Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

565: Final Training! 114 Synthetic Group Is On Full Fire

Li Ran felt like laughing for a moment after learning that the colonel said in front of Manzhi that the Synthetic Brigade was "just a show".

He really didn't expect that Manzhi would be so cautious this time and could endure being ridiculed so much.

But if you don’t want to fight, don’t fight. It won’t have any impact anyway.

The 113th Regiment returned to its base after training at the Zhuhe Exercise Ground. At the same time, the 114th Regiment received the order and came to the Zhuhe Exercise Ground.

The 114th Regiment, as the only synthetic regiment in Division Z, was built entirely according to the previous model of the synthetic regiment. It is an information-based and synthetic main regiment in the true sense.

Due to informatization and synthesis, many division-level units in the current field army have changed from a division-level organization to a brigade during the completion of military reforms.

The Z Division is an exception in this military reform because it is a heavy armored division and because of the terrain it is located in, heavy armored troops are indispensable.

Division Z originally had two tank regiments and one mechanized infantry regiment. Under this military reform, two heavy tank regiments were retained. The original mechanized infantry regiment was reorganized according to the combined brigade model.

Although the other two heavy-armed regiments were also restructured according to the heavy-armed organization, the number of heavy-armed regiments was correspondingly reduced and the number of infantry was increased to better achieve the effect of infantry-tank synergy.

Although the 114th regiment is built according to the model of the previous synthetic group, there is still a difference in the scale of the establishment from the previous synthetic group.

You must know that the personnel and firepower of the original combined group were equivalent to two-thirds of a division.

If the 114th Regiment is built according to this kind of firepower organization, then the size of the Z Division will completely exceed the standard. There is no such way of military reform.

It can be said that the 114th regiment is generally the same as the previous synthetic regiment, except that the firepower organization is relatively reduced by a certain proportion.

Even so, as the leader of the 114th Regiment, Zhang Kun is far more confident in the current fighting position of the 114th Regiment than before.

Today's 114th Regiment is no longer an ordinary mechanized infantry regiment. Nowadays, it has everything and is very wealthy.

114th regiment station.

The moment the order was received, the emergency assembly whistle sounded.

All of a sudden, urgent footsteps sounded in the dormitory buildings of each unit.

The officers and soldiers of each company were fully armed at the same time as quickly as possible, and then came to the door of the dormitory for a temporary assembly.

"Report the number.


"Everyone has it, target the parking lot, turn right, run and walk."

"One two one, one two one.

"one two three four!"

On the main road, the teams of each company gradually gathered into a long queue. The officers and soldiers shouted slogans and gathered towards the parking lot.

In the parking lot.

Boom boom boom~

After a while, the roar of the King of Land Warfare began to sound, and all the tanks that had completed basic testing were driven out one after another under the command of each platoon leader.

As the chariots drove out of the garage one after another, the momentum of the torrent of steel continued to gather momentum, becoming more and more powerful.

As a combined regiment, in terms of mobile deployment, the 114th Regiment's training is no less than that of the other two heavy tank regiments.

To put it simply, when Li Ran was still the leader of the synthetic group, how fast did it take for the synthetic group to complete a full regiment mobile deployment? The 114th regiment must meet this standard.

They are also built according to the synthetic group model. They can't even match the speed of mobile installation. How can they be called a synthetic group?

You know, the 114th Regiment can be said to have gathered most of the elite talents of a division. Those who can come here are officers and soldiers who are suitable for the informationization and synthesis model and are interested in this aspect.

Some of the officers and soldiers have relatively low qualifications and connections. The combined group does not look at their qualifications, but only their brains, ideas and personal abilities.

As long as you have the ability, you can make rapid progress in the 114th Regiment, and you can easily achieve results and break all conventions.

The progressive model of the original combined regiment was also promoted in the 114th regiment.

Regiment Headquarters.

At this time, the group leader Zhang Kun also led people towards the temporary assembly point.

"Captain, when we go to the Zhuhe training ground this time, do our regiment need to take out everything from the bottom of the box and take it with us?" asked the officer on the side.

This time I went to the Zhuhe training ground for training. Normally, you can take it with you or not. The main thing is to see whether you plan to be low-key or high-profile.

"Bring it with you, bring it all with you. Let's show it to the Ersheng Brigade this time. Our 114th Regiment is no worse than them. We also have good things." Zhang Kun said.

Li Ran has worked very hard to build the 114th Regiment. It can be said that the 114th Regiment basically has new things and new equipment that the synthetic brigade has.

In terms of armed helicopters, Division Z has an Army Aviation Group, but it also equips the 114th Regiment with an Army Aviation Squad and six armed helicopters to support the operations of various units of the 114th Regiment.

Whenever there is something new in the military factory, they will send a copy to the 114th Regiment. It can be said that except for the smaller firepower, the 114th Regiment is not much worse than a real synthetic regiment.

