Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

622: The Exercise Is Over! The General Said In Public That Division Z Was Better Than Him

As the commander-in-chief, Han Dapeng now plans to play a very new thing.

Judging from the current situation between the two sides, Han Dapeng knew that it was impossible to defeat the Z Division head-on. The only hope was to capture Haicheng and take Haicheng back from the Z Division.

In this case, there is still one last chance. To put it ten thousand steps back, as long as Haicheng is taken down, all of them were lost in the battle to defend Haicheng. Even if the combined brigade loses, it will be a loss. It will not be so shameful. .

No matter from which angle you look at it, he and Han Dapeng have saved the face of the Hesheng Brigade, which is a great achievement.

Therefore, Han Dapeng now plans to make a dangerous move and use this small road to recapture a strategic point first and use this strategic point as a springboard.

"You mean that all the remaining heavy equipment will attack from the front, as a feint attack, and the light equipment will take this path?" | The major asked again to confirm.

"That's right, the Army Aviation Brigade also transported an infantry battalion from the flank and hit him from three sides." Han Dapeng said.

"But is this possible?" The major expressed doubts about Han Dapeng's strategic ideas.

"Don't worry, if I have the chance, I'm trying something new. If I'm fighting against the old brigade commander, I have to try something new." Han Dapeng was very confident.

"Okay, let's try it."

Seeing Han Dapeng's firm attitude, the major had no choice but to agree.

In any case, Lieutenant Colonel Han Dapeng has the highest military rank among them. According to the rules of the battlefield, they have to listen to orders from high-level military ranks.

Under Han Dapeng's deployment, the remaining troops of Division Z mobilized their forces and first concentrated their efforts on a desperate counterattack at strategic points 142 and 56.

Before the counterattack, the remaining officers of each unit also mobilized the morale of the soldiers.

Although Han Dapeng gave them an unreliable feeling, morale mobilization before the war still had to be done.


Da da da~

Boom boom boom~

The officers and soldiers of the combined brigade roared angrily and launched a counterattack with red eyes.

On the frontline battlefield, it had just been silent for a long time, and suddenly the smoke filled the air again. This time the combined brigade fought very fiercely. On the contrary, in the face of the fierce counterattack momentum of the combined brigade,

Master Z avoided his sharp edge. 08

It didn't take long for the officers and soldiers of the combined brigade to occupy this strategic point.

In fact, this strategic point is of little significance to Division Z. One more and one less is of little significance to the current situation. They don't understand.

The combined brigade concentrated its forces to counterattack. Instead of attacking Haicheng, why did they still go to seize this strategic point?

Although I don’t understand why, since the Combined Brigade wants it so much, I’ll give it to you. There is no need to risk your life because of this and the almost crazy officers and soldiers of the Combined Brigade.

After capturing the strategic point of the target, Han Dapeng's confidence suddenly skyrocketed again after receiving information about the battle situation on the front line.

Perfect, really perfect. He didn't expect that winning this strategic point would be so smooth. It went beyond his imagination.

It seems that this time God is going to help him complete this extraordinary comeback in this exercise. It is destined that the Zhuhe exercise ground will become his stage, Han Dapeng, and he, Han Dapeng, is the real protagonist in this exercise.

To turn the tide when it is falling and to support the building when it is about to collapse, these words were tailor-made for him, Han Dapeng.

Let’s continue watching Han Dapeng’s performance next!

"The Army Aviation Brigade dropped four battalions into Haicheng from the right wing."

“All heavy-armed troops were mobilized to launch a feint attack from the front to cover the Army Aviation Brigade.

"The Seventh Company took a circuitous route and penetrated into Haicheng, waiting for the signal to launch a general attack."

Han Dapeng issued the combat deployment in an orderly manner, exactly as he had planned before, and it looked like he had two tricks up his sleeve.

Of course, it just looks like it.

Director's Department!

To be honest, at this time, the officers and generals no longer had the desire to continue reading.

The reason is very simple. The result of the exercise is equivalent to a decision. The combined brigade lost and the Z Division was the final winner.

After the main officers of the Synthetic Brigade were beheaded and the launch of the mass murder weapon was blocked, the Synthetic Brigade had no chance of winning.

The last remaining strength of the combined brigade is just making a final struggle. In fact, in their opinion, it is better to surrender early and declare the exercise over. Why continue to waste this time?

