Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

598: A Bet Between Major Generals! Stealing Tactics

As the leader of the 113th Regiment, the colonel has always been proud. He is the leader of a heavy tank regiment, and he loves tanks as much as his wife.

If a wife can exchange for a Tiger 9, he will take his wife out and exchange it without even frowning.

It's a pity that trading a wife for a Tiger 9 is such a good thing.

But now, the Tiger 9 is no longer popular in the colonel's heart. He wants a fighter jet.

The 113th Regiment is retreating, and the Tiger 9 of the Combined Brigade is chasing behind them. This is not the key. The key is that there are fighters of the Eighth Division in the sky.

In the absence of our own air force to respond, the Eighth Air Division was able to fight without any scruples.

Air-to-ground missiles were fired at them without hesitation. Whether they were tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, or even some "special" vehicles, they were all "taken care of".

Originally, the retreat was not difficult and the battle losses were not very high. However, under such ruthless bombing by the fighter formations, the battle losses increased rapidly, which made the colonel look pained.

In desperation, the colonel had no choice but to call the division commander directly to seek support from the Sixth Air Division.

Needless to say, as long as the Sixth Air Division flies over their heads now, the pressure of retreat will be instantly reduced.

Unexpectedly, in the face of his call, only Li Ran's calm voice came out on the phone.

"The Sixth Air Division cannot provide support, so we have to find a way on our own."

"Unable to provide support? Division commander, I know that the Air Force Sixth Division has suffered serious battle losses, but as long as they come to my place and fly for a while, it will be fine. Without the mediation of the Air Force Sixth Division, no one in the Air Force Eighth Division can stop it." The colonel said quickly.

"As I told you, the Sixth Air Division is unable to provide support for the time being, so we will have to figure out how to retreat by ourselves.

After Li Ran finished speaking, the communication was immediately interrupted, leaving the colonel with a confused look on his face.

What's the situation? What do you mean? He called the Sixth Air Division for support. What's the attitude of his own division commander? He didn't seem to take them seriously at all.

Why, as the first heavy armor division, Z Division doesn't know the value of a heavy tank regiment?

If their heavy equipment is damaged too much, how will the subsequent battles be fought?

What is going on in your teacher's mind?

"Commander, how long will it take for the Sixth Air Force Division to arrive?" the chief of staff of the 113th Regiment asked anxiously.

"Come on, what the hell, the division commander said that the Sixth Air Division can't support us, let us find a way on our own." The colonel said angrily.

"Ah?" Hearing this, the chief of staff was shocked. Why would you bring something like this?

Is it possible that a heavy tank regiment will be treated as an outcast soon after it sets foot on the Zhuhe training ground? Is this still the Z Division's style of play?

"Stop, notify all units and ask them to disperse and retreat, run away, do everything possible to reduce battle losses, and then regroup and reorganize when they retreat to a safe place." The colonel said.


At this time, this is the only way.

The colonel originally thought that if the 6th Air Force Division came to support, he would organize the 113th Regiment to fight back, but now it seems that there is no chance to fight back. If the formation is not spread out, the battle losses will only get higher and higher.

Following the colonel's order, the Tiger 6s of the 113th Regiment immediately began to disperse and retreat. The ones running at the back could only be left as blocking forces to block the pursuit of the combined brigade for as long as they could.

As for the Tiger 6s running at the front, they ran as far apart as possible. Even if they were hit by missiles from Air Force 6 fighter jets, at most one missile would damage one vehicle, thus minimizing combat losses.

From the aerial view, the 113th Regiment looked like a chrysanthemum exploding. There were retreating units in all directions, all officers and soldiers of the 113th Regiment.

A transport vehicle that was hurriedly retreating suddenly erupted not far away, and a Dragon 10 fighter jet in the air fired a missile at it [luckily it did not hit.

The driver swung his tail like a dragon, and after surviving the disaster, he felt a little lucky.

"Are you crazy? I'll fight everything. I'm just a logistician who pulls daddy. Your air force division doesn't pull daddy."?" the pilot said dissatisfied.

Yes, although this transport vehicle is a transport vehicle, the things it transports are all filth.

Such transport vehicles are available in all units and belong to logistics. After all, there are so many people practicing, so pooping has to be solved. Peeing is easier, but the key is pooping?

In addition to digging temporary toilets around the station, there are also places in the logistics of each unit dedicated to pulling babies. These babies must be taken with them and cleaned up in special places afterwards.

