Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

591: Although Defeated, It Is Still Glorious! Li Ran Remains Calm

An air battle that everyone expected and shocked came to an end.

The result of the battle between the two sides was that one of the two Dragon 20s was shot down by the Air Force Sixth Division, and the remaining one returned safely. The Air Force Sixth Division suffered heavy losses. In the fight with the Air Force Eighth Division, only 70% of the remaining strength was now left. It has fallen by about 30%, which is even less than the remaining strength of the Kongba Division.

Although Kongliu Division was defeated, everyone actually knew that Longliu Division was still honored even though it was defeated.

After all, compared to the Dragon 10, a fifth-generation machine like the Dragon 20, its performance has undergone earth-shaking changes and improvements, and its combat effectiveness is already terrifying.

Therefore, although the Kong Liu Division was defeated, no one looked down upon the Kong Liu Division. On the contrary, the courage of the entire Kong Liu Division to be dispatched and led by the division commander made everyone admire them.

This is the air force of the field army. No matter how advanced and powerful the opponent's fighter jets are, it is the air force of the field army.

Thinking back then, didn't Xiaomi add a rifle like "593" and dare to fight against Yingjiang, which had a fighter jet? How could he be frightened by the so-called advanced equipment?

But I have to say that the performance of Kong 20 is indeed too eye-catching. It is really refreshing to watch. The fifth-generation machine is indeed awesome.

Director's Department.

"It's shocking. It's really shocking. I didn't expect the fifth-generation machine to be so powerful."

"Yes, if two Dragon 20s execute tactical formation coordination together, it will definitely not be such a coupling.

"That's really enough. Originally, the Dragon 20 was just to test its performance this time. If it's too bullying, it won't be effective."

"The courage of the Air Force 6th Division is commendable and they fought well. Compared to other air force divisions, they may not have fought as well as the Air Force 6th Division."

"Yes, the division commander leads the team out, which greatly improves morale, but Long 20 will only be dispatched this time, and will not be dispatched again.

That's right, just after the air battle between the two sides ended, the General Staff boss announced that the Dragon 20 fighter jets would only be dispatched this time.

After this time, Long 20 will not fight again. This time, on the one hand, it is to increase Li Ran's strength. On the other hand, it is simply to test the true combat effectiveness of Long 20 during the exercise.

Now that the test results have been achieved, the performance of Long 20 did not disappoint.

After this air battle, the combat effectiveness of the Sixth Air Division and the Eighth Air Division was tilted, and air control was tilted to the Eighth Air Division. Now in terms of air control, the combined brigade has once again taken the initiative.

Inside the command car.

"Thirty minutes ago, two Dragon 20s from the Kong Sixth Division and the Kong Eighth Division ended the battle. In this battle, the Kong Eighth Division shot down one Dragon 20, and the Kong Eighth Division was damaged..."

The combat staff is reporting the battle situation to Li Ran.

Hearing the latest battle situation, Li Ran had no expression on his face, no waves in his heart, and was very calm.

But the combat staff in the car could not calm down at this time. When they heard the terrifying combat power of Long 20, they were all shocked.

"The combat power of Long 20 is too strong, it's terrifying."

"This is over, air control is no longer in our hands."

"The only good thing is that the Dragon 20 was dispatched just this time. If it were deployed again, our air force would be completely wiped out, and no one would be able to withstand the Dragon 20.

"Yes, division commander, how will we conduct the next exercise? The combined brigade will definitely continue to carry out air attacks on us."

After the words fell, everyone present looked at Li Ran, wanting to know their teacher's next plan.

Air superiority once again returned to the hands of the combined brigade, and the combined brigade would never let go of such an opportunity.

"Fight as you want, what's the need to panic?" Seeing the expressions of the people around him, Li Ran said calmly: "Everything should go according to the original plan."

In Li Ran's mind, air control returned to the hands of the combined brigade again, which had little impact on him at all.

According to Li Ran's current expectations, after suffering a loss, Manzhi would not dare to rashly let the fighters of the Eighth Air Division launch an air attack on them like before, even if he had gained air supremacy again.

Although the Sixth Air Division suffered heavy losses, it does not mean that it has completely lost its air supremacy. Although the Eighth Air Division has mastered the air supremacy, it is not in its heyday and the battle losses are not small.

The Sixth Air Division could still let the remaining fighters carry out escort missions, but Manzhi did not dare to take the gamble again and let the Eighth Air Division gather all its strength to carry out air strikes, fearing that it would fall into the trap again.

After hearing Li Ran's words, they all looked at each other and fell silent for a while, saying nothing more.

My teachers and teachers have said so, and they are not worried at all, so they are still worried about nothing.

Judging from the performance of his teacher, it seems that everything is under the control of his teacher, and he is in a state of strategizing.

Not long after, the commander of the Air Force 6 Division, which had just experienced an air battle, had been "sacrificed" and was now led by the commander of the Air Force 6 Division.

After some rest and recuperation, the remaining fighter jets continued to perform escort work for the Z Division...

While allocating air power as completely as possible, the remaining Air Force 6th Division was only divided into three small teams, which escorted the convoy of Z Division Li Ran, Z Division Chief Committee Member, and Z Division Chief of Staff.

The goal of this final escort was very clear, which was to protect the safe arrival of the convoy where the command headquarters was located.

As for other convoys, the Sixth Air Division really has no time to take care of them at the moment. Once the Eighth Air Division attacks, they can only decide based on the situation.

In this case, the remaining Air Sixth Division directly exposed the location of the Z Division headquarters.

Manzhi just needs to follow the original idea and let the Eighth Air Division attack the convoy escorted by the Sixth Air Division. Does Manzhi really dare to do this now?

As the saying goes, once bitten by a snake, you will be afraid of ropes for ten years, Manzhi is like this now.

Combined Brigade, First Command!

"Okay, win."

"Haha, the tide has turned, and now the air control is back in our hands."

"Dragon 20 is really awesome, its combat power is so fierce."

"Two Dragon 20s almost wiped out the entire Air Force 6 Division. I really didn't expect that. It was so brave."

Except for Man Zhi, the others were very happy. In their opinion, they had just won a battle and regained the lost air superiority.

Moreover, the air force of the Combined Brigade is now much stronger than that of the Z Division. In modern warfare, as long as you have air supremacy in your hands, it will be much easier to fight.

This time the opponent is the old brigade commander. If the air supremacy is in the hands of the old brigade commander, they will still hit 4.1 cents. The pressure is not small to begin with, and it felt like there was no chance of winning before.

Compared with everyone who was very happy, only Manzhi looked very ugly at this time.

"Happy? What's there to be happy about? I really thought we won the battle. Two Dragon 20s were lost and one was lost. The Sixth Air Division was not completely wiped out. How could we be so arrogant?

Manzhi's reprimand sounded in the headquarters, making everyone happy for a moment.

Everyone looked at Manzhi in confusion, wondering what their brigade commander meant?

What's the situation? Didn't the Eighth Air Division win the battle? Isn't the Dragon 20 still awesome? We have already obtained the air superiority, why isn't our brigade commander still happy?

Two Dragon 20s defeated nearly an air force division. Isn’t this awesome?

(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!).

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