The final command of this lieutenant colonel named Han Dapeng was completely too idealistic and his ideas were too naive.

Although the spirit of persevering to the end and not giving up is commendable, this lieutenant colonel feels very brave.

Except for Han Dapeng, who made everyone present feel a little embarrassed, the focus of everyone else was no longer on the exercise at all, but on the bet between the major general and Qi Long.

At this point in the exercise, the outcome can be said to be 100% certain, and the final stubbornness of the combined brigade is meaningless.

Now that the results of the exercise are confirmed, will the major general eat tigers alive and drink diesel?

"If it doesn't work, just apologize to Deputy Commander Qi. There's no shame in admitting defeat."

"Yes, you really plan to eat Tiger 9 alive and drink diesel? Are you capable of this?"

"That's almost enough. Just apologize and take a step back."

"Yeah, I just apologized after seeing this."

The surrounding generals looked carelessly and persuaded the major general and Qi Long to make a concession.

Qi Long, the winner, shouldn't force others to eat tiger food alive or drink diesel fuel. This thing is just for oral enjoyment, how can it be really swallowed raw or drunk.

Don't say you can't swallow it or drink it. Even if you can really swallow it or drink it, your superiors won't give it to you.

How precious is the Tiger 9 and how precious is the diesel fuel? How could it be treated like this by you?

Of course, Qi Long is the winner, and the major general must make a gesture. At least an apology and a soft submission are necessary.

"Everyone has said so, and I won't force anyone to do anything difficult. As long as you say that the Z division is better than the combined brigade cow, that's enough." Qi Long said lightly.

Although his tone was very calm, his aura of filling the cup was explosive.

Hearing this, the major general's face turned blue and purple, very ugly. It was a shame. This was the first time he had such a life insurance policy since he was promoted to major general.

To put it bluntly, it is a matter of face. Which general does not want face?

"At least wait until the exercise is over." At this last moment, the major general still said stubbornly.

By saying this, the major general actually wanted to have a buffer in his heart.

"Sure, it's up to you." Qi Long waved his hand, but that was nothing.

In his opinion, the exercise will be over in less than an hour.

Back to the Synthetic Brigade, after the Synthetic Brigade launched another strategic attack according to Han Dapeng's deployment, it suffered heavy losses for a while.

The attack from the front was actually a heavy-armed force feinting to attack. As a result, it was surrounded by the heavy-armed troops of the Z Division.

Under the wave of steel charges from Division Z, the remaining heavy equipment of the combined brigade had no ability to resist. Even advanced main battle tanks such as Tiger 9 could not make up for it.

In this way, the heavy equipment of the combined brigade was completely wiped out.

The Army Aviation Brigade did not fare much better. When they were conducting airdrops in the city, they were ambushed.

After the last time the members of the special operations group crashed, this time, even if they were hit, the pilots gritted their teeth and did not dare to make large-scale tactical evasive maneuvers while the members raped down.

Although at that time, facing several missiles fired at them, it was useless to perform tactical evasive maneuvers.

In this way, more than half of the Army Aviation Brigade was lost in the battle. At the same time, it was pursued by the Army Aviation Brigade of Division Z. It has not withdrawn yet, and its life or death is uncertain.

As for the lightly-armed troops starting from the trail, the situation was even worse.

This path is not easy to walk, it is really not easy to walk, not only does it have to go through a forest, but there are thorns everywhere in the forest, forget it.

After all, it is for victory. If the road is difficult, then it will be harder. As long as you can win, you can persevere no matter how difficult it is.

But when this lightly-armed force successfully walked through the most difficult part and finally saw Haicheng so close at hand, everyone was stunned.

They had no idea that at the end of the path they followed, they would find the garbage cleanup area in Haicheng.

The garbage that is cleaned up is not just ordinary garbage, but a place where daddies are cleaned up intensively.

The soaring and pungent smell immediately made everyone in the team vomit without restraint. There was nothing they could do. In front of them was a huge pit for treating daddy. "It looks like it has been dug for a while."

The cakes and many other things inside are mixed together and fermenting. Normal people simply cannot bear the impact of this smell.

When everyone in the team came this time, no one wore a gas mask at all. The key point was that no one expected that there would be such a "biochemical killer" here.

"Company commander, what should I do?" the lieutenant on the side asked with an ugly face.