It's just that the Kong Eighth Division didn't know what was in the car. The order they received was to cause maximum battle damage to the Z Division troops, and they didn't care about anything else.

Seeing the 113th regiment being beaten and fleeing, the chief of staff of the synthetic brigade was in a good mood.

"Notify all units to pursue me, and be careful not to fall into the opponent's trap." the chief of staff of the synthetic brigade warned.


"What a turn of events, little guy, keep pretending with me, you really think our synthetic brigade is made of dough." The chief of staff of the synthetic brigade said proudly.

The embarrassment of the 113th Regiment was undoubtedly that of a defeated army, one whose defeat was already evident.

In the director’s department!

Seeing the sudden change in the battle situation in front of them, many officers began to discuss fiercely again.

"The 113th Regiment was defeated. There is still a gap with the Composite Brigade."

"The combined brigade is not weak to begin with, and with the support of the Eighth Division, it's no wonder that the 113th Regiment can defeat them."

"I have long said that in modern combat, air superiority is very important. Even if the commander of the Z Division is Li Ran, it cannot be avoided. Look, isn't this gap coming out?"

"That's right, air superiority is really important. If the Eighth Air Division had not suffered too serious battle losses, the current situation would be completely the opposite."

"I see that during this exercise, Division Z is in a bad situation and is very likely to lose. Li Ran, the veteran brigade commander of the combined brigade, will probably fall into the hands of his former subordinates.

At this time, many officers already believed that Division Z would be the defeated party in this exercise.

Although the Z Division did well before, the Combined Brigade has a solid foundation and advanced equipment, especially the control of the air.

Furthermore, the Z Division actually did not take any advantage in the first place, it just neutralized some of the active attack methods of the Combined Brigade.

Now, as soon as the main forces of the two sides fight against each other, the defeat becomes apparent.

"Deputy Commander Qi, you are the previous commander of Division Z. If it were you, how would you fight this battle?" At this time, a major general asked Qi Long.

As soon as these words came out, many people's eyes fell on Qi Long.

The generals present were indeed very interested. Qi Long, who was the previous commander of Division Z and brother of Li Ran, had any thoughts on the current battle situation.

If he were in charge, how would he fight?

"I'm still saying the same thing. If it were me, I wouldn't play with the speed of the synthetic brigade at all. I would just deploy the two heavy armored regiments around Haicheng and fight around Haicheng. The speed is not that of the Z Division. Master Z’s style only focuses on horizontal push." ​​Qi Long said very grandly.

As the previous commander of Division Z, Qi Long has this confidence.

If he were in charge, the tank battle would definitely make the combined brigade tremble, and it wouldn't be like this now.

Of course, after finishing speaking, Qi Long added: "But he is my junior brother, I understand him, he has his own ideas, no matter how he deploys, he must have his own plan. I still believe he can win."

That's right, at this time, Qi Long would certainly not choose to add insult to injury, but would instead show his attitude to others about his confidence in Li Ran.

This is not just because Li Ran is his senior brother, not only because Li Ran is a legend in the field army, the main reason is because Li Ran is the current commander of the Z Division.

The Z Division is invincible, especially in such a plain environment. As long as the Z Division's main heavy equipment does not suffer heavy losses, there is still a possibility of a comeback.

"Deputy Commander Qi should have confidence in Commander Li, but everything must be considered realistically."

After Qi Long expressed his position, another major general said: "The three major elements of modern warfare are communications, logistics, and air control. Even if Z Division can barely keep up with logistics, Z Division must not forget communications and air control. It can be said that it was completely controlled by the combined brigade. From my perspective, it is only a matter of time before the Z Division is defeated and there is no way to recover. Before, it was just a small fight. Once it starts to take action, the decline will be obvious."

Hearing the major general's speech, others around him were in an uproar.

Yo, that's interesting, both sides choked.

Regarding these words, the Major General believes that the Z Division will be defeated. They know him as a standard synthetic brigade. They have always believed that the synthetic brigade is invincible with its leading equipment and leading combat system. Other units are absolutely impossible to be the same. opponent.

Even if the commander of Division Z is Li Ran, he is no match.

"Anyway, I'll put it here. I believe Li Ran and Division Z will win. If Division Z doesn't win, I'll eat a J9 alive." Weilong said directly.


When Qi Long said these words, there was another uproar.

