to train here. Where does he have the time and opportunity to give advice?" Manzhi immediately retorted.

"Could it be that the old brigade commander had already made preparations before he came?" someone else said.

"When the old brigade commander came here, registration for the army had not yet started, and the information about the source of troops had not yet been released to us. Could the old brigade commander be able to predict the future?" Manzhi retorted again.

"But I heard that the old brigade commander has a close relationship with Minister Song who is in charge of the recruiting unit." At this time, a voice came out from someone unknown.

As soon as these words came out, Manzhi's expression suddenly froze.

He forgot about this. It was indeed impossible for others, but the old brigade commander really couldn't say it was completely impossible.

The old brigade commander had too many cards. Although he was young, his connections were quite terrifying.

If explained this way, it seems possible.

"Brigadier, I have also investigated this reason. This matter is definitely related to the old brigade commander." The colonel said with a very certain attitude.

"What evidence do you have?"

The colonel took out a USB flash drive from his bag, inserted it into the computer in the conference room, and projected the pictures saved in it.

When the picture was projected, everyone present was shocked and felt a chill in their hearts.

Even the colonel, who had already conducted an investigation, couldn't help but gasp again after seeing this.

The old brigade commander's methods were really scary.

Back to this morning.

According to the original plan, the colonel, who had already gone to the source of troops to conduct recruitment work, still recruited troops according to the previous recruitment method of the combined brigade.

Although other fraternal units in the troop source point also used some means to attract the attention of the recruits, they were all old tricks. The colonel ignored them at all and had no impact on the combined brigade at all.

But not long after, things became different.

I saw a college student coming over. When he opened his mouth, he asked, "Is this a recruiting unit with a Z division?"

As soon as these words came out, the colonel was immediately confused. After so many years of recruiting, this was the first time he encountered such a purposeful college student, calling his name to join the army.

Since everyone asked, the colonel had no choice but to explain the situation truthfully.

So, I watched the colonel in charge of recruiting troops in Division Z communicate with the young college student with a smile.

Not long after, another college student came over and asked directly: "Are you a unit of Division Z?"

As soon as these words came out, the colonel was confused again.

What's going on? What's going on with this year's college students? It's already the second time they've come to sign up for the military draft and are called to go to Division Z.

Coincidence, definitely a coincidence, the colonel convinced himself that it was all a coincidence.

But not long after, the third and fourth

Just like that, I watched helplessly as more and more college students came to the unit of Division Z. Many of them rushed there directly. The officers and soldiers in charge of recruiting soldiers in Division Z didn't even make any effort.

The colonel was very confused about this. In order to meet the brigade's recruitment target, the colonel went all out and used all kinds of methods to steal people from the Z division.

After the final registration for the recruitment, basically all the college student quotas in this recruitment point were occupied by the Z Division and the Combined Brigade. The Combined Brigade accounted for 80% of the number of college students in the recruitment point, and the Combined Brigade accounted for 15%. Other units combined accounted for five percent.

All the "meat" was eaten by Division Z, the synthetic brigade drank a little "soup", and other units got a "smell".

Afterwards, in order to find out the reason, the colonel personally found a few college students who wanted to sign up for Division Z to learn about the situation.

I don’t know, I don’t know, I’ll be shocked when I understand.

There is a post on the Internet called Soldier Bar. In the name of popularizing science about the precautions for being a soldier, someone went so far as to "brainwash" people, telling people about the excellence of the Z Division, the First Heavy Equipment Division of the Field Army, and the most (Li's) Strong teacher.

When you are a soldier, you have to go to the heavy armor division and have the opportunity to become the commander of the heavy armor group.

Not to mention this, a store that sells tactical brand suits in a city that is the source of troops actually openly stated that people who sign up for the Z Division unit this year can get a 10% discount when they come to the store to buy things.

You know, the tactical suits sold in this tactical brand store are not cheap. They are discounted at a huge discount. This is equivalent to publicity for the Z Division. The key is that this is the store of the old brigade commander's family, opened in this city where soldiers are concentrated. branch.

The more he understood, the more the colonel felt that this incident was premeditated.

A week before the recruitment registration started, some people behind the scenes had already started to create interest in the Z Division on the Internet, and the target was very obvious, which was the recruits who signed up during this time period.

To say that there is no shadow of the old brigade commander Li Ran behind this, I wouldn't believe it even if I killed the colonel. The colonel and lieutenant colonel who lead the Z division look stupid, do they have such minds?

In the conference room.

After the colonel explained the situation of today's recruitment to everyone, there was a sudden gasp of air.


Everyone present was stunned by this year's recruitment of Z Division...

Real and real, virtual and virtual, virtual and virtual, the Dragon Civil Law is too terrible!

(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!).

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