Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

676: Unity Is Your Mother! The Final Tactical Plan Is Determined

Zhou Fei's penalty stance immediately attracted the attention of some officers and soldiers.

"Eh? Isn't that Captain Zhou? Why are you standing there?"

"It seems like you're punished by standing still, isn't it?"

"You were really forced to stand. What did you do to make our teacher so angry?"

"The division commander is so fierce. After all, he is also the commander of the airborne regiment. He is really not given any face when he is forced to stand in public."

For a time, many officers and soldiers couldn't help but whisper, point, and all looked over.

This scene was naturally seen by the officers and soldiers of the 111th Regiment. For a moment, the officers and soldiers of the 111th Airborne Regiment felt quite humiliated. Their regimental commander was actually punished to stand on someone else's territory. It was really a loss of face.

Hearing the discussion behind him, Zhou Fei's face turned red. He was really embarrassed.

He could even feel that many people were pointing fingers behind him, which made him feel like he was sitting on pins and needles. He was really embarrassed today. If he had known earlier, it wouldn't have been so impulsive.

Seeing Zhou Fei being punished by Li Ran in public without giving any face, Zhang Kun and Zhang Kun were secretly happy in their hearts.

His own division commander still looked after his own people. He punished Zhou Fei by punishing them in public. After all, they were the commanders of Z Division and they were both his own people.

My commander did the right thing, he wanted to give Zhou Fei a good punishment so that he, the leader of the airborne regiment, would remember him better.

He didn't care about whose territory he was on, why he was so tough, and he didn't pay any attention to the majesty of Division Z.

Zhang Kun and Zhang Kun looked at each other and immediately saw the pride in each other's eyes.

No matter how much the two of them quarreled, it was just a quarrel between their own brothers. You, the leader of an airborne regiment, are just asking for trouble. You have no sense of "040".

Before it was Zhang Kun's turn to be proud, Li Ran's voice came from the border.

"You two also stand on the runway."

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Kun's and Kun's faces immediately fell, and their previous pride suddenly disappeared.

No, after all, they are both the commanders of Division Z, they belong to their own people, and they are the confidants of the division commander. How come they are punishing even their own people.

Standing there, with officers and soldiers from their respective regiments behind you, it was really embarrassing.

"Sir, the two of us..." Zhang Kun whispered, with pleading in his eyes. His friend gave him ten points of care.


But before Zhang Kun could finish speaking, Li Ran's tone increased.

Zhang Kun and Zhang Kun immediately became honest and did not dare to say anything. They quickly walked to Zhou Fei's side and stood with their heads bowed.

The most important thing in the army is a collective. It is impossible for Li Ran to punish only Zhou Fei and not Zhang Kun.

As the saying goes, if a slap can't make a difference, punishing Zhou Fei first can be regarded as giving Zhou Fei a step down.

Li Ran knew very well that Zhou Fei came to participate in the joint military exercise this time, and his superiors had definitely told him before departure. If the head of the aviation department knew that Zhou Fei dared to do this here, he would probably slap him to death.

This is why when Li Ran punished Zhou Fei first, Zhou Fei at most just begged for forgiveness, but had no intention of resisting and being dissatisfied.

In front of Li Ran, he had to keep his tail between his legs. Let alone the leader of an airborne regiment, even if Song Feilong, the commander of the Eighth Airborne Division, came, he still had no arrogance in front of Li Ran.

What kind of person is Li Ran? He is a legendary officer in the field army. He has been in this position for two years and his resume is legendary.

The entire field army could not find another Li Ran.

The general staff boss' love for Li Ran is unabashed and naked.

Li Ran's military achievements as a person were astonishing to all military commanders and could not compare with him.

This time, Li Ran was appointed as the commander of the joint military exercise, and the elders also came forward. The meaning of this is self-evident.

Next to the runway, Zhou Fei and Zhang Kun stood there in despair, facing Li Ran and with their backs to the officers and soldiers behind them. All three of them had their heads lowered. They were indeed shameless to see others, which was quite embarrassing.

Seeing that Zhang Kun and others were also punished to stand, it once again caused quite a stir among the officers and soldiers on the training ground.

"I'll go, our group leader was also made to stand."

"So is our leader. What happened?"

"Good fellow, three regiment leaders were punished to stand at the same time. This scene is really rare."

"If I had a camera, I would definitely take a photo now. This is such a rare opportunity."

