Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

612: The Legend Of The Field Army! Destined To Go Down In History

The Z Division's reconnaissance battalion's front-of-fire tactics can be said to have deceived the combined brigade special operations brigade.

The pungent smell and smoke that filled the sky hit our faces, and the members of the special operations team, whether they were hiding in the building or elsewhere, could not bear it.

Smoke and smell are different from artillery shells. In such an urban environment, they are more lethal.

If it were placed on a plain with no buildings around, the smoke and smell would have dissipated long ago and would not be a concern at all. But in this city, depending on the direction of the wind, they are all shrouded together and cannot be blown away at all.

After the colonel who led the team gave the retreat order, the members of the special operations team immediately began to retreat.

Due to the direction and strength of the wind, they could only rush forward and not retreat. Retreating was of no use as they still couldn't escape.

What made the members of the special operations brigade even more desperate was that the division reconnaissance battalion seemed to have arranged their escape routes.

Relying on these lines of fire to continuously squeeze their living space, they had to concentrate in one area.

"Damn, these old guys from the division reconnaissance camp can think of such tricks."

"I feel like they are better at playing tricks than our combined brigade.

"No way, don't you know who they look like?"

"What should we do? If we retreat like this, we will be throwing ourselves into a trap."

The members of the special operations brigade were all in agony. As elite members of the special operations brigade, they were treated like ducks for the first time and were chased around. The key was that they had nothing to do.

Da da da~

Seeing that the members of the special operations brigade were forced out, the officers and soldiers of the division reconnaissance battalion launched a fierce attack without the major's order.

The dense bullets and artillery fire made the members of the special operations brigade very uncomfortable. Battle damage appeared quickly. The speed of battle damage was completely different from before.

"Captain, they are squeezing our space for activities. If this continues, we will all be lost." The squadron leader said with an ugly face.

"Fight freely, how many can escape?" Colonel 08 could not understand the current situation, but faced with such a situation, he had nothing to do.

We can only let the team members fight freely and look for opportunities each. How many can run.

The key point is that all communications are blocked now. Even if he wants to call the synthetic brigade for support, he can't. Even if he calls, what kind of support can the brigade headquarters provide?

"Hit me hard and don't let anyone go."

Compared to the anxious special operations brigade, the Major of the Division Reconnaissance Battalion was extremely excited, directing the officers and soldiers to launch wave after wave of attacks, as if he wanted to release all the gloom in his heart.

As the saying goes, if you are sick and kill you, the major will not miss such a good opportunity.

He is well aware of the strength of the special operations brigade. Now that he has this opportunity, he must immediately catch them all. If he misses this opportunity, he will cause trouble for himself again.

The fierce fighting continued. Although the colonel issued an order for his men to look for opportunities, the officers and soldiers of the division reconnaissance battalion did not give this opportunity at all.

In addition, the original number of officers and soldiers in the division reconnaissance battalion was much larger than that of the members of the special operations brigade. Seeing that there was no hope of a breakthrough, the members of the special forces reconnaissance battalion also gritted their teeth and directly chose to fight with the division reconnaissance battalion.

It can't run away anyway, so I can just replace a few of them.

For the members of the special operations brigade, not to mention one for one, even if it is one for ten, it will be a disadvantage for them in a sense.

On a real battlefield, the value of each member of their special operations brigade cannot be compared to the officers and soldiers of a division's reconnaissance battalion.

It was also said that they were fully equipped with equipment. The equipment they had on them added up to a huge amount. It was really a loss to trade ten of them with ordinary soldiers.

In the current predicament, let alone one for ten, one for five cannot be achieved. In the end, after the battle lasted for thirty minutes, the entire special operations brigade of the combined brigade was annihilated by the officers and soldiers of the division's reconnaissance battalion.

The division reconnaissance battalion's losses were much smaller than before. This result can be described as a great victory.

On the other side, the combined brigade, headquarters!

"Report, there is no sound in Haicheng. The battle seems to be over."

"End the interference and contact the special operations team."

After hearing the report, Manzhi was in a good mood. He thought that the special operations brigade had finished all the work and had people cancel the interference measures and lift the shield.

However, the correspondent has not been able to contact me for a long time.

