Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

550: Emergency War Situation! Rwanya Riots

As a member of the synthetic brigade, Manzhi felt insulted for the first time.

What does it mean to be clever but be misled by cleverness? This is it.

Originally, he planned not to let the old brigade commander speak. He took the initiative to apply for the maneuvering distance of the 113th Regiment and could only arrange some tests, although there was also a trace of selfishness in it.

He wanted to give the 113th Regiment a shot this time just like he did to the 112th Regiment last time. As a result, things did not go as planned. It was completely contrary to what he thought. In this operation, the Combined Brigade seemed to be a clown.

After understanding it clearly from Li Ran, Manzhi did not dare to continue this topic. If he talked about it again, it would bring back his sad memories at that time.

"Brigadier, how's it going?"

After seeing Manzhi and the old brigade commander finish talking on the phone, the others asked quickly.

"It is our synthetic brigade that is being sentimental this time. This matter is over like this. No one should mention it again." After saying that, Manzhi seemed to have aged a few years and left the headquarters listlessly.

Hearing this, the others looked at each other in shock.

Although he didn't know exactly what his brigade commander and the old brigade commander said, judging from the conversation that Lingding just heard, the synthetic brigade might have been tricked this time.

For a time, everyone had an incomparable wish.

In the hands of the old brigade commander, they were brushed off again and again. Is it God's will? They were still far behind the old brigade commander through tricks.

"Smartness leads to mistakes. This incident also teaches us a lesson. Don't always treat others as fools and think that you are smart, but you are not stupid. In the future, you must think carefully about anything you do or make any decision." Synthesis The brigade official said earnestly.

In this matter, it seems that the old brigade commander did something unreasonable, but in fact the synthetic brigade was also at fault.

If they had the right idea at the beginning and understood everything clearly, this would not have happened.

They think that everything will develop according to their original plan, but in fact, they do not have the strength to control everything.

the other side.

After hanging up the phone, Li Ran raised the corners of his mouth.

From the phone call Manzhi made to him at the beginning, Li Ran knew what Manzhi was thinking. If Yang Xiong, the leader of the 113th Regiment, had not greeted him before setting off and carefully reported his thoughts, Li Ran would have However, the synthetic brigade will be asked to set some tests for the 113th Regiment.

But Yang Xiong, the leader of the 113th Regiment, said it very clearly and had his own ideas, so Li Ran had no intention of letting the synthetic brigade take action.

Li Ran does not have to arrange some tests on the way for the troops who come to be stationed for training. The main thing is to see whether the commander of the troops has personal ideas and whether he has a mind that knows how to analyze in advance and predict unavoidable factors.

This is the fundamental purpose of Li Ran!

The Hesheng Brigade took the initiative to call and wanted to arrange a test. Li Ran's answer at that time was casual. This answer was equivalent to leaving the decision-making power in Manzhi's hands.

How to arrange the follow-up and what kind of situation will happen are all up to Manzhi's personal decision.

Now Manzhi realized something was wrong and called him to get an explanation from him. What explanation could Li Ran give? It would be better if he didn't reprimand him.

As a unit chief, you must consider the consequences of any decision you make and predict the occurrence of various situations. If you are not a three-year-old child, do you still have to let yourself wipe it out for him?

Li Ran just wanted Manzhi to realize that just because he became the commander of the combined brigade, he would treat everyone else as fools.

If you think you are smart, one day you will be so smart that you are mistaken!

Ignoring the harassment of the synthetic brigade along the way, the 113th Regiment moved on the railway at full speed and arrived at the Zhuhe Exercise Ground in just two days.

It was more than thirty hours faster than the time spent by the 112th Regiment last time.

After arriving at the train platform near the Zhuhe training ground, Yang Xiong, the leader of the 113th Regiment, gave the order for the entire regiment to get off the train. The 113th Regiment, which had rested all the way, became busy.

"A little to the left, a little to the left."

"Go to the right and kill him, then come down.

"Be safe and slow down."

The platoon leaders of each platoon began to direct, and the soldiers drove the chariots off the train pallets.

