Make You A Volunteer! You Became A General

681: Taboos Of Various Arms! We Are Always Ready

After hearing the ensign's words, the major immediately picked up the telescope and looked at it. Before he even raised the telescope, he was thinking silently in his heart.

Don't get into trouble, don't get into trouble.

To be honest, the major knew very well the probability of death if an accident occurred while parachuting.

In an emergency, no one can step in to help. The only one who can help is the skydiver himself.

Through the telescope, the Major clearly saw a young face with a look of despair. Although his hands were constantly handling the parachute ropes, the parachute ropes were completely intertwined under the airflow, and with such a speed of falling, it was impossible to untie them. .

The paratrooper's main parachute didn't open at all for some unknown reason.

At such a height, the major could even clearly see the despair on the young face. As a parachutist, he knew it best. In such a situation, people are 100% dead.

"Hurry up, coordinates 121, 35 area, send people to rescue immediately, hurry." The major yelled immediately.

In the air, the paratrooper fell again at a very terrifying speed. At such a height, the main parachute did not open, and the ropes of the secondary parachute were intertwined, causing the parachute to open at a very strange angle. It could not support the paratrooper and the damage caused by inertia. strength.

At this speed and height, you can clearly see the paratrooper falling rapidly even without a telescope.

Likewise, the Air Force.

Other paratroopers who landed with the young paratrooper also discovered this sudden scene.

"Little sea."

An old noncommissioned officer who was slightly closer to the paratrooper yelled, but his voice could not be transmitted under such airflow. He wanted to get closer, but it was useless to say "one zero three".

Because his parachute had already been opened and the descent speed was slow, he could only watch the young paratrooper getting farther and farther away from him.

When other people saw this sudden scene, they could only watch helplessly, with no way to do anything.

They all know that if such a situation occurs, people will die.

On the ground, after the major issued the rescue order, everyone immediately got in the car and rushed towards the area where the paratrooper fell.

Boom boom boom~

The driver stepped on the accelerator, wishing he could step directly into the fuel tank and teleport there. Unfortunately, such a wish could not be realized.

The driver's eyes were red and his head was sullen. He drove the medical vehicle out of a racing stance and rushed towards the area.

"An accident occurred. An accident occurred. One paratrooper did not open his parachute. One paratrooper did not open his parachute. Visual inspection of the fall area..." the major kept calling.


Here, in the temporary headquarters, after receiving the major's report, Li Ran hung up the phone, walked out with a gloomy face, and then strode into a jeep.

"Coordinates, 121,35." Li Ran said coldly.


The staff officer who was following Li Ran responded quickly and immediately asked someone to drive the car, and then the car ran wildly.

The lieutenant colonel heard the major's report and knew what happened.

To be honest, no one wants this kind of thing to happen. What they fear most is that this kind of thing will happen, but it still happened.

In the face of accidents, you can never prevent them from happening.

Sitting in the car, Li Ran's face was as gloomy as water. The worst expectation happened, and personnel sacrifices occurred. The moment he received the major's report, "Li Ran knew that it was already too late.

Unless a miracle happens, although the paratrooper who landed happens to be caught by a tree on the ground while falling at a high speed, the probability of such a thing happening is not even one in ten thousand.

In today's joint training, the area where the 111th regiment chose to skydive was very empty. We tried our best to detect anything wrong as soon as we landed.

And falling at such a speed, even if there is a tree blocking the person, it is estimated that the person will be directly broken by the tree.

Before Li Ran could reach the target area, the radio rang again.

"Commander-in-Chief, everyone is gone." The major's sad voice sounded.

The major dared to go here faster than Li Ran. When the major rushed there, the fallen paratrooper was found, but he fell directly and lost his breath.

"I know, wait for me." Li Ran said solemnly.

Soon, when they arrived at the target area, the fallen paratrooper had been covered with a white cloth. Li Ran walked slowly over and was about to lift it up to take a look when the major immediately said: "Everything that fell has nothing to do with it."

Li Ran naturally knew what the major wanted to express, but Li Ran did not pause. Instead, he firmly opened the white cloth, looked at it and said, "Make sure he walks completely."

"Understood." The major nodded.

