Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

574: Eye-Catching! The New Teacher Is Starting To Work

It is said that grassroots units are afraid of inspections by their superiors, but for the three regiments of Division Z, they instead expect Li Ran, the division commander, to inspect them every day.

How should I put it, although I am afraid that problems will be discovered, but the inspections have been done more often, and everyone has become accustomed to it.

And if the superiors don’t inspect, how can they see their hard training?

Therefore, in the basic units of Z Division, an atmosphere has formed that is very strange to other units, and they are eager for superiors to come and inspect.

No, Li Ran had only left the Zhuhe training ground for twenty hours because he received a mission from the General Staff, Zhang Kun, the leader of the 114th Regiment, thought.

It was agreed that each regiment would be stationed at the Zhuhe training ground for a month, but when they arrived at the 114th regiment, the division commander had a mission to leave.

This is not possible. Their teacher is not here, so they are not sure about the training.

The Hesheng Brigade next to them watched eagerly all day long, and they felt at ease when their division commander was there.

"Old Zhang, don't be too anxious. The division commander has a task, and you know that the time for this task is not fixed. With the division commander's ability, no matter how difficult the task is, it will not take too long, and he will be back soon. "The official on the side said comfortingly.

"I hope so." Zhang Kun felt a little melancholy.

While the two were talking, a second lieutenant ran in.

"The regiment commander, division commander and teacher commander are here." the second lieutenant said excitedly.

"Teacher is back? Teacher?"

Hearing the words of the second lieutenant, Zhang Kun was excited at first, and then he was stunned by the title of teacher.

"Which teacher is the leader?" Zhang Kun couldn't help but asked casually.

As soon as these words came out, Qi Long, who came in with Li Ran, was stunned at first, and then his face instantly turned ugly, even ugly and embarrassed.

How long had it been since he, the commander of Division Z, had left Division Z? As a result, none of his former subordinates could remember him. He still heard these crucial words. How embarrassing.

Sure enough, love will disappear. He used to be so kind to these old subordinates, but in the blink of an eye he no longer recognized them.

"Hello, Chief."

After seeing Qi Long, Zhang Kun was stunned for a moment, then quickly saluted and said hello.

The officers on the side also said hello quickly, but their expressions were a little embarrassed. After seeing Qi Long, they knew who the teacher the second lieutenant was talking about was.

"Captain Zhang, I didn't expect that you didn't even remember me just a few days after I left." Qi Long said in a deep voice. 693

"I'm sorry, Chief, I didn't react for a moment." Zhang Kun also realized that he had said the wrong thing and said quickly.

Qi Long obviously had no intention of getting entangled in this topic. The more he delved into this topic, the more embarrassed he would be. He simply let it go.

"I know you are training at the Zhuhe training ground. I am here just to take a look. You don't have to worry about me. You can train how you want." Qi Long said again.

Seeing that Qi Long didn't take this matter to heart, Zhang Kun and others breathed a sigh of relief.

No matter what, what they just said was wrong. There was no way that the teacher had forgotten something not long after he left. If this spread, the reputation of the two groups would be ruined.

"Captain Zhang, how far has the training gone?"

At this time, Qi Long asked.

"Report to the division commander, the planned training has been completed." Zhang Kun said loudly.

"Then the whole group will assemble and show the teacher your training results." Li Ran said.


After Li Ran gave the order, Zhang Kun immediately made arrangements and notified all units in the regiment that the head teacher was back to see their training results.

The regiment had no objection to this, but a small number of officers and soldiers did not react for a while.

"The teacher is back? Which teacher is the teacher?"

"Is this our teacher?"

"Hey, I suddenly can't remember who our teacher is.

"Don't tell me, I can't remember it for a moment. What's your last name?"

"Shhh, keep your voice down, you can't even remember the teacher's name. It's very honorable, isn't it?"

Indeed, in the hearts of Z Division units, the presence of Commander Qi Long is very weak. The reason is very simple. When the next division commander is far more capable than the previous division commander, leaving an indelible mark on the hearts of Z Division officers and soldiers, Naturally, the presence of the previous division commander will become weaker and weaker.