This is the current face of the 114th Regiment, which is completely different from before.

As the leader of the regiment, Zhang Kun had never fought such a rich battle. This time he went to the Zhuhe training ground for training. Of course he wanted to pull them all out and let the combined brigade watch.

What you have, I also have, and I am not at all depriving you of it, I have to show it in terms of momentum.

"I understand." Zhengwei nodded.

Since you want to publicize it, let's do it once. It is not easy for the entire 114th Regiment to complete the transformation of informatization and synthesis. The entire regiment's officers and soldiers have been depressed for a long time.

This time I took advantage of the training opportunity to have a good breakout.

Temporary assembly area.

The entire 114th Regiment was assembled. As Zhang Kun arrived, the deputy commander trotted forward, snapped to attention, and said loudly: "Comrade Commander, the entire 114th Regiment has been assembled. Please give me your instructions."

"Tell me about it."


"Comrades, the purpose of our trip to the Zhuhe Exercise Ground this time is not only to train, but also to show the current strength of our 114th Regiment to the Comprehensive Brigade. It is not easy for us to go from the mechanized infantry regiment to the present. It is time to show It's time for us to fight. Show me your best condition. During the maneuver, all units in the regiment must be on alert. Are you ready for wartime conditions?"

"Ready at all the time."

All the officers and soldiers of the 114th Regiment roared loudly and the momentum was very powerful.

"Set off."

Zhang Kun gave the order and the whole group started to maneuver.

When this maneuver came out, Zhang Kun issued an order to maintain the wartime status from the beginning, so the combined regiment was divided into two ways: railway and road.

Moreover, on motorized roads, all units need to maintain a high degree of vigilance.

In a word, when war comes, they will do it now.

0…………Please give me flowers…………

In this way, the entire 114th Regiment officially set off.

At the moment when the 114th Regiment set off, the combined brigade, which was far away from the Zhuhe exercise ground, was also ready to take action this time.

Brigade headquarters, conference room.

"Brigadier, the 114th Regiment is here for training. Are we going to take action this time?" asked the chief of staff on the side.

When the 112th Regiment came last time, they received instructions from the old brigade commander and educated the 112th Regiment.

When the 113th Group came, they were too attentive and ended up being cold-hearted. So, we still have to make up our minds on what to do this time.

"The old brigade commander didn't say anything, so we don't need to be so proactive." Manzhi said: "But although we don't take action, it doesn't mean we can't observe the maneuvering status of the 114th Regiment. As far as I know, the 114th Regiment was originally a machine-gunned The regiment, in this military reform, was changed to a synthetic regiment, which was transformed according to the exact same model as the synthetic regiment, so I am very curious about how much the 114th regiment has the shadow of our synthetic brigade.

Manzhi is still very curious about the 114th Regiment.

A division retains two heavy-armored regiments, and only one regiment undergoes military reform according to the synthetic and information-based model.


The Z Division is the first in the entire field army to have such a military reform model.

Moreover, this military reform model was formulated by the old brigade commander himself, which makes people look forward to it even more.

Who doesn't know that Li Ran is the founder of the synthetic and informatization model. The current military reform model of each unit of the Field Army is carried out in accordance with the military reform model reference report specified by Ji Ran.

The 114th Regiment is even said to be comparable to the previous synthetic regiments. How could this not make Manzhi and others curious?

"Pass my order and use reconnaissance methods to invade the 114th Regiment's crossing monitoring system. Send out unmanned reconnaissance aircraft and follow them all the way. I want to see if the 114th Regiment can detect that we are monitoring them." Manzhi said.


After Manzhi issued the order, the electronic countermeasures department of the synthetic brigade immediately used technical means to begin intruding on the monitoring system of the 114th Regiment passing by.

Whether it is a railway or a highway, there are monitoring equipment on both sides, and these can be hacked.

As long as the invasion is successful, the combined brigade will be able to monitor the movements of the 114th Regiment through these.

Just at the same time as the electronic countermeasures department of the synthetic brigade was invading, the other side.

114th Regiment, on the command vehicle.

"Report! Captain, we have detected that an unknown IP is invading our passing surveillance system, and we are already intercepting it," the technician reported.

Before coming, Manzhi contacted the relevant departments, and they temporarily took over all the monitoring systems passing by, and they were able to counter-monitor.

At this point, Zhang Kun is authorized.

No, the preparations were effective. Not long after they left, someone actually invaded the surveillance system and wanted to monitor them.

"Be sure to intercept it. If you have the ability, carry out counter-invasion." Manzhi said.


Following Zhang Kun's order, the electronic countermeasures brigade of the 114th Regiment began to exert its strength, and a group of technicians began a technical game.

This is like a competition between hackers. You invade, I intercept, and I will fight back when I have the opportunity. A silent and smokeless war begins.

(Ask for everything, ask for everything. Kneel down and thank!!! Shi).

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