The 113th Regiment is in the process of assembling the entire regiment. After the assembly is completed, it will march towards the Zhuhe training ground and go to the temporary station.

Boom boom boom~

The march of a heavily armored tank regiment was very powerful. All the officers and soldiers of the 113th regiment were galloping at full speed on the wide grassland.

Wherever the tank went, smoke and dust filled the sky, and the smell of diesel in the air became strong.

Yang Xiong, the leader of the 113th Regiment, sat in the command vehicle and ran at the front.

After arriving at the temporary station, Li Ran, the division commander, was already waiting. The tank stopped. Yang Xiong, the commander of the 113th Regiment, got off the command vehicle and trotted to an INVIE in front of Li Ran.

"Comrade Division Commander! All officers and soldiers of the 113th Regiment have been ordered to come to the Zhuhe Exercise Ground for training. Please give us your instructions.

"Everything is going according to plan." Li Ran said solemnly.


"Everyone is here. Enter the station to organize and prepare for training."

Following Yang Xiong's order, the 113th Regiment officially entered the temporary station, and all units were temporarily reorganized to prepare for subsequent training.

That night, the entire 113th regiment began high-intensity training.

The officers and soldiers of each unit just made their beds and started training after dinner. Such high-intensity and high-tempo training did not cause any complaints from the officers and soldiers of the 113th Regiment.

Because they were fully mentally prepared on the way here.

This time I came to the Zhuhe training ground for training, not to enjoy the blessings, but to be trained. If the 112th Regiment can persist in training for a month, the 113th Regiment can naturally do the same. No one wants to be looked down upon.

at the same time.

In Rwanya, a serious riot broke out.

The accumulated conflicts between the two major ethnic groups in the country finally broke out at this moment. In just over three hours, the riots in Rwanya rose to a very serious level.

Because of mutual suspicion between the Hutu and Tutsi ethnic groups, an armed conflict and genocide of unprecedented scale broke out.

Hutu racists took control of the radio stations and encouraged the massacre, shouting, "Let all the smoldering things come out."

For a time, Rwanya was plunged into extremely dangerous war and turmoil. Many innocent people were implicated. The scene was chaotic and killings occurred in every corner of the city.

Originally this was just a matter for other countries, but in this country, there are many people from the Dragon Kingdom doing business here.

In the face of war, no one is innocent, and no one can avoid being involved. The civil war between the two races is also a huge disaster for the people of the Dragon Kingdom here.

In the country of Rwanda, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs is stationed in the country.

The Foreign Affairs Department, which was usually quiet and leisurely, was now in a state of chaos. The staff of the Foreign Affairs Department kept coming and going, and the expressions on everyone's faces were very solemn.

The sound of telephones, telegraphs, faxes, and other tools used to convey messages are all used.

Da da da~

From time to time, gunshots were heard outside. Although the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was still safe for the time being, it could be judged from the gunshots that the battle was not far away from here.

"At present, we have opened all communication channels, and various departments have contacted according to the personnel communication information registered above. At present, only about 90% of the permanent residents of our country here have been contacted, and the remaining 10% have been contacted Unable to contact."

"The companies that have lost contact have been identified. Those companies together have a total of 150 people."

"Notices have also been issued to our people, asking them to stay at home for the time being and not to go out, waiting for our follow-up notice."

A staff member from the Foreign Affairs Department was reporting to his superior, the head of the Foreign Affairs Department.

"The missing people continue to contact us and try to contact the local management department to ask them to help us determine the list and information of the missing people." After Zhou Qiang, the head of the Foreign Affairs Department, finished speaking, he asked again with a solemn face: "What's the situation here?" Have you reported it to the country in detail?”

"We have already reported back, and the domestic side will reply, let us try our best to maintain order and ensure the safety of our people here, and they will make a decision as soon as possible," the assistant said.

After listening, Zhou Qiang's expression did not change much.

The speed of the chaos here completely exceeded his imagination. In just two or three hours, it had become such a mess, and the war had completely broken out.

