Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

664: An Accident Caused By Incompatibility Of Arms! Li Ran, You Are Poisonous

Sein Feilong now wants to die. He is really afraid of what will happen. The legendary Murphy's Law has occurred.

When he saw Li Ran perform the cobra maneuver, there was something hanging in his mind, and he kept thinking in his heart, don't let anything happen, don't let anything happen, as long as Li Ran can land smoothly and safely, even if he takes out He would have given a year of his life in exchange for it.

But now, something happened.

The noncommissioned officer who observed the landing gear of Li Ran's aircraft had poor vision due to the night. When Li Ran's front wheel was less than three meters away from the ground, he clearly saw that Li Ran's nose wheel landing gear had not been successfully lowered.

What a terrible thing.

The nose wheel landing gear was not lowered. Once it landed, the nose of the aircraft would rub against the ground, and the cause was definitely heavy.

At the critical moment, Song Feilong quickly contacted Li Ran to remind him.

"The landing gear is not down?"

Hearing this, Li Ran's performance was quite dull.

I am not a fledgling pilot, and I have enough experience in handling such emergencies among the flying skills I have mastered.

If it were any other chick, faced with such an unexpected situation, they might be in a panic, or they might suddenly slam on the accelerator, pull the nose of the aircraft, or stretch out. Such behaviors are extremely risky.

Sometimes, if you adjust the direction but fail to keep up with the speed, it is very dangerous. If you ignore your head and tail, the consequence will be that the tail of the 890 will hit the ground.

"I haven't let go, don't panic." Song Feilong said again in Tongxun, while comforting Li Ran.

He was worried that if Li Ran encountered such emergencies twice on the same day, he would be in a panic and his mentality would collapse.

"I'm not panicking." Li Ran said calmly.

It was still the same operation as before, without suddenly disturbing the posture of Long 20 at this time. When waiting for a suitable opportunity, Li Ran slowly adjusted the angle and increased the oil at the same time.

Let the engine speed slowly increase, and then operate it again. In a short period of time, Li Ran performed more than twenty perfect operations in a row, and finally made the fighter smoothly return to take-off state.

"I'm going around again and you guys are taking a look at the landing gear." Li Ran said.

After the words fell, Li Ran increased the throttle, and the fighter jet suddenly flew up in a very violent manner. At this time, it was obviously impossible to be as elegant as when it first took off.

The runway distance is limited. If you continue forward, you will have to hit the building ahead.

Under the control of Li Ran, the Long-20 took off again while retracting the landing gear (aifa)

At this time, Song Feilong marveled at Li Ran's fearlessness in the face of danger and such superb posture skills. At the same time, the searchlight on the ground also followed Long 20's abdomen and shined on it.

Under the illumination of the searchlight, it can be clearly observed that the rear landing gear of the Dragon 20 has been successfully retracted, but the front landing gear is still unclear due to the angle.

"Fly through the field once, and then observe the landing gear." Song Feilong said.

Seeing that Li Ran was not in a hurry, Song Feilong was temporarily relieved.

Sometimes, the landing gear lift fails, or sometimes it gets stuck. These are normal things, but the probability of this happening is relatively small.

As long as it's not a particularly big problem, you can put it down smoothly after putting it away.

Of course, when such a situation occurs, Song Feilong cannot sit still and wait for death, simply placing all hope in the landing gear being able to be lowered smoothly again.

"Start the emergency rescue plan immediately." Song Feilong ordered.


Soon, the relevant ambulance personnel, fire brigade, and tractor fleet all entered the designated location and were on standby.

"Height 200, control the speed." Song Feilong said.

This height allows the fighter to maintain a safe distance as much as possible, and also facilitates observation of the Dragon 20's landing gear. A lower altitude allows for clearer observation.

"Understood." Li Ran said.

Just as Li Ran finished speaking, suddenly, the instrument panel in the cabin went dark, and all data could no longer be seen.

Li Ran, who was sitting in the cabin, suddenly fell into darkness.

"The power in my cockpit is cut off. The quality control of this Dragon 20 is not in place. I will scold these idiots when I have time. Once the core technology is mastered, the quality control will be relaxed, right?"

Looking at the dark control console in front of him, Li Ran cursed.

"Mr. Li, what happened?"

Song Feilong didn't hear Li Ran's cursing clearly, but he could tell that Li Ran's tone was not very good, as if something unexpected had happened again, so he asked quickly.

"When the power is out, all instrument data are invisible, and the backup power automatically has no effect," Li Ran said.

At this time, for Li Ran, without any data for reference, it can be said that he is flying blind.

It's like when driving, the car's engine is good, but the dashboard is black and the car engine is dead. In the state of the fighter jet, it's like the front windshield of the car is completely covered.

Of course, blind flying is a basic operation for experienced pilots, and they need to undergo such special training.

After all, a pilot who pins everything on instrument data is certainly not an experienced pilot.

Otherwise, what is the use of accumulating experience?

Some people can judge wind speed and humidity clearly by feeling it with their hands, without the need for instruments or equipment at all. This is the reason.

"Where are the other devices?"

Hearing Li Ran say that the cabin was powered off and the data on the instruments and equipment could no longer be seen, Song Feilong's heart rose to a new level again.

At this time, the power outage in the cabin really added fuel to the fire. Accidents came one after another, giving no relief at all.

To be honest, if it weren't for the fact that Li Ran's identity and the occasion were inappropriate, Song Feilong would have wanted to scold her.

Is it because the arms are incompatible, or is Li Ran poisonous? Why would you encounter an emergency when flying a fighter jet? The Dragon Jiao 7 hit a bird. As a result, the landing gear of the Dragon 20 cannot be lowered normally, and the cabin is powered off again.

The Eighth Division had problems that they encountered only a few times a year, but Li Ran encountered them all.

Sure enough, if you are an army soldier, you can just run on the ground. If you have to join in the fun in the air, it is a typical contraindication caused by acclimatization.

"Everything else is fine, everything is normal." Li Ran said after checking.

But this time, if you want to solve the problem, you must rely on the guidance of the tower and Ji Ran's posture skills and experience.

But Li Ran is a fighter pilot for the first time. Even if his driving skills are superb, is his experience really enough?

This is Sein Feilong's biggest concern at this time.

"Mr. Li, don't panic, I'll guide you. Do you know your current height?" Song Feilong endured his uneasiness and asked cautiously.

(Please ask for everything, ask for everything, thank you!!).

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