If you fall directly from such a height, everything will be smashed to pieces, and a fragile body like a human being is no exception.

Before Li Ran arrived, the major had already asked people to search the surrounding area to ensure that the people were leaving intact.


At this time, a horn sounded, and another jeep drove madly. The car stopped, and Zhou Fei, the leader of the 111th regiment, jumped out of the car and ran over.

Just fifteen minutes ago, Zhou Fei received a notice that an accident occurred during the training of the 111th Regiment and a paratrooper died.

When he learned the news, Zhou Fei was completely confused. He couldn't accept the information for a while and kept mumbling, "It's impossible, how is it possible."

It was just a parachute jump. In such weather and in such an area, how could any of his soldiers die?

After a few seconds, Zhou Fei had to accept this reality and rushed over immediately.

As the leader of the airborne regiment, he knew some things very well, and not accepting them was just self-deception.

Zhou Fei came to the young paratrooper who had died, and lifted up the white cloth with trembling hands. When he saw the inhuman face, his eyes turned red.

Ma De, I chose the time, weather, and location myself, how could anything happen? "Zhou Fei seemed to have aged ten years at this moment.

"Captain Zhou, we have arranged for people to search the surrounding area to ensure that the person's departure is intact. Prepare for a glorious departure." Li Ran's voice rang in Zhou Fei's ears.

Of course, it’s impossible to just let people go like this if they are gone.

It is necessary to prepare a memorial service for the fallen soldiers and let them die with honor. Although he died in training, he also sacrificed for the country.

"Xiaohai, let's go in peace."

Zhou Fei finally accepted this reality and slowly put down the white cloth. Someone immediately stepped forward to carry away the sacrificed paratrooper.

As the leader of the 111th Regiment, Zhou Fei has been trying his best to remember the names of thousands of people in the regiment.

This is a big project, but it is also Zhou Fei's habit.

For the airborne regiment, accidents happen every year during parachute jumps. In one year, there were even more than ten martyrs. This is no joke.

The airborne regiment's annual death quota is much higher than that of the army.

At that height and under such circumstances, almost everyone would be dead if an accident occurred. There was no way to intervene and we could only leave it to fate.

Therefore, when it comes to boarding and parachuting training, it is impossible for soldiers with less than two years of service to jump. Without adequate training, blind parachuting will result in death.

Watching his soldiers being carried away, Zhou Fei looked straight at them. When they completely disappeared from his sight, Zhou Fei touched his pockets.

"Commander Li, can you give me a cigarette?" Zhou Fei said.

Li Ran handed Zhou Fei a special stick, then patted Zhou Fei on the shoulder and led the people away.

No one wants something like this to happen, but it has already happened, and training must continue. There are still many things waiting for me, the commander-in-chief, to deal with.

In fact, whether it is the army or the air force, such things will happen during training.

Every year in exercises or joint training, the Army's branches will also suffer casualties during training, especially the Z Division. For such a heavy-armed division, the casualty index is also not low.

As for why?

That's because the infantry-tank collaborative training of infantry and tanks is itself a very dangerous training subject.

The infantry and the tanks maintain a relative rhythm. The infantry relies on the tank for cover, and the tank relies on the infantry for cover. However, due to the limited field of vision of the tank, the infantry is in the blind spot of the tank driver's sight. Once someone is rolled under the wheel of the tank, there will be no one inside. The driver couldn't find it at all.

Training is usually better. Once the troops are spotted, the walkie-talkie rings immediately.

But what if during the exercise, hundreds of tanks are intertwined with each other, and there are many infantrymen fighting around. In such a chaotic situation, both sides are blinded. If an accident occurs, who can take care of it? Who can take care of it first? Control it for a while?

In a previous exercise confrontation with the Combined Brigade, the officers and soldiers of Division Z rolled under the tank with grenades and exploded the tracks, which scared the Chief of Staff of the Combined Brigade.

He didn't even bother with the drill and immediately came out to stop it.

In such a situation, if you are not careful, someone will really die.

During the joint training of the participating troops, an accident occurred in the 111th Airborne Regiment. A paratrooper died during the parachute jump. This incident was quickly reported to the General Staff...

That night.

Zhou Fei, the leader of the 111th Regiment, was called to the headquarters by Li Ran, the commander-in-chief of the joint participation.

