Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

646: The Charm Of Beginner 6! Ultimate Compression Test

After hanging up the phone, Li Ran saw Song Feilong, who was in a daze, and said, "Mr. Song, you've all heard me, I'm going to fly to the Junior Education 6 first. If it meets your standards, I'll fly to the Feilong 20 headquarters." "

Why did Li Ran say that Xianfei Chujiao 6, the general staff boss, would agree.

That’s because the Chujiao 6 is so classic and safe.

As a propeller aircraft, the Chujiao 6 has been in service for decades and has not been eliminated for a reason.

You know, the development of fighter jets from World War II to the present has undergone earth-shaking changes, qualitative changes.

The development of fighter jets is different from that of tanks. After these years of development, main battle tanks are nothing more than longer ranges and thicker skins. Even the current information-based main battle tanks have an additional computing control center and can better shared information.

The "970" fighter jets are different. With the performance of today's fighter jets, if we go to World War II, there will be no opponents in the air.

The speed is too fast, exaggeratedly fast.

Logically speaking, propeller aircraft like the Chujiao 6 have long been eliminated. Although they are not suitable for combat, today, as a training aircraft, it is simply awesome.

All Dragon Kingdom pilots have flown the Beginner 6. For pilots in the Dragon Kingdom, no matter whether they drive Dragon 7 or Dragon 10 later, the leader of their pilot career is basically the beginner 6

As an entry-level model and an old-fashioned model, there are two reasons why it is so popular.

The first is safety.

Chu Liu has a nickname called "Flying Immortal", which means that as long as the pilot does not make any operational errors or encounters extreme weather, his life safety can be guaranteed.

From its service to the present, the total flight time of Chujiao 6 has exceeded 10 million hours. There has never been an accident in which a person was killed or seriously injured or disabled due to its own design defects or manufacturing problems. Its safety is evident.

The JJ6 itself is not very fast and can give the pilot a longer reaction time.

The landing performance is good. With the flaps lowered, it only needs a 400-meter-long runway to complete the landing.

If it is on a loess road or a runway paved with sand and gravel, the length of the runway required by Chujiao 6 is less than 300 meters.

The flaps of the Chujiao 6 are reasonably designed. Even if the power is completely lost, the flaps of the Chujiao 6 can still provide a certain amount of lift, ensuring that the aircraft can glide a very long distance.

If it is other fighter jets, they can only parachute or crash when the engine stalls, but the Chujiao 6 can continue to fly as a "glider".

The second is that it is cheap.

Compared with any fighter jet, the cost of the Chujiao 6 is too cheap. It only costs two to three million to build, while the Dragon 10 can easily cost tens of millions or even hundreds of millions. As for the Dragon 20 , let alone that.

Advanced fighter jets mean that they use good technology and more advanced materials, but the cost is also very expensive.

When Li Ran said that he would first fly to Chujiao 6, the chief of the General Staff was convinced that Li Ran knew how to fly.

If you are a very amateur, you will not say the words Xianfei Chujiao 6 at all.

Although the Beginner 6 is easy to fly and simple, when it is flown by novices and experts, the appearance is completely different.

Novices are nervous and unfamiliar, but they can ensure safety, but if beginners are in the hands of experts, they can still do tricks.

If Li Ran can't even control Beginner 6, don't bother trying to open Dragon 20.

"Mr. Li, I heard you. Don't worry. I'll wait for the call." Song Feilong squeezed out a smile.

Although Li Ran had an agreement with the General Staff boss, as the commander of the Kongba Division, his immediate superior department was the Kongsi.

No matter how the General Staff arranges it, he must also send a message to the flight manager, who will inform him again.

How could it be possible for people like Li Ran to talk to the General Staff boss as casually as if they were talking about everyday things? "He doesn't have this card.

After a while, the flight attendant called, notifying Song Feilong and conveying the general staff's intention.

The meaning is also very simple. All the physical fitness tests that pilots need to undergo are given to Li Ran. After the physical fitness is passed, Li Ran is allowed to simulate flying. At least Li Ran must be tested first. For some devices and buttons in an aircraft, Familiar or not.

After Li Ran has performed well in all of this, someone will take Li Ran to fly to Chujiao 6 to see the situation. Based on Li Ran's performance, the final decision will be made as to whether Li Ran can fly to Dragon 20.

Before flying Dragon 20, at least let Li Ran fly Dragon 10 to see the effect.

In terms of mastering standards, Qing Feilong, as the commander of Kongba, naturally has a set of standards for evaluation...

"Mr. Li, do you think there is no problem with this arrangement?" Li Ran asked after roughly explaining to Li Ran what the flight commander had told him.

If Li Ran has no objection, then we can start. If he has any objection, it will be another headache.

"No problem, don't worry, Mr. Song, I won't make it difficult for you. Everything will be done according to the strictest standards. If I can't do it, that's my problem." Li Ran said with a smile.

Seeing Li Ran speak in such a grand manner, Song Feilong breathed a sigh of relief.

To be honest, this kind of thing is not easy to handle. "If you are careful, you will offend people."

But with Li Ran saying this, he felt much more relieved.

After everything was agreed upon, Sein Feilong called a professional medical unit to conduct a comprehensive physical examination on Li Ran.

There is a reason why the Air Force is the favored force of heaven. Not only does it have good food and air force stoves, it also undergoes regular professional physical examinations and is equipped with very high standards of medical support.

This is completely different from the infirmary in an army unit.

Soon, the medical staff of the Eighth Air Division arrived and examined Li Ran in all aspects of his body, which was equivalent to a comprehensive and detailed physical examination.

"Commander, is that really how he talks to the General Staff boss?" The commander of the Eighth Division looked at Li Ran who was doing the inspection, and couldn't help but ask Song Feilong beside him in a low voice.

After learning about the final arrangement from their superiors, the members of the Kongba Division were shocked.

In his opinion, it was incredible that such a nonsense application made by Li Ran could finally allow his superiors to give in to this point.

After learning from Song Feilong about the state of the conversation between Li Ran and the general staff boss, he didn't know what to say.

"The rumors outside that he is the illegitimate son of the General Staff boss are not groundless. I have never heard of anyone who dares to bargain with the General Staff boss." Song Feilong said helplessly.

Sein Feilong promises that he will never forget the scene where Li Ran was on the phone with the General Staff boss.

Half a minute later, Li Ran's physical examination was completed. All physical indicators were normal, and he was very healthy and had no problems.

These checks are the most basic. For fighter pilots, the pressure test is the most critical one.

(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!).

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