Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

579: Ice And Fire! Z Division Vs Combined Brigade Exercise Arrives

Northern Military District.

H Army Headquarters.

After returning from the Zhuhe training ground, Qi Longgang planned to take a rest. After all, there was a heavy workload ahead, including the talents and equipment needed to set up an unmanned pilot unit this time.

A mere H Army cannot be satisfied, not even the entire Northern Military Region.

The reason is very simple. The requirements for personnel in unmanned pilot units are very strict. They must be highly educated and highly skilled. The latter is more important.

The reserve of relevant professional and technical personnel in the entire Northern Military Region cannot fully meet Qi Long's needs for establishing an unmanned pilot unit.

Therefore, Qi Long needs to make a detailed plan, intending to start with other military regions first, and finally attack his own military region.

It would be terrible if we attack our own military region first to avoid being called a street rat and then go poaching people from other units without even being able to return home.

But just after Qi Long came back, Lieutenant General Tan Fei, commander of H Army, came up to him.

"What's wrong with you? Why did you get into a fight with your junior brother?" After Tan Fei found Qi Long, he saw the injuries on Qi Long's face and confirmed that the news from Zhu He's training ground was true.

Qi Long, the deputy commander of H Army, really started fighting with Li Ran, the commander of Z Division.

"I gave him some advice on Master Z's training. This kid was stubborn and had a very arrogant attitude. I couldn't stand it, so I gave him a lesson." Qi Long said with some embarrassment.

Of course, the truth cannot be told, and people will be poached from the H Army later.

"There's something wrong with his training methods? Teach him a lesson? I don't think so." Hearing this, Tan Fei didn't believe Qi Long's words.

This is so false. Who in the entire field army doesn't know Li Ran's abnormal ability in leading troops? Division Z was in Li Ran's hands and became the first division of the field army. Its combat effectiveness was completely different and reached a new stage.

If it were any superior, it would be too late to be happy if there was such a subordinate, and he would still be displeased because he is too meddlesome?

Besides, teach Li Ran a lesson? Can Qi Long teach Li Ran a lesson? Is he capable of teaching a lesson to Li Ran?

Let alone Qi Long, even if he, the army commander, talks politely to Li Ran, who doesn't know who the big boss behind Li Ran is.

The most important thing is, can Qi Long beat Li Ran?

Don't look at it, Li Ran has become the chief officer, and has less opportunities to show his personal abilities. When the combined regiment and a certain division conducted exercise 533, Li Ran killed a reconnaissance company by himself. That incident is still a legend in the field army.

"I'm telling the truth. This kid is too sharp. He must be treated, otherwise he will get it again in the future. I am doing this for his own good." Qi Long said.

"I won't ask anything else, but just started this matter. Can you beat him? Looking at you like this, you are at a disadvantage." Tan Fei asked jokingly.

Qi Long didn't want to explain clearly, and he didn't intend to ask too detailed questions. Who doesn't have a little secret? How could he get to the bottom of it?

"Let him go, but this kid didn't take advantage. He must at least do the laundry." Qi Long showed his final stubbornness.

Indeed, he suffered a loss when he did it. Li Ran's only loss was that his clothes were stained by him and had to be washed.

While the two were talking, Second Lieutenant Ri ran over in a hurry.

"Report, the military region commander ordered Deputy Commander Qi to go to the headquarters immediately." the second lieutenant said.

"Going to the headquarters?" Hearing the second lieutenant's words, Tan Fei asked very curiously: "Did you say what you were going to do?"

"I didn't say it, but the commander's tone was bad and he even cursed." The second lieutenant said with some embarrassment.

Hearing this, Qi Long's heart suddenly sank. It's over. It seems that the commander knew about setting a trap for the synthetic brigade. Man Zhi, the boy, realized it and must have complained.

In fact, this is indeed the case. Ever since he became the commander of the Hesheng Brigade, Manzhi had never suffered such a loss, being tricked by someone other than Li Ran.

Although Manzhi guessed that this matter was probably related to his old brigade commander, Qi Long would never have been able to come up with such a good idea.

But Manzhi dared not file a lawsuit against Li Ran, but he could file a lawsuit against Qi Long.

