Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

616: Start Preparing For The Big Killer! Your Brigade Commander Is Gone

As a result, the cooking squad of the division reconnaissance battalion succeeded in injuring Manzhi and others by accident.

Directly captured the first echelon headquarters of the synthetic brigade in one fell swoop.

For the three people in the cooking class, this was a surprise and a great victory worthy of meritorious deeds.

Manzhi and others were judged to have battle damage, and under the arrangement of relevant personnel from the director's department, they went to the designated battle damage area.

Seeing Manzhi and others leaving, the superior soldier said excitedly: "Squad leader, we have made a great achievement this time and killed all the brigade commanders of the combined brigade."

"You are so lucky. I didn't expect to fall behind and meet the headquarters of the combined brigade." The first-term noncommissioned officer was also very excited and said: "Squad leader, after this exercise is over, can you

That's right, during the exercise, beheading the commander and headquarters of the combined brigade was at least a third-class merit.

Second-term non-commissioned officers already have one third-class meritorious service. If they get another third-class meritorious service, two third-class meritorious officers can be promoted to the military academy.

"Don't just focus on meritorious service and receiving awards now. The exercise is not over yet. Go find the main unit and report the situation." The second-term sergeant said very calmly.


After the three men simply cleaned up the battlefield, they accelerated their horses and rushed towards the large army. The commander of the combined brigade was beheaded by them. Such a major battle situation must be reported. 0

Sitting in the car arranged by the director's department, Manzhi was extremely depressed now.

To be honest, he made a lot of countermeasures, but he just didn't expect this kind of thing to happen. He was beheaded halfway, and there were only three people.

Shame, really shame.

For a long time, the slogan of capturing Manzhi alive and liberating "May 83" Zhu He has been circulated in the field army, but no one has ever realized it.

But now, someone has done it, and the army only had three heavy soldiers to hand him over.

Once the news of his loss in battle reaches the main committee, what will the main committee do?

The signal to use a large-scale killer weapon is his battle damage. According to Manzhi's estimation, even if all the frontline troops are wiped out, it will take a while, and it cannot be so fast.

But his losses are so fast now that even the combined brigade will not be able to react.

"Brigadier Commander, do you think that after receiving the news of our battle losses, the main officers will use lethal weapons?" the lieutenant colonel on the side asked again.

"Probably not for the time being." Manzhi said, but his tone was very hesitant and not firm at all.

If we want to directly use a large-scale killer weapon now, the Z Division officers and soldiers in Haicheng can destroy it, but many of their frontline troops will also suffer.

"I hope the chief executive can make a right choice." The lieutenant colonel also comforted himself.

In the director's department, everyone was shocked by the news that Manzhi had been killed in the battle, and even thought that Manzhi was taking off his pants and farting. After learning what happened, everyone had weird expressions on their faces.

Such things can happen, and they don't know what to say.

The dignified commander of the synthetic brigade and his headquarters were actually killed by three people from the Z division's reconnaissance battalion cooking squad. If word spread, I don't know how many people would laugh out loud. They never expected this to happen.

"I really didn't expect it. It was just an accident."

"War itself is like this. In war, anything can happen. Although it is shocking, it is normal."

"I was unjustly accused before. I thought he did it on purpose, but I didn't expect it to be unlucky."

"Then again, it seems more embarrassing than doing it intentionally."

"Now it's not a matter of shame or shame. Do you think the combined brigade will use mass murder weapons after receiving the news?"

Yes, the speed and method of Manzhi's battle damage exceeded everyone's expectations, but now is not the time to discuss the method of Manzhi's battle damage, but to discuss whether the combined brigade will use a big killer weapon

Who made Manzhi issue such an order before the battle was damaged? The battle was damaged so quickly that even the people in the director's department, let alone the synthetic brigade, could not react.

"If it is used now, all the frontline troops of the combined brigade will be damaged along with it."

"Not only that, you also underestimate the power of the big killer weapon. Now that you use the big killer weapon, not even 10% of the strength that the combined brigade has preserved will be lost.

"The chief officer of the Synthetic Brigade should not be so casual. Manzhi was damaged so quickly in battle. He must understand the reason."

"That's right. Even if a big weapon is used, each unit must be given some preparation time."

While everyone in the director's department was talking about it, on the other side was the second echelon headquarters of the synthetic brigade.

"What? The brigade commander was damaged in the battle? The entire first echelon headquarters was wiped out?"