"Brigadier, we are unable to get in touch with the special operations brigade," the correspondent said.

"what happened?"

Hearing this, Manzhi couldn't believe it. How could he not be contacted?

At the same time, the director's department also gave a judgment result, and the special operations brigade of the combined brigade was completely wiped out.

When he saw the judgment result given by the director, Manzhi was instantly stunned.

What happened? What happened in Haicheng? The special operations brigade in the combined brigade, which was more powerful than the special forces, was completely wiped out?

How is it possible? Didn't Division Z deploy a division reconnaissance battalion in Haicheng? Can a division reconnaissance battalion destroy his special forces?

Is it possible that the soldiers in this division's reconnaissance battalion are all special forces?

Although Manzhi was somewhat unable to accept this result, the judgment given by the director's department was there and it was real.

"Brigadier Commander, the special operations brigade has been completely wiped out. Is the combat effectiveness of the Division Z reconnaissance battalion so strong?"

The lieutenant colonel on the side looked at the latest battle situation judgment given by the director's department, and for a while he didn't know what to say.

As long as they are officers and soldiers of the combined brigade, no one knows the tyrannical strength of the special operations brigade of the combined brigade. It is really fierce.

Especially when they were engaged in street fighting in the city, not armored fighting, losing to the Z Division Reconnaissance Battalion was beyond their imagination.

"I don't know the strength of Division Z's reconnaissance battalion, but I know the strength of the old brigade commander." Manzhi said in a deep voice.

There is only one possibility for the special operations brigade to be wiped out, and that is for the old brigade commander to take action.

As for the method, Manzhi still doesn't know yet.

But Manzhi can guarantee that without the help of the old brigade commander, the Division Z reconnaissance battalion would have achieved such results, and he would eat it alive.

"Alas, the old brigade commander is too perverted." Hearing this, the lieutenant colonel could only sigh with emotion.

In the director’s department!

Regarding the end of these latest street battles, all the officers and staff were talking about it with great interest.

In their opinion, the final winner of this street battle should be the special operations brigade of the combined brigade, but they did not expect that they would be overturned by the Z Division Reconnaissance Battalion.

This tactic of setting fire to the company camp is indeed unparalleled.

"This fire-burning company is really amazing. The combined brigade special operations brigade was defeated like this, so I won't complain about the loss."

"Originally, I thought Division Z was exhausted in reconnaissance, but I didn't expect it to have this skill.

"Sure enough, no one can beat Master Li when it comes to tactics."

"The combined brigade special operations brigade was completely wiped out. Brigadier Man was passive again this time. The Z Division troops have now occupied Haicheng."

"If the fight continues at this pace, the combined brigade will definitely lose."

"Now the only one left between the two sides is the Army Aviation Brigade, which has not yet faced off head-to-head. I'm looking forward to it."


Qi Long, who was the previous commander of Division Z, couldn't help but cheer when he saw the latest result, without paying any attention to the ugly-faced major general who was betting with him.

If we continue fighting at this pace, Division Z will definitely win and it will be a sure win.

The major general who had made a bet with Qi Long looked very ugly at this time. He did not expect that the Z Division Reconnaissance Battalion could completely annihilate the Combined Brigade Special Warfare Group in this way.

The special operations brigade of the combined brigade is such a powerful force. Its combat effectiveness is even better than that of the special forces of the military region.

All members are armed to the teeth, and can be said to be comparable to any special forces unit in the Eagle.

As a result, the reconnaissance battalion of Division Z was completely wiped out.

In street fighting, the special operations brigade did not even fully utilize their own strengths and advantages, so the battle was over.

If this continues, the Synthetic Brigade may really lose, and he will eat Tiger 9 alive and drink diesel.

"Until the last second, no one can be sure who will be the final winner." Adhering to the principle of not losing in terms of momentum, the major general said harshly: "The combined brigade just lost a special operations brigade, and it is still early in the battle."

"Haha, the Z Division's reconnaissance battalion has occupied Haicheng, which means that the rhythm of this exercise is completely in the hands of the Z Division. Li Ran just wants the units of the Z Division to actually test the combined brigade. , give it a try and experience this feeling. If he is willing, he can end the entire battle and win this exercise within five hours." Qi Long sneered and said slowly, with a very firm attitude. medical.

