Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

635: Army Meeting! The Promotion Order Has Come Down

In the conference room, the atmosphere was terrifyingly solemn.

The desk, which is made of solid wood and is very sturdy, made a thumping sound when Li Ran slapped it.

Every sound was like a heavy hammer, hitting everyone's hearts, making everyone present tremble.

You know, since Li Ran became a teacher, he hasn't lost his temper much, and he is usually kind and gentle to others, but it doesn't mean that Li Ran has never lost his temper.

Everyone present knew that their commander was a good man when he was not angry. When he was in a good mood, he could chat with the military dog ​​with a smile. Of course, they had no way of knowing how the two parties managed to communicate successfully.

Once Li Ran gets angry, it will be really scary.

No matter who it was, they felt frightened in front of the angry Li Ran.

I think back then, when Li Ran was still the Chief of Staff of Division Z and Qi Long, the teacher-in-charge, was still there, when Li Ran got angry, even Qi Long stood aside in fear and did not dare to say anything.

So, when Li Ran got angry, they were really afraid.

Regiment #112, do you think you did well in the exercise? Let’s see how much the team’s coordination efficiency in the exercise is different from previous trainings. How did you win?”

"And the third battalion of your regiment, with its fighting strength, you still have the nerve to sing? What's there to stop you?"

When his name was called, the leader of the 112th regiment trembled and stood up immediately, like a child who had made a mistake and did not dare to speak.

To be honest, their 112th regiment was doing pretty well, but if there were some problems with coordination, there was nothing they could do about it.

At that time, they used old antiques, old radio stations, and old-fashioned walkie-talkies to communicate. It was good to ensure that there would be no major problems. It would be strange if other units were reinstalled and there would be no confusion.

Of course, the colonel chose to remain silent very wisely, because he knew that when his teacher reprimanded him, he just had to accept the reprimand without any explanation.

To explain is to cover up, and covering up will only result in a harsher reprimand.

After reprimanding the 112th regiment, the 113th regiment followed.

The colonel of the 113th regiment, who was also named, was also very frightened. Like the commander of the 112th regiment, he did not dare to say anything.

With the idea in my heart that scolding is another form of love, I just let my teacher scold me.

The 114th Regiment and the two units directly under the division were all severely reprimanded by Li Ran.

Although the exercise was successful, each unit still made mistakes during the exercise. It is impossible not to make mistakes.

An army is a whole, but even if it is a whole, no matter how well it cooperates, it cannot be as precise as a complete person, without making any mistakes.

The performance of the units of Division Z in this exercise, if compared to other units, would have made their superiors smile from ear to ear.

But this is Division Z, and the division commander is Li Ran. Li Ran's requirements are very strict.

There is no possibility of making mistakes. If there are mistakes, it means there is room for improvement and insufficient training.

The review meeting held by the head of the General Staff will not focus on the details of the exercises of each unit. If there are problems with details or play methods, each unit will hold an internal meeting afterwards.


At the last evaluation meeting, the head of the General Staff only praised but did not deny, partly because of Li Ran's face.

Originally, Li Ran didn't intend to be so strict, but after returning from vacation, he saw that the officers and soldiers from all units were floating in the sky for a while. They didn't know their last names, so they had to beat them.

Now that we have talked about the problems that existed during the exercise, it is now our turn to address the issue of lax thinking among officers and soldiers in various units after the exercise.

This is also the key point of this meeting.

"Although we defeated the combined brigade in the last exercise, for the Red Army, which represents the Red Army, defeating the Blue Army is indeed a victory. However, one victory does not mean anything. If a force wants to be prosperous, it must be Official awareness is extremely important." Li Ran said seriously: "Do you really think that defeating the combined brigade is your credit? In the last exercise, in order to train you, I tried my best to delegate the command power to you unit chief officers as much as possible. In your hands, but don’t forget that the key points are still the methods I gave.”

"That is to say, the combined brigade did not exert its maximum combat effectiveness in Manzhi's hands. If I were to command the combined brigade, do you think you would have a chance of victory?"

Li Ran's words were not polite at all, but no one present had the slightest doubt.