After receiving the report, the main officers were all stunned and said with disbelief. You know, it was only twenty minutes since Manzhi ended the call with him and went to the front line.

He was lost in battle in these twenty minutes? Could it be that his brigade commander was cheating his death?

"Yes, official, the director's judgment is that the brigade commander was ambushed by the Z Division." The major who reported the report said with an ugly face.

The ability to discover Manzhi's battle damage so quickly was due to the fact that the major sent a team to pick up Manzhi's men.

After knowing that his brigade commander was going to the front line to supervise the battle and set up a headquarters on the front line, he sent some people to meet him on the way to Manzhi's arrival.

Unexpectedly, the people sent out to respond did not receive their own brigade commander, but received bad news.

The brigade commander and his headquarters were damaged in the battle. As for the reason, it must have been a sneak attack and beheading by people from the Z Division. Is there anyone else besides the people from the division?

"Brigadier, you really left me with a difficult problem." After confirming, Zhengwei sighed helplessly.

If the brigade commander is beheaded, he will be beheaded. It is no big deal. With the combined combat system of the brigade, if a headquarters is lost, the command will not be chaotic.

The problem lies in what Manzhi said before hanging up the phone. He was damaged in the battle and used a killer weapon.

So now that Manzhi has been damaged in battle, should this great weapon be used or not?

"Commander, what's wrong?" Seeing that his commander looked embarrassed, the major couldn't help but ask.

"The brigade commander said that when he was wounded in battle, it was a signal to use a lethal weapon. Do you think I should use it now or not?" The official had no intention of hiding it from the major.


After hearing this, the major was stunned on the spot for a moment, not knowing what to say.

Using a big weapon, now? Then don’t all their frontline troops have to be finished?

"The main force cannot be used. Our brigade has not reached the end of its rope yet." The major thought for a moment and then persuaded him immediately.

Although the combined brigade is currently in a passive and disadvantaged position, it still has troops. It is not at the end of the road yet. If they use a large-scale killer weapon now, it will be a devastating blow to their frontline troops.

"I know, I'm thinking now." The official said helplessly: "The brigade commander was beheaded, which means that officers and soldiers of Division Z have infiltrated in. The intention of this unit is obvious, which is to find our headquarters. And they must have used some advanced means that we don't know, and they were able to accurately ambush the brigade commander and find his location. Based on this, we have to pay attention."

Manzhi was damaged in the battle, Zhengwei was not panicked, but Manzhi was beheaded, and a unit of the Z Division had penetrated into their vicinity, appearing and disappearing. The key was the ability to accurately find their headquarters, which made him very afraid.

He is the only one left in the three echelon headquarters. If he is beheaded again, even if he wants to use a big weapon, he will not have the chance to use it.

Because the authority to use large-scale murderous weapons lies in the hands of their leader, the commander of the brigade, Jincheng.

All three people were damaged in the battle. The chief officer below did not have the authority to contact and use the big killer weapon, and the final comeback point was gone.

Gentleman, let me lead a battalion to find it. "The major asked Ying.

The top priority now is that as long as the infiltrated Z Division troops can be found and annihilated, there will be no worries.

"I'll give you at most one hour. If you can't annihilate them in one hour, I will use a killer weapon." After thinking about it, Zhengwei made the final decision.


After receiving the order from the main committee, the major immediately went out from the headquarters and led a battalion to annihilate the Z Division troops who beheaded their brigade commander in their rear defense area.

At the same time, news of Manzhi's battle losses also spread throughout the Hesheng Brigade.

Such news cannot be concealed. Of course, the officers and soldiers of the combined brigade units were indeed surprised the moment they learned about Manzhi's battle losses.

"The brigade commander was actually damaged in the battle. Division Z is so fierce. 1"

"It's embarrassing. I didn't expect that our brigade commander was killed first."

"It's okay. Battle losses will be battle losses. The loss of the brigade commander will not affect our operations."

"The brigade commander usually does too many bad things. Unexpectedly, even our frontline troops haven't had any trouble yet. He was beheaded in the rear, tsk tsk.

"Keep your voice down, the brigade commander will find out, and he will train you hard after the exercise."

That's right, after the officers and soldiers of the Combined Brigade learned the news of Manzhi's battle damage, some were only surprised and made a few casual remarks.

Morale was not particularly affected.