As soon as these words came out, the whole audience was shocked.

Qi Long, the deputy commander of H Army and the previous commander of Z Division, actually said such words here.

Is this his absolute confidence in Li Ran, or is it because Division Z has lost several consecutive victories that he said such arrogant words?

As long as Li Ran is willing, he can end the exercise and win victory in five hours?

Is it really that simple?

You must know that the Z Division and the Combined Brigade have fought against each other until now. Although the battle losses are not low, the Z Division has some advantages on the surface.

But this advantage is not absolutely overwhelming.

Where did Qi Long get the confidence to say such a thing?

"Deputy Commander Qi, Commander Li is your fellow disciple, and Division Z is your unit. I can understand what you say, but sometimes, you should not be too loud.

"The major general retorted directly.

He could understand Qi Long pretending to be drunk in front of him.

But he couldn't accept the cup being filled to this extent.

The exercise can be completed in five hours and victory can be won. Rommel would not dare to boast like this even if he were alive.

The combined brigade has suffered battle damage, but not to the point of being damaged.

Everyone else's eyes were all on Qi Long, wanting to know why Qi Long dared to say such a thing.

Feeling the many gazes, Qi Long remained calm and said: "I said, because the momentum of this war has been controlled by the Z Division, if I were to take command, I would start deploying a heavy tank regiment directly from here. Cover Haicheng, here...

Qi Long, who had not personally led a team for a long time since he became deputy army commander, became excited at this time. He picked up a map and told everyone about it.

If he were to direct the rest of the battle, how would he fight it?

In Qi Long's view, the rest of the battle is already very simple. Haicheng has been taken 597 times. As long as Li Ran is willing to deploy heavy equipment around Haicheng to cover Haicheng, it will be very easy to win the exercise.

After all, he was the previous commander of Division Z, and his commanding ability was beyond doubt.

After Qi Long's narration, everyone present understood it clearly. After thinking about it carefully, the deployment of Qi Long, the previous commander of the heavy equipment division, was very reasonable, and it seemed that it was indeed what it was.

Even though Qi Long was just a major general, there were many generals around him, but when it came to his commanding ability, no one dared to say that his commanding ability was better than Qi Long's.

Even Tan Fei, the current commander of H Army, had already

When Long was the commander of Division Z, there were times when he had to ask Qi Long for his thoughts when making arrangements.

Every commander of the heavy armor division is a talent, and Qi Long is not only a talent, but also a genius.

It's just that after Li Ran was born, Qi Long's light was covered up. Covering up doesn't mean he disappeared.

"Although I am embarrassed to say it, I am not afraid of embarrassment. I know the most convenient way to fight next. Does my junior brother know?" Qi Long said this to the major general.

: "This exercise seems to be commanded by my junior brother, but in fact it is just a training exercise for the officers and soldiers of Z Division. The combined brigade is just the grindstone for Z Division."

As expected of Li Ran's fellow senior, Qi Long still knows Li Ran very well after getting along with him for such a long time.

It is indeed as Qi Long said [Li Ran is indeed tempering the officers and soldiers of the division.

The special training before the exercise was just a training exercise. Now that the exercise has begun, fighting with the combined brigade is a more effective exercise.

In this exercise, Li Ran has really tried his best to transfer the command power to the chief officers of each unit.

Unless necessary, Li Ran will provide some help. In fact, Li Ran, who is still at the headquarters, is very relaxed and comfortable.

None of the division commanders had the same nervous and serious attitude when facing a war.

In Li Ran's view, beating the Synthetic Brigade is like beating his younger brother. If he gets serious, the Synthetic Brigade will not be able to last for more than a few rounds. There are too many ways to defeat the Synthetic Brigade.

It's just that Li Ran wanted to sharpen the commanders of the units of Division Z and let them understand and learn more during this exercise.

After Qi Long finished speaking, there was silence in the director's department.

Everyone was stunned and shocked. They did not doubt the vision of the previous commander of Z Division, but they just sighed inwardly at the legendary handiwork of the Field Army.

Truly worthy of being a legend of the Field Army, Li Ran will definitely be recorded in the history of the Field Army.


(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!).

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