This cannot be blamed on Qi Long's incompetence. Every commander of the heavy armor division is an absolutely talented officer in the field army. If it were not for Li Ran's appearance, Qi Long's prestige in the hearts of the division officers and soldiers would be quite high.

Qi Long, who was originally in a good mood, now turned dark.

It's disgusting, it's really disgusting, how long has it been since he left the Z Division? The grassroots officers and soldiers of the Z (aife) Division can't even remember him as a teacher and commander.

If this happens for a long time, it is estimated that when the officers and soldiers of Z Division see him in the future, they will not know that he once served as the commander of Z Division.

"Junior brother, your ability to lead troops has really refreshed my understanding again." Qi Long said to Li Ran with a dark face.

If this incident spreads, he will be really embarrassed and will become the laughing stock of all units in the military region.

Other units in the military region are probably discussing it privately.

Qi Long, do you know? He is the deputy commander of Army H and the former commander of Division Z. After he was transferred from Division Z, the officers and soldiers of Division Z no longer recognized him. Hahaha, I laughed to death.

Qi Long felt very depressed when he thought about it. If he couldn't control this news, it would become his black material in the future.

"Brother, don't be angry. This matter will never be spread out. It's just a simple mistake." Li Ran didn't know what Qi Long was thinking right now, so he said directly.

Hearing this, I felt a little sad.

"Brother, this is also a good thing. Won't you be able to give full play to your ability when you go to the Synthetic Brigade later?" Li Ran added.

Hearing this, Qi Long took a deep breath.

This time, following Li Ran to the Zhuhe Exercise Ground to visit the old troops was just a secondary priority and an excuse. The real target was the combined brigade.

But now that he has such a foreshadowing, Qi Long feels that he can be more involved and perform more realistically when he goes to the synthetic brigade.

Boom boom boom~

After the entire 114th regiment was assembled.

As the division commander, Li Ran trotted up to Qi Long, snapped to attention, and said loudly in front of all the officers and soldiers of the 114th Regiment: "Comrade Chief, the entire 114th Regiment has been assembled. Please give me your instructions."

"Proceed as planned. Qi Long said.


In a moment, boom boom~ 011311508 Fei Lu 030263541]

The entire regiment of the 114th regiment started to launch a collective tactical charge. For a moment, roars resounded throughout the world, and the earth trembled at this moment.

Boom boom boom~

In the air, the Army aviation team also acted in the same way, cooperating with the ground troops and conducting air-ground coordination.

The smell of diesel is very strong in the air.


Boom boom boom~

Da da da~

The sound of missiles, artillery shells, gunfire and the roar of tanks are intertwined to form a unique war symphony.

"Not bad, really good. The 114th Regiment has changed a lot."

Qi Long, the former commander of Division Z, was sitting in the command vehicle of the commander of the 114th Regiment. Half of his body was leaning out, looking at everything around him with a telescope. At this time, his heart was shocked by such a shocking scene. .

He knows best what the 114th Regiment looked like in the past. The feeling of the 114th Regiment today is completely different from before. It feels like a complete transformation.

This equipment, this firepower configuration, and this kind of personnel coordination, obviously, a lot of effort has been put into it.

"Captain Zhang, start a confrontation." Li Ran's voice sounded on the radio.


"Attention all units, planning industry training has begun." Zhang Kun used the radio to issue orders to all units.

Following Zhang Kun's order, all units of the 114th Regiment did not hesitate at all and immediately separated their formations to conduct a planned confrontation training.

The battle between the kings of land warfare, the cooperation of infantry-tank coordination, artillery-tank coordination and air-tank coordination. At this time, the officers and soldiers of the 114th Regiment continued to show off the results of their training.

Although they are all in the same group, at this time, the two sides divided into confrontation camps are opponents. The fighting is very fierce, and the fighting is also a bit frightening to watch.

"Captain Zhang, aren't you afraid of problems if you fight like this?"

Qi Long, who was watching with a telescope, was also frightened and couldn't help but ask.

I remember when he was still the division commander leading the training team, although he would organize confrontation training from time to time, he had never been as open as he is now. It was too open.

This kind of training method can easily cause accidents if you are not careful.

Once something goes wrong, the problem will be big.

"The division commander said that if you train more strictly now, you will have a higher chance of surviving on the battlefield in the future. Our confrontation training has always been like this." Zhang Kun said directly.

