Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

653: The Colonel Was So Scared That He Peed! Li Ran Has Made A Meritorious Service

Although the colonel was caught by Li Ran, he was still in a very confused state. This state was caused by excessive fright.

Although the colonel parachuted earlier than Li Ran, the height of the parachute at that time was more than 300, which was not a safe height for skydiving.

Not to mention that the seat was also taken out with him at that time. This height, coupled with the height of the seat, caused the colonel to fall extremely fast as soon as his parachute opened.

Fortunately, the seat and the person were separated smoothly. Otherwise, even if there was Li Ran below, Li Ran might not be able to withstand the inertial impact of a person and the seat.

"I'm alive?"

The colonel looked at Li Ran blankly, still in a confused state.

"Of course you're still alive. Fortunately, there is this tree. Otherwise, you really wouldn't be alive." Li Ran smiled.

The two people's safe landing this time was indeed due to the crooked-neck tree. Li Ran used this tree to ease the impact of the descent and stabilize his body.

Fortunately, the colonel also came off his head, and Li Ran caught it immediately.

If Li Ran hadn't caught him, the colonel would have been in trouble. Even if he didn't fall to death on the spot, he would at least be seriously injured. After all, he didn't have as strong a body as Li Ran.

"What the hell,"

After a long time, the colonel finally recovered. Even in front of Li Ran, he couldn't help but swear.

To be honest, I was really scared to death just now. Even if he is an ace pilot and is ready to sacrifice for the country at any time, it does not mean that he wants to sacrifice in such a humiliating way.

Even if he is an ace pilot, has undergone rigorous training, and has rich experience, when a person really faces death, the fear is uncontrollable.

It is normal to be afraid of death, but it is abnormal not to be afraid of death.

"Commander Li, I'll get off first." The colonel's body trembled, as if he had suddenly done something invisible, and he said with a somewhat hurried expression.

"Okay, you get off first." Li Ran said calmly.

The colonel breathed a sigh of relief and quickly got down from the crooked neck tree, followed by Li Ran.

After coming down, the colonel suddenly collapsed on the grass. Although there were wounds on his body cut by branches, these were only minor wounds and could not be felt at all in the face of death.

"Mr. Li, thank you very much this time. If you hadn't stopped me, I would have been in a much worse situation." The colonel thanked him.

Li Ran can be said to have saved his life. When he was descending, one of the main parachutes did not open. There was a malfunction and the descent speed could not be controlled at all.

If Li Ran hadn't caught him, he would have fallen into a puddle of flesh.

"It's okay." Li Ran smiled, slowly took out a cigarette, and handed one to the colonel.

Although it is clear in the Eighth Air Division that pilots are not allowed to smoke, this is also for the sake of the pilot's health, but the colonel who narrowly escaped death did not care anymore, and saw that it was a special supply

There is no reason to refuse.

After the colonel took it, he touched his body and found that there was no lighter. He was a little embarrassed.

Li Ran directly ordered the colonel, who was flattered.

"Mr. Li, are you okay? I feel like something is wrong with you." Seeing Li Ran so calm, as if his narrow escape just now had no impact on him at all, the colonel couldn't help but ask.

He now suspects that there is something wrong with Li Ran's mind. After all, some people may feel that after such an incident, it is normal and there is no problem at the time, but in fact, there is something wrong in their mind, and the subsequent backlash is very serious.

"I'm fine, it's nothing." Li Ran said easily: "When I was still a soldier in the Tibetan Military Region, the Fourth Company of the Fifth Border Defense Regiment where I worked basically had actual combat every day, dealing with death, special missions I have also participated, and I have long been indifferent to life and death.

Upon hearing this, the colonel immediately stood in awe of Li Ran, and his inner worship reached the sky.

Is this the courage of Big Brother Army?

To be honest, although their air force is called the proud force of heaven, the biggest danger is actually that in the process of flying fighter jets, they may face some unexpected situations, which will lead to danger.

But compared with the big brother of the army, especially the big brother of the border defense force, it is really different.