This is the advantage of the combined brigade combat system. The chain of command is very stable. Even if the brigade commander and chief of staff of the combined brigade have been damaged in battle, it will not have a big impact on the subsequent operations of the combined brigade.

The remaining general committee members of the combined brigade and the chief officers of each unit are enough to ensure that there are no problems with the combat command of the combined brigade.

The major and a battalion commander started a murderous reconnaissance and search in the rear defense area, and even the Army Aviation Brigade was dispatched.

Both the army and the air force conducted reconnaissance and searches at the same time. Because of the presence of the Army Aviation Brigade, the search range was very wide. It was only a matter of time before the Z Division Guard Battalion was found.

Here, Erqitian and the other three finally caught up with the main force.

At this time, the division reconnaissance battalion was taking a temporary rest, also to stop and wait for the three of them.

After seeing the three people returning, many officers and soldiers in the division reconnaissance battalion began to talk.

"Squad leader Wang, how did you get here? You're all starving."

"Yes, we have been waiting for you until now, just waiting for dinner."

"The fire has been lit for you, let's start eating."

Rather than eating compressed food, the officers and soldiers preferred to eat meals cooked on the spot by the cooking team, which were steaming hot and tasted good.

As for why they didn't eat the instant pot, it's because they carried relatively few things during this time of beheading behind enemy lines, so they didn't bring that.

"I'm looking for the deputy battalion commander."

The second-term sergeant's face was serious. He didn't talk directly to these comrades now. When he opened his mouth, he went to the deputy battalion commander.

The battalion commander of the division guard battalion is in Haicheng at this time, and the deputy battalion commander is leading the team.

"The deputy battalion commander is in the car."

Upon hearing this, the second-term sergeant immediately went to find his deputy battalion commander.

The superior soldiers were very excited and couldn't wait to share with everyone the fact that the three of them beheaded the commander of the combined brigade on the road.

Everyone was stunned when they heard the superior soldier say that he had beheaded Man Zhi and took away the headquarters of the combined brigade.

"No way, the three of you beheaded Man Zhi? Squad deputy, is it true or not? Is it just a lie?" Someone asked in disbelief, looking at the first-term non-commissioned officer on the side.

"People in my cooking class never brag." The first-term sergeant said proudly.

"Deputy squad leader, you guys are awesome."

"Okay, this is

What a great achievement. "

"If I had known I had fallen behind, such a good thing would have happened."

"The third-class meritorious service is gone, maybe it's still a second-class meritorious service."

"I'm so envious, squad leader and squad deputy, you can get promoted."

Everyone said with envy that the straggler happened to encounter the headquarters where the commander of the synthetic brigade was located. Isn't this just pure luck?

The key is that he made a meritorious service this time, and the rewards at the end of the exercise are real.

How can credit be so easy to obtain? Only 4.5 people have the opportunity in daily exercises. Otherwise, why would so many people look forward to the exercises?

Over here, in the car.


The major, who had just taken a sip of water, heard the second-term sergeant say that he had beheaded Manzhi and the headquarters he commanded. He couldn't hold back and squirted out the water in his mouth.

"Really?" the major said in disbelief.

"Deputy battalion commander, do I dare to lie to you about this kind of thing?" said the second-term sergeant.

"Very good, you have made a meritorious service, not bad." The major said happily after he recovered.

Unexpectedly, their division's reconnaissance and guard battalion showed their faces this time. Before the exercise began, everyone had one thought in mind, that is, to kill Manzhi. Unexpectedly, this injustice was done to their division.

Realized in the hands of the Guard Battalion.

After the exercise, based on the contributions made by the three of them, their division's guard battalion can be praised for a lifetime.

From now on, even if they face the Combined Brigade, they will not panic at all. No matter what the officers and soldiers of the Combined Brigade say to them, they will only reply with one sentence.

Synthetic Brigade: "Our Synthetic Brigade is comparable to Yingjiang and has the most advanced combat system."

Division Guard Battalion: "Your brigade commander was beheaded by us."

Combined Brigade: “We, the Combined Brigade, represent the hope of the field army.

Division Guard Battalion: "Your brigade commander was beheaded by us."

Synthetic Brigade: "Can you not mention the matter of our brigade commander?"

Division Guard Battalion: "Three people from our cooking squad overthrew one of your headquarters."

The major wanted to laugh when he thought of how the officers and soldiers of the combined brigade would be so angry but helpless.

But what the second-term sergeant said next made the major look serious.

(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!).

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