Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

655: The Chief Of The General Staff Is In Tears! Phd In Beauty Psychology

General Staff, Office of the General Staff Boss.

"This brat, what kind of fighter should he fly when he goes to the 8th Air Force Division? No wonder he has to go to the 8th Air Force Division immediately after the meeting. I guess it has been planned for a long time." The general staff boss who had just finished processing the documents had a rare moment. During the break, I smoked cigarettes, drank tea, looked out the window and muttered to myself.

There is no other way. My favorite son wants to fly a fighter jet in the 8th Air Force Division. Flying a fighter jet is actually nothing, but the key point is that Li Ran, an army division commander, wants to fly a fighter jet. Isn't this nonsense?

Can anyone fly a fighter jet? Only professionally trained pilots can fly it.

What kind of military branch is a pilot? It is a very technical military branch, and the cost of training a pilot is huge. If you want to become a pilot, you have to go through rigorous tests and assessments. You must first fly a trainer aircraft for a period of time before you can fly alone. .

Therefore, in the opinion of the General Staff boss, it is not realistic for Li Ran to fly a fighter jet.

If any other army officer dared to make such a request, the head of the General Staff would not only skin him, but at least give him a stern warning.

But there was no way Li Ran was the one who mentioned it. The head of the General Staff believed that Li Ran could only be motivated by his freshness.

If he wasn't old and couldn't fly, if he was really capable, he would also like to fly a fighter jet and fly around in the sky for a few times~.

The twist is that Li Ran has outstanding talent and can learn everything quickly. According to the general staff boss, in the end, it is estimated that the pilots of the Eighth Air Division will fly the fighter jet and let Li Ran sit in it and experience it in the sky - it will be done.

Worrying about Li Ran's accident, the chief of the General Staff had made a special statement to the air traffic controller.

If Li Ran does not meet the standards for flying a fighter jet, no matter what Li Ran says, it must not be allowed.

While the general staff boss was thinking, the phone on the table rang.

Generally, calls that can be made directly to the office of the General Staff boss are usually urgent, and the General Staff boss picks up the phone.

"Hey, what's going on?"

"Chief, Li Ran crashed a Dragon Religion plane an hour ago." The voice of the flight commander's lieutenant general sounded on the phone.

But just as the lieutenant general finished speaking, he heard a bang from the phone, followed by silence.

"Hey, hello, chief, are you listening? Hello" the lieutenant general kept calling, but no one responded.

Here, the head of the General Staff was completely stunned. The moment he heard Lieutenant General Li Ran say that the fighter plane crashed, the head of the General Staff was stunned, his blood pressure rose rapidly, and his vision suddenly went dark.

The next second, huh huh`

The chief of the General Staff's breathing became very rapid, and his breathing was a little unstable.

After the secretary outside heard the noise, he quickly came in to check. When he saw this, he immediately panicked.

"Chief, what's wrong with you?" the secretary asked quickly.

"Medicine." The chief of the General Staff covered his heart and said with an ugly expression.

When the secretary heard this, he didn't dare to hesitate at all, and immediately gave the chief of the General Staff a quick-acting heart-saving pill.

Although the chief of the General Staff does not have any heart problems, he is old after all. In order to worry about accidents, it was specially given to the chief of the General Staff.

Fortunately, it is equipped, and it will come in handy now.

After taking the medicine, the general staff boss felt a little better, but when he thought of Li Ran's fighter plane crashing, his heart suddenly hurt as if he had been cut by a knife.

It hurt, it really hurt, it hurt so much that the chief of the General Staff was in tears for a while, his eyes were red, and tears came out instantly.

The secretary on the side was stunned when he saw this scene. What is going on? What happened?

Why are you acting like this after not seeing the General Staff boss for a while? He even cried?

You must know that to be able to sit in this position, both character and ability are indispensable. The head of the General Staff has a very strong psychological quality.

Even if the sky falls, the general staff boss can still face the collapse of the mountain without changing his expression.

But now, the chief of the General Staff was in tears.

"Chief, what's wrong with you? I'll call you immediately to take you to the hospital." The secretary said with concern.

"No, I'll just take it easy. You can go out first. I'll call you if anything happens." The chief of the General Staff said in a deep voice after calming down.

"Chief, be careful. If you need anything, call me." The secretary said, and walked out, but did not dare to go far. He waited at the door, paying attention to what was going on in the office at all times to ensure that if the General Staff boss had any problems again, he would be there. He can get in immediately.