It’s coming, it’s coming, it’s finally here, and it’s time for field army officers’ favorite part of competition and betting.

That's right, field army officers all have one characteristic, that is, they make bets. Whoever loses will eat something alive. As expected of the former commander of the Z Division, if he loses, he will eat the tank alive or the Tiger 9, so he can pick up the good stuff. The main battle tank swallowed.

"Since you believe that Division Z will win, then I will bet on the Synthetic Brigade to win. If we lose, I will eat two Tiger 9s alive." The major general said that he was very confident in the Synthetic Brigade.

Not far away, the commander of the Northern Military Region and the general staff boss who heard the bet between Qi Long and the major general pretended not to have heard.

The two of them have long been accustomed to such scenes, and it's normal for them to like to bicker.

Qi Long and the major general were on the same page at this time, and neither of them was convinced by the other.

*`"Look, look. "

Suddenly, someone noticed that the battle status data on the big screen had been updated again, and quickly reminded them.

Upon hearing this, everyone quickly looked around.

During this time period, once the battle situation data changes, it will be a big change, which will have a great impact on the direction of the entire battle situation.

When everyone looked at the big screen, they were stunned by the changes in the battle situation that were refreshed at this time.

The 8th Air Force Division's airport was bombed, and air superiority once again broke the balance. How could it be possible?

Everyone was stunned by the change in the battle situation at this time. This reversal was too great for them to accept for a while.

The whole person is like riding a roller coaster, going up and down, which is completely beyond their ability to bear.

Back to an hour ago, when the 113th Regiment and the Composite Brigade met and the two sides began to fight, the Air Force Sixth Division had already taken action.

Under Li Ran's order, the remaining fighter groups of the Sixth Air Division all took off, with sufficient ammunition and fuel tanks working overtime, and flew directly towards the base of the Eighth Air Division.

That's right, the Kong Sixth Division's tactic this time was to steal the home, and planned to directly steal the Kong Eighth Division's home.

This is a very bold tactic. Once discovered, the plan will go bankrupt.

Taking advantage of the cover of the sky, all the remaining fighters and bombers of the Sixth Air Division were dispatched. They took advantage of the gap between the Eighth Air Division's patrol change and the coming to support the combined brigade to seize a patrol loophole in the Eighth Air Division.

The Kong Sixth Division suffered heavy battle losses, and the Kong Eighth Division actually also suffered heavy battle losses, but the remaining strength was still stronger than the Kong Eighth Division.

The Sixth Division has more fighters and bombers and can mobilize more sorties.

The two sides have one thing in common, that is, they are not in their heyday.

(Zhao) Under such a situation, it is inevitable that there will be loopholes in the patrol. We only need to lock in this time point, and at the same time, we need to call a part of the Eighth Air Division to come to the front line for support.

Does Li Ran know that when air supremacy has been broken, the battle of the 113th Regiment will not be bombed by the 8th Air Division?

How is it possible? Everything is within Li Ran's plan, and with Li Ran's leadership, the rhythm and trend of the battlefield have always been developing according to Li Ran's expectations.

So when the leader of the 113th Regiment called for support and reported the current tragic situation, Li Ran didn't panic at all.

The plan has been successful, just wait for the Kong Sixth Division to steal the Kong Eighth Division's hometown.

Kong Eighth Division Base.

A formation of fighter jets from the 8th Air Force Division had just completed its cruise mission and landed at the airport to wait for supplies and rest.

Unexpectedly, the next second, the tower's radar kept sending out alarms.

On the radar, the punctuation marks representing the Dragon 10 fighters and bombers of the Sixth Air Division kept flashing, and the sirens kept sounding. The unexpected situation caused the tower staff to panic immediately.

The technician reported quickly.

"Division Commander, radar has detected the fighter and bomber groups of the Air Force 6th Division, and there are still three minutes left to arrive."

After hearing the report, the senior colonel had just returned to the dormitory. He was very tired and planned to take a rest. He immediately became energetic and asked in disbelief: "The Sixth Division of Kong?"

"Yes, Commander."

"Mader, come to steal the house, forget this move, let all the fighter jets that can take off take off immediately, prepare to fight." The colonel immediately gave the order, and then ran towards the tower


It's a pity that there are currently no fighter jets that can take off from the Eighth Air Division base. The only ones that are available are some ground air defense forces.


(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!!).

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