Hearing the discussion coming from behind, Zhang Kun and his two men also turned red in the face, they were so embarrassed and they shouldn't have been impulsive.

After dealing with the three people, Li Ran was left with Cui Bangguo, the chief of staff of the Snow Leopard Special Forces. Li Ran looked at Cui Bangguo and watched quietly.

Facing Li Ran's eyes, Cui Bangguo was so frightened for a moment that he thought he had made some mistake.

But after thinking about it carefully, I didn't say a word from beginning to end. It can even be said that I had no sense of participation.

Who made the special forces have a weak presence in such a large-scale exercise? There is nothing we can do.

Moreover, when the three of them quarreled before, he tried to persuade them a little bit, but it was of no use. Could it be that Mr. Li was punished with a red eye and that he also had to be punished as well?

If Li Ran really wants to make him stand, should he resist or not? This is a question.

"Chief of Staff Cui." Li Ran named him directly.

"Here." Cui Bangguo, who was thinking, suddenly heard the roll call and stood up subconsciously.

"Go and lead the three of them to sing a song of unity. The atmosphere is too dull. Sing out your feelings and liven up the atmosphere." Li Ran said lightly.


Although he was helpless, a chief of staff of a special forces unit was going to lead three regiment leaders to sing unity. What would it look like if this spread out, but Li Ran, the commander-in-chief, had already spoken, so he could only obey the instructions honestly.

It is better to sing in solidarity than to stand there for punishment.

So, Cui Bangguo came to Zhang Kun and the others silently.

"Chief of Staff Cui, have you been punished too?" Zhang Kun was a little surprised when Cui Bangguo arrived.

My teacher was really angry this time, killing everyone indiscriminately, not sparing anyone.

"No, Commander Li asked me to come over and lead you to sing unity." Cui Bangguo said with a twitching corner of his mouth.


As soon as these words came out, Zhang Kun and the other two people suddenly had black thoughts. They wished they could stuff their heads into their crotches and even if they were punished, they had to stand together while being punished.

It was really embarrassing to be publicly executed in front of many officers and soldiers.

"Brothers, I can't help it. Come on, sing with me." Cui Bangguo said helplessly. After speaking, he took a deep breath and shouted loudly: "Unity is your mother, unity is your mother. Get ready to sing." .”

Although helpless, Zhang Kun and the other three had no choice but to start singing honestly.

"Unity is your mother, unity is your mother."

"Your mother is iron, your mother is strong."

Zhang Kun and the others did not sing along with Cui Bangguo, but sang their own songs, and they all worked up their strength and started shouting.

It has reached this point, and Zhang Kun also wants to understand.

Humiliation is inevitable, and he has already suffered humiliation, but being embarrassed does not mean that he has given up. Even if he is singing, he must have the loudest voice and the highest momentum.

Zhang Kun's sudden roar caught Cui Bangguo and the others completely by surprise, and they were immediately frightened.

"Captain Zhang, why are you shouting so loudly? You scared me." Cui Bangguo said dissatisfied.

"I, Zhang Kun, have to be strong all my life. Even if I am forced to stand and sing, I will still be the most powerful one." Zhang Kun said directly, with a very firm attitude.

"Well done, Lao Zhang, I'm with you. As the unit commander of Division Z, don't be underestimated." The colonel of the 113th regiment heard this and applauded directly.



Zhang Kun and Zhang Kun yelled at the top of their lungs, their faces becoming bloodshot due to the excessive use of energy.

As the leader of the 111th Airborne Regiment, Zhou Fei heard what Zhang Kun and the others said. He didn't say much, but raised his tone and momentum, using practical actions to show that he would never admit defeat.


Seeing this, Cui Bangguo suddenly felt a headache. He was really unlucky, and he was really implicated by an innocent person.

This is the custom in the army. Once a rivalry breaks out, it is really a fight to the end. The three of them have raised their tone and momentum. He, who is taking the lead, must not let go and can only follow along.

The key is that the tone is getting louder and louder, which consumes a lot of lung capacity.

Although he was not punished, it does not mean that he gave in. Zhang Kun said it so straightforwardly. He also had to compete for the first place in singing. If he gave in, the special forces would really have no dignity.

Four people shouted at the top of their lungs on the runway, frightening the officers and soldiers behind them.

"What the hell, what's going on?"