The chief of the General Staff took two deep breaths, calmed down, and picked up the phone tremblingly.

"How is Li Ran doing now? Is there any hope for help?" asked the general staff boss, his voice trembling: "No matter what, if you are alive, you will see people, and if you die, you will see a corpse.

When he said these words, the general staff boss felt that all hope was gone and the future was dark.

Li Ran, the talent he has cultivated, can be said to be the most outstanding talent in the field army in recent years, the kind that is rare to see in a century.

Originally, he thought that if Li Ran was trained and trained, when the time was right, he would be able to let Li Ran take over his position.

Even what was a great regret in his heart, in the hearts of the field army, and in the hearts of the entire Dragon Kingdom, what must be accomplished can also be accomplished by Li Ran's hands.

But now, Li Ran is gone, and an accident happened.

Thinking of this, the chief of the General Staff felt extremely regretful. It was his fault. He was too fond of Li Ran and couldn't agree to Ji Ran's ridiculous request.

It's okay to fly a fighter jet if there's nothing wrong with it. It's fine now. There's an accident and everyone is dead.

After hearing the voice of the chief of the General Staff, the lieutenant general's heart skipped a beat, and he secretly said that it was not good, and he thought that he wanted to say the wrong thing.

He actually made the same mistake as Song Feilong before. He should have told the boss of the General Staff in advance to be mentally prepared. Besides, Li Ran was fine, but the boss of the General Staff was shocked after hearing the first sentence he said. A very heavy blow.

"Chief, don't get excited. Li Ran is fine. It's just that the fighter plane crashed." The lieutenant general said bravely.

When the general staff boss heard the second sentence of the lieutenant general, he was stunned again.

His mood was like a roller coaster, going up and down all of a sudden, without giving him any time to prepare.

After hearing that Li Ran was fine, the general staff officer instantly felt that his heart no longer ached, his legs were no longer sore, everything was fine, and he felt refreshed.

Li Ran is fine. It turned out to be a thrilling incident, but it's okay.

The general staff boss patted his chest and breathed a sigh of relief. Even he didn't know how to deal with Li Ran after something happened. Fortunately, it was just a false alarm.

"If you didn't tell me that I was fine, why can't you finish it in one breath? You must be irritating me, right? If the labor and management hadn't prepared quick-acting heart-saving pills, you would have almost killed me." After the general staff man recovered, he said to The lieutenant general was scolding him mercilessly.

The scolding was so loud that the secretary guarding the door was startled.

However, after hearing the angry scolding of the general staff boss, the secretary felt relieved.

Fortunately, fortunately, it seems that the general staff boss is fine. He is still cursing so loudly and sounds very angry, so nothing is wrong.

But the secretary was a little surprised. This was the first time that the general staff boss had become so angry. He even used foul language and his voice was so loud.

Whose phone number is it? It's really unlucky to be scolded like this by the head of the General Staff.

The secretary was a little puzzled. There were really a lot of strange things happening today. First, he saw the chief of the General Staff burst into tears, as if he could fall asleep in an instant, which frightened him half to death. Then he seemed to have regained consciousness, and everything was healed all of a sudden. But It’s so unpredictable.

Here, the lieutenant general was scolded by the boss of the General Staff, but he did not dare to say a word and could only let the boss of the General Staff scold him like this.

During this period, he tried to explain. It wasn't that he didn't speak clearly, but that the General Staff boss didn't give him time to say anything else.

But the boss of the General Staff couldn't care about this. He was so frightened by the lieutenant general's first words that he almost had an endocrine disorder. His mood was on a roller coaster. There was a lot of depression in his heart. If he didn't vent it out, he would be suffocated to death.

Of course, having said that, the main responsibility for this actually lies with Li Ran. Li Ran was messing around when he originally applied to fly a fighter jet. If Li Ran had just honestly visited the Eighth Air Division

If I didn't make this request, I wouldn't be in this position.

But Li Ran is the favorite son of the General Staff boss. Even if he wants to reprimand Li Ran, he has to do so in private when no one is around. Besides, judging from the current situation reported by the lieutenant general, the crash of the fighter jet was not due to a technical problem with Li Ran.

After some venting, the general staff boss felt that he was almost done, and just said: "This matter must be investigated clearly, and dealt with how to deal with it. In addition, Li Ran's physical safety and psychological safety are still the first priority, do you understand?"

"Chief, I understand." The lieutenant general assured quickly.

