Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

629: The Chiefs Of The General Staff Are Crying! !

"Don't move, stay back.

"Please cooperate and leave quickly."

Suddenly something like this happened, which frightened a group of special agents who were responsible for secretly protecting Li Ran. They immediately came out and took control of the scene.

Seeing this, the surrounding crowd came over and originally wanted to help save people, but were stopped by a few young people.

"Who are you? Why are you stopping us from saving people?" someone said dissatisfied.

But the next second, the leader took out his ID and said solemnly: "We are taking over here now, and we are responsible for all safety issues. Please stay back and cooperate.

In order to prevent the situation from further chaos, the leader first asked his men to take control of the scene immediately.

Then he hurriedly came to Li Ran, looked at Li Ran lying on the ground, and quickly stepped forward to check Li Ran's physical condition, check whether Li Ran was injured at this time, and whether he was still conscious.

After all, he saw Li Ran being knocked seven or eight meters away by the car with his own eyes.

A normal person would be able to withstand such an impact without losing half his life.

"Don't worry about me, just take care of the child first.

Li Ran finally came to his senses and slowly let go of his hand. The little girl, who was several years old, was held tightly in his arms, thus protecting her from harm.

"Qi Hai, pick up the child. 887"

The person leading the team obviously knew what his most important task was. He just asked his men to pick up the children, while he kept his eyes on Li Ran.

"Mr. Li, do you feel uncomfortable somewhere? Please wait a moment, rescuers are on the way and will be here soon." The person leading the team asked with concern.

"I should be fine." Li Ran said, briefly moving his limbs, and then slowly stood up.

The speed of the Crown car just now was indeed not slow. Fortunately, it braked at the end. Otherwise, it would not have flown this far.

Although Li Ran's physique is excellent enough, he is still not in a state where he can collide with a car and nothing will happen.

Under such a collision with a car, if he didn't die suddenly on the spot, he could still stand up and talk, which is already very good.

"Mr. Li, don't move yet. Don't move." The person leading the team took a look and found no skin injuries for the time being, but that didn't mean everything was fine.

Compared with external injuries, internal injuries are the most fatal. Nothing can be moved before being examined, otherwise subsequent treatment will be more troublesome and more dangerous.

Didi Didi~

Not long after, 120 and PL all arrived, and PL immediately blocked the area around the scene.

The person leading the team first showed their identity, and then asked PL to arrange for vehicles to clear the way, put Li Ran into the ambulance, and went directly to the nearest Kyoto First People's Hospital for examination.

There are also dedicated people staying here because they need to talk to PL, and they need to carefully investigate the specific reasons for this matter.

For example, is this thing planned secretly by someone or a certain force? Although it looks like a coincidence on the surface, sometimes coincidences can also be planned.

Therefore, the driver, the little girl, her mother, and even the people around her must all be investigated.

Because Li Ran's identity is too important, nothing should happen to him.

After getting to know Li Ran, PL found out that although they didn't know Li Ran's identity, they knew that the departments these people came from were not simple. After asking the leader for instructions, the team leader quickly expressed his cooperation.

The driver was a fat man, and he was almost stunned by fright. He saw with his own eyes that he knocked someone out.

Originally, it wasn't his fault that he hit someone with his car. Suddenly a little girl appeared. He had braked as hard as he could. But then another person appeared. He couldn't brake and there was nothing he could do. He did everything he could. Be prepared to lose money.

Who knows, as soon as the car stopped, two people came up and controlled him. He even saw one person with a bulging waist and a gun.

He was dumbfounded at the time. What kind of big shot had he bumped into? The bodyguards were even armed with guns.

What the driver didn't expect was what was behind him. He never expected that (aiff) due to an unintentional car accident, he would be taken to a small dark room, and the relationship and background of his eighteen generations of ancestors would be found out.

Imperial City First People's Hospital.

Li Ran actually didn't have any objections to sending him to the hospital, and he didn't interfere with the matters that people who secretly protected him dealt with after he was hit.

These people have their own principles for handling things, and there is no need for him to interfere.

Along the way, the person in charge kept talking on the phone, so that when Li Ran arrived at the hospital, he got the green light all the way, entered the VIP room directly, and was arranged into the highest-standard ward.

There are also dedicated personnel guarding the patients outside the ward.

"Give me the phone and I'll call home." Li Ran said that he didn't bring a phone with him when he went out for a run.

"Okay, sir."

For Li Ran, as long as the request is not too excessive, he will be satisfied.

Soon, Li Jun, who was still sleeping at home, received a call.

"Hello, who's there?"

"Dad, it's me. I was hit by a car when I went out for a run. I'm at the First People's Hospital now. I have to go back later to talk to you." Li Ran's plain voice came from the phone.

Although he was hit by a car, Li Ran estimated that some parts were broken, there should be no internal injuries, and he felt in good condition.

"What? Hit by a car? Which department or ward? I'll go there immediately."

After some understanding, Li Jun hung up the phone and said to Chongqin beside him: "Get up quickly, my son was hit by a car and is now in the First People's Hospital."

"Ah? My son was hit by a car?"

When Xia Qin heard this, she almost fainted from the fright and quickly got up.

"Hey, if I had known better, I wouldn't have fought. If I didn't fight, it wouldn't work. They're not looking for me." Li Ran thought without condom.

the other side!

The general staff boss, who was also resting at home, suddenly heard a hurried phone call.

"Hello, what's going on?" The chief of the General Staff answered the phone.

"Chief, it's not good, Li Ran was hit by a car and is now at the First People's Hospital..."

The general staff boss, who was still sleepy at first, heard the words "Li Ran was hit by a car", his mind suddenly buzzed, he was confused, and he didn't even hear the words clearly.

"Immediately send someone over, call the director of the First People's Hospital, and tell him that no matter what the cost, he must guarantee my safety, and this matter must be thoroughly investigated," the general staff boss roared.

After hanging up the phone, the chief of the General Staff got up immediately. While getting dressed, he couldn't help but burst into tears when he thought of Li Ran being knocked a few meters away by a car and his safety being threatened.

Nothing happens to Li Ran!!

(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!).

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