Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

648: Simulated Flight Test! Ready To Take Off

When Li Ran walked out of the centrifuge as if he was a normal person, everyone present widened their eyes.

For a moment, everyone was dumbfounded and didn't know what to say.

13G, no pilot in the entire field army's air force can withstand the stress test of this value.

In the world, the maximum pressure value among pilots from various countries is only 12G. Li Ran has definitely broken the world record.

"Is there nothing wrong with the instrument?" Song Feilong finally couldn't help but ask the technician on the side.

As the commander of the Air Force Division, Song Feilong is very aware of the content of centrifuges. To some extent, this thing is quite a measuring stick for pilots.

"No, no mistake, 13G is already the maximum limit of this centrifuge." The technician stammered. As a technician, he knew very well that 13G is equivalent to exceeding the limit of the human body.

But from Li Ran's calm look, he even suspected that Li Ran could withstand 14G or even higher. In other words, Li Ran's limit was not only 13G, but 13G was just the limit of this centrifuge.

The purpose of the existence of this centrifuge is to help pilots train their ability to withstand pressure, and the pressure resistance value is also determined based on the performance of the fighter jet.

If it were a propeller-type fighter aircraft from the Second World War, there would be no need for such testing.

That is to say, modern fighter jets are very fast, especially when they are pressurized to go supersonic, the pressure they put on the human body is quite terrifying.

However, the maximum value of 13G is already the maximum pressure that modern combat aircraft can put on the human body. Any higher value is not necessary.

"What about his physical condition?" Song Feilong asked again: "Will such pressure cause some damage to his body?"

Song Feilong was also worried about Li Ran's physical condition. Although there was nothing visible on the outside, he was mainly worried about internal injuries.

Internal injuries are much more serious than external injuries. If they suddenly occur at a certain moment, it is very likely to be fatal at any time.

The instrument detected that Mr. Li's physical data were all normal, except that his heart rate was a little faster, but it was within the normal range..." the technician said.

While the centrifuge was constantly pressurizing, they were always paying attention to the instrument that detected Li Ran's vital signs.

Except for the heart rate being a little higher, nothing else changed much.

In terms of blood oxygen, it has always maintained an astonishing 100. This means that under such high pressure, it has not had the slightest impact on Li Ran's breathing and cardiopulmonary function. Li Ran's physical condition is still very good under such high pressure. Good.

After confirming it with the technicians, Song Feilong was finally convinced that the physical fitness of the legendary army officer in front of him was really terrifying.

How do you practice this? Even the king of soldiers in the special forces cannot have such physical fitness.

"Mr. Li, you are really awesome. Your score broke the record and is a world record." Song Feilong said with admiration.

"It's really not easy for your Air Force, Commander Song. Don't blame me for speaking out. The high standards of your Air Force stoves have been criticized by our Army. People often say that your Air Force stove standards are higher than those of military dogs. Some people are not convinced. Now it seems that high-standard food is what it should be." Li Ran smiled.

Li Ran knew very well that the reason why he could still do nothing under the pressure of 13G was entirely because he had taken a lot of body-strengthening things from the system, and his physical fitness had long exceeded the limits of ordinary people, reaching a very terrifying level.

My current physical fitness is not far behind that of the super warriors on TV. This is all due to the system allowing me to cheat.

But how can a normal person withstand this pressure? There are not many people in the world who can withstand it. Even if they can withstand it, they will not be as relaxed as themselves.

Therefore, it is necessary for pilots to have high food standards and ensure high-quality nutritional intake.

Otherwise, once a certain problem occurs in the body, it will be induced and exposed under such circumstances, which is very dangerous.

The air force's standards are unmatched by even the combined brigade, and the related safety and medical support are among the highest in the military.

People who haven't experienced it may be jealous, but after experiencing it, they understand that pilots seem to be a highly subsidized military branch with very good benefits, but with high standards of conditions, not everyone can become a pilot.

"Damn, our Air Force has heard this kind of sound for I don't know how many years, and we have long been accustomed to it." After hearing what Li Ran said, Song Feilong laughed.

The superior leaders are not fools. If they didn't know how difficult it is to become a pilot, would they be able to provide them with enough military spending to provide them with high-quality guarantees?

"Mr. Song, does my physical fitness meet the standards you require? You can continue with the last test." Li Ran said with a smile, bringing the topic back.

The physical fitness test has been passed, and now there is only one last test left before flying, which is a simulated flight test.

The simulated flight is to test whether Li Ran is familiar with the control of the aircraft and related cases.

This last test is quite simple for pilots who have received systematic professional training.

"Of course it meets the standard, let's go to the simulation room. " Song Feilong said quickly.

Just kidding, although he had made a plan in mind before, not to mention using the highest and strictest standards to make things difficult for Li Ran, but at least he definitely couldn't let it go.

But who would have thought that Li Ran's physical test seemed to be a joke on him and broke the record. His physical fitness was so great that it was impossible to find fault with him.

With such physical fitness, there is no one in the entire Kongba Division who can match him. If you are deliberately looking for trouble, you are really out of your mind.

Under the leadership of Song Feilong [Li Ran and others went to the flight simulation room.

In the simulation room, there are still some young bird pilots (Wang Zhao's) who are conducting simulated flight training at this time.

This training is mainly to train the fledgling pilots to become familiar with the controls and to take relevant measures to deal with some simulated emergencies.

Currently, those who are still receiving this training are some pilots who have just arrived in the 8th Air Force Division. They are all still flying trainer aircraft and have not performed any individual flying.

At this time, a group of "young bird" pilots were seriously using equipment for simulation training.

After Song Feilong made some arrangements, a newly trained "young bird" pilot gave up a machine.

"Mr. Li, do I need to introduce you first so that you can get familiar with it?" Song Feilong asked enthusiastically.

This was not Song Feilong's fault. He thought it was also Li Ran's first time contacting him, and the introduction was within the scope of human relations.

"No need." Li Ran smiled, how could it be difficult for a mere simulation machine to contain him?

(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!).

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