After hearing the lieutenant general's assurance, the general staff boss hung up the phone.

Flight Secretary.

After hanging up the phone, the lieutenant general breathed a sigh of relief.

It was really unlucky to be scolded by the boss of the General Staff. The key was that he had nothing to do and it was also his fault. After learning that Li Ran was fine, he felt a little too proud for a while and actually said the wrong thing.

0......Please give me flowers......

If he had said hello in advance when he came up, told Li Ran that Li Ran was safe, and explained the situation, he would not have received such a scolding.

"The illegitimate son who is worthy of being called the chief of the General Staff is like this. The boss of the General Staff has not even blamed him for a word. Li Ran, you are so awesome." The lieutenant general couldn't help but say.

When such a big thing happened, the head of the General Staff scolded him, but he didn't say anything wrong with Li Ran on the phone.

He also asked him to pay close attention to Li Ran's physical and mental safety and health, and only let Li Ran go after making sure everything was fine.

This kind of treatment is like no one else.

But when he thought about Li Ran's status and full ranking in the field army, the lieutenant general was relieved.

Kongba division.

Medical office.

After Li Ran completed a comprehensive physical examination and determined that everything was fine, he ordered a mental health examination.

The person who examined Li Ran was a well-known doctor of psychology from the Kongba Division, named Li Ruoxi. Not only was she excellent in her profession, but more importantly, she was a famous beauty.

He has a hot body, professional skills, and the most important thing is that he is still single.

As a doctor of psychology who is not yet thirty years old, Li Ruoxi is very outstanding. There are many people in the Kongba Division who have a crush on Li Ruoxi, but a crush is a crush, and most of them are still a little afraid.

After all, in front of this woman, they feel as if everything can be seen through, and all their thoughts can be felt through.

Such a woman is only suitable to be a crush, not a wife. This is the unanimous opinion of all the pilots of the Eighth Air Division.

"Hello, Mr. Li, take a seat wherever you want."

After seeing Li Ran arrive, Li Ruoxi said with a very friendly smile.

However, after seeing Li Ran in person, Li Ruoxi was still very surprised. Although she had been prepared for it, she was still a little surprised when she saw such a young teacher for the first time.

In the Air Force and Navy, which were promoted relatively quickly, she had never seen such a young division commander.


Li Ran smiled and then sat on the sofa.

"Let me introduce myself. My name is Li Ruoxi. I am responsible for assessing your heart. Don't be nervous. I'm just asking a simple question.

Li Ruoxi said with a smile, and then sat opposite Li Ran.

As a doctor of psychology, Li Ruoxi knows very well how to communicate with people and how to make breakthroughs.

She will have different ways of approaching people with different identities.

Li Ruoxi cherished such opportunities for psychological intervention every time. More importantly, she cherished the legendary army officer in front of her even more.

"Excuse me." After hearing Li Ruoxi's words, Li Ran said with a smile, and his words were very relaxed.

"Commander Li, actually I have admired your name for a long time before you came to the Eighth Division. You are a legendary officer in the army and the youngest division commander in the field army. Although I don't know the details of your resume.

But I know you are a legend. "

Li Ruoxi came up and first praised Li Ran to bring the two of them closer.

Of course, Li Ruoxi said these words from her heart.

No one can refuse to be curious about the legendary figure Li Ran, let alone Li Ruoxi, who is a doctor of psychology. She really wants to know the psychological quality of such a legendary figure.

What will it look like qualitatively?

If Li Ran hadn't come to the Eighth Air Division today and had a plane crash while flying a fighter jet, she wouldn't have had such an opportunity.

"Excuse me." Li Ran said politely to Li Ruoxi's words. While Li Ruoxi was looking at him, Li Ran did not avoid Li Ruoxi's gaze at all, and was also slapping the emperor from top to bottom.

Li Ruoxi was not disgusted with Li Ran's look at her.

Whether it was work requirements or her own characteristics, Li Ruoxi never lacked eyes for inspection, so she had already adapted to it.

But the looking look at Li Ran made Li Ruoxi have an idea in her mind.

This legendary officer is not as simple as he seems on the surface. Li Ran's eyes seem to be able to see a person clearly.

Under such a gaze, Li Ruoxi felt a little uncomfortable for a moment. This was the first time she felt like this when facing a man's gaze.

After realizing something was wrong, Li Ruoxi quickly cheered up and continued her work...

(Ask for all kinds of things, ask for everything, kneel down and thank me!!!! Work).

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