The friction between the Hutu and the Tutsi, the two largest ethnic groups in the country, is constantly escalating. They have been exchanging fire, and heavy weapons such as cannons and machine guns have been used.

Militants from the two ethnic groups are killing innocent people indiscriminately on the streets and killing everyone they see. They have completely lost their minds.

0…Please give me flowers…

"Go and notify Section Chief Wang to come over. I have something to discuss with him." Zhou Qiang said.

"I'll do it right away."

Soon, a middle-aged man with a Chinese character came to Zhou Qiang.

"Chief Wang, how is the situation outside now?" Zhou Qiang asked.

The middle-aged man in front of him is a member of the Security Section of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, responsible for the daily security work of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In layman's terms, he is a person with a weapon in his hand.

"The situation is very bad. It's completely chaotic outside." Wang Shan said with an ugly face.

"If the armed elements of these two groups come here now, how long can we hold on with our defense force?" Zhou Qiang continued.

"They can't hold on for long. They have heavy firepower. Most of the manpower we can use has been sent out to support them, and they don't have heavy firepower yet." Wang Shan said: "In my opinion, in addition to the people responsible for external liaison in the ministry, Outside, ask others to immediately use local methods to make some Molotov cocktails to strengthen the defense outside in case of emergency."

Although the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has never interfered in the affairs of the two races or in other people's affairs, the situation is now completely out of control. No one can guarantee whether these two races will go crazy and take the initiative to cause trouble.

"Okay, I'll do as you say." Zhou Qiang agreed after thinking for a moment.

They had to prepare for emergencies and be prepared. If the armed personnel of the two races really came, they could hold on for a while longer.

Until the country gives a clear reply and decision, no matter what, we must persevere.

"Minister, the domestic side has established a video call with us." At this time, the assistant's voice came to Zhou Qiang's ear.

"I'll be there right away."

the other side.

As the Ministry of Foreign Affairs spread the news back to China, the matinee joint operations meeting began immediately.

Capital City, General Staff!

The nature of this incident was different and required joint decision-making by multiple departments. The location was the conference room of the General Staff.

In the conference room.

On the large screen hanging on the wall, pictures are being played at this time. These pictures are all captured by military satellites of the current situation in Rwanda.

After receiving the report from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Rwanda, the relevant units acted very quickly. Soon all units established a joint command together and established a video call with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

"Lao Zhou, how is the situation over there now?"

As soon as the video call was connected, there was someone


"The situation is not optimistic. The turmoil has completely broken out. The attitude of the local troops in Rwanda is not to intervene in this matter. They choose to watch on the sidelines and completely allow the two races to fight among themselves. At present,

Currently, there are 1,853 of our citizens in the areas affected by the turmoil. Most of them are in several large companies here. These large companies have

Specialized security personnel, their place is still safe at present. They were only attacked by some mobs and supplies were robbed. There were no casualties. "

"But there are still some who are self-employed, the company is not large, and there are still a few that have lost contact..."

In front of the heads of relevant departments, Zhou Qiang described the current situation with a solemn expression.

After hearing what Zhou Qiang said, everyone in the conference room frowned. The atmosphere in the conference room was very heavy. They guessed that the situation was serious, but they did not expect it to be so serious.

This point.

If something like this happens, their mission must be to withdraw our people there.

The situation there will become more dangerous and the problems will become more difficult the longer it is delayed. However, it is very difficult to evacuate so many people in a short period of time.

Not long after Zhou Qiang finished speaking, a phone rang behind him, and the staff quickly picked up the phone.

After answering the phone, he quickly came to Zhou Qiang and said with an ugly face: "The latest news, it has been confirmed that three compatriots were unfortunately killed, and the team responsible for responding is heading to the next destination.


The staff's voice was not loud, but it was clearly transmitted to the ears of everyone in the domestic conference room.

This sad news made everyone present feel even heavier.

The call for help over there is basically ringing every minute. Now there are casualties. If it continues, the situation will only get worse. We must take action as soon as possible.

Find out how to deal with it.

(Ask for all kinds of things, ask for everything, kneel down and thank me!! 6).

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