Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

548: The Imagination Of The Synthetic Brigade! The Disgrace Of The 113Th Regiment

In dealing with the 113th Regiment, the Combined Brigade still used the old routine. First, it directly contacted the Air Force 6th Division and asked the Air Force 6th Division to send a fighter formation to bomb the 113th Regiment on its way.

Then the special operations brigade and the army aviation brigade of the combined brigade ambushed on the road, seizing the opportunity to directly capture the commander, chief committee officer and others of the 113th regiment.

All plans are so flawless!

Under the premise of having absolute air supremacy, this method has been tried and tested to deal with a maneuvering heavily armed force.

The Air Force Sixth Division was also quite happy. It was supposed to be a fighter formation bombing training. Anyway, they were training bombs and could not cause any substantial damage.

This way.

On the track, the military column carrying the 113th Regiment was rushing at full speed.

In the carriages, the officers and soldiers of the 113th Regiment were in good spirits, and some even sang military songs in some carriages.

"What's different about us soldiers?..."

At this moment, boom boom boom~

There was a sudden explosion around the orbit and in front of it. In the air, the fighter formations of the Sixth Air Division launched an attack, but like last time, the first attack did not use all the firepower, which was cool.

Under normal circumstances, the huge explosion would definitely panic the officers and soldiers of the 113th Regiment. Those who didn't know better would have thought that a war had suddenly broken out.

But for the officers and soldiers of the 113th Regiment, it seemed that they had expected this to happen.

"The leader is right, there are really people who come to do this kind of thing."

"Oh, they are all training bombs, and they have no lethality. If you have the ability to drop live bombs."

"Whoever opens the window, I will give him a middle finger.

"Speaking of which, this area should be the territory of the Kong Sixth Division. We have fought together at least, so we really want to do it."

"Forget it, ignore him, continue to sleep, sleep, plug your ears."

The officers and soldiers of the 113th Regiment in the carriage seemed to have expected the bombing. They were all very calm. Some soldiers even stuck their heads out of the windows and raised their middle fingers in the air.

Full of provocation!

Inside the command compartment.

"Captain, as you predicted, the radar detected a fighter formation from the 6th Air Force Division. The radar is currently marking it as an imaginary enemy force." reported a report by personnel from the radar department.

"Don't worry about him, just keep going." Yang Xiong's expression was exactly the same as his previous guess, and he had no intention of evading or counterattacking, but let the troops continue on their way.


Soon, a call came from the league committee member.

"Lao Yang, a problem has arisen. Should we continue on our way or respond to it?" Zheng repeatedly asked.

He had guessed that something like this would happen before, so he suggested that the troops be separated, with one team led by Yang Xiong and one led by him. After all, it would be too ostentatious for a heavy-armed regiment to directly maneuver in this way.

"Continue on your way and don't worry about him. I will give an explanation to the division commander." Yang Xiong said.


Seeing that Yang Xiong had made this decision, the 113th Regiment commander stopped worrying and simply pretended not to have seen the bombing of the 6th Air Division.

Just like this, outside, the 6th Air Force Division's bombing was very lively, but inside the carriage, all the officers and soldiers of the 113th Regiment were very calm, doing what they were doing, as if all this had nothing to do with them.

the other side.

At the synthetic brigade headquarters, Manzhi and others who observed this scene through a drone were all stunned.

The Sixth Air Force Division had already carried out bombings and given warnings, but the 113th Regiment didn't react at all and didn't take it seriously at all. What does this mean?

"Brigadier, what does the 113th regiment mean? Are you scared out of your wits?"

"I don't understand it at all. Are you just so calm and don't care?"

"No, there must be something fishy in this. The 113th Regiment behaved too calmly and abnormally."

"Brigadier, be careful there is a scam."

The officers and staff of the combined brigade in the headquarters all reminded them that the 113th Regiment's calm behavior made them feel something was wrong.

There is always something wrong with things. The performance of the 113th Regiment from the very beginning to the present has given people a feeling that something is very wrong.

"This behavior of the 113th Regiment is indeed abnormal." Manzhi analyzed in a deep voice: "The leader of the 113th Regiment is an old leader. It is impossible not to be alert and unresponsive when facing such a thing.

