Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

064: Flexible Individual Soldier Functions! Innovating Traditional Squad Tactics (Please Order In Fu

Li Ran's words stunned Li Hu and he didn't react for a long time.

"Are you crazy? Do you know the concept of a paper or review that can meet the standards of the regiment leader? You have never even attended a military school, how can you write it? Are you making nonsense? Let me tell you, our regiment leader is not You can fool him by just writing something casually." Li Hu sounded a little excited.

Just kidding, having attended a military academy, he knows very well how difficult it is to write an essay.

Back then, he went to military school and when he finally graduated, he went through a lot of trouble to write a passing thesis.

The key is to write a paper or review that satisfies his captain. Even he, the company commander, is not sure. Otherwise, at his age, he will only sit in the position of company commander.

"Company commander, believe me, I'm sure." Li Ran said, very confident.

His impression after reading it was too simple. He didn't bother to write it. How could it be difficult for him to live with just a military paper?

He is familiar with 300 Tang poems and can write poems even if he can't compose them. What's more, he has read more than 100 military books and combined with the current system development related to the field army, it is not difficult to write an insightful and in-depth paper.

"Are you serious? I said something ugly in front of me, and I was scared if the leader got angry." Li Hu warned.

"Don't worry! Company commander, if possible, I won't go back tonight. I'll just stay here. I'll go back tomorrow and take the time to read it. It's inconvenient to come to the regiment headquarters." Li Ran said.

"You wait a moment, I will discuss it with the group leader."

Here, the colonel commander also became very interested after learning that Li Ran, a private soldier, dared to agree.

"This kid has to stay here at night. He needs a place to eat and a place to sleep. I'll have 527 drive him back tomorrow. You can leave if you have nothing to do." The colonel made arrangements directly, and he was very happy.

"Captain, Li Ran is still young after all, please take it easy." Li Hu reminded worriedly.

"Get out of here quickly," the colonel said angrily.

After exchanging a few words with Li Ran, Li Hu went back first.

Not long after Li Hu left, a first-term sergeant came to Li Ran.

"Comrade Li Ran, come with me, the regimental leader has already given the order."

"Thank you monitor."

The first-term sergeant couldn't help but look at Li Ran twice. He had been at the regiment headquarters for a year, and this was the first time he saw a private going to the regiment headquarters library.

Although almost no one enters the regimental library, most of the people who enter are officers.

Is it possible that this private is a relative of the regimental commander?

Walking into the regimental library, there are only a few dozen books in the library, but when Li Ran opened one of them and started reading, he really felt the difference in the content.

All the courses here are essential, and any one of them is from the company library.

No wonder only officers can come in and read it. Ordinary soldiers can't understand the content.

Li Ran didn't stand out, nor did he have stage fright. He picked up a book and sat there and started reading. He read at the same speed and never forgot things, which made Li Ran's learning ability as if he was cheating.

Gradually, Li Ran completely fell into the ocean of knowledge.

I don't know how much time passed, but it was already dark outside.

"You kid, can you really see ten lines at a glance and have a photographic memory?" A voice sounded in Li Ran's ear, pulling Li Ran back to reality from the ocean of knowledge (aidj).

When he saw the person in front of him, Li Ran was no stranger to him. He was the colonel leader Lei Leifeng whom he had met in the recruit company.

"Captain, okay!" Li Ran stood up immediately.

Lei Leifeng waved his hand, indicating that we don't pay attention to these things here.

"Are you reading a book or flipping through a book?" Lei Feng asked again.

"Report to the leader, this is how I read a book. I can remember it after reading it once, so the speed is a little faster." Li Ran said directly.

"It's interesting." Lei Lei Feng nodded and didn't ask too much. Instead, he said, "I'll have people bring you food from the canteen. If you're hungry, you can eat it yourself. You can sleep here at night. I'll have people bring it to you." I’ve prepared a sleeping bag, it’ll be no problem.”

"Thank you, leader, no problem."

Li Ran was a little surprised. It was just right to sleep here. He read it all night, so there was no need to waste that time.

Good physical fitness, good mind, and photographic memory, that’s how willful you are!

After seeing Li Ran agree, Lei Leifeng didn't say anything and left directly.

After Li Ran finished eating, he continued to read through the book, and time passed like this~

Reconnaissance company!

In the third class dormitory.

"Where's Brother Ran? Why didn't Brother Ran come back?"

"Is that weird? Did you ask for leave? No, I saw him in the morning."

"I saw the company commander taking him out in the afternoon. I heard he went to the regiment headquarters. The company commander has come back. Why didn't he come back?"

"Why did Brother Ran go to the regiment headquarters? Is it possible that he was appreciated by the regiment leader so quickly?"