He had heard about the border guards, various emergencies in war, and some militants trying to enter the country, and they were all dealt with with live ammunition.

It is true that I deal with the God of Death every day. If I don't take life and death lightly, I really can't be so calm. I guess I live on tenterhooks every day.

"Commander Li, you were too risky just now. I ejected before you, and ended up still on top of you. When you ejected, you were probably only more than 200 meters above the ground. "Why don't you follow me?" the colonel endured. He couldn't help but ask the doubts in his heart.

He was in the back cabin and ejected first. Li Ran should also eject immediately within one second after he ejected.

As a result, when he saw Li Ran eject, it was estimated that two or three seconds had passed. The height of the fighter jet from the ground at that time was estimated to be only more than 200, which was too risky.

"I can't help it. I saw someone on the ground. If I don't pull it, those people will have to finish playing." Li Ran explained.

After saying that, he pointed to the lake in front and said: "The fighter jet fell in there, but those people should be fine, they may be a little scared."

"Commander Li, although you are from the Army, our Air Force is going to award you a military medal this time. You saved me and the people on the ground. This is a meritorious service." The colonel said excitedly.

According to the standard of meritorious service for Air Force pilots, when an emergency occurs, they either save the fighter jets or protect the property and lives of people on the surface. This is all meritorious service.

Li Ran has done a good job this time and has nothing to say.

"It doesn't matter whether you have credit or not. You'd better wipe your pants first. They're all exposed." Li Ran glanced at the colonel's crotch and said calmly.

Upon hearing this, the colonel's face turned red instantly.

Peeing his pants was really embarrassing for him, an ace pilot.

But there was no way, it wouldn't be like this if I died directly. The key is that I didn't die. I was almost GG. I was still frightened. I escaped from death. I couldn't control my body and peed.

"Mr. Li, please don't tell anyone else about this. I'm begging you." The colonel immediately begged.

If this matter spreads out, he will be laughed at in the Kongba Division for a long time.

"Don't worry, I won't tell anyone else, but you Kongba Masters should carefully investigate where this bird creature came from." Li Ran said calmly.

"The bird control team must have failed to do their job well. Look at the many trees around here, there will definitely be birds hiding there." The colonel looked around and said.

The air force base has a dedicated bird repellent team, and their daily job is to drive birds around to ensure that there are no birds around when fighter jets take off and land.

Once a bird appears, there is a high probability that the previous scene will occur, where a fighter jet and a bird collide.

Not to mention the air force, even ordinary civil aviation will have a dedicated bird repellent team.

"That bird is quite big, it doesn't look like a wild one." Li Ran said.

His eyesight is beyond ordinary people. When the fighter jet hit the bird, its speed was at least more than 300 kilometers per hour, but Li Ran could still vaguely see clearly, "The postures of wild birds are different.

"Commander Li, did you see everything clearly at that time?" the colonel asked in disbelief.

"My eyesight has always been relatively good," Li Ran said.

Regarding this explanation, the colonel did not continue to ask any more questions. There was no need.

As for whether they are wild birds, we can all investigate clearly. The fighter jet is in front, and we only need to get the black box inside to investigate clearly.

"The division is probably in a state of panic now [we need to contact the division," the colonel said.

When something like this happened, the division commander and others were probably very anxious now, and they must be leading someone to look for them.

Even though the fighter jet seemed to be very close when it was in the air, when it crashed, the fighter jet was not descending very slowly. It was visually estimated that it was at least dozens of kilometers away from the division headquarters.

If we don't call to inform them, the rescue team from the division headquarters will have a hard time finding them.

"Those lucky ones should be right in front, and they should have phones on them." Li Ran reminded.

The place where the plane crashed is actually not that far away from a few lucky people.

"I'll ask them to answer the phone." The colonel said and went to find the lucky ones.

At this time, the few lucky people who came out to play together were still in a state of shock. Looking at the fighter jet that fell into the lake, they didn't know what to do for a while.

Fortunately, one of them had already called the police.

"Comrade, do you have a mobile phone? Let me borrow it. I am the pilot of the fighter jet that crashed just now." The colonel came to a few people and said.