There is only one problem, there is fraud involved, and this military train may even be used to disguise us to confuse us.

As soon as Manzhi said these words, the whole place was in an uproar.

"Brigadier, are you saying that the 113th Regiment had already expected this trick?"

"This military column is definitely a disguise. The 112th Regiment is aware of our methods. How could the 113th Regiment not know?"

"That's right, there is definitely fraud in this, and the 113th Group has actually been prepared for it.

"It is estimated that the disguise and package exchange have been carried out before departure from the station."

"Have you detected the communication frequency of the 113th Regiment?" At this time, Manzhi asked again.

"Report, no communication from the 113th Regiment has been detected, they should be in silence.


After something like this happened, there should be very frequent radio communications between units of the 113th Regiment, and even multiple communication signals were being transmitted in a short period of time.

Now that the combined brigade has not detected it, the whole group is in a state of silence, which further proves that this situation has been expected for a long time.

Although drones were dispatched for high-altitude reconnaissance, they could only make a rough judgment from a bird's eye view. It was impossible to determine how many people were in the military train. Is the chariot fixed on the train pallet a fake?

"Brigadier, it seems we have met a master this time." After some analysis, the official couldn't help but say.

"Hmph, it's just a little trick." Manzhi said disdainfully: "There are only three routes from the 113th regiment station to the Zhuhe training ground. This route is not right, and the other two definitely have traces. Let the Army Aviation Brigade investigate the other two routes. , the special operations brigade ambushed the station, and the 113th Regiment will definitely stop at the next stop for supplies. By then, it will be clear whether it is true or false."


Soon, the Army Aviation Brigade, which received the order, was divided into two formations to scout the other two routes that the 13th Regiment could take.

All members of the special operations brigade were ambushing the station where the military column of the 113th Regiment was about to arrive.

Take action while waiting for the 113th Regiment to resupply!

Langshan Station.

All members of the special operations brigade have completed their ambush.

"All attention, all attention, the target train has arrived at the station and everything is proceeding as planned.

"One group received!"

"Group 2 received it!

Kuang times Kuang times Kuang times~

The military columns of the 113th Regiment began to enter the platform. At the same time, the attention of the ambushed special operations brigade was also highly concentrated.

Just when everyone in the special operations brigade thought the train was about to stop at the station, all they saw was that the military train of the 113th Regiment did not slow down and drove directly past the platform at its original speed without any intention of stopping.

This scene directly confused the people in the special operations team.

"What happened? Why didn't they stop?"

"Holy crap, have we been discovered?"

"How is it possible? We haven't even started yet."

"What does this mean? Don't they need supplies?"

For a moment, questions arose in the minds of everyone in the special operations brigade.

The colonel who led the team looked ugly at this time, so he had to report the situation to the headquarters. At the same time, when the train entered the station, he observed that there were many people in the military train.

However, on the pallets of the military train, some truck sections were covered with raincloths, making it unclear whether the tanks inside were real or fake.

Within the combined brigade headquarters, after receiving the report from the special operations brigade, Manzhi and others took action again.

"There is fraud, there is definitely fraud. This military column is definitely a bait."

"If you don't stop for supplies, it means that the main force is definitely not on the military line."

"It's definitely on the other two routes. The 113th Regiment is really cunning."

“At first I thought the 113th Regiment was too naive, but now it seems that I was too naive.

This situation of the 113th Regiment's military column made everyone in the synthetic brigade certain that this military column was just a decoy for the main force on the other two routes.

But Manzhi's mood at this time was not optimistic at all. He always felt that something was wrong.

If this military column is a decoy, but the 113th Regiment did not do a good job in the decoy work. This kind of performance is equivalent to telling them blatantly that this military column is a decoy, without even pretending.

However, the specific situation will have to wait for the Army Aviation Brigade’s investigation to analyze and make a final judgment.

in the air.

Boom boom boom, the Army Aviation Brigade of the Combined Brigade was divided into two squadrons, circling at high altitude for reconnaissance.

After investigating for a long time, we still found no traces of large troop movements below. We only found some civilian vehicles passing by.

Even many civilian vehicles, after seeing a formation of armed helicopters appearing in the sky, thought something had happened and took out their mobile phones to take pictures, very curious.