"You did not do anything good when you went to the Zhuhe training ground. The commander already knows it. You should be happy for yourself." Tan Fei said to Qi Long.

The commander of the military region was definitely not angry because of the fight between Qi Long and Li Ran.

What's wrong with soldiers fighting each other? If nothing serious happened, it must be something else.

"Since I dare to do small things, it means that I can handle them." Qi Long said very confidently.

If you know it, you know it. It's such a big deal. Anyway, the commander of the military region will know about it sooner or later. It's better if he knows it sooner.

I, Qi Long, will soon become the chief officer of the unmanned pilot unit. What is the value of the unmanned pilot unit?

That surpasses the combined brigade and is the vanguard unit of the field army in the future. It is only a matter of time before it replaces the combined brigade and becomes the new favorite of the military region commander.

After arriving there, he only needs to come up with a detailed plan, and the military commander will be impressed by him.

At that time, the commander of the military region will become his strongest backer, and no matter who he recruits in the future, he will be more confident.

"This kid went to Zhu He's training ground once and took some ecstasy. Why is he so swollen?"

Looking at Qi Long's leaving figure, Tan Fei couldn't help but whispered curiously. The confidence in Qi Long's words seemed to be that he didn't take the military commander seriously at all.

Northern Military District, Headquarters.

After Qi Long arrived at the headquarters, the commander's assistant saw Qi Long and said quickly: "Deputy Commander Qi, the commander is inside, but I need to remind you that the commander is very angry, so be mentally prepared."

"Don't worry, it'll be fine." Qi Long smiled.

After saying that, Qi Long knocked on the door.

"Come in." The voice of the military commander came from inside.

Qi Long pushed open the door and strode in, came to the general, stood up at attention, saluted, and said loudly: "Qi Long, deputy commander of Army H, has been ordered to report!

Seeing Qi Long coming, the general looked up at Qi Long and sneered: "You are so brave. What did you do to Zhu He's training ground? Tell me the truth."

The general was very angry now. He had no idea that Qi Long, the deputy commander of H Army, would have his mind set on the Combined Brigade.

Not long ago, Manzhi from the Hesheng Brigade called him and complained to him on the phone, which made him burst into tears.

This was the first time that the general saw the commander of the synthetic brigade like this. After getting to know him better, he found out that Qi Long actually set a trap for the synthetic brigade and stole many people and equipment from the synthetic brigade.

Even the deputy chief of staff of the combined brigade was tricked.

The general is so angry [the trap has been set on his own unit.

"Commander, I didn't do anything." Qi Long pretended to be innocent.

"You're still pretending to me, aren't you? The synthetic brigade called us. You, the deputy commander of Army H, actually set a trap for the synthetic brigade. Why did you use the information in the exercise to make deals? Who gave you the courage to do this? Did it?" the admiral asked.

"Commander, I am forced to have no choice but to do this for the future of our field army." Qi Long also began to complain.

"Don't talk nonsense with me. I know you need people to form an unmanned unit. Our field army is more than just one military region. There are not enough people from other military regions for you to recruit? Does the General Staff stipulate that you can only attack your own family members?"

You know, the synthetic brigade is now the admiral's favorite.

Qi Long attacked the Hesheng Brigade, which was a move on his head.

"Commander, I really have no choice. Although I made the wrong move against our military region unit, I still have my own reasons." Qi Long said.

"I'll give you two minutes to explain. The explanation is unclear and the reasons cannot convince me. Don't blame me for being rude."

"Commander, look, is our combined brigade now notorious in the field army?" Don't blame me for speaking bluntly. In fact, it is like this. Other units regard the combined brigade as a thorn in their side and a thorn in their flesh. I attacked them. It can be considered as a way to vent their bad temper, so when I go to their unit to recruit people, what reason can they have for not giving them to me?"

"Yes, the synthetic brigade lost a few people and equipment, but I definitely got more people and equipment from other military regions than from the synthetic brigade. I can still calculate this account.

"Besides, unmanned units are the future of the field army. As long as I do my job well, you will be happy, right?"

Qi Long had already thought of a reason to convince the general. This reason was also what Li Ran told him at the beginning. Qi Long seemed to be very reasonable.

Such a reason can definitely convince the general.