Seeing that the colonel and Li Ran were fine and walking over, one of them was surprised and said: "You are okay, I just called the police."

"It's okay, comrade. Thank you for your concern. Please borrow your cell phone. I want to inform the troops." The colonel smiled.

"Okay, here you go." The man quickly handed the phone to the colonel.

After the colonel took the cell phone, he immediately made a call to the division.

As for these lucky few, they have been sizing up Li Ran and the colonel. They did not expect that in such a critical situation just now, the pilot was still intact, and at the same time, respect emerged in their hearts.

the other side.

Song Feilong was leading the division's medical rescue team to conduct a blanket search for the two men's locations based on the direction in which the fighter jet disappeared.

To this end, a group was mobilized to help search.

Today I want to see people alive, and I want to see corpses when I die.

At this time.

"`" Division commander, regimental commander's phone number. "A communications staff member said.

Hearing this, Song Feilong quickly answered the phone, and before the colonel could speak, he quickly asked: "Where are you? Have you found Commander Li? How is Commander Li?"

After three questions in a row, Song Feilong was like an ant on the hot pot, feeling very anxious and heavy.

One is the ace pilot in the division, the other is a legendary army officer, and the division commander. The former had an accident and he was heartbroken to death, while the latter had an accident and it really collapsed that day.

Now Song Feilong regrets it. He would have known that he would not be able to let Li Ran open Dragon Cult 7 even at the risk of offending others.

"Teacher, I'm fine. It's fine even if Mr. Li is by my side. We reported the location of the two of them at the school.

"Just wait there, we'll be there soon." After hearing what the colonel said, Sein Feilong breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, fortunately, both of them are fine. This is the best news.

After the call ended and the location was clear, Sein Feilong had people rush towards the location of the two of them at full speed.

Here, after the colonel finished using the phone, he returned the phone to the man and said with a smile: "Thank you, comrade.

"It's okay, but it was really dangerous just now. The fighter jet almost came towards us." The young man on the side said with lingering fear.

He had been quite surprised just now. The fighter jet seemed to have passed directly over their heads. If they had moved lower, they might have gone to see the King of Hell.

"Comrade, you are lucky. In order to save you, Mr. Li would rather take the risk of parachuting at a later time. At the last moment,

Raise the height a little, otherwise, you will really be gone. "The colonel explained very seriously.

No matter what, the colonel thought it was necessary to explain clearly to these people.

The colonel believed that under such circumstances, given Li Ran's (Wang Nuohao) identity and status in the field army, even if Li Ran parachuted directly regardless of the people on the ground for his own safety,

As long as you are safe, no one will say anything afterwards.

But Li Ran didn't do this. He would rather take risks for the safety of several people. This kind of spirit is worthy of admiration.

After hearing the colonel say that a division commander was willing to put himself in danger to save them, several people were instantly in awe and admired Li Ran.

They didn't expect that a division commander would put himself in danger to save them. This was not just talk, but actually doing so, which is admirable.

Li Ran just smiled and didn't say anything else. In that situation, other than himself, anyone else would have to give up his life if he wanted to save these people.

But Li Ran has no doubt that an ordinary pilot would do the same thing. This is the tradition and spirit of the field army.

Not long after, Song Feilong arrived with a large army.

"Commander Li, you and Commander Wang go back first, and I will handle the rest." After seeing the colonel and Li Ran standing there intact, Song Feilong breathed a sigh of relief again.

The person's injury seemed lighter than he expected, but he could not take it lightly, so he asked Li Ran and the colonel to go back first and conduct a comprehensive inspection.

As for the rest of the matter, he, the teacher, can just finish it off.

"Mr. Song, I'm sorry that you lost a fighter jet." Li Ran apologized.

"These are all trivial matters, don't take it to heart, Mr. Li, as long as you are fine, I can accept it even if you lose the cross." Song Feilong said from the bottom of his heart.

The moment he saw the accident of the fighter plane, Sein Feilong seemed to have seen the scene where the big bosses from the Army came to personally strip him of his skin and cramps.

(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!!).

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