"I miss Brother Ran. I miss Brother Ran's Huazi so much."

The veterans talked one after another, and were very curious for a while, why did Li Ran, a private, go to the regiment headquarters? The key is that he hasn't come back yet, so he spent the night at the regiment headquarters.

"Everyone shut up and go to bed early. The company commander said that Li Ran will be back tomorrow. Stop talking about this matter." Shi Dahai said.

Shi Dahai learned something about Li Ran's visit to the regiment headquarters from the company commander.

Shi Dahai was shocked when he learned that Li Ran went to the regiment headquarters to read in the regiment library.

Li Ran was definitely the first recruit to go to the regiment headquarters just a few days after joining the company in order to read and see the regiment.

The next day!

The sun was high on the branches, and Li Ran's stomach growled. After finally reading the last book overnight, Li Ran was just about to smoke a cigarette to relax. The voice sounded.

"You didn't sleep after watching it all night?" Lei Leifeng asked, because he found that the sleeping bag had no trace of being robbed.

"Report to the leader, yes, but I have read them all." Li Ran stood up and said.

"Have you read them all?" Lei Leifeng was surprised and asked again: "Have you understood everything?"

"I see."

"You have such a strong tone. Even if your company commander is here, he wouldn't dare to say that he understands everything."

"Captain, if the company commander can carefully read and study all the more than one hundred books in the library, he will be able to understand the books here."

Faced with the colonel's questioning, even if he was a private, Li Ran was neither humble nor arrogant, and was not afraid at all.

What is there to be afraid of? What he said was true, he was confident, and he was not afraid of anyone.

"Have you figured out how to write the paper?" Lei Leifeng asked again.

"I already have an idea in my mind." Li Ran said.

"How long does it take to write it?"

"Two days is enough."

"I'm waiting for the paper you will hand in in two days. If you dare to write something casually to fool me, don't blame me for being rude to you.

"Yes! Captain, if nothing happens, can I return to the company now?"

"After breakfast, I will send someone to take you back."

"Thank you, captain."

Looking at Li Ran's leaving figure, Lei Leifeng smiled and said to himself: "Interesting boy, I want to see if you can give me a surprise."

Li Ran had breakfast, got into the regiment's car and returned to the reconnaissance company.

When everyone in Class Three saw Li Ran coming back, they immediately came to greet him.

"Brother Ran, you are finally back. I miss you so much."

"Brother Ran, why are you going to the regiment headquarters? A secret mission?"

"Give it to Gen Huazi, Brother Ran. I've been waiting all night for you to come back."

Li Ran's cigarette storage is very abundant, so he is not stingy at all about loose cigarettes. Each of them scattered one cigarette and said lightly: "Okay, here are the cigarettes. I haven't slept all night. I'll take a nap first. Don't disturb me."

Didn't sleep all night?

Hearing this, everyone in Class Three was very curious.

What on earth did Li Ran do at the regiment headquarters? He didn't sleep all night?

What kind of secret mission are you going to carry out? Impossible. How can anyone go to the regiment headquarters to carry out secret missions? Should we let a private do it?

Ignoring everyone's doubts, Li Ran lay on the bed and began to sleep and rest. At the same time, his mind began to reorganize and digest the contents of the books he had read in preparation for writing a thesis.

It's just a paper that can't trouble Li Ran. Since he wants to write it, he should write one with heavy content, preferably one that can make meritorious deeds.

Li Ran slept until noon and got up to eat. After eating, he picked up a pen and paper and started writing the paper.

The title of the paper is "Flexible individual soldier functions! Innovate traditional squad tactics!"

After reading a large number of military books, Li Ran discovered that the foreign army's squad tactics are very forward-looking, the combat functions of individual soldiers are very clear, and the squad tactics are very flexible.

Looking back at the field army, the thinking of squad tactics, including the functions of each individual soldier, is still at the light infantry stage, and the thinking is completely backward.

In fact, the rabbit has been crossing the river by touching the bald eagle over the years and has continued to grow.

Similarly, with the squad tactics system, the field army can also cross the river by feeling the bald eagle, absorb the opponent's strengths, and explore a development system suitable for itself.

Therefore, it is entirely possible to discuss whether the traditional squad tactics of the current field army can be innovatively changed, while clarifying the combat functions of individual soldiers and making them more flexible.

This is a challenge to the traditional squad tactical model of the current field army.

But having said that, only when there are challenges can there be progress. Staying in the past will not bring any benefits except falling behind.

You can't see anything now. When war breaks out one day, falling behind will become a fatal drawback!

(First update, please provide various data support, please automatically subscribe, beg for everything, thank you!).

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