"Call the headquarters, the first team has not detected the movement of the main force of the 113th Regiment."

"Call the headquarters. The Second Brigade has not detected the movement of the main force of the 113th Regiment."

After the Army Aviation Brigade, which was divided into two, reported the situation, Manzhi and the others at the headquarters were completely dumbfounded. For a moment, their thoughts were completely confused and they could not understand the current situation at all.

"What the hell? Where did the 113th regiment go?"

"How can a heavily armored tank regiment disappear in broad daylight?"

"What exactly is going on that we can't detect even with our reconnaissance efforts?"

"There is something fishy, ​​there is definitely something fishy. It's so abnormal." "

The officers and staff of the synthetic brigade in the headquarters fell into deep doubts. Because there was no heavy-armed unit in the current field army that could avoid the detection of Jincheng Brigade.

But now, they couldn't detect the movements of the main force of the 113th Regiment, which was unacceptable to them.

"The problem is not with the reconnaissance. The main force of the 113th Regiment should be on that military column." Manzhi said in a deep voice in front of everyone.

After Manzhi made such a judgment, everyone present was in disbelief.

This seems impossible to them. How can the officers and soldiers of the 113th Regiment be so calm?

The Sixth Air Force Division had already conducted bombings, but the result was that the 113th Regiment was still the same as before, heading to the Zhuhe training ground leisurely, without even a single reaction! What? Didn't you take them seriously?

"Brigadier, this is impossible. If they are like this, we don't need to take action. The Air Force Sixth Division can kill them." The chief of staff of the combined brigade couldn't help but say.

If the heavily armed troops are so indifferent to air attacks during maneuvers, then this battle will not be too easy.

There is no need for ground troops to take action. The fighter formations just throw missiles at no cost, and they can definitely defeat them.

*I don’t know what the 113th Regiment’s specific thoughts are, but now it seems that this is the only possibility, or the 113th Regiment is taking a dangerous move. The purpose of this is to make us believe that the military columns are just bait, and to make a bold move to hide the truth. "Manzhi said.

It has to be said that after Manzhi's analysis, everyone present thought that this was really possible.

This is the same truth as the most dangerous place is the safest place.

The 113th Regiment knew that no matter what method they used, they could not avoid the ambush of the Combined Brigade, so they simply took the risk and used a move to kill them and then survive. They directly messed it up, making them believe that it was a bait, and safely arrived at the Zhuhe training ground. .

"Brigadier, what you said is really possible. (Wang Dezhao) can kill him with one move and survive.

"Hey, the 113th Regiment has many more ideas than the 112th Regiment."

"I was almost fooled. I really thought the 113th Regiment had some secret tricks.

"If this is the case, then we should force them to give up this trick."

"Let the Air Force 6th Division continue to bomb the 113th Regiment. Don't hold back this time. I want to see how long they can endure." Manzhi said.

Now that we have seen the route of the 113th Regiment, the most direct way is to let the 6th Air Division bomb, bomb and bomb again.

When the 113th Regiment is unable to handle itself and is exposed, that will be a good opportunity for them to take action.

After receiving the news from the synthetic brigade, the Sixth Air Division showed no mercy this time. Fighter and bomber formations took off one after another from the military airport and flew over the military columns for bombing.

Round after round, until all the ammunition is used up, then go back to resupply.

For a while, explosions continued to ring around the military train. Of course, they were just training bombs. Under the premise of ensuring a certain degree of safety, it was impossible for the Air Force Sixth Division to directly launch missiles at the train. 0

It was just that the sound of the explosion was a bit noisy, but it did not pose any substantial threat to the officers and soldiers of the 113th Regiment in the carriage.

But everyone could see the momentum of the Kong Sixth Division's fierce attack.

"Lao Yang, the Sixth Air Division is angry." Seeing the Sixth Air Division bombing round after round without stopping, Zhengtai of the 11th Regiment couldn't help but said.

"Just blow it up. It won't have any impact on us anyway. When they run out of ammunition and the fuel is almost gone, they will leave naturally. Don't get in the way. Take the time to rest and try to arrive at the Zhuhe training ground as early as possible." Yang Xiong Said lightly.

He didn't take the 6th Air Division's air raid to heart at all...

(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!).

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