Despite the fact that his teacher's words were harsh and merciless, it seemed that he completely negated their efforts in the exercise.

In fact, they knew that without Li Ran, they really couldn't defeat the combined brigade.

The combat effectiveness of the combined brigade is not just a joke. Secondly, the combined brigade has the authority to use Long 20 and wooden sticks in this exercise.

If their division commander hadn't given them a clear strategic direction from the beginning, and skillfully defeated the opponent's air force and evened out their air supremacy, how could victory have been so simple?

"I solemnly state again that from now on, if I find out that any of your units are still immersed in the joy of victory in the exercise and continue to relax themselves, and you don't know how high the sky is, I will directly hold you accountable to the end. If this year Who doesn’t want the progress, the fruits of honor, and the title of progress? You can continue like this.”


After hearing Li Ran's words, everyone present suddenly took a breath of air.

My teacher was so cruel that he threatened them with a year's worth of progress and honors.

After working hard for a year, who doesn’t want progress and the fruits of honor? This must not be given up.

"Did you hear everything clearly?" Li Ran asked sternly.

"Listen clearly." Everyone yelled immediately, and no one hesitated at all.

Seeing that the reprimand was almost effective, Li Ran slowly relaxed and said: "Of course, I can understand that for the victory this time, each of you has contributed a lot. I have always been clear about rewards and punishments, and those who have merit are not the same." I will miss you. Also, it’s not that I won’t let you play. Since you want to play, you have to be smarter. What’s the point of playing alone all day long? Being low-key is the best way to show off. I don’t understand this truth. ?”


Hearing Li Ran say this, everyone present turned to Li Ran. What else did his teacher mean by saying this?

"The headquarters has said hello. Many brother units are planning to organize and send people to our Z division to study. So in the next period of time, many people from brother units may come to visit. Don't show off in front of brother units. I put my best foot forward and continued to train hard. I didn't take the victory of this exercise seriously. The best way to show off was to keep a low profile in front of my brother units. I wanted to let my brother units know that defeating a mere combined brigade was a huge blow to us. Master Z said it’s just a trivial matter, not worth mentioning, do you both understand?”


Everyone roared excitedly, and all of a sudden understood what Li Ran meant.

My teacher didn't stop them from playing the zither, but pointed out that there was something wrong with the way they sang the zither.

Officers and soldiers from other units will happen to come to Division Z to study. By then, they will be able to legitimately hold cups.

At the end of the meeting, the chief officers of each unit walked out of the division headquarters building one after another.


The colonel of the 112th Regiment breathed a long sigh of relief and said somewhat thankfully: "I was prepared to be punished by the division commander. Fortunately, the division commander only criticized him verbally and did not pursue it to the end."

The colonel felt a little lucky now. You should know that the situation in their regiment was that he was caught on the spot by his own division commander.

If he were to be used as an example at the meeting and given a punishment, he would have no choice.

"Look at how useless you are." On the side, the colonel of the 113th Regiment said: "I know the division commander is very angry, and I also know that the division commander will never really punish us or anything.


Hearing the leader of the 113th regiment say this, others on the side became curious.

You know, they were really scared to death during the meeting before, worried that Ji Ran would really get to the bottom of it.

"People feel good when happy events happen. Haven't you received the news that our division commander is about to be promoted?" the colonel said with a mysterious look.


After hearing this, everyone on the side could not help but gasp.

"You're about to be promoted? Then you can't go to the headquarters?"

Everyone was shocked for a moment. You know, it didn’t take long for Li Ran to become the commander of Division Z and he was promoted so soon?

The key is that if you get promoted again, you will become a major general, and you will become a general, and you will definitely go to the headquarters. A major general must not at least be a deputy commander or deputy chief of staff?

This promotion speed is so fast, it's a bit scary.

"I don't know where I'm going, but what I can be sure of now is that the rank of our division commander will definitely change." The colonel said with great certainty: "By then he will be a twenty-year-old major general. Have you seen this before?"

The main reason why the colonel was so sure was because he had friends in the General Staff.