Haicheng is right in front of us, but the way ahead is blocked by this huge pit, and there is no other way to get past it, unless we take a detour, but if we take a detour, it will be too late.

"Let me think about it." Hearing this, the captain said in a deep voice.

To be honest, he didn't know what to do in this situation.

It is impossible to take a detour, so how about going back the same way? It seems very unwilling to give up like this.

The last solution left is to build a bridge over this pothole, but the risk is a bit high. Not only do you have to endure the impact of the smell, but if you accidentally fall down, you will be in trouble. You will really be drowned by the potholes. dead.

Therefore, the second lieutenant did not dare to try such a huge risk.

Once you accidentally fall into this thing, it's not the same as falling into the water, and you can't stay here for a long time.

If this amount of cake is fermented together for a long time, it will ferment with a poisonous smell, and once it encounters a famous fire, it will cause an explosion.

"Attention all units, wet your clothes and cover your nose and mouth. The platoon leaders of each platoon will come to my place for a meeting." The captain gave the order.


Everyone quickly wet their clothes with water and covered their mouths and noses to reduce breathing of this poisonous gas as much as possible.

Three platoon commanders came to the captain.

"Listen, the situation is special now. You can't stay here for a long time. If you stay for a long time, someone will definitely get into trouble. The only way is to find a way to get over this pit, but the risk is very high. I won't force you. When you go back , ask if anyone is willing, and if no one is willing, forget it." The captain said.

That's right, the captain has thought about it at this time. It's all voluntary to see if anyone is willing to give it a try.

If anyone is willing to give it a try, give it a try. If no one is willing, then end it and go back.

It's already reached this point, and it would be ridiculous to continue holding on.

Damn it, Han Dapeng can stand and talk without hurting his back, saying that there is a path to get through here, and there is a dumpling pit at the end of the emotional path. This thing is in 377, who can throw it away?

Even a tank would probably not dare to drive directly past it, otherwise it would be suffocated to death or stink to death.

"Company Commander, I took a look. If you want to cross over here, it's too late to build a bridge. You can only rely on ropes." The second lieutenant said, "But there are risks when climbing. If you can't resist the smell, you will be in trouble if you fall."

The poop in the pit is very sticky. If you fall into it, you won't be able to swim. You will have to sink slowly, just like a swamp.

"So see if anyone volunteers, and if so, try it.

It's over if it doesn't happen, Mad, Han Dapeng can't let our brothers take such a big risk just by talking. The captain said dissatisfiedly.


It's not that the captain is afraid of death. If he is going up a mountain of swords or a frying pan, carrying bullets or bombs to blow up a bunker, as long as he can win, it won't be a problem.

But now it's a shithole, and this is just a drill, it really can't be done.

In the end, only five "brave men" in a company led by the captain were willing to risk their lives and try.

Temporary headquarters.

Han Dapeng was pacing back and forth uneasily at this time. The three-party attack he planned, the Army Aviation Brigade and the heavy armored force were all gone, and now only the company walking from the path was left.

This is his last hope and the last hope of the Synthetic Brigade.

"Is there no news yet?" Han Dapeng asked.


Nearly an hour has passed. Normally, no matter whether it is successful or not, there should be news.

Just when Han Dapeng was still clinging to his last glimmer of hope, a lieutenant colonel from the director's department came to Han Dapeng and announced expressionlessly: "The exercise is officially over.



"Is the exercise over?" Hearing this, Han Dapeng was stunned and asked dissatisfiedly: "Why is it over? We didn't admit defeat."

"The director's department determined that the combined brigade suffered more than 90% battle damage and completely lost its combat effectiveness. The lieutenant colonel said.

The entire army aviation brigade was damaged in battle, all the heavy-armed units were damaged in battle, and the combined brigade's battle damage was indeed over 90%. There was nothing wrong with being judged to have completely lost combat effectiveness.

"Alas." Han Dapeng lamented: "We are just missing the last point. If we can wait until the seventh company to complete the infiltration, we will definitely have a chance and we will not lose so soon."

The Seventh Company was the company that was tricked by Han Dapeng into taking a small road and ended up being tricked by Baba.

Until now, Han Dapeng still thinks that there is nothing wrong with his idea.

Originally, the lieutenant colonel in the director's department didn't want to say anything. After hearing what Han Dapeng said, he said calmly: "I'll give you some advice, run away."

(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!).

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