At this moment, Zhang Kun's words were full of pride.

Did you see it? This is today's 114th Regiment. Their training even scared the former teacher after seeing it.

But what they were playing was frightening. The previous play-house-style training and confrontation was not interesting. They fought back and forth, and in the end it almost became a performance.

What is needed now is this kind of practical confrontation training that is as close to actual combat as possible.

After hearing Zhang Kun's words, Qi Long did not continue to speak, but watched quietly.

After more than an hour, the navigation ended.

A look of exhaustion appeared on the faces of every officer and soldier. From training to the current confrontation, their physical energy has been consumed a lot, and fatigue is normal.

Although tired, the fighting spirit in everyone's eyes is still there.

When the spirit comes out, no matter what happens, I will never give up.

Qi Long saw it in his eyes and was shocked in his heart. Today's Master Z is indeed becoming more and more unfamiliar to him. This is no longer the Master Z he is familiar with.

Under the leadership of the new division commander Li Ran, the entire Z division has been completely transformed, getting rid of the constraints of the previous style, making up for the previous shortcomings, and achieving a completely new life.

"Commander Li, let the commanders above the battalion and company level come for a meeting. I have something to say." Qi Long said in a deep voice.


After saying that, Qi Long walked towards the temporary station first, leaving Zhang Kun and others confused.

"Sir, what do you mean by this? What meeting are you having now? Are you not satisfied with our performance?" Zhang Kun couldn't help but ask after seeing Qi Long's expression and leaving after saying these words.

"I don't know. Your performance is very good. He shouldn't be dissatisfied. He should follow the command of the teacher and have the commanders of each battalion and company gather for a meeting." Li Ran said.


With inner doubts, Zhang Kun notified the chief officers above the battalion and company level to come to the conference room for a meeting.

The temporary residence of the 114th Regiment.

In the conference room.

All the commanders above the battalion and company level of the 114th Regiment were present, including Li Ran, the commander of the Z Division.

After seeing everyone gathered, Qi Long said in a slow and deep voice: "I asked you to come over for a meeting, just to talk about one thing. I saw your performance today. It was very good. I was shocked. The current 114th Regiment is different from the previous one." The 114th Regiment is completely different. You have successfully transformed yourself. I am proud of you.

What Qi Long said

The words really came from the bottom of his heart, and he was indeed proud of the current 114th Regiment.

If the former 114th Regiment is brought over, the current 114th Regiment's combat effectiveness can at least defeat three previous 114th Regiments.

You can tell the whole story at a glance. If the 114th regiment is like this now, then the other two main regiments will naturally not be much worse.

The three main regiments have all been reborn, so the overall combat effectiveness of the Z Division is incomparable.

Although they received affirmation and praise from Qi Long, Zhang Kun and others did not show happy expressions.

According to the tradition of the field army, after the superiors praise, they will definitely criticize and reprimand, pointing out the dissatisfaction.

If it was just affirmation and praise, there was no need for Mr. Qi Long to ask them to come over for a meeting.

"However, after seeing your training, I feel very worried." Under the gaze of everyone, Qi Long added: "Training is still training, and safety is not the same."

I can ignore that your training just now was too radical and nothing happened in one or two days, but who can guarantee that nothing will happen forever? Mr. Li, can you guarantee it?"

Speaking of this, Qi Long's tone has become very stern.

"I can't guarantee it." Faced with Qi Long's question, Li Ran said directly.

Indeed, in this regard, I definitely cannot guarantee that, as a human being and not a god, I do not have the ability to control the safety of thousands of people and ensure that they do not have accidents during training.


In terms of safety work, we can only continue to remind the regular officers of each unit to do their jobs well.

"Since you said you can't guarantee it, I think it's necessary for you to change your training methods. What kind of training you do, the safety of the soldiers always comes first." Qi Long

Said again.

Just when Zhang Kun and others wanted to say a few words and explain for the teacher Li Ran.

Unexpectedly, Li Ran's words stunned everyone in the audience.

"Teacher, if you say so, then I think there is no need to train in the future. It is better to raise pigs. It is safer to raise pigs." Li Ran said lightly.

As soon as these words came out, everyone present broke out in cold sweat.

(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!).

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