"What happened to the group, Captain? Why are they singing again?"

"It's so scary. Weird things happen every year, especially this year."

"Crazy, everyone is crazy, every one of them is dying to sing...

The officers and soldiers on the training ground were all dumbfounded. They had really gained a lot of experience today. It was the first time for each of them to see their regiment commander and chief of staff like this with their own eyes. They were like crazy.

Of course, Li Ran's punishment is punishment and punishment is punishment, but he must still put business first.

"Come all over."

After seeing four people singing a song together, Li Ran just said, let a few people come over.

After hearing this, several people came over quickly. Because they sang too hard just now, everyone was even a little out of breath and their throats hurt a little.

"I know your overall thoughts. I will summarize and determine the following tactical plan based on the tactical thinking you each provided." Li Ran said: "Cui Bangguo, please take note of it."


Upon hearing this, Cui Bangguo immediately took out his small notebook and started recording.

Cui Bangguo felt a little aggrieved in his heart. They agreed to express their own tactical ideas, but before even asking him, the chief of staff of the special forces, what he thought, the result was determined.

Sure enough, the special forces are nothing in the eyes of these division commanders.

"We don't need to occupy the depth where Mao Xiong is located. We will immediately airdrop two battalions of troops to establish forward positions around Ancheng.

"Airdrop another five battalions of troops into the second echelon to establish a line of defense."

Now that the boss of the General Staff has told us, we must be upright, convince Mao Xiong to lose, and don't use too many tricks, then give up those fancy tactical ideas.

Large-scale wars have conventional ways of playing large-scale wars, but this does not mean that you cannot choose your opponent's ideas.

In Li Ran's view, there is a high probability that Mao Xiong would play this way with regard to the idea that Zhou Fei had previously proposed regarding the 111th Regiment's command style.

For example, Mao Xiong will definitely airdrop troops in Anseong, an important strategic city, from the beginning, and then drop several battalions of troops into our deep areas.

Is there anything wrong with this idea?

Of course there is no problem, it can be said to be a very normal and conventional tactical idea.

Unfortunately, routine and normality mean mediocrity to a certain extent.

Even if he can't use fancy tactics, it doesn't mean that Li Ran will choose a mediocre play style. He can give a rough idea of ​​Mao Xiong's tactical ideas and start the fight like this.

Isn’t it quite simple?

Therefore, the final tactical plan summarized by Li Ran was to target the weaknesses of Mao Xiong's tactical ideas.

Li Ran planned that once the exercise begins, he will first eliminate the main force of Mao Xiong's airborne troops, and then form an encirclement and pincer attack on Mao Xiong's remaining troops.

It's just that Li Ran's tactical idea is a bit risky, because according to Li Ran's deployment, it would be equivalent to giving up the fight for Ancheng.

Anseong is such an important strategic city. Winning 5.0 Anseong is equivalent to winning almost half of the exercise.

As a result, Li Ran's tactical plan was to give up first. This kind of courage is not something ordinary people dare to do.

"I've finished my summary. Who agrees? Who opposes?"

After explaining the final strategic idea to several people, Li Ran asked again.

When several people heard this, they all shook their heads, indicating that they had no objection and supported Li Ran's idea.

Of course, they didn't dare to have any opinions, because they saw from Li Ran's eyes that the plan was like this, it had been confirmed, and it was useless to have opinions.

Li Ran is the commander-in-chief, and the initial tactical plan is like this, but whether it will change once the exercise is carried out is a matter of one word from Ji Ran.

The battlefield situation is changing rapidly. A qualified commander must not be rigid and must change according to the changes in the battlefield situation.

After seeing no one objected, Li Ran said calmly: "The meeting is dismissed."

In this way, the tactical plan for the exercise was generally determined. Cui Bangguo, the chief of staff of the special forces, recorded it personally and then reported it to the General Staff.

This joint military exercise with Big Brother Mao Xiong is of great significance. The head of the General Staff has made a special statement before, so the General Staff must review the exercise plan first.

On the second day after the plan was reported, the General Staff's approval came down, approving the formulated tactical plan.

The plan has been approved, so in the remaining month, we must seize the time for training, coordinated training of various units, and coordinated training of tactical plans.

The chief officers of each unit came up with corresponding training plans based on the tactical plan designated by Li Ran. After Li Ran saw that there were no problems, the training officially started.

(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!).

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