0…Please give me flowers…

In fact, it is no longer a secret that Li Ran will be promoted from senior colonel to major general.

The General Staff basically knew that this news could not be hidden, and besides, there was nothing to hide, it was a happy event.

Regarding Li Ran's promotion to a 20-year-old major general, the head of the General Staff personally made the decision, overriding many objections, and made it clear that he would be promoted.

There is strong support from the general staff boss, acting as Li Ran's backstage, so this promotion is certain, but we don't know when the order will be issued directly.

"A twenty-year-old major general, our division commander can be regarded as the first person in the history of the field army. It is a record-breaking one."

Everyone on the side exclaimed in amazement.

To be honest, they didn't dare to think about a twenty-year-old major general. They originally thought that a twenty-year-old colonel was already an exaggeration, but they didn't expect it to be even more exaggerated. He was about to become a general.

Once the order is given, Li Ran will become the youngest general in the history of the Field Army. The speed of promotion and his resume will leave a strong mark in the history of the Field Army.

"Looking at all the fuss you are making, our division commander's ability is more than enough to be promoted to major general." The colonel admired: "If nothing else, our division commander's military medals can be hung on a wall. As for his resume, our division commander has served in various organs of the General Staff. All departments have been rotated through and have made achievements. Nowadays, you can see that many major generals are still not as good as our division commanders.

"You are right. I am naturally happy that our division commander is promoted. I am just afraid that our division commander will not leave soon after his promotion. I also want the division commander to take us with him for a few more years." Someone worried.

As soon as this was said, everyone else had this worry.

Yes, they are naturally happy and happy that Li Ran is promoted.

But they didn't want Li Ran to leave after being promoted so quickly. They also hoped that Li Ran could stay in the position of division commander for a few years and lead them for a few years.

During the time when Li Ran was the division commander, they felt that they had made a lot of progress. In the past, they felt that they were coming to an end, but after Li Ran arrived, the young passion factor in their blood was stimulated again.

Everyone feels motivated and motivated, and they all hope that Li Ran can lead them for a longer period of time to make greater progress.

"I think the same as you. I don't want the teacher to leave so soon. I also want to

He will take us for a few more years. "The colonel said: "But don't worry, we can't stop this kind of thing, but if the division commander really wants to go up, then someone must leave, so

News of major personnel changes cannot be hidden. I haven't heard of it yet. In my opinion, the division commander will not leave so soon. It may just be a simple promotion in rank. "

As the chief officers of various units, when it comes to promotion, at their stage, everyone actually has an idea in mind.

For example, Li Ran was promoted. The news that has been received now is that Li Ran has been promoted to military rank. It is certain that he will become a general.

As for the change in position, it is still unclear.

Everyone knows that it is impossible for the military region to let Li Ran go. Since he won't let him go, if Li Ran wants to go up, someone will definitely leave first to free up the position.

There have been no reports of such major personnel changes so far. If there are any, the position will be vacated in advance.

So now, the chance of Li Ran's position changing is not high.

"What are you doing here? Don't talk behind your back if you have nothing to do. With your current virtue, can I leave? Go back quickly and do whatever you have to do.

At this time, Li Ran came out and said lightly after hearing the discussion of a group of people.

Last time the head of the General Staff came to see him, he also talked to Li Ran about his position and asked for Li Ran's opinion.

As for the transfer of positions, Li Ran has no idea yet. He can just change his military rank.

As long as you become a general, being a general is not a general there, and it is not impossible for you to be a major general or division commander. After all, the Z Division is the first heavy armored division of the field army.

Hearing Li Ran's words, a group of people immediately felt relieved.

My division commander has said this, which means that the news of promotion in military rank is 100%, and he will not leave for the time being, and he can still take them with him for a while.

This is a good thing for Division Z.

The next day!

Early in the morning, an order was issued from the group army headquarters to the Z Division, asking Li Ran and the chief officers of the units of the Z Division to leave immediately to go to the group army headquarters to attend the meeting.

In this regard, everyone knows in their hearts that most of the time it is their senior commander who gave the promotion order.

(Ask for all kinds of things, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!! Yes).

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