Unexpectedly, after listening to Qi Long's explanation, the general said with a sneer: "You are treating me like a three-year-old child to fool me, right? By tricking the combined brigade, you can make other military regions be grateful to you? Wool? When it comes to sheep, they will only laugh at the most, dog bites dog, and a hairy mouth. You are also the deputy commander, and you have been a soldier for so many years. "You are still so naive?"

Although the combined brigade is "notorious" in the field army, many units regard the combined brigade as a thorn in the flesh.

But just because Qi Long cheated the Synthetic Brigade and was able to successfully recruit people from other units, it was pure fart.

Other units can only look at it as a joke, because the combined brigade itself is affiliated to the Northern Military Region. No matter how many people are needed, they are all from the Northern Military Region, but other military regions are different.

Once the people and equipment are given, it will probably have nothing to do with the original military region from now on.

This account cannot be calculated by other rooms?

And if you can even form a brigade, why should other military regions be more careful about you if they know about it? Should they be more vigilant?

The general still discovered that Qi Long, a general who had been the commander of Z Division and was now the deputy commander of H Army, was so naive in thinking about the problem.


Hearing what the admiral said, Qi Long's mind suddenly became clear, and he suddenly realized that he seemed to be looking at the problem from the wrong angle.

Yes, Tong Ling's analysis makes sense.

Even a brigade can be trapped, so when other military districts see him passing by, they still have to guard him like a gangster? In this case, wouldn't it be more difficult for him to poach people?

We should attack other military regions first.

"Wait a minute, let me sort it out first." Qi Long felt that his head was a little confused now. When he heard the general's analysis, he suddenly found that the development of things seemed to be a little different from what he expected.

Analyzing from the general's point of view, Qi Long increasingly felt that what the general said made sense, and it did not seem right to attack the synthetic brigade first.

"Commander, but I did it according to the idea proposed by Li Ran. He told me that doing so would help me recruit people from other military regions in the future." After thinking for a long time, Qi Long couldn't decide which one. The angle was correct, so Ji Ran had to be moved out.

"So, this is the reason why you fought with him?" Hearing this, the general sneered again: "A deputy commander and a division commander took action, and everyone in the military region knew about it. You are really promising. It seems, You didn't take advantage either.

"Commander, I just want to clarify one thing right now. Is what I did wrong really?" Qi Long's original idea was shaken a little.

He found that he seemed to trust Li Ran too much. The feeling Li Ran gave him when he told him this before was completely different from this.

a feeling.

When Li Ran talked to him, Qi Long felt that it was very easy to set up an unmanned pilot unit, and poaching people and equipment was even more trivial.

But when the admiral said this, Qi Long felt that he had made a wrong start, which made it more difficult for him.

"Is this what he told you when he wanted you to accept this mission?" the admiral asked.

Hearing what Qi Long said, the admiral had already guessed what Li Ran had planned with Qi Long when he wanted to persuade Qi Long to accept this task.


"Isn't that okay? He knew that you were unwilling to accept this task at the beginning. In order to convince you, he had to make you rush to accept the task from being unwilling to taking the initiative. You just kept being attracted by him.

Just lead him by the nose, and if he is sold, he still has to count the money. "The general said angrily.

"Commander, what should I do?" Qi Long gradually woke up and realized that he seemed to have been deceived by Li Ran, and he suddenly panicked.

He knew that he shouldn't talk too much with Li Ran. As he talked, he was carried away by Li Ran's rhythm.

Now it's better, I took precautions, but I still fell into a trap.

"I don't know. Anyway, now that you have accepted the mission and hired people, as for how to set up traps in other military regions, you can figure it out yourself. If you can't do it, don't blame me for being rude."

The admiral said sternly.

He originally planned to scold Qi Long, but when he saw Qi Long's pitiful appearance, the general was not in the mood anymore.

After all, Qi Long is also a "victim", and the source of this matter still has to start with Li Ran.

There is no way, there are probably not many people who can avoid being led by Li Ran.

Qi Long was really dumbfounded now. He was originally full of confidence and thought the overall situation was under control, but now it seems that he is just a clown.

Just when Qi Long's scalp was numb and his heart was in despair, the admiral finally couldn't bear it anymore and slowly took out a report and said calmly: "This is for you.

(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!).

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