"Captain Zhou, why don't you jump back a second time?" After Zhou Fei arrived, Li Ran said directly without beating around the bush.

If something like this happened, the mood of Zhou Fei, the leader of the 111th Regiment, would be affected. Soldiers had sacrificed their lives. Zhou Fei, the leader of the regiment, had an indispensable responsibility, and the pressure he bore was naturally huge.

Moreover, if something like this happened, it would also be a big blow and impact to other soldiers of the 111th Regiment.

Under such circumstances, Li Ran wanted to ask Zhou Fei's opinion whether the second parachute jump should be postponed to give him and the other officers and soldiers of the 111th Regiment some time to endure.

"No need." Unexpectedly, after hearing Li Ran's words, Zhou Fei said directly.

"Captain Zhou, I can understand your mood. At this time, there is no need to force anything. Postponing the parachute jump will not have a particularly big impact on the military exercise [Don't be stressed." Ji Ran said.

Li Ran doesn't think it's necessary to pretend to be fat and continue skydiving out of fear of delaying the joint military exercise.

Carrying pressure and being able to withstand pressure are completely different things. The former will only make the accident happen again, and the latter will only make people stronger.

"Commander Li, don't worry. I, Zhou Fei, am not a tough-talking person. I know my soldiers. This is not the first time this has happened to our regiment. It is also a strange thing. Every year, accidents happen during the first parachute jump." Zhou Fei said in a deep voice: "The number of people who die in training every year is always the highest among airborne troops. Paratroopers are not afraid of death.

Zhou Fei was very sad for the sacrificed paratroopers, but the eagle in the sky would never be timid because of the death of an eagle.

Airborne troops are born to be surrounded, and airborne troops are never afraid of sacrifice.

"Since you, Captain Zhou, are ready, let's continue." Seeing that Zhou Fei had made his own clear decision, Li Ran was not going to talk nonsense.

An army has the pride of a unit, and the chief officer of a unit has understanding and trust in his own unit.

Although Li Ran has never led the 111th Regiment, Li Ran believes in the judgment of Zhou Fei, the leader of the 111th Regiment.

As the commander-in-chief, if you don’t trust the subordinate officers

So in this military exercise, how can we work together to defeat the bear in one fell swoop?

"Thank you, Commander Li!"

Seeing that Li Ran believed in him and the 111th Regiment, Zhou Fei was moved and solemnly saluted Li Ran.

The next morning!

On the training ground, the entire 111th regiment gathered together, and everyone's expression was very solemn.

A ceremonial team composed of officers marched forward step by step.

56 semi-automatic rifle, this 2.3 classic and important rifle, raised to the sky.

"Fire the gun, let go!"

Zhou Fei, the leader of the 111th Regiment, roared.

Bang bang bang∼


Thousands of officers and soldiers of the 111th Regiment solemnly saluted and watched their comrades "leave". The paratroopers who died have been cremated, and their photos and ashes will be handed over to their families.

After the fighter plane escorting the ashes of the martyrs left, Zhou Fei came to the crowd and his eyes slowly swept over the faces of everyone in front of him.

"stand at attention."

"Take a break."

"Comrades, just last night, Commander Li was concerned about our 111th Regiment [asking whether our 111th Regiment's parachute plan needs to be postponed?"

"And the answer I gave was very clear, no."

"Continue to jump today, continue to jump according to the original plan, because we paratroopers are eagles in the sky. The eagle will fall, but the eagle will not be afraid of falling. Such accidents happen to our paratroopers every year. Wang Hai, it is us 111 The group’s first one this year."

"Wang Hai is the first one this year, and I can't guarantee that he will also be the last one this year, but I just want to ask you one thing, are you afraid?"

Speaking of this, Zhou Fei roared loudly and his eyes turned red.

"Not afraid."

All the officers and soldiers of the 111th Regiment roared in unison, with overwhelming momentum, and everyone's eyes showed incomparable determination and bravery.

The eagle in the sky is never afraid of death.

"are you ready?"

"Ready at all the time!"

"Ready at all the time!"

"Ready at all the time!"

(Ask for everything, ask for everything, kneel down and thank you!!!).

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